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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-6-26 20:52:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-6-27 09:09 编辑

It is more important to reserve land for human beings than for endangered animals.

From my point of view, considering the serious situation of some endangered animals, their needs should be put ahead of those of human beings.Experiencing many species leaving us for ever, we can not afford to lose any specie of them, which have existed in this world for millions of years.Making best use of extra land is one of the most effective measures people could take to give those animals in danger a warm home. Therefore, endangered animals' needs for land are more urgent than our human beings'.

To begin with,according to a recent report, everyday more than ten species are extinct on the earth, which means we can not see them any more.So it is a warning for human beings that we ought not to ignore the cruel fact again by taking concrete actions for those endangered animals.And leaving some land for them is just a good way to relieve the tension.As is well known,during that period of crazily exploiting the value of the land, human beings have destroyed countless habitats of animals to grab more resources ,making lots of animals homeless.Even worse, some people shot and killed endangered animals for their fur and bones, and this period has been a really tough time for those species.

Fortunately,a few wise governments have been aware of the seriousness of this situation,a lot of measures have been carried out to protect endangered animals.The typical example is that Chinese government has set up several wild reserve for its "national treasure''- giant panda, which used to be in danger of extinction.The most famous one is "wolong" wild reserve, which keeps many pandas from hunting and provides them a harbor to live and breed.Due to the local administration’s great effort,every year,a large number of tourists from more than one hundred countries all over the world have the honor of seeing these adorable animals. So the Chinese government set an good example for many other countries on how to reserve land for animals in the best way. Also we could know the importance of reserving land for animals.If nothing has been done, we could have no chance of face to face with them.

Moreover,reserving land for human beings is not critical as before, since the land of the earth is basically able to meet human beings' needs. Especially in the industrial society,the majority of people in the world no longer depends on the land, for example some farming work,to survive like they always did in ancient times. So people's attentions should be transferred to improve their living conditions, from thinking of more land to develop. Admittedly, there are some truths we should not forget that many people are still suffering from hunger, illness, and poverty, as well some land are still necessary for human beings.
Hence,having ensured that human beings' basic needs are satisfied.the arrangement for land should incline to endangered animals.

In a word, the resource is limited on the earth,so we should preserve more land for those endangered species,which are in badly need of them.In this case, human beings' needs,to some extent, could be laid aside for a while.To prevent it that some day we will be the only specie on this blue planet,and allow those animals to share the accomplishments of human beings, some sacrifices are quite necessary by allotting more land for endangered animals.
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Libra天秤座 寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant

发表于 2010-6-27 17:22:30 |只看该作者

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Libra天秤座 寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant

发表于 2010-6-27 17:27:30 |只看该作者
我的作文有一处: there is no gainsaying 意思是和 there is no denying的意思一样,作文中格式好像有点问题,很多词都粘在一起了,给楼主造成误解,不好意思。多谢楼主的指教!

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-6-28 08:57:35 |只看该作者
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-1 23:33:16 |只看该作者
It is more important to reserve land for human beings than for endangered animals.  `# E* R) j- a5 I2 j2 x, z' e. u

From my point of view, considering the serious situation of some endangered animals, their needs should be put ahead of those of human beings. Experiencing many species leaving us forever, (不懂什么意思啊,如果是我,我会改成some endangered animals is likely to leave forever, ) we can not afford to lose any specie of them, which have existed in this world for millions of years. Making best use of extra land is one of the most effective measures people could take to give those animals in danger a warm home. Therefore, endangered animals' needs for land are more urgent than our human beings'.
" C' C, a7 Q: ?$ T! w7 J  r

To begin with, according to a recent report, everyday more than ten species are extinct on the earth, which means we can not see them any more. So it is a warning for human beings that we ought be aware about the cruel fact and take specific actions for those endangered animals(这两句的关系应该是并列吧). And leaving some land for them is just a good way to relieve the tension. As is well known, during that period of exploiting land to excess, human beings have destroyed countless habitats of animals to grab more resources, making lots of animals homeless. Even worse, some people shot and killed endangered animals for getting their fur and bones, and this period has been a really tough time for those species.  I6 M2 z1 B* \. s

