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[感想日志] 1006G[REBORN FROM THE ASHES组]备考日记 by 中原527--战胜自己 [复制链接]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-12 01:07:12 |只看该作者
[REBORN FROM THE ASHES][comment][01.03]


Beyond Righteousness and Gain

by Zhou Guoping

"A virtuous man is concerned with righteousness while a mean man, with gain,” Confucius says. The "righteousness" and "gain" have long been a central theme in the Chinese philosophy of life. But, what if I am neither virtuous nor mean?

There was once a time when almost everyone claimed to be a gentleman and every word uttered was about righteousness. At that time, there might have been some truly virtuous men who were so righteous as to give up whatever was profitable. But, more likely, one might meet hypocrites who used righteousness as a fig leaf for their cupidity, or pedants believed in whatever passed for righteousness. Gone are the old days. The social trend has taken on a dramatic change unawares: the reputation of righteousness nosedived, truly virtuous men became extinct, hypocrites dropped the fig leaf and the scales fell from the eyes of the pedants. With- out exception, they all joined in the scramble for gains(追逐利润的队伍). It is believed that the philosophy of life has changed and a new interpretation of righteousness and gain looms large: seeking material gains is not the exclusive patent of the mean, but a golden rule for all.

"Time is money" is a vogue word nowadays. Nothing is wrong when entrepreneurs apply it to boost productivity. But, when it is worshipped as a motto of life and commercialism takes the place of other wisdom of life, life is then turned into a corporation and, consequently, interpersonal relations into a market.

I used to mock at the cheap "human touch". But, nowadays even the cheap “touch” has become rare and costly. Can you, if I may ask, get a smile, a greeting, or a tiny bit of compassion for free?

Don’t be nostalgic, though. It is in fact of little help if you try to redeem the world or salvage the corrupt minds through preaching various brands of righteousness. Nevertheless, beyond righteousness and gain, I believe, there are other attitudes towards life; beyond virtue and meanness, there are other individualities. Allow me to coin a sentence in the Confucian style: "A perfect man is concerned with disposition."

Indeed, righteousness and gain, seemingly poles apart, have much essence in common. Righteousness calls for a devotion to the whole society while gain drives one to pursue material interests. In both cases, one’s disposition is over- looked and his true “self” concealed. "Righteousness" teaches one to give while "gain" induces one to take. The former turns one’s life into a process of fulfilling endless obligations while the latter breeds a life-long scramble for wealth and power. We must remember, however, the true value of life is beyond obligations and power. Both righteousness and gain are yoked by calculating minds. That’s why we often find ourselves in a tense interpersonal relationship(紧张的人际关系) whether Mr. Righteousness is commanding or Mr. Gain, controlling.
If "righteousness" stands for an ethical philosophy of life, and "gain," a utilitarian one, what I mean by "disposition" is an aesthetical philosophy of fife, which advocates taking your disposition as the operational guidance for your fife, whereby everyone is allowed to keep his true "self". You do not five for the doctrines you believe in or the materials you possess. Instead, your true "self" makes you who you are. The true meaning of life lies not in giving or possessing, but in creating, which actively unfolds your true disposition, or, in other words, the emotional gratification you obtain through the exertion of your essential power.
Different from giving, which is the performance of an external responsibility, creating is the realization of one’s true self. The difference between creating and possessing is more than crystal clear. Let’s take creative writing as an example: "Possessing" focuses on the fame or social status a piece of writing may bring, while "creating" highlights the plea- sure in the process of writing. A man of disposition seeks nothing but the communication of feelings while in company, and the cultivation of taste while possessing something. More valuably, in a time when most people are busy hunting for wealth and being hunted by it, a man of disposition is al- ways at ease in social intercourses. Here I' m not talking about the leisure of traditional Chinese scholar-officials, nor the complacency of conservative peasants, but about a peaceful mind coming from a non-materialistic attitude towards life. Using the writing example again, I’ve been wondering why a writer needs to be prolific. If he dreams of being enshrined, an immortal short poem is enough. Otherwise, he could be pretty much satisfied with a carefree life. In this sense, writing is merely a way for such a life.

