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[主题活动] issue第6类同主题写作 8月22-23日 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-23 00:45:02 |只看该作者
In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

The claim shows that discussion among people who have opposing viewpoint could lead progress in any situation. Although this statement is too absolute to including multiple levels and varying areas, we cannot deny that skepticism is not a radical way of thinking, but a logical thought process. Hence, in my view of point, people should discern that in which situation contrasting points benefits the development and aware that how to make good utilize of this contradictions.

Admittedly, under many circumstances, disagreement with others will waste a lot of time and impede the progress of learning.
-        People who has predisposition of manifesting himself has little interest in acknowledging the merits of the opponent’s viewpoint.
        e.g. radio talk show, people are busy in expressing their own minds and thoughts.
-        Although people have his disagreement massages heard, those who has personalities without assertiveness will follow these massive massages and change their own decision, so that they cannot persist their direction and fail to achieve their dreaming accomplishment.
        e.g. One of my best friends Cinderella, who follows her mother’s advance and quits from the further study in postgraduate school for a well-paid banker position, complains that she have regretted this decision ever since.

On the other hand, however, it is imperative that skepticism is a healthy outlook that advances human knowledge in personal, community or global level.
-        personal level: to be more creative, avoid to be a dogmatic and rigid person.
-        community level: controversy reveals the complexity of regional problems.
        e.g. To solve the current environmental problem, the teamwork in a project includes cooperation between meteorologists and statisticians to deal with the model explanation and data analysis.
-        global level: two nation, mutually beneficial agreements by understanding the other’s legitimate concerns for its national security, as well as the stability of its economy and finance environment.

Moreover, It requires some proposed skills to accept the doubts more efficiently, as well as make good utilize of this adversarial comments.
-        scientists, e.g. all believe the world is flat.
-        scientific methods, motivated by doubt, curiosity.

Admittedly, under many circumstances, disagreement with others will waste a lot of time and impede the progress of learning. People who has predisposition of manifesting himself has little interest in acknowledging the merits of the opponent’s viewpoint. For instance, in some debate radio talk show, people who are busy in expressing their own minds and thoughts have implacable contradictions for one statement. This contradiction is a good method to catch people’s eyes, but neither the combatants nor the viewers can learn anything meaningful in clamorous opposing massages. Additionally, although people have his disagreement massages heard, those who has personalities without assertiveness will follow these massive massages and change their own decision, so that they cannot persist their direction and fail to achieve their dreaming accomplishment. One of my best friends Cinderella, who follows her mother’s advance and quits from the further study in postgraduate school for a well-paid banker position, complains that she have regretted this decision ever since.
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美国offer勋章 建筑offer勋章

发表于 2017-8-23 02:55:56 |只看该作者
Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own.
Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

TS: It is hard for one to learn from another with different belief systems, different value systems or even different ways of thinking.

I strongly agree that it is much harder for us to learn from people with contradictory views than those who share similar ideas. Basically, if we don't share the same belief or values system, there will be no common grounds on which we can develop an open discussion. Moreover, even if we share a common value system and thus free from some fundamental disagreements, we may still learn more from ones with similar ways of thinking than one, because of the same methodology or tools we use.

ts1: It is almost impossible for people to reach a consensus whey they share different belief systems. Generally, one's belief system, such as a religious one, is a set of transcendental moral orders, which cannot be proved or disproved by mere facts.
-Theists and atheists cannot persuade each other in a debate of "whether God exists".
-In this case, we cannot agree with the premises of their opinions, let alone learning anything from an open discussion.

ts2: Hardly can we learn from people with different value systems. Although in this case, an open debate is possible, we can hardly agree with ones who stand a different ground.
-Some people are ideal ones, while others tend to be more practical. It is hard for them to adopt the way  in doing things from each other
e.g. supporters for the left wing or the right wing?  

ts3: It's also hard for us to learn from people with different way of thinking.
-Some one tend to make decisions based on their feelings, while others on their logical thinking.
e.g. artists v. scientists

