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[a习作temp] ARGUMENT180【0906G背水一战三月小组】第9次作业 By fireofnight [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-18 20:57:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The president points out that employees in other companies had their skills improved significantly by taking Easy Read Speed-Reading Course. Base on this reason, the president asserts that Easy Read Speed-Reading Course would be beneficial to Acme Company and should require all employees to take that course. By deeply investigation, the argument contains several logical flaws, which renders it unconvincing.

A threshold problem of this argument involves the examples given by the president that one graduate of the course was able to read a log document in a relatively short amount of time and another graduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of the company in under a year. First of all, these are only single cases as only mentioning one person's experience. Without being given general cases on how most of those graduates are doing, we have every reason to believe that most of other student did not benefit from taking these courses. In addition, even though these successes student stand for a number of others, the author failed to provide details on how the course actually helps the students with. It is entirely possible these students were already outstanding ones before attending the Speed-Reading Course.

The augur also assumes unfairly that better reading speed indicates better ability of absorbing information. It might be true fast reading leads the reader to finish more materials or books in a short period of time; however this does not have direct relation with absorbing more information. People with ability of fast reading might decide to spend less time on reading in a day and use the extra time for writing. Moreover, one might read a lot in a relatively short amount of time, but have difficulties on understanding all the information. Without ruling out all these possibilities, the assumption made by the president is unconvincing.

Furthermore, even the above mentioned have been substantiated by other evidences, the assertion that spending money for employees for taking Reading-Speed Course would be beneficial for Acme company is ungrounded. The author overlooked a myriad of other out-comes after spending money for the course. It is entirely possible that the employees in Acme are not that easily to be trained; as a result, they will not have expected improvement. On the other hand, even though the employees have made great progress on reading skill after the course, that the extra efforts from the improved reading skill would offset the money spent on training them is questionable.

In sum, the author's argument is unpersuasive as it stands. To strengthen it, more details on previous students would be provided. We also need more explanation on how the reading speed is related to ability of absorbing information. In addition, a more detailed gain and cost analysis should be made.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-19 14:31:05 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ARGUMENT180 - The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company.
"Many other companies have recently stated that having their employees take the Easy Read Speed-Reading Course has greatly improved productivity. One graduate of the course was able to read a five-hundred-page report in only two hours; another graduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of the company in under a year. Obviously, the faster you can read, the more information you can absorb in a single workday. Moreover, Easy Read costs only $500 per employee-a small price to pay when you consider the benefits to Acme. Included in this fee is a three-week seminar in Spruce City and a lifelong subscription to the Easy Read newsletter. Clearly, Acme would benefit greatly by requiring all of our employees to take the Easy Read course."

The president (this letter is from the personnel director to the president, so it should be the personnel director )points out that employees in other companies had their skills improved significantly by taking Easy Read Speed-Reading Course. Base on this reason, the president asserts that Easy Read Speed-Reading Course would be beneficial to Acme Company and should require all employees to take that course. By deeply investigation, the argument contains several logical flaws, which renders it unconvincing.

A threshold problem of this argument involves the examples given by the president that one graduate of the course was able to read a log document in a relatively short amount of time and another graduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of the company in under a year. First of all, these are only single(special) cases as only mentioning one(individual) person's experience. Without being given general cases on how(better or good) most of those graduates are doing, we have every reason to believe that most of other students did not benefit (or just a little)from taking these courses. In addition, even though these successes student stand for a number of others, the author failed to provide details on how the course actually helps the students with. It is entirely possible these students were already outstanding ones before attending the Speed-Reading Course.

The augur also assumes unfairly that better reading speed indicates better ability of absorbing information. It might be true fast reading leads the reader to finish more materials or books in a short period of time; however this does not have direct relation with absorbing more information. People with ability of fast reading might decide to spend less time on reading in a day and use the extra time for writing.(这句好像与你要argue的无关吧) Moreover, one might read a lot in a relatively short amount of time, but have difficulties on understanding all the information. Without ruling out all these possibilities, the assumption made by the president is unconvincing.

Furthermore, even the above mentioned have been substantiated by other evidences, the assertion that spending money for employees for taking Reading-Speed Course would be beneficial for Acme company is ungrounded. The author overlooked a myriad of other out-comes after spending money for the course. It is entirely possible that the employees in Acme are not that easily to be trained; as a result, they will not have expected improvement. On the other hand, even though the employees have made great progress on reading skill after the course, that the extra efforts from the improved reading skill would offset the money spent on training them is questionable.
其实他最后说Clearly, Acme would benefit greatly by requiring all of our employees to take the Easy Read course。显然不对,扫地的肯定不用参加这些培训么,这应该也是个好的攻击点

In sum, the author's argument is unpersuasive as it stands. To strengthen it, more details on previous students would be provided. We also need more explanation on how the reading speed is related to ability of absorbing information. In addition, a more detailed gain and cost analysis should be made.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-3-19 18:58:00 |只看该作者
2# kl1130

The president points out that employees in other companies had theirskills improved significantly by taking Easy Read Speed-Reading Course.Base on this reason, the president asserts that Easy Read Speed-ReadingCourse would be beneficial to Acme Company and should require allemployees to take that course. By deeply investigation, the argumentcontains several logical flaws, which renders it unconvincing.

A threshold problem of this argument involves the examples given by thepresident that one graduate of the course was able to read a logdocument in a relatively short amount of time and another graduate rosefrom an assistant manager to vice president of the company in under ayear. First of all, these are only single cases as only mentioning (concerning?mention在这里似乎很怪,我查了一下似乎也无此用法。嗯,可以告诉我一声。)oneperson's experience. Without being given general cases on how most ofthose graduates are doing, we have every reason to believe that most ofother student did not benefit from taking these courses.(我个人的习惯是在这里顺便就猜测个general cases的例子出来,会显得具体一些。) In addition,even though these successes student stand for a number of others, theauthor failed to provide details on how the course actually helps thestudents with. It is entirely possible these students were alreadyoutstanding ones before attending the Speed-Reading Course.

The augur also assumes unfairly that better reading speed indicatesbetter ability of absorbing information. It might be true fast readingleads the reader to finish more materials or books in a short period oftime; however this does not have direct relation with absorbing moreinformation. People with ability of fast reading might decide to spendless time on reading in a day and use the extra time for writing.(这里逻辑上再补充一层可能会更完整:所以他们吸收信息很少但是输出信息很多。)Moreover, one might read a lot in a relatively short amount of time,but have difficulties on understanding all the information. Withoutruling out all these possibilities, the assumption made by thepresident is unconvincing.

Furthermore, even the above mentioned have been substantiated by otherevidences, the assertion that spending money for employees for takingReading-Speed Course would be beneficial for Acme company isungrounded. The author overlooked a myriad of other out-comes afterspending money for the course. It is entirely possible that theemployees in Acme are not that easily to be trained(BUT WHY?); as a result, theywill not have expected improvement. On the other hand, even though theemployees have made great progress on reading skill after the course,that the extra efforts (do you mean "benefits"??? and what extra "efforts" or "benefits"??)from the improved reading skill would offset themoney spent on training them is questionable.

In sum, the author's argument is unpersuasive as it stands. Tostrengthen it, more details on previous students would be provided. Wealso need more explanation on how the reading speed is related toability of absorbing information. In addition, a more detailed gain andcost analysis should be made.


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ARGUMENT180【0906G背水一战三月小组】第9次作业 By fireofnight
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