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[i习作temp] ISSUE17 [Coursework-02]-Coffee Team of Latte@Hunson [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-22 20:16:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
17. "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

Standpoint: disagree
1: Law presents common sense, so to obey is more beneficial than resist
2: Why people should obey instead of resist
3: How to deal with unjust law
4: sum up

Law derives from common sense that everybody should comply with by form of justice. No matter what the justice the law may takes the form into, it plays an important role in stabilizing the society and insuring private's welfare in deed. In order to keep a society out of chaos, every individual should not obey or disobey a law simply by judging it as just or unjust under personal interests. Even if a law is aged estimating by common interests of demos, the proper way is to amend legally, not to resist hurriedly.

Law as it reveals, is to appeal to order, conduct, and perhaps rationality. Needless to say, a good law can make people fit well, and the bad one goes to the verse. But can how people feel a law as good or bad, so much as just or unjust? Obviously, people have their own sense, and inherently intend to be self-serving. Hence, it could easily predict that, without law, the whole society would bogged in a confusion, the crux among individual and nation would be strained by all appearances, and the upheaval would come sooner or later. To defend such terrible selfhood, preventing it from damaging, the most effective obligation that we can take is the law. For a controversial issue about Euthanasia, some supporters insisted that it should be legal, because it can assuage the agonal afflictions of patient and also his family's sufferings. But the others take it as illegal, for the reason that it violates humanity and humanism and may engender criminal in stead. Practically arguer of each has it's plausible pretext, but in different country, law makes Euthanasia in different form, definitely just or unjust, under this or that consideration. The people in this or that country should absolutely obey the law about Euthanasia, instead of begetting trouble. No matter how unwillingly or justifiable you are, it is obvious that law, the foundation of the harmonious society, is indispensable or inalienable.

Undoubtedly, law is stipulated by mankind which have flaws by nature, so law inevitablely has it's flaws lead to more or less ingrained inequity. The just law may not always be capable of it's stand, it only survives in case of generous applicability. Assuming that times or generation changed, the old common sense that make a law justifiable may lost it's foundation, and hence became unjust. The unjust law bilks the steps of justice, all in all will be put off pitilessly. Here are some good examples round enough to illustrate the facts. The slavery seems ridiculous in modern society, but it is in law before Abraham Lincoln performs his presidency. Especially in eyes of Southern America slaveholders of that era, Relinquishing the slavery is unjust and illegal, but the common sense tells, of the Eastern Americans and the sympathizer in South, that the slavery violates humanism, and should be annulled. So comes the war, and in the end liberates the slaves. However, in current democratic society, there is no reason to violate. Such as feminists struggle to try for women's right in law, and African Americans appeal to justice in law, or for instance nations ban heroin in trade, etc, are put into practice by legal program. All above indicate that there is no absolute just or unjust, law itself is also apt to manifest unadulterated inbeing under the pressure of social value system.

On all accounts, people can not oversimplify the category of just and unjust, so as to arbitrarily violate the law out of personal propensity. What people should do is to obey the law self-consciously, and when facing unjust law try their best to amend instead of resisting.

[ Last edited by 11yaoyao on 2005-12-23 at 21:56 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-23 21:31:50 |只看该作者
我的BLOG:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/moonsetbeach

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-23 23:25:53 |只看该作者
Law derives from common sense that everybody should comply with by form of justice. No matter what the justice the law may takes the form into, it plays an important role in stabilizing the society and insuring private's welfare in deed. In order to keep a society out of chaos, every individual should not obey or disobey a law simply by judging it as just or unjust under personal interests. Even if a law is aged estimating by common interests of demos, the proper way is to amend legally, not to resist hurriedly.

Law as it reveals, is to appeal to order, conduct, and perhaps rationality.(我觉得动词order,conduct这样排列不是很好) Needless to say, a good law can make people fit well, and the(前面用a后面也该用a吧~~) bad one goes to the verse(用opposite比较好吧~~感觉这个词用在这里怪怪的). But can how people feel a law as good or bad, so much as just or unjust?(这句话有点口语化,改成:how to judge whether a law is good or bad as well as just of unjust比较好) Obviously, people have their own sense, and inherently intend to be self-serving. Hence,(这里就用hence了?感觉没有与前面说的构成因果关系啊~~感觉是还在说前面那个问题,不过更深了一步而已) it could easily predict that, without law, the whole society would bogged in a confusion, the crux among individual and nation would be strained by all appearances, and the upheaval would come sooner or later. To defend such terrible selfhood, preventing it from damaging, the most effective obligation that we can take is the law(主语是obligation is law???). For a controversial issue about Euthanasia, some supporters insisted that it should be legal, because it can assuage the agonal afflictions of patient and also his family's sufferings. But the others take it as illegal, for the reason that it violates humanity and humanism(humanity和humanism感觉有点重复) and may engender criminal in stead. Practically arguer of each has it's plausible pretext, but in different country(ies), law makes Euthanasia in different form(s), definitely just or unjust, under this or that(这样用感觉有点累赘,我觉得改成:when the consideration diverse比较好) consideration. The people in this or that(呵呵~~这个表达好像很受你的青睐啊~~我觉得还是用一个词好) country should absolutely obey the law about Euthanasia, instead of begetting trouble. No matter how unwillingly or justifiable you are(one is要客观一点), it is obvious that law, the foundation of (maintaining a) harmonious society, is indispensable or inalienable.