Hardly can we learn from people with different value systems. Although in this case, an open debate is possible, we can hardly agree with ones who stand a different ground. From a psychological perspective, people can be divided into two major groups: idealists and realists. For the former, they tend to cling to their beliefs and not to compromise too much; while the realists take what the world is and make their decisions according to the reality. Such cases are so common among each presidential election. For example, sometimes supporters of the left wing, labeled as idealists, admit that a financial policy from a right wing leader, who may be a realist, is more effective in boosting the GDP, but they may not accept it if the policy affects fairness. So without common interest, the two sides cannot develop an pleasant discussion, and thus one is naturally reluctant to learn the methodology from the other side.

your topic sentence addresses the keywords in the issue statement well!
第一句呼应了key words

首先第一个分类——老师和学生,与商人和科学家并列并不是很convincing。为什么在课堂上就不能从相反观点中受益呢?如果要论证这个观点,例子上可能就要下很大功夫了。你说学生vulnerable and easily be influenced,那么如果老师提出了错误观点,学生不就会被带沟里去吗?也许你直接写三个反面观点更容易些?

Choose a better position or point
ts比较明确,但其中的论证需要更强一些。为什么商人就可以从中stay active而上段的学生就不可以呢?而且商人似乎是要利益最大化,最后是要以make a deal为目标的。如果你这段换成政治家会如何呢?


论证和衔接实在挑不出什么毛病。但从常识来看,青少年也不全是vulnerable的,你的这个观点就相当于忽视了青少年independent thinking的可能性,也忽视了人群中的差异性。如果换个角度写,比如青少年更感性,所以更重视和伙伴融洽的氛围?由于集体生活时间较多,一个默契的伙伴更容易成为互相学习的对象?
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美国offer勋章 建筑offer勋章

发表于 2017-8-23 10:33:20 |只看该作者
34) In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Whether or not different views from various positions shape people’s own thoughts and make further progress depends on which context we are involved in. From my perspective, fields like science and politics always benefit from discussion and contradiction, while when things come to religion, progress relys on whether both sides hold the same premise.

First of all, science thrives and blooms owing to debates and disagreement. As we know, progresses are not always coming smooth and straight. It is paradox and discussions that make theories from different sides waning or strong. For example, once there were fierce debates about whether light was wave or particle. Scientists who argued that light was particle designed an experiment to demonstrate that wave theory was wrong. However, it was that perfect experiment meant to refute the other side that in fact proved light shows the characteristic of wave, which, indeed made physicians achieve great knowledge and insight of light. Such scrutinizing and learning opportunity might not be available if everyone hold the same opinion. Hence, contracting theories tend to make people revive about the facts and then draw up a profound conclusion.

Second, in terms of politics, discussions always lead to harmony where people hold different positions reconcile and achieve a consensus. For example, citizens complained about public cars especially purchased for officers were too expensive, where raised an argument whether government should buy cars for officers. Officers claimed that they needed cars to investigate the city. Citizens learned that letting officers use government cars could raise the efficiency, while officers realized they did not have to drive luxury cars. Thus, after both sides stated their requirements and divergence, a fairer policy was made. This policy not only cuts down the budget for cars, but also ensures officers have cars when they need at work. Through such communication, people from both sides will realize that disagreement can be better understood and handled by promoting mutual respect. Hence, things are getting better when two sides have divergence and then make an agreement.    

Third, when people talk about religions, it is not always making sense. Chances are when an atheist runs into a Christian, they will question each other’s premise. Things like gods and superpower can not be convincingly proved, so they may end in meaningless discussions and fights. Nevertheless, people who enjoy the same religion may hold different views. For example, some buddhists enjoy discussing a certain issue, citing quips form Buddha. This kind of contradiction always goes smoothly because both sides want to revive their thoughts and learn from others, and when they get questioned, they will make their reasoning more rational and logical.

In conclusion, contradiction and divergence add insight into fields like science and politics. Nonetheless, we also need to keep in mind that people have different religions may smother the progress with violence and irrationality.

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发表于 2017-8-23 10:54:50 |只看该作者
前意识的斑点 发表于 2017-8-23 00:18
Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals.

Writ ...