Fortunately,a few wise governments have been aware of the seriousness of this situation, a lot of measures have been carried out to protect endangered animals. The typical example is that Chinese government has set up several wild reserve for its "national treasure''- giant panda, which used to be in danger of extinction. The most famous one is "wolong" wild reserve, which keeps many pandas from hunting and provides them a harbor to live and breed. Due to the local administration’s great effort, every year, a large number of tourists from more than one hundred countries all over the world have the honor of seeing these adorable animals. So the Chinese government set a good example for many other countries on how to reserve land for animals in the best way. Also we could know the importance of reserving land for animals. If nothing has been done, they would have no chance to company us on earth. (face to face 主要指交流的方式)
1 q2 L$ l5 `. ?+ J) i9 f# o
Moreover, reserving land for human beings is not critical as before, since the land of the earth is basically able to meet human beings' needs. Especially in the industrial society, the majority of people in the world don’t depends on the land so much as before. For example, unlike in the ancient time, now a lot of farmers with a small farmland make a living by improving their productivity and efficiency. Admittedly, there are many people are still suffering from hunger, illness, and poverty, as well some land are still necessary for human beings. (简洁的句子能说明白的,就不用加上很多从主句结构了吧)
Hence, (hence 是therefore 的意思,这里应该用because吧)having ensured that human beings' basic needs are satisfied. the arrangement for land should incline to endangered animals. (这句也很明显的中式英语咯,需要改下)

In a word, the resource is limited on the earth, so we should preserve more land for those endangered species, which are in badly need of them. In this case, human beings' needs, to some extent, could be laid aside for a while. To prevent it that some day we will be the only specie on this blue planet, and allow those animals to share the accomplishments of human beings, some sacrifices are quite necessary by allotting more land for endangered animals

每一段的理由不够明确哈,还有第三段跟reserving land for animals or human beings 好像没太大的关系啊。

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-3 21:02:50 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-7-3 21:11 编辑

From my point of view,   the more people know about the past, the more effectively they work out the present problem or future problem. Because people are always able to learn something from the past, which not just allows them to avoids repeating the mistake,  but help them with the problems of the present or future. And more details are to be stated in two aspects.

On a personal level,   as is well known,  human beings may be the only creature in the world who keep learning.  And they are willing to spend most of their time researching the past, as it is quite beneficial to their present problems.  So if anyone wishes to crack everyday's problems,  the best way is probably to look back to see if anything could help him or her.  I want to take my personal experience for example,    if there is anything i am proud of, that must be my capability of mathematical problems.  The reason, on the one hand,  is that every time when some new or complicated problems come to me,  i choose to check out the problems i have solved before, hoping to find a rule inside related with some of them.  As most problems have their inside rules, once i grasp them, the similar problems could be done with no effort.  On the other hand,  regularly taking a look at the problems to which i once gave wrong answers,  i could learn a lesson, which ensure me not to make the same mistake again.  In a word, that is one of many benefits I get from the past, and I am very enjoying learning from the past.

On a social level,   it is always that case when the governments or groups want to dissolve some problems.  Since there are a lot of things of the past deserving people's attentions on their references to the present problems.  The typical example is that nothing is more important than a good strategy for any company. The present, "the art of war", written by a Chinese strategist two thousand years ago, is very popular among many top 500 corporations all over the world.  Many people perhaps wonder why a book regarding all kinds of strategies in the battle is capable of being applied to the business world.  It is not difficult to answer, given that they have much in common.  As an old saying goes, the business world is just like the battle field.  When the company is in trouble, some strategies in the book may help it out. Besides, some other strategies may help the leader come up with good ideas, making the company more competitive than other ones.   It was said that one of the world's biggest corporation, Micro software, asked its each employee to read this book, in the hope of making everyone more adaptable to the fierce competition.

