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[未归类] issue121 小木站队 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-26 15:49:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species.
I strongly oppose the author's opinion and agree to make extraordinary efforts to save the endangered sopecies because we have responsibility and obligation to retrieve the ecology in this society.

Nowadays,the speed of exinction of species has been extremely increased. Although many species have become extinct as a result of natural processes while most of these extinctions will attribute to the human destroy consiously or unconsiously.  After the revolution of industries, the companies which exists potential pollution have been skyrocketing. Along with this phenomenon, a lot of environmental problems are emerging such as deforestation, the wash up of water and soil, long-period drought and gusts of sands and winds. The spoiled environment has deprived many species' rights to survive which is a main reason for why the speed of extinction has been abnormally high.

We have to spend extraordinary efforts especially at a great cost in money and jobs to save endangered species. Because every species has an irreplacable function both including the endanged species and human beings in the chain of biology. If any kind disappears , the balance of ecology will disorder then it will lead to a long period recovery to establish a new relation between the remaining specises. If this kinds of extinction is appearing more frequently, we will   experience longer period in recovering the imbalance which will bring more harm and threat to our survival and further development. Supposing it will be dreadful if the world has only one species which is ourselves, what will we eat? Only vegetables, possibly. What will we communicate?  Only human ourselves. To prevent our live from becoming tedious and suffering much trouble in the ecology, we are bound to make enough efforts to save these endangered species.

therefore, the fault is made by our contemporaries therefore We should spare no effort to save these endangered species in order to expiate our mistakes. We should repay a harmony environment to all species. In that way, we can keep a bio-diversity and we can live a multiplied live along with many lovely animals. Nowadays, many volunteer has established many groups for the purpose of propagandize the importance of saving the endangered species. However, the more suitable and effective way is managed by governments because it has a supreme authority and a huge sum of finance. He can employ excellent specials and elites to do enough research and prevent some endangered species from distinction as possible as they could.

Moreover, it may not need to spend so much cost probably. The government can develop an ecological tourism to make money from the tourists; the government can call for the education system to establish some curriculums to cultivate our sense of protecting endangered species. And the workforce who devote to the enterprise of saving endangered species can provide much working chances for the laid off workers. May be it can propel the economical increase from good policies.

In conclusion, in order to make our world a more habitable place, we should save endangered species even though we may cost a lot because our glory can not leave with the existence of other species.

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