tesolchina 发表于 2016-8-18 18:45:32

neoweb 发表于 2016-8-18 12:52 static/image/common/back.gif
8月9 ...

谢谢 我加你进高分学员榜了

H4_眼瞳 发表于 2016-8-27 15:07:23

tesolchina 发表于 2015-5-5 18:28 static/image/common/back.gif
30) Teachers' salaries should be based on their students' academic performance.
Write a response in ...


There is no doubt that in modern society, teachers play a significant role in the growth of their students. To encourage teachers to pay more attention to teaching, it is argued that teachers' compensation should be based on academic achievement of their students. I strongly disagree with this proposal as this policy will bring about some adverse effects on teaching as well as learning and damage the education system in the long term. Moreover, such a compensation scheme for teachers is unfair and unreasonable since students' academic performance depends on a variety of factors in addition to teachers' instructions.

If students' academic performance is considered as the standard of teachers' salaries, it is of great possibility that teachers will exhibit some unreasonable behaviors, which do harm to students. For one thing, most teachers may focus exclusively on preparing their students for tests. For example, as English tests stipulated by Chinese government lay great emphasis on listening and reading, teachers are inclined to improve students' techniques for those tests while neglecting the fact that writing and speaking is equally important in language using. As a result, although a great number of students do well in those English tests, they are unable to communicate effectively in English. In addition, some teachers may even treat students unfairly. They would attach special attention to intelligent students but care little about ordinary ones. In this case, a large number of average students are not likely to receive good education which they are supposed to have.

Another problem with such a compensation scheme is that it would distort the education system in the long run. Under this policy, most teachers would only be concerned with their students' academic results. Then, the education system would become test-driven instead of ability oriented. However, the primary goal of education should be to prepare students to be qualified people rather than test-taking machines. In other words, teachers are not only duty-bound to teach students knowledge and skills prescribed by the syllabi, but have the responsibility to develop students in many other important aspects, i.e. how to deal with different kinds of people.

Some people may insist that this proposed policy will create financial incentives for teachers to devote more time and energy to education. While this may be true to some extent, it is necessary to figure out that this policy is hard to implement when it comes to some real situations. As students are not tantamount to industrial products, their knowledge and skills cannot be exactly evaluated. Even though tests scores students receive can, to some degree, reflect their ability, how could we determine how much effects teachers have made on those grades? It is self-evident that students' academic success depends on a variety of factors, such as talent, passion and family background, besides teachers' instructions. That is to say, there are situations that some students perform poorly in schoolwork even though their teachers have spared no effect to help them, while others do well in schoolwork without much help of teachers who are irresponsible. Therefore, basing salaries and remuneration of teachers on students' academic achievement is apparently not fair and reasonable.

In conclusion, I do not believe that students' academic performance should be regarded as the basis of teachers' salaries because such a policy will have a negative influence on both teachers and students and will even deform the education system. Meanwhile, this policy is unfair and unreasonable to carry out with regard to the fact that many other factors affect students' academic achievement beyond the control of teachers.

H4_眼瞳 发表于 2016-8-27 16:30:20

H4_眼瞳 发表于 2016-8-27 15:07 static/image/common/back.gif

There i ...


parrotking 发表于 2016-8-27 22:34:19

tesolchina 发表于 2014-10-29 21:09 static/image/common/back.gif
Argument2、The following appeared as part of a letter to the editor of a scientific journal.
"A rec ...


parrotking 发表于 2016-8-31 22:04:02

tesolchina 发表于 2015-8-13 12:04 static/image/common/back.gif
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to deci ...


tesolchina 发表于 2016-8-31 22:14:21

parrotking 发表于 2016-8-31 22:04 static/image/common/back.gif

这道题好奇怪 我居然没有抄完整的题目 晚点再看看

parrotking 发表于 2016-9-1 00:37:17


spring9218 发表于 2016-9-3 15:32:50


万卡 发表于 2016-9-4 08:16:31


C.W.Zhang 发表于 2016-9-4 15:31:53

直到只剩下五天的时候在寄托上看到王老师的帖子,简直有一种茅塞顿开的感觉! 瞬间后悔看了那么十几天李建林.......最后一个星期基本都在狂刷王老师的范文和提纲,里面的思路真的对我非常有帮助。可能因为最后一周花在V上的时间上少了,最后只考到157+170,但是作文上了4,对理工科学生,总的来看也算是满意了。
PS. 看王老师的简历在华科任教过呀,本人也是渣科学生~

mrtreeclinical 发表于 2016-9-7 10:23:20

本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2018-5-3 20:13 编辑



3. GRE写作5分训练指南
        另外我用了score it now评分。但其实感觉很不准。我曾用了完全和题目无关的作文score it now依然给打了4分。所以score it now只能帮助你完善结构,对于内容来说,帮助不大。
        3.1 关于instructions和模板
        3.1.1 issue的instructions
        我认为对于issues只有三种类型,一种是分类讨论(你别管它是discuss ways in which hold true or not,还是advantageous or not,都是分类讨论,思路上相似的,区别只在具体行文),第二种是most compelling reason(这种instructions必须先提自己观点,再说别人可能怎么反驳,再证明别人的反驳是无效的),第三种是reason和claim类。
        这三种instructions中最容易的就是most compelling reason,因为中间三到四段的结构已经给你定好了:1-2段你的观点,1段简要说明反方会用什么论据和论点来反驳你,再用一段话说明反方无效。写着特别爽。
        3.1.2 argument的instructions
        3.1.3 模板
        第二个建议:主体部分要尽量保证段与段之间的联系,但如果很难想的话,个人认为直接套模板写三个主体段也是可以的。一般在逐层递进的写法中,我倾向于用“To begin with, granted that+ 第一段assumption成立, even if+ 前两段assumptions成立”作为三段的开始,以便让考官感到很明显的段内联系。
        结尾:(第三个建议:不能跟开头一模一样。)、我个人很喜欢使用的是:In conclusion, although the author has very good intention to promote the selling of their products (具体化地写)/ although this argument appears to be plausible (没时间时的写法), a close scrutiny reveals that the aforementioned assumptions (前面提到的假设) should be carefully examined before we determine if the suggestion/argument/reasoning is tenable.

