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[i习作temp] issue52 同主题写作,超时,也不知道观点对不对,欢迎拍砖! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-26 20:04:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Education encourages students to question and criticize, and therefore does little to promote social harmony.

The speaker asserts that education encourages students to ask questions and not to only give promise to the teachers or authorities and this will be harm the social harmony. Although it maybe cause society in a mass, more or less, I could not agree with the statement, with the simple reason that questioning and criticizing, indeed, not only will be useful to prove education and facilitate for students to learn more knowledge, but pay a vital role to promote social harmony.

To begin with, the fact that education encourages students to question and criticize, cause the increasing of students' capability of learning. When a student have questions about the knowledge he has learnt, it is the sign that he is thinking it carefully, and he realize there are some that he does not understand. When he asks and receives the answer from the teacher, he will certainly understand the knowledge more clearly than other who have no question or do not ask teacher. In the long term which I study in school, I feel this seriously, which if I have questions about the things the teacher taught, I would be clearer than others, not asking. And it is also obvious that good students who can get a high store or product something always ask why, what and how. Edison, for instance, when he was a little boy, always questioned why the world was that was seen, and than became a great inventor.

As question have the importance statement in progressing, criticizing also have the same function. We must concede that the truth which is given by the formers will not be always correct. It is a sample which was easy to remember that Galileo accounted for the fact that, if two iron balls which have different weight, falling down in the same height, will not get to the earth in different time. That was considered by Alishidod. If Galileo believed that 'truth' and no criticize it, there would be a long time in researching the really 'truth' in the field of classical physics. So critical will make objective and adventure progress. It is also useful for not only study but correct mistakes.

These two methods in learning will not do little to promote social harmony, contacting, will give more harmony to society. It must be convinced that the conception of harmony is not equal to uniform. By understanding this concept, it is possible to clear that question and critical will be good for social harmony. Unless education encourages students to question and criticize, there will be much ideas, values, modes in society, and this is good for the progress of society.  The simple reason for this is that when there are some problems in society, it could find some different methods to solve them, not only the 'correct' one which should not be questioned or criticized.

It is also not smart to only see the good aspect in questioning and criticizing, and without evidences and surveys, to ask question and make critical is harm to the harmony and progress in society. Because both knowledge taught in class and truth confirmed in variety kinds of fields are explained and studied by thousands of scholars and experts, it is mostly really and useful. So unless collecting amount of evidences and making plenty of surveys, it is difficult to ask questions and criticize effectively.

In the final analysis, it is possible for education to encourage students to question and criticize. This will be good for the harmony in society, by giving more values and more methods to create the culture of society and to resolve the problems in society. Nevertheless we should recognize the other side of questioning and criticizing easily and without enough study.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-26 at 20:13 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-26 20:58:52 |只看该作者

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Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-26 22:25:23 |只看该作者
Education encourages students to question and criticize, and therefore does little to promote social harmony.

The speaker asserts that education encourages students to ask questions and not to only give promise to the teachers or authorities 这是推断,觉得不好,以极端 and this will be harm the social harmony. Although it maybe cause society in a mass 混乱?in chaos, more or less, I could not agree with the statement, with the simple reason that questioning and criticizing, indeed, not only will be useful to prove education and facilitate for students to learn more knowledge, but pay a vital role to promote social harmony.play

To begin with, the fact that education encourages students to question and criticize, cause the increasing of students' capability of learning.单复数 When a student have questions about the knowledge he has learnt, it is the sign that he is thinking it carefully, and he realize there are some that he does not understand. When he asks and receives the answer from the teacher, he will certainly understand the knowledge more clearly than other who have no question or do not ask teacher. In the long term which I study in school, I feel this seriously不好, which if I have questions about the things the teacher taught, I would be clearer than others, not asking 换种说法吧(I would gain knowledge quicker and more thoroughly). And it is also obvious that good students who can get a high store or product something always ask why, what and how. Edison, for instance, when he was a little boy, always questioned why the world was that was seen, and than became a great inventor.(他的分数很高吗?)

As question have the importance statement in progressing, criticizing also have the same function. We must concede that the truth which is given by the formers will not be always correct. It is a sample which was easy to remember that Galileo accounted for the fact that, if two iron balls which have different weight, falling down in the same height, will not get to the earth in different time. That was considered by Alishidod Aristotle. If Galileo believed that 'truth' and no criticize it, there would be a long time in researching the really 'truth' in the field of classical physics. So critical will make objective and adventure progress. It is also useful for not only study but correct mistakes. [根harmony 没有联系啊!]
These two methods in learning will not do little to promote social harmony, contacting, will give more harmony to society. It must be convinced that the conception of harmony is not equal to uniform.早点提出更好 By understanding this concept, it is possible to clear that question and critical will be good for social harmony. Unless education encourages students to question and criticize, there will be much ideas, values, modes in society, and this is good for the progress of society.  The simple reason for this is that when there are some problems in society, it could find some different methods to solve them, not only the 'correct' one which should not be questioned or criticized.

It is also not smart to only see the good aspect in questioning and criticizing, and without evidences and surveys, to ask question and make critical is harm to the harmony and progress in society. Because both knowledge taught in class and truth confirmed in variety kinds of fields are explained and studied by thousands of scholars and experts, it is mostly really and useful. So unless collecting amount of evidences and making plenty of surveys, it is difficult to ask questions and criticize effectively.

In the final analysis, it is possible for education to encourage students to question and criticize. This will be good for the harmony in society, by giving more values and more methods to create the culture of society and to resolve the problems in society. Nevertheless we should recognize the other side of questioning and criticizing easily and without enough study.

每段应该独立论证一个TS, 并和全文统一
句子还是有点罗嗦 {偶也存在,凑字凑惯了}

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issue52 同主题写作,超时,也不知道观点对不对,欢迎拍砖!
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