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[未归类] issue41 非主流领域-89互助营的同志们看过来。 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-28 12:18:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue41: Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.



Where there is mainstream science, there is always nonmainstream existing as a complement - astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits which satisfy human needs that can not be addressed by mainstream science. Therefore, many people assert that such nonmainstream areas play a vital role in society. I partially agree with the speaker that nonmainstream to some extent helps people in their life, however, I disagree that nonmainstream plays a vital role in society. Instead, too much emphasis on nonmainstream will impede the sound development of both individuals and society as a whole.

Admittedly, nonmainstream has its reason for existence. Despite the roaring proceeding of science and technology, there are always many phenomenons which cannot be explained by human knowledge. In ancient times when human lacked basic scientific common sense and knew little about nature, they could not explain many things and had to go to nonmainstream for possible answers: What made it rain or thunder? Why some people could get disease while others lived healthily? Even in modern society, there are still many secrete phenomenon which modern science cannot explain. For example, is there afterlife in the world? This question has been haunting human being for many centuries and such kind of people’s curiosity for some unknown fields was aptly illustrated in the Hollywood movie Ghost. Once science fails to give human convincing answers, they will inevitably go to nonmainstream, trying any approaches to get explanations which can satisfy them.

However, too much emphasis on the role of nonmainstream science will impede the development of individuals. Common sense inform us that it is the strong conviction, hardworking and dedication spirit rather than dependence on nonmainstream that lead to one's final success. History is peppered with numerous successful figures and none of them obtain achievements merely with the help of nonmainstream. If one stresses too much on nonmainstream area such as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits, he or she will deeply rely on the "direction" of nonmainstream and give up all precious human virtues such as strong conviction, hardworking, fortitude, etc which actually the essential elements attribute to one’s success. As a consequence, the nonmainstream follower will lose the real capability to control his or her own life, but get totally lost in career and life development.

Furthermore, it is detrimental to the whole society if nonmainstream is overemphasized. Extreme rely on nonmainstream will call forth fatuity which agitates people to ignore and abandon mainstream science, even the basic scientific common sense. Without rational thinking and reasoning, decisions and behavior based on nonmainstream may contradict and even threaten humanity and morality. It is really hard to imagine a society can go smoothly and soundly only with the direction of astrology, fortune-telling and psychic and paranormal pursuits. History is saturated with many shocking slaughters caused by religion hatred and holy war, most of which were the consequences of irrational behavior caused by excessive nonmainstream belief. What is worse, too much emphasis on nonmainstream is even hazardous to a nation. If the nation leader takes advantage of nonmainstream to control the ideology of a nation, all the democracy will give way to autocracy disguised by the facade of oracle. This will be a disaster for democracy and modern civilization.

In sum, nonmainstream areas may satisfy human needs to some extent when it is beyond the explanation of mainstream science, however, too much emphasis on it will impede the sound progress of both individual and society, and even menace democracy and human civilization if go extremes.
我的美国留学博客: http://richardrenchunbo.blog.sohu.com/

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-28 14:05:04 |只看该作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-28 23:50:08 |只看该作者
Issue41: Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.



Where there is mainstream science, there is always nonmainstream existing as a complement - astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits which satisfy human needs that can not be addressed by mainstream science. Therefore, many people assert that such nonmainstream areas play a vital role in society. I partially agree with the speaker that nonmainstream to some extent helps people in their life, however, I disagree that nonmainstream plays a vital role in society. Instead, paying too much emphasis on nonmainstream will impede the sound development of both individuals and society as a whole.

Admittedly, nonmainstream has its reason for existence. Despite the roaring proceeding of science and technology, there are always many phenomenons which cannot be explained by human knowledge. In ancient times when human lacked basic scientific common sense and knew little about nature, they could not explain many things and had to go to nonmainstream for possible answers: What made it rain or thunder? Why some people could get disease while others lived healthily? Even in modern society, there are still many secrete secret phenomenon which modern science cannot explain. For example, is there afterlife in the world? This question has been haunting human being for many centuries and such kind of people’s curiosity for some unknown fields was aptly illustrated in the Hollywood movie Ghost.电影是艺术,我觉得你不如直接说命相学什么的 Once science fails to give human convincing answers, they will inevitably go to nonmainstream, trying any approaches to get explanations which can satisfy them.这句总结得很好!