        3.2 关于如何练习写作
        一,提纲练习。无数前人整理过了无数机经、出题频率由高按低排的手册。提纲练习主要目的是培养思路,不要太追究细节。1天至少过1个argument和一个issue的提纲。我在考场遇到的题目似乎是“国家强大与否主要看它是否照顾了general welfare而不是艺术和科技的发展”,我是第一次看到这个题目,我最后选择了分发展中国家和发达国家讨论,所以我没有硬挤出三个body paragraphs,而是把中间两段写得非常地详细。
        二,段内展开练习。个人认为段内展开练习是尤其重要的,很大程度上决定了写作是4分还是5分。对比我考试前写的跟开始准备作文时写的,我觉得最大的差异就在于段内展开的水平不同。好的段内展开让你永远不会词穷。熟悉结构化+连接词是这部分训练的目的。Transition word很重要,transition word很重要,transition word很重要。
        比如,body的第一段我通常会“to begin with+ 观点 + as/since 理由(若太长了就分成两句,用as for the reasons)”。然后是道理论证,接着是举例论证。道理论证通常用“If …”的结构,觉得需要的话可以反着也说一下“on the contrary …”。举例论证通常用“Consider …, who ….”。然后写清楚例子。接着说明例子如何符合道理论证和本段的观点,同样可以用“if…”的结构。最后,用“therefore + 结论”结束该段。有时候中间也可以用”without …”的结构来进行论证某事物的重要性。并列的例子用likewise和similarly连接。转折的例子用however, nevertheless和on the contrary连接。
        ①It is important, if not indispensable, to …
        ③As far as I am concerned, whether … depends on …. 这是我常用的全文主旨句。
        ④Some people may argue, to ..(插入语), xxx. 这是我常用的most compelling reason那一段的开头句。
        ⑤有时变换句式,用一些简单的This is to blabla的短句,也有一种句式不单调的感觉。
        ⑥我常用一些gre的词汇来写作,比如lucrative,indispensable,desirable,stagnation(经济停滞),impertinent,grandiloquent(批评argument时用)等等。再此不一一列举,大家在背gre单词时可以在表格里用某种颜色标注一下那些你觉得可能适合你写作用的词汇,然后查几个句子,自己也写几个句子,基本上每次考试就都能用上一些好词汇了。但必须强调的是,没有把握的词汇坚决不用,拼写错误没意思。另外,同义词掌握也很重要,比如你在写argument时常需要表达可靠不可靠的意思,那unquestionable, reliable, plausible, tenable, sound, does not hold true等等都可以替换着使用。
        最后关于写句子灌水。请有水平地灌水,我认为靠扩充“我认为”的词数来加字数很流氓,也不流畅。北美范文里的To support this point we need to look no further than…. /To bolster my argument, we need to look no further on /To the refute argument, we need to look no further on,我坚决不用。哪怕你用个It is important to bear in mind that,读起来都比那些明明用for example就能代替了的灌水句子要好多了吧。另外,其实很多时候“正着说完反着说,反着说完合着说”就能扩充很多字数了呢。同时加上正确的连接词和共享的中心词,就会让人觉得很连贯。

        3.3 关于素材积累
        需要积累政治类/企业类/艺术类/学校类的素材。基本上各找两个然后考试对着往上套就成。Gre填空有时候都是很好的素材来源。我自己政治类准备的素材是各种总统和毛泽东,企业类准备的素材是facebook,三鹿奶粉和BP原油公司;艺术类准备的是普希金、德摩斯梯尼、各个国家的地标景点;学校类的素材我准备了一些科研的人物,如陶哲轩和Eva Vertes。建议此项工作配合着准备提纲做,因为这样你知道你需要的是什么。

        3.4 考场写作
        平时练习争取减少拼写错误。考试时必须着重检查第一段。没把握加不加冠词the就加上,要是通篇漏太多冠词the,观感很差。想不出例子就举一些很general的例子,比如Consider students majoring in psychology/ consider the Academy of the United States等等。

假如没有明天 发表于 2016-9-8 23:23:42

之前准备作文的时候有学长推荐了王老师的帖子,看了之后感觉受益匪浅。作文大概准备了二十天,每天2-3个小时。把网上issue和argument 的高频题目大概分别40道列了提纲,参考了老师很多论点。考前5天开始试写,总共写了10篇,就是按instruction类型写,最后拿了4,真的谢谢老师的分享~

succre 发表于 2016-9-10 22:17:09

好帖子啊  写的作文都很朴实易模仿 但又很有内容   只是还没搞清楚怎么跳到自己想要的那篇

zhangxiaolin22 发表于 2016-9-12 00:04:17


Chong0318 发表于 2016-9-13 01:32:10

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