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[i习作temp] issue87...fantasy group。。。必回拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-9-7 21:22:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC:ISSUE 87 - "In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries."
WORDS:679         TIME:上午 12:45:00          DATE:2005-9-7

Are beginners more likely to make discoveries or progresses than the preeminent experts? Facing this complex issue, any extreme response would be improper. And as far as I am concerned, with necessary useful knowledge storage, the beginners have more opportunities than experts to make breakthrough in their fields.

Admittedly, the knowledge and experience storage of the experts is enough to make great achievements in their fields, and why the experts are called experts are, to some extent, due to the discoveries or progresses they have made.  Through numerous failures, the experts are able to circumvent the points that would lead to trap. With the fluent researching ways, the experts are, of course, quite easy to obtain discoveries and progresses.

However, some beginners, even with fewer experiences, have made splendid discoveries and progresses in history. For example, Gauss, a Germany mathematician, had obtained the solution to the classical mathematic problem of constructing a regular heptagon, or seven-sided figure with ruler and compass only seventeen old.  And Newton also made great discoveries during his university study.  Consequently, relying on these achievements Gauss, Newton, and other intelligent neophytes became experts in their fields.

Further, careful scrutiny exposes the reasons why these beginners can achieve such great discoveries and progresses lie in three main aspects as follows.

In the first place, the interests and talent of these neophytes contribute to their future success to certain extent.  As common sense, interests are the best teachers to men. So the richer interests encourage these beginners and they would have fun in their researches.  The researching task not being heavy load to them, the intelligence of the novices is inspired by their interest and further leads to fantastic mind and researching methods. Still taking Gauss for instance, at the very early stage of his education, he was able to calculate the sum of one to one hundred, which showed his great talent in math. And his interest in math impelled his success in the field.

What's more, simply put, without the limit of widely established mind, the beginners are able to think freely, and sometimes only the free mind endows them higher possibility to have access to the truth. While on the contrary, the deeper one expert researches in his field, the more possibility that his mind is seriously limited. And the beginners do not have such fatalness and they can draw so-called strange conclusion inspired by their observation over the surroundings. For example, Newton did not take the simple fall of apple as simply in his physical researches, but a significant cue to expand his research. Whereas, others even experts, limited by lonely established disregard over these simplest cases, were not able to make the similar discoveries.

In addition, it is quite possible that the so-called beginners already have the matching knowledge and experience storage, whereas they have not found necessary chances to show their talent and researching results. Once though even a tiny case they can express their scientific minds and ideas, they are, accordingly and naturally, able to make great achievements.  Analyzing the examples presented above, Gauss and Newton had both maintained enough knowledge in their fields, thus, with the help of their intelligence, the success of them was only a case of time.

Finally, the beginners are the individuals who can be brave enough to express ideas themselves especially in some sensitive fields or periods of times, so even some experts do or have obtain the similar discoveries. For instance, Copernicus did not public his sun-center theory until his death, while Bruno supported the theory even with the sacrifice of his life. And in the time of theocracy, the so-called experts are the theocrats, thus Copernicus and Bruno were the beginners to some extent. Someone in the theocracy group might also maintain the similar theory, but they were not brave enough to express their scientific mind under the press of theocracy.

To sum up, under this circumstance, the beginners, who have intelligence and free mind, should seek some nutrition from the experts including experience and scientific researching methods, to make important discoveries.


[ Last edited by forevera on 2005-9-7 at 21:23 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-9-7 22:28:37 |只看该作者
Are beginners more likely to make discoveries or progresses than the preeminent experts? Facing this complex issue, any extreme response would be improper. And as far as I am concerned, with necessary useful knowledge storage, the beginners have more opportunities than experts to make breakthrough in their fields.

Admittedly, the knowledge and experience storage of the experts is areenough (觉得这个词不好,改成优先什么的?)to make great achievements in their fields, and why the experts are called experts are(这个好绕阿, to some extent, due to the discoveries or progresses they have made.  Through numerous failures, the experts are able to circumvent the points that would lead to trap. With the fluent (不是很地道吧)researching research ways, the experts are, of course, quite easy to obtain discoveries and progresses.

However, some beginners, even (多余)with fewer experiences, have made splendid discoveries and progresses in history. For example, Gauss, a Germany mathematician, had obtained the solution to the classical mathematic problem of constructing a regular heptagon, or seven-sided figure with ruler and compass only seventeen old.  And Newton also made great discoveries during his university study.  Consequently, relying on these achievements Gauss, Newton, and other intelligent neophytes became experts in their fields.

Further, careful scrutiny exposes the reasons why these beginners can achieve such great discoveries and progresses lie in three main aspects as follows.

In the first place, the interests and talent (前后一致都复数吧)of these neophytes contribute to their future success to certain extent.  As common sense(common sense informs us), interests are the best teachers to men. So the richer interests encourage these beginners and they would have fun in their researches.  The researching task not being heavy load to them, the intelligence of the novices is inspired by their interest and further leads to fantastic mind and researching methods. Still taking Gauss for instance(Back to the Gauss's case), at the very early stage of his education, he was able to calculate the sum of one to one hundred, which showed his great talent in math. And his interest in math impelled his success in the field.