Bernard Shaw once said, “There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire. The other is to get it." With it I couldn’t agree more. I did admire him for his easy and humorous way in describing the quandary of life. However, a deep ponder over it has brought home to me that Shaw’s standpoint is no other than "possessing", which keeps us stranded in a double dosage tragedy of life: it' s a pain not to possess your heart' s desire, and a tedium, to have possessed it. However, if we shift the standpoint from "possessing" to "creating", and look at life with an esthetic eye, we can interpret Shaw’s words the other way round: there are two comedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire, so you still have the opportunity to seek or create it. The other is to get your heart’s desire, and then you are able to enjoy tasting or experiencing it--Of course, life can never be free from pains, and a wealth hunter can not dream of the sadness of a man who places a premium on his true disposition. However, to be free from the mania for pos- session may at least save you many petty worries and pains, and let you enjoy a graceful life. 1 have no intention to prescribe the esthetic viewpoint as the cure for a corrupt world. I just want to express a belief: there is a life more worth living than the one haunted by righteousness and gain. And, this belief will help me sail through the unpredictable waters of my future life.
This is a graceful essay which is concern on the argument between the “creating” and “possessing”. Many people always pursuit to the righteousness or gain in China as the Confucius says. However, the author points that there is only one thing beyond them that we should concern on creating, which can immerse us in our lives with no any goal. Since in the society with the fashion word that “Time is money”, life is then turned into a corporation and, consequently, interpersonal relations into a market. ”human touch” becomes more rare and costly in this era of money when a number of people are joining in the scramble for gains.
quandary n.窘困,不知所措
no other than 除…之外没有,只是;正是,就是
stranded a.处于困境
tedium n.单调乏味
premium n.额外费用,附加费
crystal a.水晶般的,清楚的
at ease n.安逸,自由自在
peasant n.农民;粗俗的人
enshrine v.放置或保存某物于…;作为神龛以保存某物
immortal a.长生的,名垂千古的
utilitarian n.功利主义的
fife n.横笛
whereby adv.靠那个,凭那个,借以
doctrine n.教条
gratification n.满意,满足
exertion n.努力,费力;运用,行使
conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒,遮住
obligation n.义务,责任,职责
commanding a.指挥的,威严的,居高临下的
nostalgic a.对往事怀恋的,怀旧的,乡愁的
redeem v.实践,履行;补偿;赎回;解救,为…赎罪
salvage n. To save from loss or destruction.
corrupt n.堕落的,不道德的
preach v.宣扬,宣传
nevertheless conj.&adv. 然而,尽管如此
virtue n.美德
coin v. To make (pieces of money) from metal; mint or strike:
confucian n.孔门弟子,儒家
mock v.愚弄,嘲弄;使受挫折,蔑视;
vogue a.流行的,时髦的
entrepreneur n.企业家
worship v.崇拜,尊敬;做礼拜,爱慕
motto n.座右铭
commercialism n.商业主义,重商主义
hypocrite n.伪君子
pedant n.书呆子
fig leaf 遮羞布
nosedive v.(价格,费用等)骤降,暴跌
virtuous a.品德高的,善良的,贞洁的,自命不凡的
mean a.吝啬的
righteousness n.正当,正义,正直
Gain n.利润


Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-12 01:08:28 |只看该作者
[REBORN FROM THE ASHES][comment][01.03]


Beyond Righteousness and Gain
by Zhou Guoping

"A virtuous man is concerned with righteousness while a mean man, with gain,” Confucius says. The "righteousness" and "gain" have long been a central theme in the Chinese philosophy of life. But, what if I am neither virtuous nor mean?

There was once a time when almost everyone claimed to be a gentleman and every word uttered was about righteousness. At that time, there might have been some truly virtuous men who were so righteous as to give up whatever was profitable. But, more likely, one might meet hypocrites who used righteousness as a fig leaf for their cupidity, or pedants believed in whatever passed for righteousness. Gone are the old days. The social trend has taken on a dramatic change unawares: the reputation of righteousness nosedived, truly virtuous men became extinct, hypocrites dropped the fig leaf and the scales fell from the eyes of the pedants. With- out exception, they all joined in the scramble for gains(追逐利润的队伍). It is believed that the philosophy of life has changed and a new interpretation of righteousness and gain looms large: seeking material gains is not the exclusive patent of the mean, but a golden rule for all.

"Time is money" is a vogue word nowadays. Nothing is wrong when entrepreneurs apply it to boost productivity. But, when it is worshipped as a motto of life and commercialism takes the place of other wisdom of life, life is then turned into a corporation and, consequently, interpersonal relations into a market.

I used to mock at the cheap "human touch". But, nowadays even the cheap “touch” has become rare and costly. Can you, if I may ask, get a smile, a greeting, or a tiny bit of compassion for free?

Don’t be nostalgic, though. It is in fact of little help if you try to redeem the world or salvage the corrupt minds through
preaching various brands of righteousness. Nevertheless, beyond righteousness and gain, I believe, there are other attitudes towards life; beyond virtue and meanness, there are other individualities. Allow me to coin a sentence in the Confucian style: "A perfect man is concerned with disposition.

