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[i习作temp] Issue51 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-9-7 15:02:33 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
哈哈,第一次用cxlbread84推荐的限时工具写哈, 是列好提纲才开始计时的...
TOPIC:ISSUE 51 - "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."
WORDS:465          TIME:0:45:00          DATE:2005-9-7

The author contends that education should be designed to cater to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, I seemly agreed with the author at the first glance. But after aborative consideration, in my opinion, it is impossible to achieve that education teach student to individual needs and interests, and it also does not meet the social needs. The school could have other methods to satisfy the students’ specifically interests such as develop activities after school.

Admittedly, I agree that every student has different needs and interests; maybe one is interested in science while the other is interested in arts. The traditional education form is to teach every student math, grammar; basic knowledge of physics and chemistry, this form may not suitable to some student who may have other genies in other fields. Separate them into individual education may improve their specialized development and may bring out some real scientists and artists to our society.

However, it is impossible to cater to every student into practice. Project yourself into a manager of a school; if education should meet individual needs and interests of each student, how much expenditure should the school spend? Such as employee new experts of every field, science, art, athlete; the new requirements and equipments of such field like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Obviously, the spending would be huge, and even if the school could afford the spending, how effectively would this education turn to success?

Moreover, the author should consider the aim of education and the social needs of human when designed the education form. It is clear that the aim of education is to teach student the knowledge and theories, which they could be used in their daily life of their job and living. More important, the school should teach their student to meet the social needs, suppose that the school educated as the individual's like and only meet their interests and needs, but which of these needs and interests are not been needed in our society, it is not truly effective at all.

Finally, the school could develop some other activities to cultivate the interests of their students. For instance, the school could create some interest group, activities after school to satisfy the different students' different needs and interests. This action could not only satisfy the individual needs and interests of every student in school, but cultivate the all-around developing student that would not be eliminate by the society.

To sum up, it is not necessary to designed education to meet the individual needs and interests of each student. Having some activities after school or some interest group would be better. The school should consider the aim of education and meet the social needs as the most essential point before begin to design some action into practice.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-9-7 15:07:23 |只看该作者


重点是不是TRULY EFFECTIVE 啊? 就是说即使是设计来满足大多数学生的兴趣和需求时,一样是有效的呢?

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-9-7 20:58:16 |只看该作者
The author contends that education should be designed to cater to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, I seemly agreed with the author at the first glance. But after aborative consideration, in my opinion, it is impossible to achieve that education teach student to individual needs and interests, and it also does not meet the social needs. The school could have other methods to satisfy the students’ specifically(special,形容词) interests such as develop(developing) activities after school.

Admittedly, I agree that every student has different needs and interests; maybe one is interested in science while the other is interested in arts. The traditional education form is to teach every student math, grammar; basic knowledge of physics and chemistry, this form may not (be)suitable to some student who may have other genies in other fields. Separate(Separating) them into individual education may improve their specialized development and may bring out some real scientists and artists to our society. 你要把一句作主语,就要动名词或者to

However, it is impossible to cater to every student into practice[/color](略去,应该是put something into practice).[color=Red] Project (Assume)yourself (into,略去吧) a manager of a school; if education should meet individual needs and interests of each student, how much expenditure should the school spend? Such as The expenditure includes employee(employing,动词吧) new experts of every field, science, art, athlete; the new requirements and equipments of such field like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Obviously, the spending would be huge, and even if the school could afford the spending, how effectively would this education turn to success?

Moreover, the author should consider the aim of education and the social needs of human when designed the education form. It is clear that the aim of education is to teach student(students) the knowledge and theories, which they could be used in their daily life of their job and living. More important, the school should teach their student(students)  to meet the social needs, suppose that the school educated as the individual's like and only meet their interests and needs, but which of these needs and interests are not been needed in our society, it is not truly effective at all.