What's more, simply put, without the limit of widely established mind, the beginners are able to think freely, and sometimes only the free mind endows them higher possibility to have access to the truth. While on the contrary, the deeper one expert researches in his field, the more possibility that his mind is seriously limited. And the beginners do not have such fatalness and they can draw so-called strange conclusion inspired by their observation over the surroundings. For example, Newton did not take the simple fall of apple as simply in his physical researches, but a significant cue to expand his research. Whereas, others even experts, limited by lonely established disregard over these simplest cases, were not able to make the similar discoveries.

In addition, it is quite possible that the so-called beginners already have the matching knowledge and experience storage, whereas they have not found necessary chances to show their talent and researching results. Once though even a tiny case they can express their scientific minds and ideas, they are, accordingly and naturally, able to make great achievements.  Analyzing the examples presented above, Gauss and Newton had both maintained enough knowledge in their fields, thus, with the help of their intelligence, the success of them was only a case of time.我感觉这一段的理证和前一段有点冲突哎,前一段就是说他们因为知识不是最多才没有形成固定的思维模式

Finally, the beginners are the individuals who can be brave enough to express ideas themselves especially in some sensitive fields or periods of times, so even some experts do or have obtain the similar discoveries. For instance, Copernicus did not public his sun-center theory until his death, while Bruno supported the theory even with the sacrifice of his life. And in the time of theocracy, the so-called experts are the theocrats, thus Copernicus and Bruno were the beginners to some extent. Someone in the theocracy group might also maintain the similar theory, but they were not brave enough to express their scientific mind under the press of theocracy.(哥白尼的例子不是最好,他是因为怕引来宗教势力追讨才没有在活着的时候公布)

To sum up, under this circumstance, the beginners, who have intelligence and free mind, should seek some nutrition from the experts including experience and scientific researching methods, to make important discoveries.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-9-8 00:30:47 |只看该作者
Are beginners more likely to make discoveries or progresses than the preeminent experts(usually proved true在这里加点东西吧,不然觉得很单薄)? Facing this complex issue, any extreme response would be improper. Ands far as I am concerned, with necessary useful knowledge storage, the beginners have more opportunities than experts to make breakthrough in their fields.

Admittedly(我知道这个是模板得提示词,不过这个太常用了,建议你换一个同样意思得这样比较新颖), the knowledge and experience storage of the experts is enough to make great achievements in their fields, and why the experts are called experts are, to some extent, due to the discoveries or progresses they have made.  Through numerous failures, the experts are able to circumvent the points that would lead to trap. With the fluent researching ways, the experts are, of course, quite easy to obtain discoveries and progresses.

However, some beginners, even with fewer experiences, have made splendid discoveries and progresses in history. For example, Gauss, a Germany mathematician, had obtained the solution to the classical mathematic problem of constructing a regular heptagon, or seven-sided figure with ruler and compass only seventeen old. (够专业) And Newton also made great discoveries during his university study.  Consequently, relying on these achievements(是指以上的两个成就吗,那就不包括other intelligent neophytes) Gauss, Newton, and other intelligent neophytes became experts in their fields.

Further, careful scrutiny exposes(expresses) the reasons why these beginners can achieve such great discoveries and progresses lie in three main aspects as follows.(从一下看应该是四个方面吧)

In the first place, the interests and talent of these neophytes contribute to their future success to certain extent.  As common sense, interests are the best teachers to men. So the richer interests encourage these beginners and they would have fun in their researches(这句可以改成 the more~~the more~~的句式). The researching task not being heavy load to them(这句是分词作状语吗,还是想当作并列句你忘加is了), the intelligence of the novices is inspired by their interest and further leads to fantastic mind and researching methods. Still taking Gauss for instance, at the very early stage of his education, he was able to calculate the sum of one to one hundred, which showed his great talent in math. And his interest in math impelled his success in the field.

What's more, simply put, without the limit(limitation好像比较准确) of widely established mind, the beginners are able to think freely, and sometimes only the free mind endows them higher possibility to have access to the truth. While on the contrary, the deeper one expert researches in his field, the more possibility that his mind is seriously limited. And the beginners do not have such fatalness and they can draw so-called strange conclusion inspired by their observation over the surroundings. For example, Newton did not take the simple fall of apple as simply(换个词吧,common) in his physical researches, but a significant cue to expand his research. Whereas, others even experts, limited by lonely established disregard over these simplest cases, were not able to make the similar discoveries.

In addition, it is quite possible that the so-called beginners already have the matching knowledge and experience storage, whereas they have not found necessary chances to show their talent and researching results. Once though even a tiny case they can express their scientific minds and ideas, they are, accordingly and naturally, able to make great achievements.  Analyzing the examples presented above, Gauss and Newton had both maintained enough knowledge in their fields, thus, with the help of their intelligence, the success of them was only a case of time.(这段感觉很怪。你的意思是说他们没有什么发展空间,所以一点小小的机会他们都把握??)