Indeed, righteousness and gain, seemingly poles apart, have much essence in common. Righteousness calls for a devotion to the whole society while gain drives one to pursue material interests. In both cases, one’s disposition is over- looked and his true “self” concealed. "Righteousness" teaches one to give while "gain" induces one to take. The former turns one’s life into a process of fulfilling endless obligations while the latter breeds a life-long scramble for wealth and power. We must remember, however, the true value of life is beyond obligations and power. Both righteousness and gain are yoked by calculating minds. That’s why we often find ourselves in a tense interpersonal relationship(紧张的人际关系) whether Mr. Righteousness is commanding or Mr. Gain, controlling.
If "righteousness" stands for an ethical philosophy of life, and "gain," a utilitarian one, what I mean by "disposition" is an aesthetical philosophy of
fife, which advocates taking your disposition as the operational guidance for your fife, whereby everyone is allowed to keep his true "self". You do not five for the doctrines you believe in or the materials you possess. Instead, your true "self" makes you who you are. The true meaning of life lies not in giving or possessing, but in creating, which actively unfolds your true disposition, or, in other words, the emotional gratification you obtain through the exertion of your essential power.

Different from giving, which is the performance of an external responsibility, creating is the realization of one’s true self. The difference between creating and possessing is more than crystal clear. Let’s take creative writing as an example: "Possessing" focuses on the fame or social status a piece of writing may bring, while "creating" highlights the plea- sure in the process of writing. A man of disposition seeks nothing but the communication of feelings while in company, and the cultivation of taste while possessing something. More valuably, in a time when most people are busy hunting for wealth and being hunted by it, a man of disposition is al- ways at ease in social intercourses. Here I' m not talking about the leisure of traditional Chinese scholar-officials, nor the complacency of conservative peasants, but about a peaceful mind coming from a non-materialistic attitude towards life. Using the writing example again, I’ve been wondering why a writer needs to be prolific. If he dreams of being enshrined, an immortal short poem is enough. Otherwise, he could be pretty much satisfied with a carefree life. In this sense, writing is merely a way for such a life.

Bernard Shaw once said, “There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire. The other is to get it." With it I couldn’t agree more. I did admire him for his easy and humorous way in describing the quandary of life. However, a deep ponder over it has brought home to me that Shaw’s standpoint is no other than "possessing", which keeps us stranded in a double dosage tragedy of life: it' s a pain not to possess your heart' s desire, and a tedium, to have possessed it. However, if we shift the standpoint from "possessing" to "creating", and look at life with an esthetic eye, we can interpret Shaw’s words the other way round: there are two comedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire, so you still have the opportunity to seek or create it. The other is to get your heart’s desire, and then you are able to enjoy tasting or experiencing it--Of course, life can never be free from pains, and a wealth hunter can not dream of the sadness of a man who places a premium on his true disposition. However, to be free from the mania for pos- session may at least save you many petty worries and pains, and let you enjoy a graceful life. 1 have no intention to prescribe the esthetic viewpoint as the cure for a corrupt world. I just want to express a belief: there is a life more worth living than the one haunted by righteousness and gain. And, this belief will help me sail through the unpredictable waters of my future life.

This is a graceful essay which is concern on the argument between the “creating” and “possessing”. Many people always pursuit to the righteousness or gain in China as the Confucius says. However, the author points that there is only one thing beyond them that we should concern on creating, which can immerse us in our lives with no any goal. Since in the society with the fashion word that “Time is money”, life is then turned into a corporation and, consequently, interpersonal relations into a market. ”human touch” becomes more rare and costly in this era of money when a number of people are joining in the scramble for gains.
quandary n.窘困,不知所措
no other than 之外没有,只是;正是,就是
stranded a.处于困境
tedium n.单调乏味
premium n.额外费用,附加费
crystal a.水晶般的,清楚的
at ease n.安逸,自由自在
peasant n.农民;粗俗的人
enshrine v.放置或保存某物于;作为神龛以保存某物
immortal a.长生的,名垂千古的
utilitarian n.功利主义的
fife n.横笛
whereby adv.靠那个,凭那个,借以
doctrine n.教条
gratification n.满意,满足
exertion n.努力,费力;运用,行使
conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒,遮住
obligation n.义务,责任,职责
commanding a.指挥的,威严的,居高临下的
nostalgic a.对往事怀恋的,怀旧的,乡愁的
redeem v.实践,履行;补偿;赎回;解救,为赎罪
salvage n. To save from loss or destruction.
corrupt n.堕落的,不道德的
preach v.宣扬,宣传
nevertheless conj.&adv. 然而,尽管如此
virtue n.美德
coin v. To make (pieces of money) from metal; mint or strike:
confucian n.孔门弟子,儒家
mock v.愚弄,嘲弄;使受挫折,蔑视;
vogue a.流行的,时髦的
entrepreneur n.企业家
worship v.崇拜,尊敬;做礼拜,爱慕
motto n.座右铭
commercialism n.商业主义,重商主义
hypocrite n.伪君子
pedant n.书呆子
fig leaf 遮羞布
nosedive v.(价格,费用等)骤降,暴跌
virtuous a.品德高的,善良的,贞洁的,自命不凡的
mean a.吝啬的
righteousness n.正当,正义,正直
Gain n.利润


Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-20 21:06:37 |只看该作者
最近上网不便 非我偷懒也

tooth-and-nail 竭尽全力
leap in 跳进;急于做某事

Filibuster v.