Admittedly,   it is no good to doing anything too far, which means if people reply the past too much, It might produce the opposite the result what people would suppose.  After all,  there are no two things that are exactly the same, when people want to solve the problem,  lots of factors should be taken into consideration.  The people, the place, as well the background may be different from the past.  Some successful cases might be not working with the today.  So totally copying the past would not make it work.

To sum up, i see much need to understand the past, in order to resolve the problems.   The past is a large pool of resource, some of which people can make best use of; the past is a mirror, which reflect people's weakness and mistakes.  But overemphasis on the past is also not wise,  people are suppose to learn from the past but copy the success in the past.  
R# L  _
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-4 11:04:26 |只看该作者
6# lxg198607
From my point of view,   the more people know about the past, the more effectively they work out the present problem or future problem. Because people are always able to learn something from the past, which not just allows them to avoids(avoids应该没有s吧?) repeating the mistake,  but help(helps吧?) them with the problems of the present or future. And more details are to be stated in two aspects.

On a personal level,   as is well known,  human beings may be the only creature in the world who keep learning.  And they are willing to spend most of their time researching the past, as it is quite beneficial to their present problems.  So if anyone wishes to crack(crack是在口语里有解决的意思,这里不妥) everyday's problems,  the best way is probably to look back to see if anything could help him or her.  I want to take my personal experience for example,    if there is anything i am proud of, that must be my capability of mathematical problems.  The reason, on the one hand,  is that every time when some new or complicated problems come to me,  i choose to check out the problems i have solved before, hoping to find a rule inside related with some of them.  As most problems have their inside rules, once i grasp them, the similar problems could be done with no effort.  On the other hand,  regularly taking a look at the problems to which i once gave wrong answers,  i could learn a lesson, which ensure me not to make the same mistake again.  In a word, that is one of many benefits I get from the past, and I am very enjoying learning from the past.

On a social level,   it (我觉得这儿直接用it指代有点儿不清楚,主要是和第一段it所指代的中间还差了一段,可以写完整的句子或者是解释一下it)is always that case when the governments or groups want to dissolve some problems.  Since there are a lot of things of the past deserving people's attentions on their references to the present problems.  The typical example is that nothing is more important than a good strategy for any company(这个例子后面是说明了历史的重要,但是这句话中是说策略的重要。。。). The present, "the art of war", written by a Chinese strategist two thousand years ago, is very popular among many top 500 corporations all over the world.  Many people perhaps wonder why a book regarding all kinds of strategies in the battle is capable of being applied to the business world.  It is not difficult to answer, given that they have much in common.  As an old saying goes, the business world is just like the battle field.  When the company is in trouble, some strategies in the book may help it out. Besides, some other strategies may help the leader come up with good ideas, making the company more competitive than other ones.   It was said that one of the world's biggest corporation, Micro software, asked its each employee to read this book, in the hope of making everyone more adaptable to the fierce competition.

Admittedly,   it is no good to doing anything too far, which means if people reply the past too much, It might produce the opposite the result what people would suppose.  After all,  there are no two things that are exactly the same, when people want to solve the problem,  lots of factors should be taken into consideration.  The people, the place, as well the background may be different from the past.  Some successful cases might be not working with the today.  So totally copying the past would not make it work.

To sum up, i see much need to understand the past, in order to resolve the problems.   The past is a large pool of resource, some of which people can make best use of; the past is a mirror, which reflect people's weakness and mistakes.  But overemphasis on the past is also not wise,  people are suppose to learn from the past but copy the success in the past.(最后一句话没看明白。。。)  

还有就是好像文章到后面所有的i都小写了,还应该是大写 I 吧


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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-6 17:21:46 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-7-6 17:23 编辑

From my point of view, considering the serious situation of some endangered animals, their needs should be put ahead of those of human beings.Experiencing many species’ extinction, we can not stand by and watch such bad things occurred to any other specie, which have existed in this world for millions of years.Therefore, endangered animals' needs for land are more urgent than human beings'. Making the best of extra land is one of the most effective measures people could take to give those animals in danger a warm and safe home.

