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本帖最后由 m7catsue 于 2011-8-23 19:03 编辑
2# lovetian
Ifundamentally agree with the author that, instead of the facts, the basicunderstanding of these facts should be given top priority in the evaluation ofstudents’ learning. Compared with memorizing the facts and putting them into practicemechanically, I consider the ability to explain ideas, trends, and concepts whichthe facts illustrate being of more significance in this fast-changing society,where new scientific achievements and innovative thoughts come up constantly. Andin accordance with my proposition, the assessment of students’ learning shouldbe based on these two indispensable segments, the grasp offacts, and the comprehensive understanding of these facts and their basics, bothof which contribute to the individuals’ practical ability and the progress ofsociety.
Nodoubt that in most circumstances, mechanical application of the facts we memorizedcan be used effectively to solve the problems we confront. And indeed most ofus are contented with this easy solution. There seems to be no need for us to assesa student’s learning on whether he/she can fully comprehend the basics of thefacts, since he/she only needs the facts themselves to solve the problems, notthe abstract basics behind these facts. But if this logic is unfortunatelyfully accepted by the human society, then perhaps today our society is only atthe level of Middle Ages, where innovative thoughts andcreativity are suppressed and ignored. Imagine that if Albert Einstein wascontented with the current understanding of physics at the beginning of the 20thcentury, just because people almost could work out all the practical problemsutilizing Newton’s classical mechanics, then perhaps there would be a far lesschance that we could go into the space age. Innovative thoughts and acomprehensive understanding of the basics are the origins of the progress ofour society, not ignorant complacence about being able to work out problems athand based on current limited knowledge. Hence, it is rational to take theauthor’s suggestion into consideration that the assessment of students’learning should, to a large extent, be based on the understanding of the basicsbesides the facts.
Secondly,the objective of education, from certain perspective, is to maintain ourcurrent knowledge and, more importantly, to inspire new thoughts and ideas toimprove our current knowledge system, which has been using to serve the societyand all people within it. If students are only judged by the number of factsthey can memorize, or the mechanical ability of simple application of thesefacts, then they are definitely discouraged from creative thinking andinnovation, which is contrary to the goal of education. By memorizing themultiplicative table, one can easily know the product of 7 and 9 is 63. However,if he/she has no idea of the basics of the multiplication, it is likely thathe/she cannot calculate the product of 7 and 18. This is absolutely not thetype of individual the society need. So, the author’s suggestion isconstructive that students’ assessment should mainly be based on thecomprehensive understanding of the basics behind besides the facts.
Tosum up, to a large extent, I agree with the author. But more comprehensively, Iconsider both of the facts and the understanding of the basics behind the factsthe indispensable elements of the evaluation of the students’ learning ability.If the educators neglect either of these two elements, then they will fail to attainthe goal of education, by a great possibility.
第二段最后也是扯太远了没回扣题目~~ |