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[i习作temp] issue159 超时了,时间到了,body3还没写~~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-9 10:57:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.
Position: 同意。
A 机器是人制造出来的,并且机器的进步来自于人的改造和人类文明的进步。(engine by Stevenson; light bulb/filament by Thomas Edison; Computer)
B 最重要的一点就是,人类除了intellect/intelligence,还有深邃的思想和感情,这是机器永远无法比拟的。正是这些深邃的思考和人类等动物特有的感情,驱使着人类社会不断的发展,延续至今。
C 尽管人类的智慧总是高于机器,但这并不代表人类总是可以很好的控制机器和科技。为此,政府或者研究机构应该竭尽所能把机器用在为人类造福的地方,而不是去制造bombs去引发战争,也不是去制造电脑病毒。只有用在有意与人类的发展的方面,这些机器才真正是人类智慧的工具和结晶。
In the era of science and technology developing at winged speed, many people worry that one day machines will replace humankind and thus become the leader of our earth. However, according to my own lights, that would never happen and thus the fear toward the advancement of machines is not necessary in that machines, created by human, are only tools of human minds. What is more important is that machines would never have thoughts or feelings, which play a significant role in the development of world. To further shore up my viewpoint, I would present the analysis in details as below.

To begin with, all the machines, created by human, were designed to serve human life and cater to the needs of people. That function clearly reveals that machines are destined to subject to people, in other words, without human, there would be no machines existing at all; without human, the machines would also not be improved to what they are now. In order to elucidate this point, one merely needs to take a look at our history of civilization. Across the history, most of the inventions are made by scientist or researcher in terms of human needs. The engine, for example, invented by Stevenson, made it possible for people to travel a long way within a comparatively short time; the computer, also given birth to by human, allow people not to engage in complex and boring calculation but to do something more significant or some recreation. From these two examples, we can understand that although machines had changed the world so much, yet they are always designed by human and provide service to society, which aptly demonstrate the superiority of human mind.

In addition, one of the leading distinction between human and machines, I believe, is not only relevant to superior or inferior but actually lies in the profound thought and various feelings human possessed uniquely. For one thing, the machines would never have the ability of critical thinking or creativity, which are based the complication of human brain rather than the structure of machines. Even for the most advanced computers or robots, they would just carry out the orders of their controller or simply comply with the program previously made up by programmer. For another thing, machines cannot have feelings such as sympathy, moving, exhilaration, grieve, anger and so forth just like human do. Without these characteristics, the machines, even with high intellect, cannot unit to build a society, solve the pressing problems in the world or enjoy the beauty of life. Quite opposite, possessing rich feelings and sensitive sentiments, human were allowed to enjoy cultures, civilization, arts, religions, etc, which all drive them to go ahead till now.

In the final analysis, while human surpass the machines not only in intelligence but also in sentiments, we should also remind ourselves that nowadays the abuse of machines or technologies still upsets human. Take a look at our world, diseases that was caused by polluted water that discharged by machines; wars that were bolstered by the advancement of technology, all of which make the mass exhausted and bothered. In fact, people are still far from well controlling their servants--machines or technology from a wider perspective. For that matter, governments or research institutions should take up the responsibility to ensure that machines or technologies are used appropriately to serve to the welfare of its people in practice.

To sum up, from the discussion above, we can confidently draw a conclusion that although machines, in most cases, are physically better than human, they would never transcend humankind. It is not only the intellect but also unique thoughts and feelings that ensure human as the great species and the leader in the world.
Forge ahead, never retreat!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2006-2-9 17:40:47 |只看该作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-9 17:40:48 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2006-2-9 18:37:10 |只看该作者
issue159 超时了,时间到了,body3还没写~~~

The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.
Position: 同意。
A 机器是人制造出来的,并且机器的进步来自于人的改造和人类文明的进步。(engine by Stevenson; light bulb/filament by Thomas Edison; Computer)
B 最重要的一点就是,人类除了intellect/intelligence,还有深邃的思想和感情,这是机器永远无法比拟的。正是这些深邃的思考和人类等动物特有的感情,驱使着人类社会不断的发展,延续至今。
C 尽管人类的智慧总是高于机器,但这并不代表人类总是可以很好的控制机器和科技。为此,政府或者研究机构应该竭尽所能把机器用在为人类造福的地方,而不是去制造bombs去引发战争,也不是去制造电脑病毒。只有用在有意与人类的发展的方面,这些机器才真正是人类智慧的工具和结晶。
In the era of science and technology developing at winged speed, many people worry that one day machines will replace humankind and thus become the leader of our earth. However, according to my own lights, that would never happen and thus the fear toward the advancement of machines is not necessary(用unnecessary好些!) in that machines, created by human, are only tools of human minds. What is more important is that machines would never have thoughts or feelings, which play a significant role in the development of world. To further shore up my viewpoint, I would present the analysis in details as below.(开头的结构和前面的那篇差不多,似乎是模板,提出了自己的分论点。好!)

To begin with, all the machines, created by human, were designed to serve human life and cater to the needs of people. That function clearly reveals that machines are destined to subject to people, in other words, without human, there would be no machines existing at all; without human, the machines would also not be improved to what they are now. In order to elucidate this point, one merely needs to take a look at our history of civilization. Across the history, most of the inventions are made by scientist or researcher in terms of human needs. The engine, for example, invented by Stevenson, made it possible for people to travel a long way within a comparatively short time; the computer, also given birth to by human, allow(allows)  people not to engage in complex and boring calculation but to do something more significant or some recreation( 计算机的给人类带来的作用不仅仅是这些,可以说改变了人类的生活方式,促进了信息时代的发展和进步。). From these two examples, we can understand that although machines had changed the world so much, yet they are always designed by human and provide service to society, which aptly demonstrate the superiority of human mind.(有一点我觉得不太清楚,蒸汽机和电脑可以算是machines吗? 我不确定,如果你肯定那么这段的例子就是很得当的。我只是这样想,还需要你的确认!)