To begin with,according to a recent report, everyday more than ten species are extinct on the earth, which means we can not see them any more.So it is a warning for human beings that they ought not to ignore the cruel fact again, that during the period of crazily exploiting the value of the land, human beings have destroyed countless habitats of animals to grab more resources,making lots of animals homeless.Even worse, some people shot and killed some endangered animals for their fur and bones, and this period has been a really tough time for those poor species.So if nothing has been done, we could have no chance of getting in touch with these cute animals.

Moreover, it is quite clear to some governments dedicated to solve this problem that land reservation for animals, if not eliminates, at least slows down the rate of extinction. And then a lot of measures have been carried out to protect endangered animals.The typical example is that Chinese government has set up several wild reserve for its "national treasure''- giant panda, which used to be in danger of extinction.The most famous one is "wolong" wild reserve, which keeps many pandas from hunting and provides them a harbor to live and breed. Due to the local administration’s great effort,every year, a great number of tourists from more than one hundred countries all over the world have the honor of seeing these adorable animals. So the Chinese government set an good example for many other countries on how to reserve land for animals in the best way. Also this vivid example exactly prove the necessity of reserving land for animals.

Additionally,reserving land for human beings is not as critical as before, since the land of the earth is basically able to meet human beings' needs. Especially in the industrial society,the majority of people in the world no longer depends on the land, for example some farming work,to survive like they always did in the past. So people's attentions should focus on improving their living conditions, instead of thinking of more land to develop. Admittedly, there are some truths we should not forget that many people are still suffering from hunger, illness, and poverty, as wellsome land are still necessary for human beings.Hence,having ensured that human beings' basic needs are satisfied.the arrangement for land should incline to endangered animals.

In a word, the resource is limited on the earth,so we should preserve more land for those endangered species,which are in badly need of them.In this case, human beings' needs,to some extent, could be laid aside for a while.To prevent it that some day we will be the only specie on this blue planet,and allow those animals to share the accomplishments of human beings, some sacrifices are quite necessary by allotting more land for endangered animals.
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-7 12:27:25 |只看该作者
   From my point of view, considering the serious situation of some endangered animals, their needs should be put ahead of those of human beings.Experiencing many species’ extinction, we can not stand by and watch such bad things occurred to any other specie, which have existed in this world for millions of years.Therefore, endangered animals' needs for land are more urgent than human beings'. Making the best of extra land is one of the most effective measures people could take to give those animals in danger a warm and safe home.(观点) c1 ~6 L# v+ v; J

   To begin with,according to a recent report, everyday more than ten species are extinct on the earth, which means we can not see them any more.So it is a warning for human beings that they ought not to ignore the cruel fact again, that during the period of crazily exploiting the value of the land, human beings have destroyed countless habitats of animals to grab more resources,making lots of animals homeless.Even worse, some people shot and killed some endangered animals for their fur and bones, and this period has been a really tough time for those poor species.So if nothing has been done(? 有点绕,要是有事可做就不管濒危动物了? 个人理解~), we could have no chance of getting in touch with these cute(个人感觉这个词不妥) animals.
B# F# z3 B  ]
   Moreover, it is quite clear to some governments dedicated to solve this problem that land reservation for animals, if not eliminates, at least slows down the rate of extinction. And then a lot of measures have been carried out to protect endangered animals.The typical example is that Chinese government has set up several wild reserve(s) for its "national treasure''- giant panda, which used to be in danger of extinction.The most famous one is "wolong" wild reserve, which keeps many pandas from hunting and provides them a harbor to live and breed. Due to the local administration’s great effort,every year, a great number of tourists from more than one hundred countries all over the world have the honor of seeing these adorable animals. So the Chinese government set an good example for many other countries on how to reserve land for animals in the best way. Also this vivid example exactly prove the necessity of reserving land for animals.