4were being saved,being去掉
6开头主旨句“Thus, it is important to pick sagacious politicians with smart policies.”侧重挑选,与整篇文章内容有些偏差,文章侧重politicians应该实际,实际会带来什么好处,建议修改主旨句,使之更贴近整篇文章的内容。主旨句后面的句子,感觉与文章联系不紧密,建议换成中间段的topic sentences.
7结尾段To some politicians后面的内容感觉与整篇文章联系也不紧密,建议换成对中间段的总结归纳。
9从整篇文章来说,中间段讲social structure, economy and quixotic ideas,最后这个跟前面两个不是并列关系,个人感觉为了文章更有逻辑性,可以另选一个并列的例子,比如 politics

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发表于 2017-8-23 12:51:54 |只看该作者
Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own.
Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

People usually learn new knowledge from social groups in which someone share similar ideas while the others don’t. Virtually we learn both from them. Many of us may feel curious about weather we learn more from our supporters or from the contradictory ones. I believe we learn more from those whose views contradict ours. Because in political field, opponents point out our weakness which in turn helps people realize their deficiency. In economic field, different choice may make people more profitable. Meanwhile, in university, tutor’s advice improves students’ researches.

To begin with, in political field, opponents always point out other candidates’ weakness. During the campaign year, Hilary raised up a relaxed immigration polity showing that immigrants are welcome in America. However, Trump raised an opposite one which is limited in accepting new immigrants and sets a high standard for ones who have already been in America. Trump’s group obviously recognized the potential problems immigrants might bring like safety issue. Immigrants would also occupy resources of native America. So he offered a new strict polity based on the weakness of Hilary’s. However, Hilary, from Trump’s reaction, would also realize her deficiency and might provide other policies to compensate it. From the opponents’ accusation, one would recognize his weakness and ameliorate it.

In addition, in economic field, different choice would benefit people. It is common that if one farmer makes fortune by growing grapes last year, lots of farmer would change to grow grapes this year in order to make more money. However, there are still other people choosing to grow other plants like crops and apples. At the end of this year, it turns out that people who grows grapes tend to lose money because there are so many grapes, so grapes cannot sell for high price and they are hard to be sold. People who grow crops and apples, by contrast, would earn more than them, because there are not many of their plants. In economic field, people who grow different plants from most of the others would benefit more, because fewer sell for high.

Last but not least, in university, tutor’s advice would facilitate students’ research. Tutors seldom agree with students completely because students are usually unprofessional and have deficiencies. Tutors, through giving them useful advice, would help to diminish their deficiencies and improve the validity. Disagreement between them doesn’t inhibit students from learning, instead it improves them to be more comprehensive. So disagreement helps improve students’ researches through making up their shortcomings.

To draw a conclusion, people always learn more from those has contradictory ideas against them. In political field, politicians ameliorate their policies based on opponents’ accusation. In economic fields, farmers make more money because of choosing a different plant to grow. In university, tutor’s disagreements finally help improve the validity of students’ researches.
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发表于 2017-8-23 13:08:18 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 绿山墙的小豆豆 于 2017-8-24 00:26 编辑

34) In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

It is true that healthy discussion among people holding diverse points of view could make progress as providing constructive opinions, especially in the academic exploration process and the negotiation among international issues. However, the premise should the healthy and constructive discussion. If talking about people’s religions, cultural traditions or other beliefs issue, the opposite voice hardly bring development otherwise instead turbulence. Therefore, whether progress or not depends on different situation.

Every considerable breakthrough in academic area could not escape the debates among scientists and researchers.
Eg 1. there is no lack of sharp opposite force in peer review articles after a new research publishing.
Eg.2 argue among research team to make up the limitation

In the diplomatic relationship, countries own benefits always triggers fierce discussions among international meetings, which negation maintain the balance and peace of the whole world.
E.g. China, South Korea, North Korea, US, Japan and Russia’s Six Party talks purpose is to facility the peaceful solution of North Korea’s nuclear issue.

However, not all the situations allow human to make progress through sharing opposite ideas. Beliefs, cultural traditions and values’ arguments are seldom possible to obtain developmental solution finally. It’s the same difficulties to let atheist to believe the exist of gods from Bible as letting the Muslin to agree with that god in the Bible is the only real god in the world. The arguments of true god bring Muslin and Christian with restless blooding fighting and turbulence life for people. From the Crusades to modern banning of burkini, all these are the problems from opposite opinions. There is either no right or wrong for each other or space to let each other to let argue going. Our world should include all kinds of values and beliefs, we do not to discuss instead of understanding and celebrate.  


