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[i习作temp] 【NINE小组】第七次作业—by 夜猫 (argument & issue) [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-22 21:11:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 m7catsue 于 2011-8-23 18:16 编辑

I92 Educators should basetheir assessment of students' learning not on students' grasp of facts but onthe ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those factsillustrate.

Ifundamentally agree with the author that the facts should not be given toppriority t in the evaluation of students’ learning. Besides just memorizing thefacts and putting them into practice mechanically, I consider the ability toexplain ideas, trends, and concepts which the facts illustrate being of more significancein this fast-changing society, where new scientific achievements and innovativethoughts come up constantly. Therefore, the assessment of students’ learning,in accordance with my proposition, should be based on these two indispensable segments, the grasp of facts, and thecomprehensive understanding of these facts and their basics, both of whichcontribute to the individuals’ practical ability and the progress of society.

Nodoubt that in most circumstances, mechanical application of the facts we memorizedcan be used effectively to solve the problems we confront. And indeed most ofus are contented with this easy solution. There seems to be no need to for us toasses a student’s learning on whether he/she can fully comprehend the basics ofthe facts, since he/she only needs the facts themselves to solve the problems,not the abstract basics behind these facts. But if this logic is unfortunately fullyaccepted by the human society, then perhaps today our society is only at thelevel of Middle Ages, where innovativethoughts and creativity are suppressed and ignored. Imaginethat if Albert Einstein was contented with the current understanding of physicsat the beginning of the 20th century, just because people almost couldwork out all the practical problems utilizing Newton’s classical mechanics,then perhaps there would be a far less chance that we could go into the spaceage. Innovative thoughts and a comprehensive understanding of the basics arethe origins of the progress of our society, not ignorant complacence about beingable to work out problems at hand based on current limited knowledge.

Secondly,the objective of education, from certain perspective, is to maintain ourcurrent knowledge and, more importantly, to inspire new thoughts and ideas toimprove our current knowledge system, which has been using to serve the societyand all people within it. If students are only judged by the number of facts theycan memorize, or the mechanical ability of simple application of these facts,then they are definitely discouraged from creative thinking and innovation,which is contrary to the goal of education. By memorizing the multiplicativetable, one can easily know the product of 7 and 9 is 63. However, if he/she hasno idea of the basics of the multiplication, it is likely that he/she cannotcalculate the product of 7 and 18. This is absolutely not the type of individualthe society need. So, the author’s suggestion is constructive that students’ assessmentshould mainly be based on the comprehensive understanding of the basics behind besidesthe facts.

Tosum up, to a large extent, I agree with the author. But more comprehensively, Iconsider both of the facts and the understanding of the basics behind the factsthe indispensable elements of the evaluation of the students’ learning ability.If the educators neglect either of these two elements, then they will fail to attainthe goal of education, by a great possibility.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-8-23 12:42:16 |只看该作者
I fundamentally agree with the author that the facts should not be given top priority t(这个?)
in the evaluation of students’ learning
这个 作者的观点好像不是这个吧?作者并没有说facts在评估中处于什么地位,你这么说有篡改作者原意的意思. BesidesCompared with just memorizing the facts and putting them into practice mechanically, I consider the ability to explain ideas, trends, and concepts which the facts illustrate being of more significance in this fast-changing society, where new scientific achievements and innovative thoughts come up constantly. Therefore, the assessment of students’ learning, in accordance with my proposition, should be based on these two indispensable segments, the grasp of facts, and the comprehensive understanding of these facts and their basics, both of which contribute to the individuals’ practical ability and the progress of society.这里用therefore好像不太好吧 因为前一句是说理解比记忆更重要 而这句话说理解和记忆共同作用与个人和社会 貌似没有因果关系的

No doubt that in most circumstances, mechanical application of the facts we memorized can be used effectively to solve the problems we confront. And indeed most of us are contented with this easy solution. There seems to be no need to
(不用加to for us to assess a student’s learning on whether he/she can fully comprehend the basics of the facts, since he/she only needs the facts themselves to solve the problems, not the abstract basics behind these facts. But if this logic is unfortunately fully accepted by the human society, then perhaps today our society is only at the level of Middle Ages, where innovative thoughts and creativity are suppressed and ignored. Imagine that if Albert Einstein was contented with the current understanding of physics at the beginning of the 20th century, just because people almost could work out all the practical problems utilizing Newton’s classical mechanics, then perhaps there would be a far less chance that we could go into the space-age. Innovative thoughts and a comprehensive understanding of the basics are the origins of the progress of our society, not ignorant complacence about being able to work out problems at hand based on current limited knowledge.
靠记忆简单的将知识记住并机械的应用在实际问题上 看似轻松 但是对人类发展不利;创新的思维才是最重要的 也是我们需要培养的 后面都在说创新思维的好处 以及没有的坏处 但是好像和题目联系的比较少

