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[未归类] 8.18美利坚作文 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-18 23:00:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

The wages of teachers are influenced by many factors. One group people assert that the performance of students is a decisive factor because the major function of teacher is to educate students. But as far as I am concerned, I disagree with that opinion. The reasons are as follow.

Although the major function of teachers is to educate students, it is not appropriate to associate payments with the performances of students. The reason is obvious since the quality of students varies from school to school or even class to class. Teaching is an interactive activity. It relies on efforts from both sizes, and the student may account for a major part. It is not exaggerated to say that students who work hard always perform better than slack students whoever the teachers they are. If some teachers are paid less than others simply because of the slack students, they may feel unfair towards the school`s evaluation system when they take more time in class preparation and take more efforts to attract students` interests in the lecture and review the homework more carefully. The consequence is serious; it may breed negative spirit among teachers and discourage their willingness to work hard.

In addition to the differences among students, the performances of students are difficult to conform to one standard criterion. Each teacher values different capacities. Teachers who emphasize the power of knowledge cast more efforts on improving the grades of students. Teachers who value the capability of self-study concentrate their energy on spurring students to dominate the learning process. Teachers who take the ability of problem solving seriously pay more attention on the application of knowledge. The performances of students are as diverse as what the teacher values. It is difficult to decide which performance is better than the other since each capacity is considered essential for one`s development. If teachers, whose students earn higher scores, are paid much more than others, chances are that the rest teachers will alter their initial pedagogies in order to earn more money or the rest teachers may feel depressed since their values are disrespected. Each of the consequence is bad enough. If their pedagogies are altered, students may think that other capacities are not as important as scores; if they feel depressed, they will lose their initiatives in teaching, which greatly affects of quality of lectures.

From the discussion, we can see that the solo fact about the performances of students is not a decisive factor in teachers` wages. In turn, it may breed negative results if it becomes the decisive factor.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-19 09:55:22 |只看该作者
The wages of teachers are influenced by many factors. One group people assert that the performance of studentsX of X 的结构重复了) is a decisive factor because the major function of teacher is to educate students. But as far as I am concerned, I disagree with that opinion. The reasons are as follow.

Although the major function of teachers is to educate students, it is not appropriate to associate payments with the performances of students.这句话可以说的更简洁些) The reason is obvious since the quality of students varies from school to school or even class to class. Teaching is an interactive activity. It relies on efforts from both sizes(sides), and the student may account for a major part. It is not exaggerated to say that students who work hard always perform better than slack students whoever the teachers they are(whoever are their teachers). If some teachers are paid less than others simply because of the slack students, they may feel unfair towards the school’s evaluation system when(as) they take more time in class preparation and take more efforts to attract students` interests in the lecture and review the homework more carefully.(这句话的逻辑关系有问题,前面是不公平后面说更努力,如果说的是觉得不公平的原因的话就别用比较级或者最后加than X) The consequence is serious; it may breed negative spirit among teachers and discourage their willingness to work hard., z* s3 C9 v# o
. W1 y1 T* X; X5 \' |
In addition to the differences among students, the performances of students are difficult to conform to one standard criterion. Each teacher values different capacities. Teachers who emphasize the power of knowledge cast more efforts on improving the grades of students. Teachers who value the capability of self-study concentrate their energy on spurring students to dominate the learning process. Teachers who take the ability of problem solving seriously pay more attention on the application of knowledge. (三个排比很精妙)The performances of students are as diverse as what the teacher values. It is difficult to decide which performance is better than the other since each capacity is considered essential for one’s development. If teachers, whose students earn higher scores, are paid much more than others, chances are that the rest teachers will alter their initial pedagogies in order to earn more money or the rest teachers may feel depressed since their values are disrespected. Each of the consequence is bad enough. If their pedagogies are altered, students may think that other capacities are not as important as scores; if they feel depressed, they will lose their initiatives in teaching, which greatly affects of quality of lectures.! Z  u$ a, G$ g5 }+ D
) j6 y/ l) ?3 E7 m
From the discussion, we can see that the solo fact about the performances of students is not a decisive factor in teachers` wages. In turn, it may breed negative results if it becomes the decisive factor.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-19 13:44:32 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 rachel1102 于 2009-8-19 13:51 编辑

The wages of teachers are influenced by many factors. One group people assert that the performance of students is a decisive factor because the major function of teacher(用复数或者加冠词) is to educate students. But as far as I am concerned, I disagree with that opinion. The reasons are as follow. % I% B0 z. Y- t1 w

5 C; F3 p4 O0 Y& _$ NAlthough the major function of teachers is to educate students, it is not appropriate to associate payments with the performances of students. The reason is obvious since the quality of students varies from school to school or even class to class. Teaching is an interactive activity. It relies on efforts from both sizes, and the student may account for a major part. It is not exaggerated to say that students who work hard always perform better than slack students whoever the teachers they are.(这里的they指代不清,可以换个说法) If some teachers are paid less than others simply because of the slack students, they may feel unfair towards the school`s evaluation system when they take more time in class preparation and take more efforts to attract students` interests in the lecture and review the homework more carefully. The consequence is serious; it may breed negative spirit among teachers and discourage their willingness to work hard.
  L( h% F  E; t$ M% L( H$ b / Y' z5 m  L( R' Y" k
In addition to the differences among students, the performances of students are difficult to conform to one standard criterion. Each teacher values different capacities. Teachers who emphasize the power of knowledge cast more efforts on improving the grades of students. Teachers who value the capability of self-study concentrate their energy on spurring students to dominate the learning process. Teachers who take the ability of problem solving seriously pay more attention on the application of knowledge.这段写的很好,赞一个~The performances of students are as diverse as what the teacher values. It is difficult to decide which performance is better than the other since each capacity is considered essential for one`s development. If teachers, whose students earn higher scores, are paid much more than others, chances are that the rest teachers will alter their initial pedagogies in order to earn more money or the rest teachers may feel depressed since their values are disrespected. Each of the consequence is bad enough. If their pedagogies are altered, students may think that other capacities are not as important as scores; if they feel depressed, they will lose their initiatives in teaching, which greatly affects of quality of lectures.内容比较绕,我要想一下才能明白~
3 Q5 N! c$ X7 ]0 M4 v
6 F. v+ B: }* Y, FFrom the discussion, we can see that the solo fact about the performances of students is not a decisive factor in teachers` wages. In turn, it may breed negative results if it becomes the decisive factor.

PS 这是我第一次给别人评作文,自己作文就写的很烂,所以评的不好请见谅。作文用词很好,逻辑上多些承接的词就好了,有些长句可以分开写。向你学习~

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