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[i习作temp] issue236 小组成员拍转 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-5 01:49:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
.236"Encouraging young people to believe that they can accomplish great things if they try hard enough is both misleading and potentially harmful."
Position: the degree and way of encouragement given to young people are more important than a sheer resolution of encouragement whether is good or not for the development of young people.
1,to people who are self-contemptuous and over introvert, plentitude of encouragement is need to stire up their confidence which is the pivot of leading a successful life
2,to people who are self-complacence, it’s apt to using modest encouragement but fastening upon exposure of relevant pragmatic adverse problems.
3,to avoid arousing people’s sense of lowness ,it’s highly recommeded to give them encouragement by bringing forward his merits which some great person enjoys as well.
4, it’s better to tell impractical listenners that hard-working is the prerequisite and foundation of great accomplishment as a meas of realism-related encouragement.

Encouragement is proverbially imposed on people who are thought to have the potential to be better, however, adverse effect could but be resulted in if overladen encouragements, which turn to be more like flattery, were relied on, while insufficient encouragements which demonstrated to be not influential enough were fastened upon In terms of choice of target listeners, the means of encouragemnets should vary according to the characteristic of an individual in order to achieve the topgallant effect.

Encouragement, with levels of intensity involved, should be intensely made to people who are introvert,or evern self-contemptuous. For these people, they are afraid of being exhibited,thought comparatively many strong suits they enjoys, and they tend to be more inward-looking. They always consider themselves as subordinate to others and imagine that most people’s virtues outweigh those of theirs. In this case, self-contemptuous begins to burgeon and eventurally be established.  In order to eliminate such weakness, we should give them a great many of encouragements in an overwhelming momentum so as to repress there inferiority and stimulate their confidence instead. Consequently the encouragement to these peole should be made by pointing out their advantages that others don’t own, diminishing the importance of their flaws, comparing their strongpoints with those of the prodigies with the same strongpoints they have succeeded finally,and so forth.

On the contray, if our target listenner is a person who is already over-confident, the encouragemtn should be of more pragmatic reference, or he will conduct things blindly and fantastically. For example, if a music-talented person was told to be able to achieve great success in mathematic if only great efferts are made, he might dedicate his ultmost to mathematic with neglect of musical practice but in the end found all he devotions were in vain. It cannot be denied that this unrealistic encouragements attribute a lot to the person’s failure and therefore we should be taught a lesson from the tragical case.

Simply put, encouragement is more like a concussion of human beings’ spirit, only through positive concussion can induce beneficial transiton to good or better. In this sense, if one concussion like encouragemnt infringes upon anther, for instance, the sense of lowness, what we actually has done is obtainning one feat at the expense of sacrificing another which carries the tantamount significance in that people’s sense of lowness is the lethal element of destroying optimism if stimulated. So, we can focus on bringing forward people’s merits instead of speaking out his shortcomings which have lot to do with sense of lowness.

Neverthness, in an era of great envision, a majority of people are subject to ideal pursuing and therefore they dream mighty dreams without consideration of pragmatic issues. They dare to dream to be a millionaire overnight, a superstar with only a charming face but no intelligent mind and the like. For these people, we should refer to pragmatic obstacles and bring them back to real sociey by telliing them hard-working is the prerequiste of success. Only by this kind of pragmatic-related encouragment could we have the most effecacious effects.

To sum up, degree and way of encouragment are of more importance in the mankind’s development


[ Last edited by sallyxindu on 2005-12-5 at 23:43 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-12-5 12:33:44 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-12-6 13:05:33 |只看该作者
.236"Encouraging young people to believe that they can accomplish great things if they try hard enough is both misleading and potentially harmful."
Position: the degree and way of encouragement given to young people are more important than a sheer resolution of encouragement whether is good or not for the development of young people.
1,to people who are self-contemptuous and over introvert, plentitude of encouragement is need to stire是不是stir阿,我查了好多字典,也没有这个单词 up their confidence which is the pivot of leading a successful life
2,to people who are self-complacence, it’s apt to using modest encouragement but fastening upon exposure of relevant pragmatic adverse problems.
3,to avoid arousing people’s sense of lowness ,it’s highly recommeded to give them encouragement by bringing forward his merits which some great person enjoys as well.
4, it’s better to tell impractical listenners that hard-working is the prerequisite and foundation of great accomplishment as a meas of realism-related encouragement.

