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[i习作temp] 【challenge yourself小组】第四次作业 issue208 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-30 22:54:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE208(Politics,  Leadership   )  (最新JJ3位)
The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."

这篇写的我都觉得恶心了,哎,后面根本写不下去了,终于被我悟出一个了道理:写issue思想还是最重要的啊,没思想想凑字数都难啊,看来这方面我得要加强了:L ,脑袋太疼了,argu不能写了,明天再写吧,先占楼,上上网吧,歇会。。。

The speaker believes we can acknowledge people’s attitudes and interests through observing the way people look, dress, and act, and which in addition reveals the values and ideas of a society. It is undoubted that in some cases individual’s appearance and behavior can reflect his or her preference of living attitudes or one’s specific interests to some extent, while it is a little bit haste to say that by observing such kind of aspects can we truly acquire the profound ideas and long-lasting values which a society has been emphasized . In fact, sometimes the appearance on the surface confuses us and even causes a higher opportunity to make mistakes.

Admittedly, throughout human being’s history, it has emphasized behavior and appearance of an individual as main means of acknowledging one’s background of family, career, or other basic information at the first glance. After all, we have a limited opportunity to grasp other useful messages from an unfamiliar person besides watching his dressing and acts. For example, by watching a middle-aged man who is formally dressed come out of a Rolls-Royce maybe we can conclude that he is a CEO or sect head of a corporation, at least a rich man and at the same time perhaps powerful; In addition, from his luxury car we can preclude he pays a high value on the quality of living conditions; What is more, the Wall Street Journal in his hand may reflects his fascination towards economy. Hence, we can obtain a judgment about persons towards their dress, acts to some extents.

Someone may argue the appearance and behavior an individual performs may cheat us and mask his or her real attitudes and interests. Perhaps the man is just a secretary of the manager, and he dresses formally for there will be a significant conference today in the company; He chooses Rolls-Royce as conveyance due to his severe vanity and the desire to show off; Finally, he maybe wants to convey the information that he is not a parvenu by holding a Wall Street Journal at hand. However, in my opinion, I tend to say we can not expect to holly understand one person by the appearance or something on the surface even years later, not to mention at the first glance. We just get a preliminary judgment about him through such kind of aspects he shows.

Having recognized that an individual’s thoughts or interests in one’s mind can not be dug up simply by watching his appearance or behavior, I tend to disagree with the speaker’s claim that people’s appearance and behavior can tell much about a society’s ideas and values.

First of all, individuals are not representative for they choose variety kinds of clothing due to different occasions and speak the way according to meeting with different type of persons. Thus, we can not expect learn about the ideas and values from them for their behaviors are always changing and rarely reflect their real minds. In addition, from the dawn of civilization mankind preserves the ancestors’ ideas and values of fields either in academic or culture by books, artistic works, and other forms which can be kept for a long time. In this type of situation, in most cases people usually try to find out and appreciate an area’s valuable things, such as customs, cultures, and taboos, through history books, folks, and so forth.

Thus, while we can acknowledge one’s attitudes and interests through the way they look, dress, and act, more often we can not extend this to the issue when we want to understand a society’s ideas and values. To better comprehend the ideas and values one society takes seriously we have to turn to other ways for help, say, resorting to works of art.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-8-2 00:27:06 |只看该作者
The speaker believes we can acknowledge people’s attitudes and interests through observing the way people look, dress, and act, and which in addition reveals the values and ideas of a society. It is undoubted that in some cases individual’s appearance and behavior can reflect his or her preference of living attitudes or one’s specific interests to some extent, while it is a little bit haste to say that by observing such kind of aspects can we truly acquire the profound ideas and long-lasting values which a society has been emphasized . In fact, sometimes the appearance on the surface confuses us and even causes a higher opportunity to make mistakes.
[good beginning]

Admittedly, throughout human being’s history, it has emphasized behavior and appearance of an individual as main means of acknowledging one’s background of family, career, or other basic information at the first glance. After all, we have a limited opportunity to grasp other useful messages from an unfamiliar person besides watching his dressing and acts. For example, by watching a middle-aged man who is formally dressed come out of a Rolls-Royce maybe we can conclude that he is a CEO or sect head of a corporation, at least a rich man and at the same time perhaps powerful; In addition, from his luxury car we can preclude he pays a high value on the quality of living conditions; What is more, the Wall Street Journal in his hand may reflects his fascination towards economy. Hence, we can obtain a judgment about persons towards their dress, acts to some extents.

Someone may argue the appearance and behavior an individual performs may cheat us and mask his or her real attitudes and interests. Perhaps the man is just a secretary of the manager, and he dresses formally for there will be a significant conference today in the company; He chooses Rolls-Royce as conveyance due to his severe vanity and the desire to show off; Finally, he maybe wants to convey the information that he is not a parvenu by holding a Wall Street Journal at hand. However, in my opinion, I tend to say we can not expect to holly understand one person by the appearance or something on the surface even years later, not to mention at the first glance. We just get a preliminary judgment about him through such kind of aspects he shows.

Having recognized that an individual’s thoughts or interests in one’s mind can not be dug up simply by watching his appearance or behavior, I tend to disagree with the speaker’s claim that people’s appearance and behavior can tell much about a society’s ideas and values.

First of all, individuals are not representative for they choose variety kinds of clothing due to different occasions and speak the way according to meeting with different type of persons. Thus, we can not expect learn about the ideas and values from them for their behaviors are always changing and rarely reflect their real minds. In addition, from the dawn of civilization mankind preserves the ancestors’ ideas and values of fields either in academic or culture by books, artistic works, and other forms which can be kept for a long time. In this type of situation, in most cases people usually try to find out and appreciate an area’s valuable things, such as customs, cultures, and taboos, through history books, folks, and so forth.

Thus, while we can acknowledge one’s attitudes and interests through the way they look, dress, and act, more often we can not extend this to the issue when we want to understand a society’s ideas and values. To better comprehend the ideas and values one society takes seriously we have to turn to other ways for help, say, resorting to works of art.

[结构和语言上没有大的问题,所以也没有帮你修改。我的问题是,你是如何理解个人的interest 和 attitude的?这篇文章我自己也没有写,因为一直在琢磨。我不知道,在写第一个方面就是个人方面的时候应该怎么去论证interest和attitude的问题。你能不能告诉我你在你的论证中是如何体现的?谢谢。]
the pursuit of my happiness

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