1. 主题段
a. 没有回扣关键词 elusive idea
For a long time, there has been a debate whether politicians should pursue common ground and consensus, or their own ideals. Indeed, both sides contain something advantageous and disadvantageous, which is typical for an issue of politics. Therefore, when it comes to such questions, we should avoid the worst possible outcomes. In this respect, although ideal sounds tempting, it has the potential to generate great evil. 
可见你想用their own ideas 去解释elusive idea,但解释并没有更清楚,概念也没有更明显。

2. 分论点
T1 elusive idea 没有定义,也不是one's,不准确,是 politicians, 或者再定义怎样的politicians
To begin with, the worst potential of pursuing one’s elusive ideal is that it may devolve into totalitarianism. 
希特勒的例子怎么现实他hold exclusive idea需要例子里阐释清楚,不然这个例子就是跑题了,只说明个人的观点不理性

T2 后半句转折太突然,导致跑题,建议先能用例子解释清楚前半句论点。
On the other hand, seeking common ground is also difficult, since there are so many disputes in the world. However, through education and constructing public sphere, we can attempt to lessen the gap. 

T3 这个论点是削弱了你的主论点,建议要加让步或转折来专注于主论点
Most importantly, even if seeking common ground is also difficult, it will not generate worse outcome.
e.g. Adam Smith – invisible hand

3. 句子间联系

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发表于 2017-8-23 17:27:09 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 wanghaitao199391 于 2017-8-23 17:38 编辑

Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own.
Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
Opinions vary greatly regarding where the knowledge come from: are they from those agree with us or those whose views contradict our own? The claim and reason suggest that our knowledge is derivative from consensus rather than divergence, and disagreement would occlude the spring of learning. While, it may be true that agreement can largely shape our intellectual, from my respective, disagreement also plays a role that cannot by overlooked.
Admittedly, as the claim asserts that being gregarious and pursuing sense of belonging in groups distinguishes us from animals, and our gratification culminates in the activities where others share the same ambition with us.
Eg: the first European settlers voyaging on May Flower to North America earth had the same dream of fulfilling their individual value by utilizing their talents and potentials to the maximum in a fair and free continent.
However, the reason of disagreement prohibiting knowledge is doubtful. Disagreement is equally important to enhance our cognition from another angle different from agreement because life is not full of accordance, actually, life is fraught with people of diverse ideas and opinions which is determined by their different backgrounds and environment they come from.
Eg: it is common that scientists with different research methods draw conflict theories, can we think they won’t bear and fruit of knowledge? Of course no. Because of their divergence and restless debates about the truth, we get comprehensible knowledge about the unknown.
What’ more, there is not a totally consensus with others, but this difference compel us to utilize different approaches to understand ourselves and acquire  a sense of sympathy and comprehension.
Eg: Martin Luther King, who fought for racial equality, once maintained that difference between races should not lead to discrimination and combat, but should be seen as a opportunity by which we can respect mutually.
To sum up, while I agree with the issue’s claim, I reserve my approval of its reason. That is to say, our knowledge come through both debates with others holding a contrasting viewpoint and the people sharing our opinions.

点评楼上绿山墙的小豆豆 同学:
1.首段点明了自己的立场,做到了revise your topic sentence to address the keywords in the issue statement 而且improve the thesis statement by summarizing your main points。
2.在每一分段好像没有revise the topic sentence to better summarize the body paragraph,我感觉只是陈述了事实和例子,没有k论证,或许应该给出一些动词来Strengthen the argument with better reasoning。
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发表于 2017-8-23 18:43:50 |只看该作者
34) In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Because of the complexity of society ,It's necessary for us to discuss with people who have various points to make  progress.When talking about the science and research, discussing with people who have contrasting points of view can help us to examine our theory criticaly and the veracity of the data through their input. In the costume designing area, it's also of great importance to talking with people who have different opinions to learn from each other in mutual emulation and maintain the diversity and prosperity of costume designing. What's more, in the progress of  policymaking, we need more different views of people who stand for respective interests to think more comprehensively .

ts1.In the context of science and research, we can actually make progress by learning from people who holds disparate views as discussing with them can motivate us to review the reliability and veracity of our theory and data criticaly.

eg,The heliocentric of Copernicus Vs geocentrism /   to know and understand the world more scientificly/ It's great progress for the whole society and human beings.