Secondly, the objective of education, from certain perspective, is to maintain our current knowledge and, more importantly, to inspire new thoughts and ideas to improve our current knowledge system, which has been using to serve the society and all people within it. If students are only judged by the number of facts they can memorize, or the mechanical ability of simple application of these facts, then they are definitely discouraged from creative thinking and innovation, which is contrary to the goal of education. By memorizing the multiplicative table, one can easily know the product of 7 and 9 is 63. However, if he/she has no idea of the basics of the multiplication, it is likely that he/she cannot calculate the product of 7 and 18. This is absolutely not the type of individual the society need. So, the author’s suggestion is constructive that students’ assessment should mainly be based on the comprehensive understanding of the basics behind besides the facts.

对教育的目的下定义 指出注重简单记忆是违背教育的目的

To sum up, to a large extent, I agree with the author. But more comprehensively, I consider both of the facts and the understanding of the basics behind the facts the indispensable elements of the evaluation of the students’ learning ability. If the educators neglect either of these two elements, then they will fail to attain the goal of education, by a great possibility.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-23 18:15:35 |只看该作者

Basedon a recent study of 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia, the author draws aconclusion that lavender cures insomnia within a short period of time. Tosupport this conclusion, the author illustrate a three-week experiment in whichtraditional sleeping medication and lavender-scented pillows work as variablesto study the effect of lavender on curing insomnia. At first glance, the author’sconclusion seems valid, but with further reflection, I find this argument sufferedseveral critical flaws and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.

Inthe first place, the experiment the author cites lacks a control group, whichcontrasts with the experimental group in order to find out the effect of certainvariable in an experiment. Without a control group, in which the onlydifference from the experimental group is the variable, the observation of the experimentis not convincing in large degree. There may be other explanations for the phenomenaobserved in the experiment. For instance, it is possible that the duration of everyvolunteer’s sleep is also one of the factors which might influence the sleepquality in the experiment, for the reason that there is no control group limitingthis variable, which may lead to a totally different conclusion.

Inthe second place, the sample in this experiment, specifically of the30voluntees, is definitely not big enough to convince people of the accuracyand the representativeness of the observation. Besides, the author also failsto provide detail information about the 30 volunteers. We have littleinformation of the volunteers about their genders, ages, and most importantly,the severity of insomnia they are suffering from, all of which areindispensable parameters of the experimental subjects in a scientificexperiment. So, to enhance the validity of the experiment, more volunteers areneeded and comprehensive information of these volunteers is also required.

Additionally,the author does not provide the feedbacks of the volunteers in the third week,about whether they felt tired or not after they woke up, although they slept longerand more soundly according to the observation of the electronic monitors.
Withoutthe feedbacks of the volunteers, it is possible that after an outwardly soundsleep they felt exhausted after they woke up, probably just due to the lack oftraditional sleeping medication they usually take, which may weaken the author’sconclusion to a great extent. Therefore, the feedbacks of the volunteers in thethird week are indispensable, if the author intends to support his/herconclusion.

Tosum up, the author’s conclusion based on the unscientific experiment is notconvincing as is stands. A control group is indispensable in any scientific experimentwhich is aimed at validating the effect of creation variable which people areinterested in. Besides, more volunteers, their comprehensive backgrounds, and alltheir feedbacks are required, if valid observations are expected.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-23 18:54:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 m7catsue 于 2011-8-23 19:03 编辑

2# lovetian
Ifundamentally agree with the author that, instead of the facts, the basicunderstanding of these facts should be given top priority in the evaluation ofstudents’ learning. Compared with memorizing the facts and putting them into practicemechanically, I consider the ability to explain ideas, trends, and concepts whichthe facts illustrate being of more significance in this fast-changing society,where new scientific achievements and innovative thoughts come up constantly. Andin accordance with my proposition, the assessment of students’ learning shouldbe based on these two indispensable segments, the grasp offacts, and the comprehensive understanding of these facts and their basics, bothof which contribute to the individuals’ practical ability and the progress ofsociety.