Finally, the school could develop some other activities to cultivate the interests of their students. For instance, the school could create some interest group, activities after school to satisfy the different students' different needs and interests. This action could not only satisfy the individual needs and interests of every student in school, but cultivate the all-around developing student that would not be eliminate by the society.

To sum up, it is not necessary to designed education to meet the individual needs and interests of each student. Having some activities after school or some interest group would be better. The school should consider the aim of education and meet the social needs as the most essential point before begin to design some action into practice.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-9-7 21:04:08 |只看该作者
So many mistakes that cost me thirty minutes to correct.
You should spare no effort to correct those mistakes by yourself next time, and then you can know what you should pay more attention to.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-9-7 22:15:00 |只看该作者

The author contends that education should be designed to cater to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, I seemly agreed with the author at the first glance. But after aborative consideration, in my opinion, it is impossible to achieve that education teach student (加个according,要不意思不通)to individual needs and interests, and it also does not meet the social needs(教育无法满足社会需要???那还要教育干吗?这个论点不严密,有问题,应该是即使满足个人需要,但不一定满足社会需要). (有顺城连接词就好了,如addtionally)The school could have other methods to satisfy the students’ specifically interests such as develop activities after school. (这句有些逻辑问题,论题是教育是否应满足每个学生的需要,这样才唯一有效。既然你反对了,应该说通过其他方法教育也可以同样有效,而不是你这里的其他方法可以满足学生的具体需要,有些偏题了,感觉你的审题有些不够明确)
Admittedly, I agree that every student has different needs and interests; maybe one is interested in science while the other is interested in arts. The traditional education form is to teach every student math, grammar; basic knowledge of physics and chemistry, this form may not suitable to some student who may have other genies in other fields. (举个例子就好了,要不全是抽象的论述,论证缺乏力度)Separate them into individual education may improve their specialized development and may bring out some real scientists and artists to our society.

However, it is impossible to cater to every student into practice. Project yourself into a manager of a school(感觉之说了一半?我只学校经理,怎么样?具体描述或者例子就好了); if education should meet individual needs and interests of each student, how much expenditure should the school spend? Such as employee new experts of every field, science, art, athlete; the new requirements and equipments of such field like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Obviously, the spending would be huge, and even if the school could afford the spending, how effectively would this education turn to success? (这句怎么别扭呀???改成面对巨大的资源,如何有效的运作和管理也是一个大问题哪)
Moreover, the author should consider the aim of education and the social needs of human when designed the education form. (观点要简明扼要,可是你的观点在本段最后,不符合老外的总分结构。建议在本段第一句话直接表明立场:教育一味满足学生个人需要,可能无法满足社会的需要或者两者存在矛盾。)It is clear that the aim of education is to teach student the knowledge and theories, which they could be used in their daily life of their job and living. More important, the school should teach their student to meet the social needs, suppose that the school educated as the individual's like and only meet their interests and needs, but which of these needs and interests are not been needed in our society, it is not truly effective at all.(举个例子具体化就好了)

Finally, the school could develop some other activities to cultivate the interests of their students.(培养学生兴趣和教育有效性(论题)什么关系?怎么没有论证?因此这里可以改为学校通过激发学生的兴趣,也可以增加教育的收获和效率,而不是满足每个学生的需要) For instance, the school could create some interest group, activities after school to satisfy the different students' different needs and interests. This action could not only satisfy the individual needs and interests of every student(你的论点不是无法满足每个学生的需要吗?这里怎么又变了???矛盾...) in school, but cultivate the all-around developing student that would not be eliminate by the society.

To sum up, it is not necessary to designed education to meet the individual needs and interests of each student. Having some activities after school or some interest group would be better.(活动满足个人的需要?跟论题--教育的有效性偏差了,改为这些活动也能有效的促进教育的效率) The school should consider the aim of education and meet the social needs as the most essential point before begin to design some action into practice.

[ Last edited by win-sz on 2005-9-7 at 22:20 ]

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