Additionally,reserving land for human beings is not as critical as before, since the land of the earth is basically able to meet human beings' needs. Especially in the industrial society,the majority of people in the world no longer depends on the land, for example some farming work,to survive like they always did in the past. So people's attentions should focus on improving their living conditions, instead of thinking of more land to develop. Admittedly, there are some truths we should not forget that many people are still suffering from hunger, illness, and poverty, as wellsome land are still necessary for human beings.Hence,having ensured that human beings' basic needs are satisfied.the arrangement for land should incline to endangered animals.
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; L$ ^2 d6 S9 ?1 {, v
    In a word, the resource is limited on the earth,so we should preserve more land for those endangered species,which are in badly need of them.In this case, human beings' needs,to some extent, could be laid aside for a while.To prevent it that some day we will be the only specie on this blue planet,and allow those animals to share the accomplishments of human beings, some sacrifices are quite necessary by allotting more land for endangered animals.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-8 11:29:40 |只看该作者
From my point of view, considering the serious situation of some endangered animals, their needs should be put ahead of those of human beings.Experiencing many species’ extinction, we can not stand by and watch such bad things occurred to any other species, which have existed in this world for millions of years.Therefore, endangered animals' needs for land are more urgent than human beings'. Making the best of extra land is one of the most effective measures people could take to give those animals in danger a warm and safe home.7 m+ ~8  
To begin with,according to a recent report, everyday more than ten species are extinct on the earth, which means we can not see them any more.So it is a warning for human beings that they ought not to ignore the cruel fact again, that during the period of crazily exploiting the value of the land, human beings have destroyed countless habitats of animals 我认为for  grabbing更好  to grab more resources,making lots of animals homeless.Even worse, some people shot and killed some endangered animals for their fur and bones, and this period has been a really tough time for those poor species.有些多余So if nothing would be done  has been done, we could have no chance to of getting in touch with these cute animals.

Moreover, it is quite clear to some governments dedicated to solve this problem that land reservation for animals, if not eliminates, at least slows down the rate of extinction. And then a lot of measures have been carried out to protect endangered animals.The typical example is that Chinese government has set up several wild reserve for its "national treasure''- giant panda, which used to be in danger of extinction.The most famous one is "wolong" wild reserve, which keeps many pandas from hunting and provides them a harbor to live and breed. Due to the local administration’s great effort,every year, a great number of tourists from more than one hundred countries all over the world have the honor of seeing these adorable animals. So the Chinese government set an good example for many other countries on how to reserve land for animals in the best way. Also this vivid example exactly prove the necessity of reserving land for animals.

Additionally,reserving land for human beings is not as critical as before, since the land of the earth is basically able to meet human beings' needs. Especially in the industrial society,the majority of people in the world no longer depends on the land, for example some farming work,to survive like they always did in the past. So people's attentions should focus on improving their living conditions, instead of thinking of more land to develop. Admittedly, there are some truths we should not forget that many people are still suffering from hunger, illness, and poverty, as well some land are still necessary for human beings.Hence,having ensured that human beings' basic needs are satisfied.the arrangement for land should incline to endangered animals.

In a word, the resource is limited on the earth,so we should preserve more land for those endangered species,which are in badly need of them.In this case, human beings' needs,to some extent, could be laid aside for a while.To prevent it that some day we will be the only specie on this blue planet,and allow those animals to share the accomplishments of human beings, some sacrifices are quite necessary by allotting more land for endangered animals.

楼主是半小时内写完的吗? 很厉害哟~~~

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-8 13:18:43 |只看该作者
哈哈,一个小时写完的, 半小时我目前还搞不定撒。。
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-8 18:37:22 |只看该作者
From my point of view,   students ought to be required to attend class for most of their time. But spending 11 months on class every year is rather exhausting for students,  not to mention many of them may not have some time to understand the lessons with a little break.  Thus,  11 months is probably too long,  and to improve the education,  the school can make it 6 months or 7 ,  which are more suitable for students.

