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[i习作temp] issue138【背水一戰3月決戰】第六次作業 by yang1989 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-3-11 11:04:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE138 - "Only through mistakes can there bediscovery or progress."
WORDS: 563
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE:2009/3/11 8:59:25

(This is an altered version.)

Making mistakes is a part of human nature. Originating frominherent desire to reject complacency, mistakes push us to discover virgin landsterritory, enable us to correct existing ideas and keep us cool-minded when embracedwith past success. Here lies the process of progress, slow but steady. In aword, I agree with the author that only through mistakes can there be discoveryor progress.

To begin our discussion, mistakes usually occur when one ismaking efforts to go beyond the boundary of what we have already known. Whenpeople are not fully informative of the situation they are confronted with,they usually depend on their instincts and past experiences to make decisions,both of which unfortunately do not work efficiently all the time. Thus here isborn the mistakes. Notwithstanding, were this chance of making mistakes to beeliminated, the opportunity that we may come across the new discovery will havebeen deprived as well. Discovery, as its name suggests, is attained in terms ofremoving the cover of a wild land. As long as we have no idea of the exactlocation of the brand-new lands, we are obliged to make mistakes, in a hope offinding something. That could explain how Christopher Columbus, the audaciouscaptain, discovered the "New World" and thus broadened the horizon ofthe Europeans drastically. Columbus mistook the North American Islands for theEast-Asian mainland but this misnomer has never discredited his contribution tomen’s knowledge.

Besides giving light to the unknown, mistakes help peopleidentify and therefore revise or strengthen their past theories. In the areasof scientific inquires, this rule is especially true. Everyday new theories areput forward by creative scholars and receive strict examination by theirserious peers. With careful evaluation on the former studies and heated debateson the controversial concepts, process or ideas, scholars develop more reliablemodels and theories to help explain our world. Karl Popper, the renownedEnglish philosopher, explicitly title this process as "error-elimination"in his Conjectures and Refutations, contending that it is the very pattern ofthe progress of intellectual inquires. Popper even furthers his theories byintroducing the pattern into social affairs, believing a similar process ofeliminating errors in daily practice would enable human being move to a perfectsociety gradually. In a word, neither in scientific pursuits or in the socialaffairs, mistakes contributes to progress directly.

What's more, mistakes could make us recognize the truesuccess and propel individuals to be in pursuit of excellence. Sometimes, it isa human nature to feel satiated with our past achievements and to apply past rulesto all situations around, only to be disappointed by the merciless result. Butsuch mistakes are valuable on the part of its role as a reminder of ourlimitations. When the mist of self-content is expelled by the hand of mistakes,individuals are motivated to step out of his comfort zones and strive for newattainments. Thanks to mistakes, the human beings, modest and cool-headed, arealways in the road of progress.

To draw a conclusion, were mistakes to be graphed out, itwill be a jagged line. From time to time, people find themselves oscillatebetween mistakes and progress. While it seems we're invariably trying to avoidmistakes, progress is actually achieved in a course of progressivelyeliminating past mistakes. In a word, mistakes and progress or discovery, justlike good and evil, are not easy to discuss separately. Where there's progress,there are mistakes. It is a common ground that I will share with the speakerand others.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-12 09:59:24 |只看该作者
Making mistakes is a part of human nature. Originating from inherentdesire to reject complacency, mistakes push us to discover virginlands territory, enable us to correct existing ideas and keep uscool-minded when embraced with past success. Here lies the process ofprogress, slow but steady. In a word, I agree with the author that onlythrough mistakes can there be discovery or progress.
//Shining para !

To begin our discussion, mistakes usually occur when one is makingefforts to go beyond the boundary of what we have already known.When people are not fully informative of the situation they areconfronted with,they usually depend on their instincts and pastexperiences to make decisions(make decision depending on their instincts and past experiences (原句的中文直译痕迹太重)),both of which unfortunately do not workefficiently all the time. Thus here is born the mistakes.Notwithstanding, were this chance of making mistakes to be eliminated,the opportunity that we may come across the new discovery will have beendeprived as well. Discovery, as its name suggests, is attained in termsof removing the cover of a wild land. As long as we have no idea of(about) theexact location of the brand-new lands, we are obliged to make mistakes,(as sacrifices of finding something)in a hope of finding something. That could explain how ChristopherColumbus, the audacious captain, discovered the "New World" and thusbroadened the horizon of the Europeans drastically. Columbus mistook theNorth American Islands for the East-Asian mainland but this misnomer hasnever discredited his contribution to men’s knowledge(exploration of the earth).

Besides giving light to the unknown, mistakes help people(to) identify andtherefore revise or strengthen their past theories. In the areas ofscientific inquires, this rule is especially true. Everyday newtheories are putting(pushing) forward by creative scholars and receive(receiving) strictexaminations by their serious peers. With careful evaluation on theformer studies and heated debates on the controversial concepts, processor ideas, scholars develop more reliable models and theories to helpexplaining our world. Karl Popper, the renowned English philosopher,explicitly title this process as "error-elimination" in his Conjecturesand Refutations, contending that it is the very pattern of the progressof intellectual inquires(Good sentence). Popper even further
his theoriesby introducing the pattern into social affairs, believing a similarprocess of eliminating errors in daily practice would enable human beingmove to a perfect society gradually. In a word, neither(either) in scientificpursuits or in the social affairs, mistakes contributes to progressdirectly.

What's more, mistakes could make us recognize the true success andpropel individuals to be in pursuit of excellence. Sometimes, it is ahuman nature to feel satiated with our past achievements and to applypast rules to all situations around, only to be disappointed by themerciless results. But such mistakes are valuable on the part of its roleas a reminder of our limitations. When the mist of self-content isexpelled by the hand of mistakes,individuals are motivated to step outof his comfort zones and strive for new attainments. Thanks to mistakes,the human beings, modest and cool-headed, are always in the road ofprogress.
//this para could be improved by adding an example to it.

To draw a conclusion, were mistakes to be graphed out, it will be ajagged line. From time to time, people find themselves oscillate(ing) betweenmistakes and progress. While it seems we're invariably trying toavoid mistakes, progress is actually achieved in a course ofprogressively eliminating past mistakes. In a word, mistakes andprogress or discovery, just like good and evil, are not easy to discussseparately. Where there's progress,there are mistakes. It is a commonground that I will share with the speaker and others.



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