
标题: 0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第五期——倒装 [打印本页]

作者: bernina    时间: 2009-6-5 20:57:12     标题: 0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第五期——倒装

本帖最后由 草木也知愁 于 2009-8-29 20:49 编辑



0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】汇总贴 & DAY I 主谓一致
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二期——情态动词
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三期——冠词、数词
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第四期——虚拟语气
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第五期——倒装
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第六期——从句
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第七期——名词
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第八期——代词
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第九期——动词的时态

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第十期——连词
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第十一期——动词、动词语态
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第十二期——动词不定式、分词、动名词
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第十三期——独立主格、特殊词

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十期——Spelling
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十二期——Sentence Clarity& Fragments
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十三期——R&S Punctuation Patterns
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十四期——Punctuation
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十五期——Articles: A versus An
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十六期——How to Use Articles (a/an/the)
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十七期——Count and Noncount Nouns

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十八期——In/Dependent Clauses
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二十九期——Adjective or Adverb
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十一期——Appositives
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十期——Adjectives and Adverbs
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十二期——Irregular Verbs
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十三期——Numbers
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十四期——Prepositions
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十五期——Pronouns
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十六期——Subject/Verb Agreement
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十七期——Verb Tenses
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十八期——Parts of Speech Overview

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三十九期——Quotation Marks
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第四十期——Transitions
0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第四十——Phrasal& idioms
























by 草木也知愁








如果句子谓语提前,则句子为倒装语序(inverted order),分为 完全倒装full inversion)和部分倒装partial inversion

Full inversion: 整个谓语提前,如
Down tell half a dozen apples

There comes the bus

Partial inversion: 只有部分谓语提前,如:
How are you doing?


1,引导词there 引导的句子:
There’s an outdoor concert tonight in the park

2, there , here, now, then 等副词引导的句子
There comes the rest of the party.

3, so, neither, nor 引导的句子:
I like singing and so does Helen
I don’t eat meat and neither does Tom.
Nor will I deny that


有些If引导的条件状语从句(主要包含有were, had, should 的从句),可以把IF省略,把上述动词放到主语前面去:

Weren’t it for their assitance, we wouldn’t be able to do so well.

Had we got there earlier, we would have caught the train.

Should Mary call, say that I'll be back in an hour.


Clever though he was, he couldn’t conceal his eagerness for praise.

Try as I would, I couldn’t make her change her mind.

Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.

Search as they would, they could find no one in the wood



Never would he know what she had suffered.
Never before has such a high standard been achieved.
Scarcely was she out of sight when he came

2, 有个别其他副词放在句首时,又是也会有这个现象:

Often would she(she would) weep when alone.
Bitterly did he repent that decision. 他深深地悔恨那个决定。
Gladly would I give my life to save the child.

3, 有些短语,(特别是介词短语)移到句首时也可能引导倒装语序:

On no account must we give up this attempt.
Under no circumstances could we agree to such a principle.

一般这类的都是一些否定含义的短语,类似的还有In vain, not until, at no point
还有表示唯一的,如:only in this way
So…that结构 So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.



Before him lay miles of undulating moorland:

After the banquet came a firework display in the garden.

From the distance came occasional shots.

In the distance could be seen the purple mountains.


Up went the arrow into the air.

She rang the bell. In came a girl she had not seen before.

Down flew the eagle to seize the chicken


Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.
Standing beside the table was an interpreter
Watching the performances were mostly foreign tourists.

2, 已过去分词做表语的句子,过去分词有时也可以提前,把主语放到后面去。
The most widely distributed is the Hui people
Seated on the ground are a group of young people.
Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, lead and zinc.

3, 作表语的介词短语有时也可以提前。
Among its products are farm machines and mining equipment.
Around the lake are a huge number of farms.
Near the sourthen end of the village was a large pear orchard.

4, 其他表语也可提前
Worst of all is the humiliations he suffered. 最不堪的是他经受的许多屈辱。
Below is a restaurant.
Higher up were forests of white birches. 在往上去是一片白桦林。


Long live world peace! 世界和平万岁!
May you have a long and happy life. 祝你幸福长寿。

I do hope,” said Nancy, “they haven’t all forgotten about it.”

3, 有时修辞上的考虑,表语也可以提前:
Very grateful we are for your help.
A very reliable person he is, to be sure. 他是个很可靠的人,没问题。

作者: dodolulu    时间: 2009-6-5 22:57:47

作者: bernina    时间: 2009-6-6 00:26:32

2# dodolulu

https://bbs.gter.net/thread-959505-1-1.html 链接~
作者: peterxt    时间: 2009-7-4 15:27:04

bernina 版主~:)
作者: 草木也知愁    时间: 2009-7-4 16:40:54

语法都是死的 学好基础之后 自己去定向阅读就是了

economist里很多很多 自己去看就行了
作者: 123runfordream    时间: 2009-11-11 20:33:12

我找了个参考材料。比较比较~ ... ram_28inversion.htm
作者: lghscu    时间: 2009-11-12 14:41:17

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第五期——倒装


如果句子谓语提前,则句子为倒装语序(inverted order),分为 完全倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)

(--谓语提前full inversion and partial inversion)

Full inversion: 整个谓语提前,如:
Down fell half a dozen apples
There comes the bus

Partial inversion: 只有部分谓语提前,如:
How are you doing?


