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[未归类] 8.18 美利坚作文作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-8-18 20:28:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
I think teachers’ salaries should be decided by students’ performance. Teachers’ mission is to tell the knowledge to students, and the aim of study is to get the information of knowledge from teachers. If the knowledge has transferred from teachers to students, we can say that the aim of education has fulfilled. So from this angel, I have some reasons about students’ performance should decide teachers’ salaries.

First of all, using students’ performances decide teachers’ salaries could make teachers teach students more positively. If every teacher has a same salary, some teachers will consider that teaching better than others or not does not matter and students’ performances are their own business. So with teachers’ this thinking, students cannot have good education. However, if teachers’ salaries are decided by their students’ performances, teachers may have more passion to transmit knowledge from themselves to their students. You know everyone wants to earn more money besides teachers, so that decision may push teachers to make students’ performances better. In this way, teachers may care about students’ performances and study what teach methods could be more efficient. Year by year, the country’s education level will be better.

Second, it is more fair that if teachers’ salaries are decided by students’ performance. For example, one teacher teaches better than the other, but their salaries are same. The teacher who teaches better might think why I teach so arduous that just has a same salary as a lazy teacher. It is not justice! Of course a person who has more ability should have a more salary and teachers are same. Moreover, students’ performances are a good criterion to get which teachers have more abilities than others. So teachers’ salaries are decided by students’ performance is a good method to solve fair problem.

All in all, children are a country’s future and good education is very important to a country. Therefore, to let students get good education is our same aim, and teachers’ salaries are decided by students will make our education better.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-8-19 15:11:06 |只看该作者
I think teachers’ salaries should be decided by students’ performance. Teachers’ mission is to tell 这个用的不是很成功the knowledge to students, and students' the aim of study is to get the information of knowledge from teachers. If the knowledge has transferred这个不合适 from teachers to students, we can say that the aim of education has fulfilled. So from this angel, I have some reasons about students’ performance should decide teachers’ salaries. 开头结论很直接很好

) f' T4 e- P: _6 p! l5 e
First of all, using students’ performances我觉得多用于表演 decide teachers’ salaries could make teachers teach students more positively. If every teacher has a same salary, some of them (teachers) will consider that teaching better than others or not does not matter and students’ performances are their own business 有点难理解这句. So with teachers’ this thinking, students cannot have good education. However, if teachers’ salaries are decided by their students’ performances, teachers may have more passion这个好 to transmit knowledge from themselves to their students. You know everyone wants to earn more money besides teachers, so that decision may push teachers to make students’ performances better. In this way, teachers may care about students’ performances and study what teach methods could be more efficient. Year by year, the country’s education level will be better.

Second, it is more fair that if teachers’ salaries are decided by students’ performance. For example, one teacher teaches better than the other, but their salaries are same.这个观点貌似跟上段一样 The teacher who teaches better might think why I teach so arduous that just has a same salary as a lazy teacher:L . It is not justice! Of course a person who has more ability should have a more salary and teachers are same. Moreover, students’ performances are a good criterion to get which teachers have more abilities than others. So teachers’ salaries are decided by students’ performance is a good method to solve fair problem.0 a1 P' {9 s: }" S# t
- t- v; e; Q6 x/ ^4 N5 e
All in all, children are a country’s future and good education is very important to a country对,同意. Therefore, to let students get good education is our same aim, and teachers’ salaries are decided by students will make our education better.

句子结构变化不多. 有中式句子. 某些中间段落的表达不很正式, 这个美国佬也许不在乎. 他们就很随意的. 单词变化也不大. 每段落有中心句子很好.说的不对请见谅!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-20 12:52:09 |只看该作者
I think teachers’ salaries should be decided by students’ performance. Teachers’ mission is to tell the knowledge to students, and the aim of study is to get the information of knowledge from teachers. If the knowledge has transferred from teachers to students, we can say that the aim of education has fulfilled. So from this angel(千万别用这个词 用view), I have some reasons about students’ performance should decide teachers’ salaries.(后面是个句子 所以这样写就错了 在about后面加 the fact that)
; m' l6 T* G. r+ n" O2 x
First of all, using students’ performances (to)decide teachers’ salaries could make teachers teach students more positively. If every teacher has a same salary, some teachers will consider that teaching better than others or not does not matter and students’ performances are their own business. So with teachers’ this thinking, students cannot have good education. However, if teachers’ salaries are decided by their students’ performances, teachers may have more passion to transmit knowledge from themselves to their students. You know(口语 不要用) everyone wants to earn more money besides teachers, so that decision may push teachers to make students’ performances better. In this way, teachers may care about students’ performances and study(consider) what teach methods could be more efficient. Year by year(little by little比较好), the country’s education level will be better.: e! g8 z! o/ p- Q- }" E

Second, it is more fair that if teachers’ salaries are decided by students’ performance. For example, one teacher teaches better than the other, but their salaries are same. The teacher who teaches better might think why I(he or she) teach(es) so arduous that(but) just has a same salary as a lazy teacher. It is not justice! Of course a person who has more ability should have a more salary and teachers are same. Moreover, students’ performances are a good criterion to get which teachers have more abilities than others. So teachers’ salaries are decided by students’ performance is a good method to solve fair problem. (句子错了So deciding teachers’ salaries through students’ performance is a good method to solve problem fairly)  n" C0 V

All in all, children are a country’s future and good education is very important(太简单 改成good education plays a pivotal role ) to a country. Therefore, to let students get good education is our same(common) aim, and teachers’ salaries are decided by students will make our education better.(句子整个错了)

语法错误不是很多 比翠花好 哈哈 但是你有三个句子整个都错了 一个句子不能有两个动词
然后第一点和第二点分得不明确 感觉可以写到一起
句式还需要再多变一些 多用从句 分词

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-20 12:53:03 |只看该作者
维尼 我晚上用扣扣把WORD文档给你发过去 我不会在这把字打上颜色。。。。。

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