ts2 When it comes to the costume designing, discussing with people who holds different opinions on design philosophy can cultivate the designers to find designing inspiration and form the unique designing style which keeps the diversity and prosperity of the costume desining. As we alll know, the fashion shows are a communication platform where the designers can draw a lesson on the various  costume designings of others to find the new designing inspiration that no one has drawn before and form a unique designing style .For example, 3D printing fashion show gives the designers a new thought in the production of costumes as 3D printing is more advantageous than traditional technology in the production and processing of products, especially in the aspect of raw material consumption. The designers can learn much from this fashion show where they can meet many different costume designings from their own and even find new designing inspiration.If they can add new elements into 3D costumes ,they will creat a unique designing style which makes them outstanding in the area of costume designing and revitalizes the tradition costume designing .

ts3:In addition, in the process of policy making, different views on the policy of people who is on behalf of respective interests offer us a chance to think more comprehensively and objectively.The Democratic Party usually starts from the interests of the civilian population, while the republican party is more representative of the business and the middle class. Therefore, when making a new policy,  democrats and republicans need to discuss different issues in congress and compromise to find the best policy.


1)作者观点很新颖,整体框架结构清晰明朗,从三个方面(human's nature/society/ history  )具体分析.
3)语言方面没有太大差错,就是开头段最后一句:As they vary in their assumptions about human, society and history, which serve as the basis of their reasoning.似乎是SS句子结构的问题。可以修改为Their assumptions  that are various in human, society and history  serve as the basis of their reasoning.

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发表于 2017-8-23 19:59:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 猜cc 于 2017-8-24 14:12 编辑

34) In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


As we all know, most progress of human being are acheived by discussions among people holding opposite views, that's also how the academic world works, naming the publishing system. Scholars need to publish what they have found out, and wait for others to criticize it. With the process of debating, the scholar will make amendments to his orginal view. That's how we improve our knowledge.However, if the debate is happening among people with different paradigm, it will produce nothing but meaningless quarrels. As they vary in their assumptions about human, society and history, which serve as the basis of their reasoning.

TS1:The diologue between people who take various position about the nature of human will be unprofitable, let alone give rise to any advancement.
the rational choice theory: assume that human's action is driven by interest VS Talcott Parsons, the exponent of structural functionalism, suppose that people's behaviour is just the representation of the culture they are in.

TS2: It would also be unproductive for people with divergent opinions about what makes a good society to argue with each other.
The dispute between left-wing and right-wing scholars in China.
The left wing, believe in a more equal society; the right wing, fight for a freer socity.

TS3: If people have different suppositions about the development of history, it's also impossible for them to launch a fruitful conversation.
Karl Marx, one of the most influential theorist of modernism, take the basic view that history is linear and progressive;
Micheal Faucalt, believe that history is incontinuous.

The dialogue between people who take various position about the nature of human will be unprofitable, let alone give rise to any advancement. History is replete with evidence to prove it. in sociology field, there is a famous theory called rational choice theory. It assumes that people’s action is driven by their interest, which means they will only do something after careful calculation.  

主题句还不够提炼,没有总结本段内容,也还可以更紧扣主题。如主题句1总结你本段的观点,可以改为For those people with little interest with others’ opinions or with little assertiveness in their personality, contrasting view will never foster progress. 主题句2有点偏题,skepticism并不必然代表别人对你的怀疑和反对意见,更多是指自己对各种理论和观点的怀疑,主题句2,3可以照前述方式修改。

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发表于 2017-8-23 20:10:45 |只看该作者
issue 60/151

Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

Many people hold the value that wise policies result from common ground and reasonable consensus of politicians, regarding elusive ideals as nothing but dissonance. The statement supports this idea, advocating that politicians should pursue the consensus. This kind of suggestion is too absolute to persuade me to agree with it, as a consequence of which I will discuss the topic from three specific directions.
In the first place, there exists a common sense that the majority has a larger probability to hold the truth when compared with the minority. Therefore, it is understandable that politicians would seek the consensus which the majority could understand and support. If the ideal is elusive, it means that many people would find that it is hard for them to have a clue about the reasoning and the purpose, which can be considered as wrong or irrational. Many politicians in the World War 2, for instance, had clear mind that peace is the ultimate answer for the wellbeing of human beings on earth, while the few had a mindset to conquer the rest and harry the resources. In this case, politicians should follow the will of the majority and ignore the elusive ideals because it would result in total disaster. From this point, it is necessary for politicians to pursue the common ground.
On the other hand, choosing common ground or consensus is not equal to being reasonable and wise. Example, space exploration and implementing the policy to clean up corruption.
Last but not the least, politicians should make their judgment depending on the wellbeing of the majority and a more comprehensive understanding of the circumstance. No matter which one can benefit the majority of the people, it can be the wise one to follow. Example, engaging the Korean War by Chairman Mao, Reform and Openness Policy by Xiaoping Deng.