Encouragement is proverbially imposed on people who are thought to have the potential to be better, however我在上新东方班的时候,好像老师说最好不要用However那样ETS感觉到前面的东西白读了, adverse effect could but be resulted in if overladen encouragements, which turn to be more like我感觉是不是应该去掉阿,有点chinglish,我个人感觉 flattery, were relied on, while insufficient encouragements which demonstrated to be not influential enough were fastened upon In terms of choice of target listeners, the means of encouragemnets should vary according to the characteristic of an individual in order to achieve the topgallant effect.

Encouragement, with levels of intensity involved, should be intensely made to people who are introvert,or evern拼写错误拉 self-contemptuous. For these people, they are afraid of being exhibited,thought comparatively many strong suits they enjoys, and they tend to be more inward-looking. They always consider themselves as subordinates to others and imagine我感觉这个词用得不好,好像把你的意思改变了些,改成盲目的认为是不是更好一点。 that most people’s virtues outweigh those of theirs. In this case, self-contemptuous begins to burgeon and eventurally be established.  In order to eliminate such weakness, we should give them a great many of encouragements in an overwhelming momentum so as to repress there inferiority and stimulate their confidence instead. Consequently the encouragement to these peole should be made by pointing out their advantages that others don’t own, diminishing the importance of their flaws, comparing their strongpoints with those of the prodigies with the same strongpoints they have succeeded finally,and so forth.

On the contray, if our target listenner is a person who is already over-confident, the encouragemtn拼写 should be of more pragmatic reference, or he will conduct things blindly and fantastically. For example, if a music-talented person was told to be able to achieve great success in mathematic if only great efferts are made, he might dedicate his ultmost to mathematic with neglect of这个用得不对吧 musical practice but in the end found all he devotions were in vain. It cannot be denied that this unrealistic encouragements attribute a lot to the person’s failure and therefore we should be taught a lesson from the tragical case.我感觉这段的例子举得好,目标要想成功,不仅仅要努力,还要有天赋。但是最好有实例。
Simply put水平有限不明白这个什么意思哈, encouragement is more like a concussion of human beings’ spirit, only through positive concussion can induce beneficial transiton to good or better. In this sense, if one concussion like encouragemnt组长这个词你已经多次打错了,要注意了。 infringes upon anther, for instance, the sense of lowness, what we actually has done is obtainning one feat at the expense of sacrificing another which carries the tantamount significance in that people’s sense of lowness is the lethal element of destroying optimism if stimulated. So, we can focus on bringing forward people’s merits instead of speaking out his shortcomings which have lot to do with sense of lowness.

Neverthness, in an era of great envision, a majority of people are subject to ideal pursuing and therefore they dream mighty dreams without consideration of pragmatic issues. They dare to dream to be a millionaire overnight, a superstar with only a charming face but no intelligent mind and the like. For these people, we should refer to pragmatic obstacles and bring them back to real sociey by telliing them hard-working is the prerequiste of success. Only by this kind of pragmatic-related encouragment could we have the most effecacious effects.

To sum up, degree and way of encouragment are of more importance in the mankind’s development.And one person's talent is also more important to his or her future.因为你也提到了也应该说几句。
还有你写的是鼓励一个人对她的发展有好处,而我的重点是,work hard 到底对不对。我不知道哪样写正确,还是自圆其说就行。不算跑题吧。不知我理解得对不对。

[ Last edited by yangxing on 2005-12-6 at 13:45 ]

使用道具 举报

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