However, too much emphasis on the role of nonmainstream science will impede the development of individuals. Common sense senses inform us that it is the strong conviction, hardworking and dedication spirit rather than dependence on nonmainstream that lead to one's final success. History is peppered 这个词用得很形象阿,你确定没用错吧,我没查到例句~ with numerous successful figures and none of them obtain achievements merely with the help of nonmainstream. If one stresses too much on nonmainstream area such as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits, he or she will deeply rely on the "direction" of nonmainstream and give up all precious human virtues such as strong conviction, hardworking, fortitude, 这里是不是说得太绝对了,不要说give up all改成ignore to some extent怎么样etc which are actually the essential elements attribute to one’s success. As a consequence, the nonmainstream follower will lose the real capability to control his or her own life, but get totally lost in career and life development.还是一样,觉得话说得太绝了

Furthermore, it is detrimental to the whole society if nonmainstream is overemphasized. Extreme rely relying on nonmainstream will call forth fatuity which agitates people to ignore and 好像有递进的关系,改成even abandon mainstream science, even the basic scientific common sense. Without rational thinking and reasoning, decisions and behavior based on nonmainstream may contradict and even threaten humanity and morality. It is really hard to imagine that a society can go smoothly and soundly only with the direction of astrology, fortune-telling and psychic and paranormal pursuits. History is saturated with many shocking slaughters caused by religion hatred and holy war, most of which were the consequences of irrational behavior caused by excessive nonmainstream belief.如果你知道具体的例子的话最好具体化一下 What is worse, too much emphasis on nonmainstream is even hazardous to a nation. If the nation leader takes advantage of nonmainstream to control the ideology of a nation, all the democracy will give way to autocracy disguised by the facade of oracle.好像又扯到另外一个层面上了吧,领导者利用NM作为独裁的武器,未必呀,也许NM教导领导要民主呢?还是说领导者自己故意?扯远了吧 This will be a disaster for democracy and modern civilization.

In sum, nonmainstream areas may satisfy human needs to some extent when it is beyond the explanation of mainstream science, however, too much emphasis on it will impede the sound progress of both individual and society, and even menace democracy and human civilization if go extremes.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-28 23:56:24 |只看该作者


41. Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.
41. 一些非主流的领域,如占星、算命以及通灵和超自然探索在社会中扮演着很重要的角色,它们 满足了那些主流科学满足不了的人类需求。

1.        人们依靠这些来寻求一些对生活的宽慰,对未来的信心等。
2.        一些未能被当今科学所解释的神秘现象让人们转而相信是有超自然力量产生的。
3.        相信这些的通常是没有受过教育的人,随着社会的发展和科技的进步,这些学科的地位在下降而且必将被淘汰。

As mentioned by the speaker, those nonmainstream areas as astrology, fortune-teller, and psychic and supernatural pursuits have their special value for contemporary society to exist, although those who participate in these fields are always belittled by the orthodox scientists. Despite the active role they play in our every day lives, these particular areas have to accept the truth that their state is being demolished day by day.

One of the major functions of astrology and fortune-telling appears to be providing the follows comfort, hope and even certain extent of self-assurance. Although no evidence can prove that one possesses entirely distinguished character and fate from another on account of their different birthdays, the believer whose sign is Aquarius will firmly consider he or she own the personality related to this constellation, just as charity and independence. The uneducated parents would imagine their child to be a millionaire, depending on the future story told by a well known prophet. Those prophecies, most of which always contain more good prediction than bad ones, sometimes help people to rebuild their confidence, face realities, and create new dreams.

The fact that many mysterious phenomena exists makes up another reason for the survival of those subjects besides the comfort they bring. For instance, many explorers who once entered the pyramid met abnormal death, which could not be detected by modern medical apparatus, several years later; in some certain area on earth, people would surely have incline stance, which seems oppose the laws of gravitation. People tend to suppose that the preternatural power functions or ghost appears in the incidents when they hear of these eccentric events. This explanation may pull citizens out of panic or spur the discovery of these unknown occurrences, and ultimately benefit human beings.

Although these special areas have their unique foundation to appear and endure, the rapidly growth of society, especially the progress of the education business, and the healthy development of scientific research are deserting them gradually. Those followers of the prophet and astrology mostly consisted of who lack knowledge of these fields, if once informed, would turn to the results and regulations of scientific research to solve their problems. And psychologists would become the surrogate of fortune-teller to help people reconstruct optimism, encounter challenges, and look forward to the future. More and more mysteries which trouble human beings today will sure be discovered in the future according to the swiftly advance of science investigations, and the version that the paranormal force is the origin will be abandoned.

To sum up, admittedly they once played important part in the society, prophet, astrology, and the trail of supernatural are about to be abolished someday on account of the improvement of society. Contemporary world is always portrayed as dominated by the power of science, and these areas no more weight the same as before.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-28 23:56:57 |只看该作者

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