Finally, the beginners are the individuals who can be brave enough to express ideas themselves especially in some sensitive fields or periods of times, so even some experts do or have obtain the similar discoveries. For instance, Copernicus did not public his sun-center theory until his death, while Bruno supported the theory even with the sacrifice of his life(我觉得这个对比挺好的). And in the time of theocracy, the so-called experts are the theocrats, thus Copernicus and Bruno were the beginners to some extent. Someone in the theocracy group might also maintain the similar theory, but they were not brave enough to express their scientific mind under the press of theocracy.

To sum up, under this circumstance, the beginners, who have intelligence and free mind, should seek some nutrition from the experts including experience and scientific researching methods, to make important discoveries.





使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-9-10 00:36:49 |只看该作者
Are beginners more likely to make discoveries or progresses than the preeminent experts? Facing this complex issue,觉得有点不地道 any extreme response would be improper. And as far as I am concerned, with necessary用副词 useful knowledge storage, the beginners have more opportunities than experts to make breakthrough 这个词倒是新in their fields.

Admittedly, the knowledge and experience storage of the experts is enough to 表达的意思有问题,而且不一定吧make great achievements in their fields, and why the experts are called experts are, to some extent, due to the discoveries or progresses they have made.  Through numerous failures, the experts are able to circumvent the points that would lead to trap只说了避免失败是不是说说对成功的帮助啊?. With the fluent用的准确么?我觉得不太对劲 researching ways, the experts are, of course, quite easy to obtain discoveries and progresses.

However, some beginners, even with fewer experiences, have made splendid discoveries and progresses in history. For example, Gauss, a Germany mathematician, had obtained the solution to the classical mathematic problem of constructing a regular heptagon, or seven-sided figure with ruler and compass only seventeen old.  And Newton also made great discoveries during his university study.这里强调一下他们的新手身份比较好吧~另外你强调新手是说他们没有经验和积累,你的例子可以说明么? Consequently, relying on these achievements Gauss, Newton, and other intelligent neophytes became experts in their fields.

Further, careful scrutiny exposes the reasons why these beginners can achieve such great discoveries and progresses lie in three main aspects as follows.

In the first place, the interests and talent of these neophytes contribute to their future success to certain extent.  As common sense->as we know, interests are the best teachers to men. So the richer interests encourage these beginners and they would have fun in their researches.  The researching task not being heavy load to them, the intelligence of the novices is inspired by their interest and further leads to fantastic mind and researching methods. Still taking Gauss for instance, at the very early stage of his education, he was able to calculate the sum of one to one hundred, which showed his great talent in math. And his interest in math impelled his success in the field.说说我的感觉吧~你说新手更能成功是因为他们有兴趣~让人觉得expert对研究没有兴趣,实际上你中间那句话可以再强化一下,就是新手比专家有更轻的负担来发展自己的兴趣,而不是一味的强调兴趣的重要性。

What's more, simply put, without the limit of widely established mind, the beginners are able to think freely, and sometimes only the free mind endows them higher possibility to have access to the truth. While on the contrary, the deeper one expert researches in his field, the more possibility that his mind is seriously limited. 提供点证据就好了And the beginners do not have such fatalness and they can draw so-called strange conclusion inspired by their observation over the surroundings. For example, Newton did not take the simple fall of apple as simply in his physical researches, but a significant cue to expand his research这个例子好俗啊~~可能是最近变得偏激了~个人以为牛顿的顿悟不是因为他是新手而是因为他想要自由得思想呵呵算我胡说一通啦. Whereas, others even experts, limited by lonely established disregard over these simplest cases, were not able to make the similar discoveries.

In addition, it is quite possible that the so-called beginners already have the matching knowledge and experience storage, whereas they have not found necessary chances to show their talent and researching results. Once though even a tiny case they can express their scientific minds and ideas, they are, accordingly and naturally, able to make great achievements.  Analyzing the examples presented above, Gauss and Newton had both maintained enough knowledge in their fields, thus, with the help of their intelligence, the success of them was only a case of time呵呵觉得你有必要给新手下个定义先~~我已经不知道你的新手的标准是什么了……
Finally, the beginners are the individuals who can be brave enough to express ideas themselves especially in some sensitive fields or periods of times, so even some experts do or have obtain the similar discoveries. For instance, Copernicus did not public his sun-center theory until his death, while Bruno supported the theory even with the sacrifice of his life. And in the time of theocracy, the so-called experts are the theocrats, thus Copernicus and Bruno were the beginners to some extent. Someone in the theocracy group might also maintain the similar theory, but they were not brave enough to express their scientific mind under the press of theocracy.


To sum up, under this circumstance, the beginners, who have intelligence and free mind, should seek some nutrition from the experts including experience and scientific researching methods, to make important discoveries.



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