Undoubtedly, law is stipulated(条件??用legislated比较好吧~~) by mankind which have flaws by nature, so law inevitablely has it's flaws lead(led) to more or less ingrained inequity(这2个分句的主语都是law,读了感觉不是很好). The just law may not always be capable of it's stand(what it stands), it only survives in case of generous applicability. Assuming that times or generation changed, the old common sense that make a law justifiable may lost it's foundation, and hence became unjust. The unjust law bilks the steps of justice, all in all will be put off pitilessly. Here are some good examples round enough to illustrate the facts. The slavery seems ridiculous in modern society, but it is in law before Abraham Lincoln performs his presidency. Especially in eyes of Southern America slaveholders of that era, Relinquishing the slavery is unjust and illegal, but the common sense tells, of the Eastern Americans and the sympathizer in South, that the slavery violates humanism, and should be annulled. So comes the war, and in the end liberates the slaves. However, in current democratic society, there is no reason to violate(宾语??). Such as feminists struggle to try for women's right in law, and African Americans appeal to justice in law, or for instance nations ban heroin in trade, etc, are put into practice by legal program. All above indicate that there is no absolute just or unjust, law itself is also apt to manifest unadulterated inbeing under the pressure of social value system.(例子在说violate law,而结论是just/unjust,感觉有点牵强)

On all accounts, people can not oversimplify the category of just and unjust, so as to arbitrarily violate the law out of personal propensity. What people should do is to obey the law self-consciously, and when facing unjust law try their best to amend instead of resisting.

我的BLOG:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/moonsetbeach

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-23 23:44:34 |只看该作者
Yesterday,i was stinged by a gre and gmat double shaker,she imparted with me
that the writing shoud be paraphrased in easy use of words,i accept it .To my view now, the issue61 may not  be a good work, it just plugs with lots of rubbish words
,and can not communicate well enough to one's head.perhaps it is not suitable for gre test. surely , i am on the way of retracing what i steps wrong. so bless me,issue17 may not be titled as good work,but is a change i would bless! Merry Xmas,everyone, i am latte, a coffe's meaning what it reveals by latte, is a attitude,concise but meaning.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-24 15:18:32 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-27 00:07:32 |只看该作者
作为新新手, 向Latte好好学习.. 用purple标记学习之处, 嘿嘿

Law derives from common sense that everybody should comply with by form of justice. No matter what the justice the law may takes the form into, it plays an important role in stabilizing the society and insuring private's welfare in deed. In order to keep a society out of chaos, every individual should not obey or disobey a law simply by judging it as just or unjust under personal interests. Even if a law is aged estimating by common interests of demos, the proper way is to amend legally, not to resist hurriedly. (真好!!)

Law as it reveals, is to appeal to order, conduct, and perhaps rationality. Needless to say, a good law can make people fit well, and the bad one goes to the verse. But can how people feel a law as good or bad, so much as just or unjust? Obviously, people have their own sense (觉得换成criteria或其他的会舒服些), and inherently intend to be self-serving. Hence, it could easily predict that, without law, the whole society would bogged in a confusion, the crux among individual and nation would be strained by all appearances, and the upheaval would come sooner or later. To defend such terrible selfhood, preventing it from damaging, the most effective obligation that we can take is the law. For a controversial issue about Euthanasia, some supporters insisted that it should be legal, because it can assuage the agonal afflictions of patient and also his family's sufferings. But the others take it as illegal, for the reason that it violates humanity and humanism and may engender criminal in stead. Practically arguer of each has it's plausible pretext, but in different country, law makes Euthanasia in different form, definitely just or unjust, under this or that consideration. The people in this or that country should absolutely obey the law about Euthanasia, instead of begetting trouble. No matter how unwillingly or justifiable you are, it is obvious that law, the foundation of the harmonious society, is indispensable or inalienable.

Undoubtedly, law is stipulated by mankind which have flaws by nature, so law inevitablely has it's flaws lead to more or less ingrained inequity. The just law may not always be capable of it's stand, it only survives in case of generous applicability. Assuming that times or generation changed, the old common sense that make a law justifiable may lost it's foundation, and hence became unjust. The unjust law bilks the steps of justice, all in all will be put off pitilessly. Here are some good examples round enough to illustrate the facts. The slavery seems ridiculous in modern society, but it is in law before Abraham Lincoln performs his presidency. Especially in eyes of Southern America slaveholders of that era, Relinquishing the slavery is unjust and illegal, but the common sense tells, of the Eastern Americans and the sympathizer in South, that the slavery violates humanism, and should be annulled. So comes the war, and in the end liberates the slaves. However, in current democratic society, there is no reason to violate. Such as feminists struggle to try for women's right in law, and African Americans appeal to justice in law, or for instance nations ban heroin in trade, etc, are put into practice by legal program. All above indicate that there is no absolute just or unjust, law itself is also apt to manifest unadulterated inbeing under the pressure of social value system.

On all accounts, people can not oversimplify the category of just and unjust, so as to arbitrarily violate the law out of personal propensity. What people should do is to obey the law self-consciously, and when facing unjust law try their best to amend instead of resisting.

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