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[i习作temp] issue172 谢谢大家指教 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-7 15:55:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
172"Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time."
Position: agree
1,        人们根深蒂固的观念使他们不愿意接受新事物,因为人们的遗传基因中就有依赖旧事物的惰性,对新事物很排斥忧郁。参见Einstein’s Relativism in its germinal phase,以哥白尼举例,另外,在以前社会主义制度下,人们很难抛弃国有经济体制而接纳时常经济。
2,        新的真理往往说明人们以前的老观点是错误的,所以人们认为是heresy并坚决排斥
3,        一些大家为了保证自己的权利,会阻碍新观念的发展,举例,Galileo, Danis Diderot, Francois Voltair正文
As the term truth is refered to in Phylosophy as the love of wisdom, it is the pursuing process of new,penetrating and right ideas, or new truth as it may be defined thereafter. Nevertheless,the naissance of new truth is not a smooth process, but rather a tortuous one. It is fraught with challenges, obstacles and so forth. As a matter of fact, any truth’s coming into being is considered as the opponent of tranditional notions and accepted convictions of that time. And therefore, new truth is undoubtedly recognized as either outrageous or abnormal, or at least incompatible and uncomfortable.

First of all, people’s inveteracy with long-entrenched convictions precludes their penchant to accept the germinal truthes. It’s because that, as stated in the gernimal phase of Einstein’s Relativism, people genetically have the sloth to be addicted to old ideas, while recluctant to take in new truth to transform their established belief of that time. One illuminating demonstration of this idea involves the example of Copernicus whose heliocentric theory was a direct attack upon the accepted wisdom of the 16th century, the geocentric view of universe postulated by Aristotle and Ptolemy. Morever,in former socialist countries, it took a long and painful time for people give up the old idea of state-owned economy and to gradually accept the new system of market economy in that people have already got accustomed to the old economic system and fell comfortable living with it, instead, it cost some energy, no matter more or less, to understand and finally embrace the new market economy.

In addition to this, new truths inevitably bespeak the fallacy or demerit of the former ones, for which our progenitors devoted magnititude of time and energy. Under such a circomstance,it’s the equivalence of unsaying and vetoing our forefathers’achivements should we totally advocate the new truth yet reject old conviction. In view of either our rooted virtue to show respect to our ancestors or our responsibility to respect others’research fruit, we feel like being thrown in to the hot water when deciding whether to disseminate our new concluded truth or maintain the old conviction. In this sense, it’s hard to strike a banlance between the innovation and sticking to trandition. If we think preserving trandition carries more weight, we will inextricably down grade, or even eliminate the improtance of innovation. Also, if overmuch inclination to trandition predominates, the new truths will probably be classified as heresy, the harmful thing or even deemed as evil.

More worse, authorities have the proclivity to inhabit the development of new truths in order to promise their clout. For instance,French critic, Denis Diderot,who vehemently criticized the feudal system and opposed the religious persecutiion, his “truth”-Encyclopedia suffered the severe coercion and even incineration. Galileo, who despised the prejudices, put his questions to nature rather than to the ancients, brought the famous “truth”-the law of free fall, which caused great controversy at his time.The French scholar Francois Voltair, who antagonized the tyrannical regime, his “truth”-“letters Philosophiques”led to his immurement and finally deported from his nation.

To sum up, our world is a developing one and with only spiral development of truth can we get an access to a more splendid socity. No matter what we could encounter, new truth represents the progress trend and therefore our vigorious strength in bring forward new truths cannnot be quenched. Even thought the naissance of new truth is bound to get antipathy from the accepted wisdom of the time, we still should try it in order to make the development of our world a benign circulation.