Admittedly,   an intensive study is good for most students,  as they can obtain a great deal of knowledge with a continuous study.   Besides,  during this long period of study,   students are able to discuss problems with their classmates,  exchang ideas and share experience.   Discussion benefits them,  as well help them become cooperative.  So all these are what intensive study can bring to students, which i can not deny.

Nevertheless,   Things would not go well, if too much time is spent attending class.  The first reason is students are not robots, but human beings,  whose have energy limits.  11 months' study must make many students very tiring,  even drive them crazy and cause unwillingness to study.  It is quite understandable that no one hopes all his or her life is occupied by one thing,  which even if has much fun.  What if they could have half an year to rest?  It is getting much better.  Several months' break  allows students to do some relaxations they are fond of,  which are quite refreshing.  After the break, they are energtical again and ready to confront the challenging study.  For example,  every time i am puzzled by some tough mathmatical problems, and become frustrated, i would like to listen to music,  since they are able to relax me and bring me into a good mood to continue the difficult problems,  which seems to be easier than they were.  Therefore,  some rest are necessary for students,  helping them study easily and effectively.

Moreover,  Students need some time to understand those knowledge they learn in class.  It often happens that students complain about teachers in class, who teach so fast so much that they can hardly get them all.  In this case,   one month of a year is too short for students trying to understand the lesson. By constrast,  with a long break, they have more than enought time to digest these knowledge,  which they might be able to use in future career.  As long as students really understand the knowledge and are capable of using it,  the goal of making a better, effective education  could be achieved.

To sum up,  i do not object to a continuous study,  but one month's break  is not good for students.  Students require more time to take a good rest from intensive study, as well understand the knowledge.
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-9 12:18:40 |只看该作者
From my point of view,   students ought to be required to attend class for most of their time. But spending 11 months on class every year is rather exhausting for students,  not to mention many of them may not have some(enough,觉得这样好似顺口点) time to understand the lessons with a little break.  Thus,  11 months is probably too long,  and to improve the education,  the school can make it 6 months or 7 ,  which are more suitable for students.
Admittedly,   an intensive study is good for most students,  as they can obtain a great deal of knowledge with a continuous study.   Besides,  during this long period of study,   students are able to discuss problems with their classmates,  exchang ideas and share experience.   Discussion benefits them,  as well help them become cooperative.  So all these are what intensive study can bring to students, which i can not deny.
Nevertheless,   Things would not go well, if too much time is spent attending class.  The first reason is students are not robots, but human beings,  whose(who) have energy limits.  11 months' study must make many students very tiring(tired),  even drive them crazy and cause unwillingness to study.  It is quite understandable that no one hopes all his or her life is occupied by one thing,  which even if has much fun.  What if they could have half an year to rest?  It is getting much better.  Several months' break  allows students to do some relaxations they are fond of,  which are quite refreshing.  After the break, they are energtical again and ready to confront the challenging study.  For example,  every time i am puzzled by some tough mathmatical problems, and become frustrated, i would like to listen to music,  since they are able to relax me and bring me into a good mood to continue the difficult problems,  which seems to be easier than they were.  Therefore,  some rest are necessary for students,  helping them study easily and effectively.
还好,就是这个例子举得和文章的中心——学生需要长假不十分贴。Moreover,  Students need some time to understand those knowledge they learn in class.  It often happens that students complain about teachers in class, who teach so fast so much that they can hardly get them all.  In this case,   one month of a year is too short for students trying to understand the lesson. By constrast,  with a long break, they have more than enough time to digest these knowledge,  which they might be able to use in future career(which这句可以再展开下,不然有点突然).  As long as students really understand the knowledge and are capable of using it,  the goal of making a better, effective education  could be achieved.