Nodoubt that in most circumstances, mechanical application of the facts we memorizedcan be used effectively to solve the problems we confront. And indeed most ofus are contented with this easy solution. There seems to be no need for us to assesa student’s learning on whether he/she can fully comprehend the basics of thefacts, since he/she only needs the facts themselves to solve the problems, notthe abstract basics behind these facts. But if this logic is unfortunatelyfully accepted by the human society, then perhaps today our society is only atthe level of Middle Ages, where innovative thoughts andcreativity are suppressed and ignored. Imagine that if Albert Einstein wascontented with the current understanding of physics at the beginning of the 20thcentury, just because people almost could work out all the practical problemsutilizing Newton’s classical mechanics, then perhaps there would be a far lesschance that we could go into the space age. Innovative thoughts and acomprehensive understanding of the basics are the origins of the progress ofour society, not ignorant complacence about being able to work out problems athand based on current limited knowledge. Hence, it is rational to take theauthor’s suggestion into consideration that the assessment of students’learning should, to a large extent, be based on the understanding of the basicsbesides the facts.

Secondly,the objective of education, from certain perspective, is to maintain ourcurrent knowledge and, more importantly, to inspire new thoughts and ideas toimprove our current knowledge system, which has been using to serve the societyand all people within it. If students are only judged by the number of factsthey can memorize, or the mechanical ability of simple application of thesefacts, then they are definitely discouraged from creative thinking andinnovation, which is contrary to the goal of education. By memorizing themultiplicative table, one can easily know the product of 7 and 9 is 63. However,if he/she has no idea of the basics of the multiplication, it is likely thathe/she cannot calculate the product of 7 and 18. This is absolutely not thetype of individual the society need. So, the author’s suggestion isconstructive that students’ assessment should mainly be based on thecomprehensive understanding of the basics behind besides the facts.

Tosum up, to a large extent, I agree with the author. But more comprehensively, Iconsider both of the facts and the understanding of the basics behind the factsthe indispensable elements of the evaluation of the students’ learning ability.If the educators neglect either of these two elements, then they will fail to attainthe goal of education, by a great possibility.



Rank: 2

发表于 2011-8-24 21:38:41 |只看该作者
Based on a recent study of 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia, the author draws a conclusion that lavender cures insomnia within a short period of time. To support this conclusion, the author illustrate a three-week experiment in which traditional sleeping medication and lavender-scented pillows work as variables to study the effect of lavender on curing insomnia. At first glance, the author’s conclusion seems valid, but with further reflection, I find this argument suffered several critical flaws and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.

In the first place, the experiment the author cites lacks a control group, which contrasts with the experimental group in order to find out the effect of certain variable in an experiment. Without a control group, in which the only difference from the experimental group is the variable, the observation of the experiment is not convincing in large degree. There may be other explanations for the phenomena observed in the experiment. For instance, it is possible that the duration of every volunteer’s sleep is also one of the factors which might influence the sleep quality in the experiment, for the reason that there is no control group limiting this variable, which may lead to a totally different conclusion.(前半句说的是缺少了对于睡眠时间长短的叙述 后一句就说缺少对照试验组的问题 这句话前后连接的好像有点奇怪)

In the second place, the sample in this experiment, specifically of the 30 voluntees, is definitely not big enough to convince people of the accuracy and the representativeness of the observation. Besides, the author also fails to provide detail information about the 30 volunteers. We have little information of the volunteers about their genders, ages, and most importantly, the severity of insomnia they are suffering from, all of which are indispensable parameters of the experimental subjects in a scientific experiment. So, to enhance the validity of the experiment, more volunteers are needed and comprehensive information of these volunteers is also required.

Additionally, the author does not provide the feedbacks of the volunteers in the third week, about whether they felt tired or not after they woke up, although they slept longer and more soundly according to the observation of the electronic monitors. Without the feedbacks of the volunteers, it is possible that after an outwardly sound sleep they felt exhausted after they woke up, probably just due to the lack of traditional sleeping medication they usually take(这里提供的反例有点奇怪 为什么你会认为没有吃平时的药 会导致他们更加疲惫), which may weaken the author’s conclusion to a great extent. Therefore, the feedbacks of the volunteers in the third week are indispensable, if the author intends to support his/her conclusion.
这个反驳 从我个人角度 强度上有点弱 应该还是可以举出其他的强攻击点的吧

To sum up, the author’s conclusion based on the unscientific experiment is not convincing as is stands. A control group is indispensable in any scientific experiment which is aimed at validating the effect of creation variable which people are interested in. Besides, more volunteers, their comprehensive backgrounds, and all their feedbacks are required, if valid observations are expected.


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