Given the discussion above, it does not matter whether politicians choose the common ground or otherwise. What actually matters is that if the decision for the sake of the benefits and wellbeing of the majority. In a word, politicians can make wise decisions according to the common ground as well as elusive ideals if they take all the factors and risks into considerations and want to perform well on the duty.

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发表于 2017-8-23 21:08:30 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 eerri2000 于 2017-8-24 19:30 编辑

118) We can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.   

We always meet different views from others when we handle a certain  problem. These views could be agreeable with or contradictory to our perspectives. I think we can always learn much from those whose  opinions conflict with ours.

   We usually take more attention on the correctness of our own views  when there are some opinions that are different from ours, while keep  less alter if no opponents appear.

    Disparate views are especially important in academic fields. Peer reviews are always needed to judge whether the papers submitted are suitable for publication. In the process of reviewing, opposed opinions are sent to the authors. The authors would know the dificiency of their work, and then make some revisions.

     In the field of education, opposed views are also important. Good teachers would always encourage their students to take a humble attitude to listen to others opinions, especially when these opinions are disparate from their own. They tell their students to figure out why these views defy their own and think about what could be added or deleted to improve their view.

Paragraph for TP1

  We usually take more attention on the correctness of our own views  when there are some opinions that are different from ours, while keep less alter if no opponents appear. Researches show that human would  become more alter when we in a strange environment. When we are  given a view that is different from ours, we will tend to, which is instinct for us human, consider whether this theory or idea is correct or false. In this process, we could then learn much more since this view provide us with a  new way, no matter whether the idea is right or incorrect, to solve the problem. Actually, a wisdom person would welcome every contradictory views. They use these opinions to revise and improve their own idea. No one could take all the possibilities into account at the very beginning, the opposed views could give us different solutions and push us to work out a better way to solve problems.

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发表于 2017-8-23 21:31:00 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 HelloC424 于 2017-8-23 21:36 编辑

34 In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

George Bernard Shaw was once said:" if you have an apple and I have an apple, we exchange the apples, we both still only have one apple; but if you have a thought and I have a sought, we exchange thoughts, we each now have two thoughts."  I cannot agree more that discussion between people who have different ideas will facilitate progress no matter in what fields. I am going to elaborate the reasons about my opinion from three different fields: business, science and even political areas.

Ts1:In business world, discussion will help a project to correct mistakes and be beneficial to the development of the company. For example, there are lots of different projects for the managers of the company to concern which is potential and deserve to be invested. Thus, ambivalent opinions will be held by different managers out of different concerning, discussion will be indispensable. Through discussion about every advantage or shortcomings different projects have, managers will have better understandings of which project will benefit the company whether immediately or in a long-run, and which project will be the most economical as well as the most suitable and high-quality. Clearly, managers or CEOs will give a much more wise determination after they have a discussion. Therefore, discussion between people who have contradictory opinions will help them reach to a consensus or promote mutual understandings.

ts2:As we all known, discussions between academics or scientists are regularly and will promote the development of scientific field too.
ep:whether there is other aliens or human in the other planets in the universe.

ts3: Discussion in the political areas will promote the understanding of a specific topic or issue in the public.
Gay or lesbian marriage.


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发表于 2017-8-23 21:31:51 |只看该作者
issue 60/151
Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

For a long time, there has been a debate whether politicians should pursue common ground and consensus, or their own ideals. Indeed, both sides contain something advantageous and disadvantageous, which is typical for an issue of politics. Therefore, when it comes to such questions, we should avoid the worst possible outcomes. In this respect, although ideal sounds tempting, it has the potential to generate great evil.

