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[i习作temp] issue41【背水一战】第二稿thanks fireofnight, by yang1989 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-3-13 19:50:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry asastrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital rolein society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."

1. 非主流科学的作用是减少人们的不确定性。
3. 比较两种情况,发现区别在于前者无法检验,只有心理安慰;后者可以检验,并且能够实际控制物质世界。

In recent years, we have observed a growing public concern on nonmainstreamareas of inquiry since astrologists, fortune-tellers, psychiatrist and so onenjoy more popularity than ever. Obviously, the speaker appreciate thephenomenon and contend that these paranormal pursuits play a vital role insociety to satisfy human needs which are neglected by mainstream science. Iconcede that such paranormal pursuits have merits but maintainthat they could only thrive in the margin of civilization. In all, it isrationality, addressed by mainstream science that is crucial to content humanneeds rather than unsubstantiated emotions, a product of astrology, etc.

To begin with, it is a human nature to be afraid of uncertainty, which in turnhappens to be the nature of the secular world. In fear of potential loss,embarrassments, hurt or betrayal, vulnerable individuals turn themselves tosoothsayers, seeking pacification from theambiguous prophecies. Tarot cards may tell one that he has been out of balanceand thus should work hard if he would like to have his “wheel of destiny”, aspecific card of Tarot, changed to a better direction. The depressed individualmay then gather up certain courage, make efforts and hang on in the face ofdifficulties—all achieved by the guidance of “destiny” revealed by the Tarotcards. Other supernatural pursuits work in the similar way. They are supposed to soothe individuals,offering them precious gallantry to live in the unpredictable world.

But as a matter of fact, the world is predictable to a great extent. Sciencesare designed to reduce or even control over the uncertainties. Ever sinceGalileo denied the authority of the Churches and Newton developed his classicalprincipals, the natural sciences under the name of rationality have achievedenormously to explain our world. We no longer feel despair about the lighteningand storms and will not owe similar phenomena to the anger of Gods or things beyondhuman’s understanding. Instead, thanks to science, notonly could we understand lightening resulting from movements of electricity, butcan predict its concurrence and even avoid it by devising the lightening rod. Ina word, sciences serve to raise human’s courage to explore the very nature ofthe world.

By comparing these two situations, we may find how unreliable the nonmainstreampursuits are. In the first place, they could only provide individuals withsoothing images which are unable to be examined. A man may be inspired by theprophecies of a fortune-teller in this time but soon feels disappointed in thenext time. In this case, how could one trust the augury without knowing itsvalidity? In the second place, such pursuits are indolence in dealing with theoutside world. While they may inspires certain positive psychological effectsfor an individual, nonmainstream pursuits could never develop practical ways toguide human’s progress. As a result, such pursuits could enjoy the leastchances to escape from the margin areas of human inquire and to enter themainstream.

To draw a conclusion, astrology, fortune-telling and psychic, etc exist onlybecause they offer comforts for humans to overcome the feelings of uncertainty,though temporarily. However, sciences will keep presiding in the mainstreamareas of human’s pursuits because it not only relieve individuals’ fear byexplaining “mysterious” phenomenon in a examinable way, but also serve to avoidor make use of them. That is what we human beings need.

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issue41【背水一战】第二稿thanks fireofnight, by yang1989
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