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[a习作temp] argument220【背水一战3月小组】第二次作业by gy2006211 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-3-2 23:24:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 gy2006211 于 2009-3-2 23:38 编辑

Argue 220
The following appeared in an article in a magazine for writers.
"A recent study showed that in describing a typical day's conversation, people make an average of 23 references to watching television and only 1 reference to reading fiction. This result suggests that, compared with the television industry, the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability. Therefore, people who wish to have careers as writers should acquire training and experience in writing for television rather than for print media."

In the article the author recommend that people who wish to get jobs as writers should learn to write for television instead of print media. To support the recommendation the author cites a recent study of describing a typical day's conversation which shows that people make an average of 23 references to watching television to while only 1 reference to reading fiction. From which the author presume that compared with the television industry, the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability. However, the article relies on a series of substantiated assumption, which render it unconvincing as it stands.

To begin with, the author cites the recent study to argue that people now are not in favor of reading fiction. However, the author don not provide the detailed information about the study. For instance, how many people were surveyed in the study .May be there are only five or six people were asked to fill the survey. And author don not announce what kind of people are asked in the study. It can not account for people like watching TV than reading fiction if the study were only asked among the people such as children and couch potato who like watching TV all day long and nearly never read fiction. Even the study is proper, the author unfairly assume that people like watching TV more than reading fictions without eliminate other possibilities such as the sentences in the fiction is much more difficult and inconvenient for people to speak them out.

Even, the author unfairly presupposes that the fictions account for all kinds of books. Fiction is only one kind of books. Even people no longer favor faction the author can not convince me on the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability while the author does not take other factors into consideration. It is possible that the sales other kind of books increase or the costs of the publishing and bookselling industries decrease lead to increase the profits of publishing and bookselling industries. On the other hand, the similar reason, I can not accept the author implicit assumption that the profits of TV industries will increase.

Finally, the author falsely assume that people who wish to have careers only have to shift their aims to take a job in writing for television. The author does not consider people’s own interests.

In sum, the author's recommendation is simply not credible. To better to support his or her viewpoint, the author should provide detail information about the study and investigate television industry and publishing and bookselling industries.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-3 17:53:13 |只看该作者
1# gy2006211

?咿?没有提纲~要养成写提纲的习惯啊 ~

In the article the author recommend that people who wish to get jobs as writers should learn to write for television instead of print media. To support the recommendation
the author cites a recent study of describing a typical day's conversation which shows that people make an average of 23 references to watching television to while only 1 reference to reading fiction. From which the author presume that compared with the television industry, the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability. However, the article relies on a series of substantiated assumption, which render it unconvincing as it stands.(开头段简单的罗列了一下错误,逻辑不错。 )

To begin with, the author cites the recent study to argue that people now are not in favor of reading fiction. However, the author don not provide the detailed information about the study. For instance, how many people were surveyed in the study .May be there are only five or six people were asked to fill the survey. And author don not announce what kind of people are asked in the study. It can not account for people like watching TV than reading fiction if the study were only asked among the people such as children and
who like watching TV all day long and nearly never read fiction. Even(even是个副词~在这里应该用even if ) the study is proper, the author unfairly assume that people like watching TV more than reading fictions without eliminate other possibilities such as the sentences in the fiction is much more difficult and inconvenient for people to speak them out.(这段基本上把调查的问题都攻击出来了,最后的让步也非常不错 如果再可以攻击下调查者及其调查目的,这个调查错误就非常全面了)

Even(这里不应该用即使), the author unfairly presupposes that the fictions account for all kinds of books. Fiction is only one kind of books. Even(问题同上) people no longer favor faction the author can not convince me on the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability while the author does not take other factors into consideration.(这个让步不错) It is possible that the sales other kind of books increase or the costs of the publishing and bookselling industries decrease lead to increase the profits of publishing and bookselling industries. On the other hand, the similar reason, I can not accept the author implicit assumption that the profits of TV industries will increase.

Finally, the author falsely assume that people who wish to have careers only have to shift their aims to take a job in writing for television. The author does not consider people’s own interests. 这个是作者的结论单独成段未免有凑段数的嫌疑~~

In sum, the author's recommendation is simply not credible. To better to support his or her viewpoint, the author should provide detail information about the study and investigate television industry and publishing and bookselling industries.

  建议 :总体来说文章中的错误都攻击出来了 但是错误的分类并没有很明显 这样会导致第三段没有话说,
1 攻击调查错误
2 即便调查合理 也不能论述人们不喜欢读小说,举例罗列原因,
3 攻击盈利问题

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RE: argument220【背水一战3月小组】第二次作业by gy2006211 [修改]
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argument220【背水一战3月小组】第二次作业by gy2006211
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