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[i习作temp] issue 51【0906G背水一战三月小组】第1次作业 by 周禹馨 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-27 23:50:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
issue 51【0906G背水一战三月小组】第1次作业 by 周禹馨

The speaker claims that only when education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, it can be regarded as truly effective one. From my point of view, I diagree with the statement, for asserting that it is the only mesurement is too extreme.

To begin with, the definition of truly effective education is hard to set, since people possesses various kinds of value system.
Education, which is used to cultivate people on
broad fields, including establishing value system, understanding the culture of a society, or enhancing the interpersonal skills, ect, is different from training, whose main goal is to help people master a kind of skills to support himselves in the scoiety. From this point of view, the education should be used more effectively to teach students some theories rather than the pratical skills. Nevertheless, those who cannot distinguish the above two concepts, they may think the ultimate task of education will need to teach some direct method to meet the students' need for survival in society; students today are even more pratical and emphasize dramatically much on the economic situation about themselves. As the definition of education may be contradictive among groups of people, it is hard to make it truly effective through the way the speaker asserts.

What's more, under some circumstances, one need to make a choice between his own interest and the need, though difficulty but inevitable, especially in this society ample with challenges and oppotunities. For example, students who was interested in phylosophy or art, he may not choose them as his own major, as they may not as popular as other technological subjects, such as computer, engineering, accounting in the society. Thus, he has to choose these applied majors to meet the need of seeking a good job easier, through disabeying his own interest. What's more, even in today, when the whole world suffered from the destructive effect of economic crisis, the students attitude may be changed according to this, leading to those who originally interested in accounting, now have turn to some other majors. It may be obvious the students' need and interests are in discord with each other in a sense, and they can easily changed with the fluctulation of the world situation. So the effectiveness of education should not be measured in this way .

Finally, the education should be designed for the majority as a tool to enhance the whole civilization of the society, not only for its students. All the people have a right and should aware that lifelong education would make a big difference no matter who they are, what occupation they possess. The society is developing with a extraordinary speed, along with the knowledge updating everyday.For instance, since the trend of
globization, the international influences may affect everyone. This would urge people to recieve more education and keep study lifelong. They may have access to people in different countries via chatrooms, instance messager services, it would at least encourage them to grasp one foreign language, in particular for those who could not previously. In this respect, the education can be effective as it can be serve people for lifelong learning.

In sum, when it comes to whether the education will be truly effective, only take the students interests and needs into consideration is not enough. Moreover, the students interests and needs may conflict each other. Therefore, I fundemantally disagree with the author's claim and in my view, education should be used effective for life-long learning.of each student."

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-28 11:43:03 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 zjw7hk 于 2009-2-28 11:46 编辑


The speaker claims that only when education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, it can be regarded as truly effective one. From my point of view, I diagree with the statement, for asserting that it is the only mesurement is too extreme. (我感觉对这个题目解读为only measurement好像不是很恰当,而且整篇文章都没有很直接的涉及到specifically design,但是第二第三段论点我觉得还是挺好的,就是第四段感觉不是很切题)

To begin with, the definition of truly effective education is hard to set, since people possesses various kinds of value system.
Education, which is used to cultivate people on
broad fields, including establishing value system, understanding the culture of a society, or enhancing the interpersonal skills, ect, is different from training, whose main goal is to help people master a kind of skills to support himselves in the scoiety. From this point of view, the education should be used more effectively to teach students some theories rather than the pratical skills. Nevertheless, those who cannot distinguish the above two concepts, they may think the ultimate task of education will need to teach some direct method to meet the students' need for survival in society; students today are even more pratical and emphasize dramatically much on the economic situation about themselves. As the definition of education may be contradictive among groups of people, it is hard to make it truly effective through the way the speaker asserts.(这个论点很好,但是可以跟specifically design for each student联系起来)

What's more, under some circumstances, one need to make a choice between his own interest and the need, though difficulty but inevitable, especially in this society ample with challenges and oppotunities. For example, students who was interested in phylosophy or art, he may not choose them as his own major, as they may not as popular as other technological subjects, such as computer, engineering, accounting in the society. Thus, he has to choose these applied majors to meet the need of seeking a good job easier, through disabeying his own interest. What's more, even in today, when the whole world suffered from the destructive effect of economic crisis, the students attitude may be changed according to this, leading to those who originally interested in accounting, now have turn to some other majors. It may be obvious the students' need and interests are in discord with each other in a sense, and they can easily changed with the fluctulation of the world situation. So the effectiveness of education should not be measured in this way .(这一段论述了need和interest会变,但是没有论述到它对教育的影响,只是在最后一句直接讲了结论,我觉得如果把这个会变的事实和教育的effectiveness联系的更紧密的话就更好了,可能可以在讨论一下因为一直在变,所以specified education其实并不好)

Finally, the education should be designed for the majority as a tool to enhance the whole civilization of the society, not only for its students. All the people have a right and should aware that lifelong education would make a big difference no matter who they are, what occupation they possess. The society is developing with a extraordinary speed, along with the knowledge updating everyday. For instance, since the trend of
globization, the international influences may affect everyone. This would urge people to recieve more education and keep study lifelong. They may have access to people in different countries via chatrooms, instance messager services, it would at least encourage them to grasp one foreign language, in particular for those who could not previously. In this respect, the education can be effective as it can be serve people for lifelong learning.(我感觉这一段论点不是很切题,因为原题是只有当满足每个人兴趣时,教育才会有效,而并没有说只要满足每个人兴趣,教育就会有效,因此按原题,满足每个人兴趣只是教育有效的前提,并不是只有这个,还可以有其他评判因素。而这段仅仅是讲了教育有效的另一个考虑方面,所以我觉得可能不是很切题吧)

In sum, when it comes to whether the education will be truly effective, only take the students interests and needs into consideration is not enough. Moreover, the students interests and needs may conflict each other. Therefore, I fundemantally disagree with the author's claim and in my view, education should be used effective for life-long learning of each student."


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