Formality n.形式上的措施

redundancy n.剩余;裁员

margin n.页边空白;边缘,差额

Bipartisan a.两党的,代表两党的

The hope is that tens of million of Americans currently without coverage will now be able to get it, and many tens of millions more, who have insurance but fear losing it through redundancy or ill-health, will have those worries lifted from their shoulders.(没有医疗保险和有医疗保险的群众,两者递进~)

Past history provides them with evidence to back up that claim.


There are two conflicts, the long-term interest and the recent interest, the most people who have no heavy fortune and the little rich. Obama’s health-care reform arise the worry of Republicans that the cost of subsidies has been underestimated and predicted savings will not materialise.
But also the
reform hurts benefit of every chaebol(大财阀). Even though the action contribute the people who currently without coverage or have insurance but fear losing it through redundancy or ill-health , the people who have the high income must pay more taxes , and some doctors , hospital and the pharmaceuticals company will be worried that they may lost some income of treatment. The next huge obligation that Obama should do is to balance the benefit of every social forces.

God should not be thought of as older than the created world but different in his grasp of time in the immediacy of his being.(????后半句看不懂….)

we should say that God is eternal but the world is perpetual.


He has no idea about tomorrow and has already lost his hold on the past.

as Aristotle
(亚里斯多德) says, time had no beginning and has no ending and extends into infinity

the brief and fleeting instant

he sees at once all things that were and are and are to come.

all men are mortal

vision of all things not from the unfolding of the events themselves but from the simplicity of his own perfect knowledge.

God has prescience and is a spectator from on high, and as he looks down in his eternal present, he assigns rewards to the good and punishments to the wicked.

. Lift up your mind in virtue and hope and, in humility, offer your prayers to the Lord.

insofar as 至于,就
inkling n.
divine a.神的,天赐的;极好的
eternal a.永久的,似乎不停的ßàtemporal a.时间的,短暂的=transitory a.不持续的,短暂的,转瞬即逝的
Simultaneous a.同时发生的,同时存在的
immobility n.固定性,静止
cease v.停止,终止,结束
perpetual a.永久的
surpass v.超过,优于
omnipresent a.无所不在的,同时遍在的
providence n.天意,远见
inevitable a.不可避免的
willed a.有某种意志的
theologians n.神宗学家
utterly adv.完全地,彻底地
tantamount a.等于,相似
Be met out 被判刑
In vain 白费地,徒劳无益地
Tell the truth, I didn’t absolutely understand this article about the philosophy. Maybe the goal of article is that we should lift up our mind in virtue and hope and in humility. In order to improve the final purpose of the essay, author said that even though time had no beginning and has no ending and extends into infinity, god can predict that everything happens in the future, and can not changes his decision. It only explain that god has prescience and is a spectator from on high ,and as he looks down in his eternal present, he assigns rewards to the good and punishments to the wicked.

The role of the business school
clamour n.喧哗声
gung-ho n.同心协力,合作

quarters n.地处,岗位
grind v.磨碎;折磨,压迫
esoteric a.神秘的;机密的;难以领略的
elitism n. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.
subtle a. So slight as to be difficult to detect or describe; elusive:
nuance a. A subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning, feeling, or tone; a gradation.
You need the right kind of probing mindset when you attack problems of such complexity
The presence of the visible hand [of regulation] is now more explicit.
interface with
Most of the courses that we teach MBAs have not changed because of the crisis.
the change has come at a higher level.
It was caused by the dynamics of the interplay between big banks and the regulators.

It's not the person that charges ahead and rallies the troops.(
History is very recurrent and we are attending again a move of the pendulum.(漂亮句子!可应用的话题很多)
There are two opposite sides talking about the role of business school in the society. Paul’s main idea is that the change in the role of business school has come at a higher level and the golden rules are still valid. Santiago said that business schools may have a role in preparing members of governments and the administration which can affect the economy of a country. So we should concern on the importance of the courses in business schools. Because of the development of the time, there are the creation of new business—start-ups in fields like technologies, biotechnology, in energy, even in education. We must change or add some courses to meet the demand of these new business’ fields in the business schools. But also, the concepts of risk, the ways of assessing risk have evolved in the past years, he advise the managers to come back to schools ,which cannot just rely on what they learned 30 years ago in their MBA programmes.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-5 11:14:21 |只看该作者


Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-5 11:14:41 |只看该作者


RE: 1006G[REBORN FROM THE ASHES组]备考日记 by 中原527--战胜自己 [修改]
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1006G[REBORN FROM THE ASHES组]备考日记 by 中原527--战胜自己
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