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[i习作temp] Issue83[Jet]小组第13次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-3-1 20:19:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE83 - "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."
WORDS: 505          TIME: 01:12:16         

With the rapid development of industrialisation and urbanization, more and more wilderness areas are being over explored and polluted even those which are remote and accessible to only a few people. Consequently, a lot of global problems generated simultaneously: global warming, air pollution from vehicles and engines, and scads of wild animals and plants threatened the danger of extinction etc. Therefore, the discussion that whether or not the government should preserve wilderness areas is not only a question about the thousands of square of miles of virgin lands but also one that concerns that surviving of many species including human beings ourselves.

Wilderness areas need to be preserved for the sake of the continuable development of environment and human beings ourselves. First of all, there are many wild animals and plants in these areas which deserve further research. However, some of them are extinct even before we find their habits and profits that they might benefit us. For instance, some rare foliage has enormous effect on some enduring illnesses suffered by some people like cancer, but these plants are at the edge of extinction. What's worse, a further research predicts that an average of 100 species disappear from our planet in every single day even though we can't tell exactly the names of some of these species. Secondly, some of these wilderness areas are historic sites of a nation, without proper protection, they might lose their value of archaeology. Additionally, some of these wilderness areas play an important role in adjusting the climate of a whole nation, such as wet lands decompose waste discharged by human beings, maintaining water and prevent our cities from the threats of aridity; primitive forests effectively take up CO2, one of the decisive gas that cause global warming, and releases O2 upon which all animals including human beings ourselves survive. In final, it is much easier to destroy than preserving. These wilderness areas are more susceptible to human activities; even a small number of people could cause serious damage to a remote wilderness area though it is accessible to only a few people.

On the other hand, government should play actively in preserving these publicly owned wilderness areas as only government has the power of legislation and carrying out regulations, which are significant strategies in preserving these areas from being ruined. For example, the foundation of nature reserves, which is being implemented worldwide, has protected scads of wild animals and plants from being extinct. Furthermore, public propaganda and education should be guided to arouse residents' consciousness of environmental protection; organizations relative to environmental protection should be established to supplement the governmental legislation and regulations; and mass media should spare no effort to focus public attention on these issues.

To sum up, for the sake of the continuable development of the whole environment and our humans, wilderness areas should be preserved by not only the government but also the whole society. What's more, some of the protection issues need cooperation of different nations and areas or even all over the world.
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