To sum up,  i do not object to a continuous study, (把not去掉应该更好) but one month's break  is not good for students.  Students require more time to take a good rest from intensive study, as well understand the knowledge.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-9 14:36:02 |只看该作者
From my point of view,   students ought to be required to attend class for most of their time. But spending 11 months on class every year is rather exhausting for students,  not to mention many of them may not have some enough time to understand the lessons with a little break.  Thus,  11 months is probably too long,  and to improve the education,  the school can make it 6 months or 7 ,  which are more suitable for students.

Admittedly,   an intensive study is good for most students,  as they can obtain a great deal of knowledge with a continuous study.   Besides,  during this long period of study,   students are able to discuss problems with their classmates,  exchang ideas and share experience. 这里加个连接词会不会更连贯些?  Discussion benefits them,  as well help them become cooperative.  So all these are what intensive study can bring to students, which i can not deny.

Nevertheless,   Things would not go well, if too much time is spent attending class.  The first reason is students are not robots, but human beings,  whose have energy limits.  11 months' study must make many students very tiring,  even drive them crazy and cause unwillingness to study.  It is quite understandable that no one hopes all his or her life is occupied by one thing,  which even if has much fun看上去不大通顺,同位语从句会不会更好些?.  What if they could have half an year to rest?  It is getting much better.  Several months' break  allows students to do some relaxations they are fond of,  which are quite refreshing.  After the break, they are energtical again and ready to confront the 删challenging study.  For example,  every time i am puzzled by some tough mathmatical problems, and become frustrated, i would like to listen to music,  since they are able to it can relax me and bring me into a good mood to continue the difficult problems,  which seems to be easier than they were.  Therefore,  some rest are necessary for students,  helping them study easily and effectively.

Moreover,  Students need some time to understand those knowledge they learn in class.  It often happens that students complain about teachers in class, who teach so fast so much that they can hardly get them all.  In this case,   one month of a year is too short for students trying to understand the lesson. By constrast,  with a long break, they have more than enought time more than? to digest these knowledge,  which they might be able to use in future career.  As long as students really understand the knowledge and are capable of using it,  the goal of making a better, effective education  could be achieved. 换成Only if的句型会不会更好些

To sum up,  i do not object to a continuous study,  but one month's break  is not good for students.  Students require more time to take a good rest from intensive study, as well understand the knowledge.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-9 21:15:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-7-9 21:58 编辑


From my point of view,given that daily homework is an indispensable part of school education, It is basically beneficial for students to do homework everyday,despite the fact that there are some genius children, who are hardly in need of assignment to help with their study.Because, for most full-time students,daily homework, an effective measure, not just makes them to review after school, but assists them to understand the lesson.

Admittedly,some geniuses are so clever that they can remember almost everything that teachers speak in class, and are capable of quickly respond to any thorny question.So It appears they do not require homework at all.

However,that is not true when it comes to most children. after all,geniuses only stand for a small percentage of all children,and the majority of children have to review through homework assigned by teachers.For example, it always happen to me that i can not understand the knowledge very well in class, especially those abstract ones,puzzling me a lot.But when i am home,i could gradually grab every point with the assignment,  helping me in a way of changing abstract knowledge into practical problems, which is more easily absorbed. From the teacher' side, it is their duties to let students know what they should know, and homework is just one of effective ways they employ to help children understand and memorize the knowledge.  Thus homework really helps children understand the lesson, and make it quite necessary.

What is more,many children are lack of self-control.if teachers do not assign homework,perhaps children play with their children or watch TV instead.In this case,the lesson has no effect on them. From what I can see,assignment is more like a routine than a burden on children, helping children form the habit of going over the knowledge after class.And such a habit is very important to their future careers. According to a recent report,many successful businessman like to reflect when they are off work. Daily reflection and review are the same inherently, both in order to rethink of what they do in the daytime, and then expect to learn a lesson or obtain some experience.Therefore, As long as students do homework every day,they could learn more than they get from games or TV programs.

To sum up, it is doubtless that most children are very ordinary,and many children might be not aware of the importance of homework, so teachers should give homework to students to help them digest the knowledge
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