The committee asserts that while adopt a set of restrictions, the propertyvalues in Deerhaven Acres (DA) would be raised. To support this recommendation,the committee bases the following fact that homeowners in nearby Brookvillecommunity (Bc) adopted a set of restrictions on landscaping and housepaintingseven years ago, and their average propertyvalues have tripled in Brookville. Close scrutiny of the fact, however, revealsthat it does not lend credible support to the recommendation.
Firstly, the letter cites that the restrictions were exerted seven years ago.It is a very long time that the situation may be changeddrastically. The committee fails to consider such crucial assumption that itwould make the restriction which is implemented. For example, the value of theproperty base on the supply and demand. If seven years ago, the houses are in greatly need in Bc, then it is quite normal thatthe property values have tripled. And it would have none relation with therestrictions.
Secondly, the letter also ignores the fact that two areas might have their own special conditions. There is no evidence showing that DA and Bc have same popularity or havethe same size. If DA has less popularity than Bc, the house is entirely possible overplaying. Or DA has a larger area andfewer people living here. These two assumptions might lead to a low propertyvalues in DA, and can not be solved by therestrictions.
Finally, the committee should make clear thatwhy Bc adopted a set of restrictions on landscaping and housepainting. Yet theletter contains no evidence to support that it is an effective way to attractcustomers. Lacking such evidence it is equally possible that it is justconevient to manage real estate market in Bs. By restricting the house colors,they could mark a price according to the color.
In conclusion, the letter does not provide enough evidences that render itunconvincing as it stands. To bolster the recommendation the committee mustprovide further details about adopting a set of restrictions on landscaping andhousepainting are an effective way to raise property values. To better assessthe argument I would need to know what is the housing situation of supply anddemand in DA.
写的挺好的,很顺畅,思路也比较清晰,错误不多。加油啊 |