To begin with, the worst potential of pursuing one’s elusive ideal is that it may devolve into totalitarianism.
e.g. Hitler
Thus, to reconcile with one’s ideal and public good of the whole society, the politician must be rational, experienced, and smart. That is to say, such politician himself is already an impossible ideal.

On the other hand, seeking common ground is also difficult, since there are so many disputes in the world. However, through education and constructing public sphere, we can attempt to lessen the gap.

Most importantly, even if seeking common ground is also difficult, it will not generate worse outcome.
e.g. Adam Smith – invisible hand
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发表于 2017-8-23 21:36:35 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 youzi42 于 2017-8-23 22:33 编辑

34) In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

我写提纲时搭建框架所用的方法是第3种 细化situation分为三个:academic field; making important decisions in business; court


  As the statement suggests, in any situation, progress requires discussion among those who have contradict point. While more and more people are reluctant to face those ideas which are different from theirs, we can't deny the fact that the discussion between people who have whole different views are indeed vital and necessary. This proposal can be applied to many situations, in the academic filed,by this discussion, it can help the scholars form a more critical thinking in the debate; for the businessmen, by listening to the managers's discussion concerning different ideas, they can evaluate situation more clearly and comprehensively and thus makes a wise investment; in the court, how the two sides valid their testimony helps the judge to make the final disinterested decision.

In the academic field, the process of discussing contradicted ideas is necessary.
scholars, researchers
it can help the scholars form a more critical thinking in this progress.

The rule also well fit in the business, before the businessmen makes important decisions.
before making important decisions, the businessmen can benefit from the debate of contrasted points of view, since it helps them evaluate situation more clearly and comprehensively

The statement also takes an important part in the court, where the process happens every day before the final judgment is made.
by finding the paradox in these testimonies and evaluating which one is more compelling, the judges can make more dispassionate judgment.

  The statement also takes an important part in the court, where the debate happens every day before the final judgment is made.Letting the people from different views express their reasons, the justice of the law manifests.By finding the paradox in these testimonies and evaluating which one is more compelling, the judges can make more dispassionate  judgment, and behaves less partial.Thus, we can't overlook the vital and necessary position the debate of contrasting points of view holds.

开头:different choice 我觉得这个分论点没有很好地体现对立的观点,更多的体现的是多样性;tutor's advice 我觉得这个可以拓展的再详细一点,比如说批评和认可的advice 单单讲advice有点笼统了。

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发表于 2017-8-23 22:13:59 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 SilverB 于 2017-8-23 22:20 编辑

34) In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

我写提纲时搭建框架所用的方法是第3种 细化situation分为三个:academic, diplomacy and policy formulation

I agree with the statement that progress needs discussions of different perspective and views, especially the contrasting point of view. The progress of human civilization is based on the science and technology. All these things need different points of view to refresh the human knowledge system. As for countries, containing many contrasting views, policy formulation determines the development of a country. In diplomacy, the discussion is indispensable for a  more peaceful and stable international order. Anyway, the discussion is necessary to progress, whatever in the academic, diplomacy and policy formulation.

In scientific researches, the discussion among peers who holding different views can generally test own theory and learn from the other side of the new perspective.
eg: the China south sea conflict of China, the United State, and Japan

In the field of diplomacy, this discussion from different perspectives is indispensable. Different countries appeal to their own benefits in the discussion, and after Consultation with other countries,  each country can be peaceful and healthy development.
eg: The field of social sciences, qualitative research, and quantitative research scholars need to learn from each other.

In the process of policy formulation, different parties put forward the opposite views, the discussion will promote national progress.
eg: Democrats and Republicans need to discuss different issues in Congress which build a more efficient country.

In the process of policy formulation, different parties put forward the opposite views, the discussion will promote national progress.(Point) As we all know, Democrats and Republicans need to discuss different issues in Congress which build a more efficient country.(Information) Indeed, Democrat always argues for the interests of the civilian population, while Republicans represent merchants and middle class.(Information) As the result of the views of each party is not satisfactory to the other, both of them have to meet somewhere in the middle to that is fair to both factions. (Information) The compromise makes the more efficient country and more satisfied people than an autocratic party.(Elaboration)


1. 自己在政治和国家方面的语料积累不足,所以写的时候特别困难,初次计时写出来的很糟糕,后经过修改以后得到该文。
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