找例子找得头发昏啊~~~~~谢谢各位指教 592字.没限时间

[ Last edited by sallyxindu on 2005-12-9 at 12:36 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-7 23:49:13 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-8 22:27:18 |只看该作者
172"Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time."
Position: agree
1,        人们根深蒂固的观念使他们不愿意接受新事物,因为人们的遗传基因中就有依赖旧事物的惰性,对新事物很排斥忧郁。参见Einsteins Relativism in its germinal phase,以哥白尼举例,另外,在以前社会主义制度下,人们很难抛弃国有经济体制而接纳时常经济。
2,        新的真理往往说明人们以前的老观点是错误的,所以人们认为是heresy并坚决排斥
3,        一些大家为了保证自己的权利,会阻碍新观念的发展,举例,Galileo, Danis Diderot, Francois Voltair
As the term truth is refered(referred) to in Phylosophy(philosophy) as the love of wisdom, it is the pursuing process of new,penetrating and right ideas, or new truth as it may be defined thereafter. Nevertheless,the naissance of new truth is not a smooth process, but rather a tortuous one. It is fraught with challenges, obstacles and so forth. As a matter of fact, any truth’s coming into being is considered as the opponent of tranditional(traditional) notions and accepted convictions of that time. And therefore, new truth is undoubtedly recognized as either outrageous or abnormal, or at least incompatible and uncomfortable.

First of all, people’s inveteracy with long-entrenched convictions precludes their penchant to accept the germinal truthes(truths). It’s because that, as stated in the gernimal(germinal) phase of Einstein’s Relativism, people genetically have the sloth to be addicted to old ideas, while recluctant to take in new truth to transform their established belief of that time. One illuminating demonstration of this idea involves the example of Copernicus whose heliocentric theory was a direct attack upon the accepted wisdom of the 16th century, the geocentric view of universe postulated by Aristotle and Ptolemy. Morever,in former socialist countries, it took a long and painful time for people give up the old idea of state-owned economy and to gradually accept the new system of market economy in that people have already got accustomed to the old economic system and fell comfortable living with it, instead, it cost some energy, no matter more or less, to understand and finally embrace the new market economy.

In addition to this, new truths inevitably bespeak(bespeaky用在这里是不是不太精准呢?) the fallacy or demerit of the former ones, for which our progenitors devoted magnititude(拼写...) of time and energy. Under such a circomstance(circumstance), it’s the equivalence of unsaying and vetoing our forefathers’achivements(achievement) should we totally advocate the new truth yet reject old conviction. In view of either our rooted virtue to show respect to our ancestors or our responsibility to respect others’research fruit, we feel like being thrown in to the hot water when deciding whether to disseminate our new concluded truth or maintain the old conviction. In this sense, it’s hard to strike a banlance(balance) between the innovation and sticking to tranditiontradition. If we think preserving trandition carries more weight, we will inextricably down grade, or even eliminate the improtance(importance) of innovation. Also, if overmuch inclination to trandition predominates, the new truths will probably be classified as heresy, the harmful thing or even deemed as evil.(个人这一段说理部分好像有些多了,可以试试加个小例子论证一下~):)

More worse, authorities have the proclivity to inhabit the development of new truths in order to promise their clout(用这个词是想说什么呢?...).(主题句后可以再写几句论证的话,以使观点更有力) For instance,French critic, Denis Diderot,who vehemently criticized the feudal system and opposed the religious persecutiion, his “truth”-Encyclopedia suffered the severe coercion and even incineration. Galileo, who despised the prejudices, put his questions to nature rather than to the ancients, brought the famous “truth”-the law of free fall, which caused great controversy at his time.The French scholar Francois Voltair, who antagonized the tyrannical regime, his “truth”-“letters Philosophiques”led to his immurement and finally deported from his nation.(个人觉得可以再加两句对例子的评论,更完整  这段的例子丰富而且很精彩,超赞!~~)

To sum up, our world is a developing one and with only spiral development of truth can we get an access to a more splendid socity.(only开头的倒装,精彩!) No matter what we could encounter, new truth represents the progress trend and therefore our vigorious strength in bring forward new truths cannnot be quenched. Even thought the naissance of new truth is bound to get antipathy from the accepted wisdom of the time, we still should try it in order to make the development of our world a benign circulation.

提点小建议:个人觉得第二段单独作文一个分观点缺少例证支持,感觉有点干~可以考虑归入第一段中,然后在文章最后做一个驳论,让步一下,可能会使文章更具说服力~~ 采取主正的观点~~


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