In addition, one of the leading distinction between human and machines, I believe, is not only relevant to superior or inferior but actually lies in the profound thought and various feelings (that) human possessed uniquely. For one thing, the machines would never have the ability of critical thinking or creativity, which are based the complication of human brain rather than the structure of machines. Even for the most advanced computers or robots, they would just carry out the orders of their controller or simply comply with the program previously made up by programmer. For another thing, machines cannot have feelings such as sympathy, moving, exhilaration, grieve, anger and so forth just like human do. Without these characteristics, the machines, even with high intellect, cannot unit to build a society, solve the pressing problems in the world or enjoy the beauty of life(这里的论述很深刻也很生动,佩服!). Quite opposite, possessing rich feelings and sensitive sentiments, human were allowed to enjoy cultures, civilization, arts, religions, etc, which all drive them to go ahead till now.

In the final analysis, while human surpass the machines not only in intelligence but also in sentiments, we should also remind ourselves that nowadays the abuse of machines or technologies still upsets human. Take a look at our world, diseases that was caused by polluted water that discharged by machines; wars that were bolstered by the advancement of technology, all of which make the mass exhausted and bothered. In fact, people are still far from well controlling their servants--machines or technology from a wider perspective. For that matter, governments or research institutions should take up the responsibility to ensure that machines or technologies are used appropriately to serve to the welfare of its people in practice.(这段虽然没有写完,但是基本的意思已经表达清楚了,所以还是不会给文章的总体印象造成太多影响。)

To sum up, from the discussion above, we can confidently draw a conclusion that although machines, in most cases, are physically better than human, they would never transcend humankind. It is not only the intellect but also unique thoughts and feelings that ensure human as the great species and the leader in the world.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-9 21:53:22 |只看该作者
A 机器是人制造出来的,并且机器的进步来自于人的改造和人类文明的进步。(engine by Stevenson; light bulb/filament by Thomas Edison; Computer)[有个疑问:这里列出的电灯也算机器吗?]B 最重要的一点就是,人类除了intellect/intelligence,还有深邃的思想和感情,这是机器永远无法比拟的。正是这些深邃的思考和人类等动物特有的感情,驱使着人类社会不断的发展,延续至今。
C 尽管人类的智慧总是高于机器,但这并不代表人类总是可以很好的控制机器和科技。为此,政府或者研究机构应该竭尽所能把机器用在为人类造福的地方,而不是去制造bombs去引发战争,也不是去制造电脑病毒。只有用在有意与人类的发展的方面,这些机器才真正是人类智慧的工具和结晶。
In the era of science and technology developing at winged speed, many people worry that one day machines will replace humankind and thus become the leader of our earth. However, according to my own lights[这个是什么用法呀?金山词霸解释lights: (供食用的)家畜的肺脏], that would never happen and thus the fear toward the advancement of machines is not necessary in that machines, created by human, are only tools of human minds. What is more important is that machines would never have thoughts or feelings, which play(s) a significant role in the development of world. To further shore up my viewpoint, I would present the analysis in details(in detail) as below.

To begin with, all the machines, created by human, were (are我觉得不用过去式吧) designed to serve human life and cater to the needs of people. That function clearly reveals that machines are destined to subject to [serve? subject to是“使服从,使遭受”的意思] people, in other words, without human, there would be no machines existing at all; without human, the machines would also not be improved to what they are now. In order to elucidate this point, one merely needs to take a look at our history of civilization. Across the history, most of the inventions are made by scientist or researcher in terms of human needs. The engine, for example, invented by Stevenson, made it possible for people to travel a long way within a comparatively short time; the computer, also given birth to by human, allow(s) people not to engage in complex and boring calculation but to do something more significant or some recreation. From these two examples, we can understand that although machines had changed the world so much, yet they are always designed by human and provide service to society, which aptly demonstrate the superiority of human mind.

In addition, one of the leading distinction(s) between human and machines, I believe, is not only relevant to superior or inferior but actually lies in the profound thought and various feelings human possessed uniquely. For one thing, the machines would never have the ability of critical thinking or creativity, which are based the complication of human brain rather than the structure of machines. Even for the most advanced computers or robots, they would just carry out the orders of their controller or simply comply with the program previously made up by programmer(s). For another thing, machines cannot have feelings such as sympathy, moving, exhilaration, grieve(grief), anger and so forth just like human do. Without these characteristics, the machines, even with high intellect, cannot unit to build a society, solve the pressing problems in the world or enjoy the beauty of life. Quite opposite, possessing rich feelings and sensitive sentiments, human were allowed to enjoy cultures, civilization, arts, religions, etc, which all drive them to go ahead till now.说理非常透彻,赞

In the final analysis,(这个不是用在最后总结段的吗?) while human surpass the machines not only in intelligence but also in sentiments, we should also remind ourselves that nowadays the abuse of machines or technologies still upsets human. Take a look at our world, diseases that was caused by polluted water that discharged by machines; wars that were bolstered by the advancement of technology, all of which make the mass exhausted and bothered. In fact, people are still far from well controlling their servants--machines or technology from a wider perspective. For that matter, governments or research institutions should take up the responsibility to ensure that machines or technologies are used appropriately to serve to the welfare of its people in practice.

To sum up, from the discussion above, we can confidently draw a conclusion that although machines, in most cases, are physically better than human, they would never transcend humankind. It is not only the intellect but also unique thoughts and feelings that ensure human as the great species and the leader in the world.


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issue159 超时了,时间到了,body3还没写~~~
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