1,由引导词there 引导的句子:
(full inversion)
There’s an outdoor concert tonight in the park

2, 由there , here, now, then 等副词引导的句子。
(full inversion)
There comes the rest of the party.

3, 由so, neither, nor 引导的句子:
I like singing and so does Helen(full inversion)
I don’t eat meat and neither does Tom. (full inversion)
Nor will I deny that(partial inversion)


1、有些有If引导的条件状语从句(主要包含有were, had, should 的从句),可以把IF省略,把上述动词放到主语前面去:
。(If XXX were/had/shouldWere/Had/Should XXX)
Weren’t it(If it were not) for their assistances, we wouldn’t be able to do so well.

Had we got(If we had got) there earlier, we would have caught the train.

Should Mary call(If Mary should call), say that I'll be back in an hour.


Clever though he was, he couldn’t conceal his eagerness for praise.

Try as I would, I couldn’t make her change her mind.

Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.

Search as they would, they could find no one in the wood



Never would he know what she had suffered.
Never before has such a high standard been achieved.
Scarcely was she out of sight when he came

2, 有个别其他副词放在句首时,有时也会有这个现象:

Often would she(she would) weep when alone.
Bitterly did he repent that decision. 他深深地悔恨那个决定。
Gladly would I give my life to save the child.

3, 有些短语,(特别是介词短语)移到句首时也可能引导倒装语序:

On no account must we give up this attempt.
Under no circumstances could we agree to such a principle.

一般这类的都是一些否定含义的短语,类似的还有:In vain, not until, at no point
还有表示唯一的,如:only in this way
So…that结构: So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.



Before him lay miles of undulating moorland: 他前面是一片高低起伏的荒原

After the banquet came a firework display in the garden. 宴会后花园里燃放了烟火。

From the distance came occasional shots. 从远处传来零星的枪声。

In the distance could be seen the purple mountains. 远处可以看见紫色的群山。


Up went the arrow into the air. 嗖的一声箭射上了天。

She rang the bell. In came a girl she had not seen before. 她按铃,进来一个她从未见过的姑娘。

Down flew the eagle to seize the chicken 老鹰飞下来抓小鸡。


Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.
Standing beside the table was an interpreter
Watching the performances were mostly foreign tourists.

2, 已过去分词做表语的句子,过去分词有时也可以提前,把主语放到后面去。
The most widely distributed is the Hui people
Seated on the ground are a group of young people.
Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, lead and zinc.

3, 作表语的介词短语有时也可以提前。
Among its products are farm machines and mining equipment.
Around the lake are a huge number of farms.
Near the southern end of the village was a large pear orchard.

4, 其他表语也可提前
Worst of all is the humiliations he suffered. 最不堪的是他经受的许多屈辱。
Below is a restaurant.
Higher up were forests of white birches. 在往上去是一片白桦林。


Long live world peace! 世界和平万岁!
May you have a long and happy life. 祝你幸福长寿。

“I do hope,” said Nancy, “they haven’t all forgotten about it.”

3, 有时修辞上的考虑,表语也可以提前:
Very grateful we are for your help.
A very reliable person he is, to be sure. 他是个很可靠的人,没问题。

作者: cicialice    时间: 2009-11-16 23:00:20     标题: cicialice学习笔记



On no account must we give up this attempt.

Under no circumstances could we agree to such a principle.

一般这类的都是一些否定含义的短语,类似的还有In vain, not until, at no point
还有表示唯一的,如:only in this way
So…that结构 So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.


Up went the arrow into the air.

She rang the bell. In came a girl she had not seen before.

Down flew the eagle to seize the chicken


Long live world peace! 世界和平万岁!
May you have a long and happy life. 祝你幸福长寿。

I do hope,” said Nancy, “they haven’t all forgotten about it.”

3, 有时修辞上的考虑,表语也可以提前:
Very grateful we are for your help.
A very reliable person he is, to be sure. 他是个很可靠的人,没问题。

作者: miki7cat    时间: 2009-11-26 13:12:36


After the banquet came a firework display in the garden.这句是强调烟花表演的时间,所以倒装。
After the banquet a firework display came in the garden.

作者: 小灵易碎    时间: 2009-12-13 22:13:21


Clever though he was, he couldn’t conceal his eagerness for praise.
Try as I would, I couldn’t make her change her mind.
Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.
Search as they would, they could find no one in the wood

Before him lay miles of undulating moorland: 他前面是一片高低起伏的荒原
After the banquet came a firework display in the garden. 宴会后花园里燃放了烟火。
From the distance came occasional shots. 从远处传来零星的枪声。
In the distance could be seen the purple mountains. 远处可以看见紫色的群山。
Up went the arrow into the air. 嗖的一声箭射上了天。
She rang the bell. In came a girl she had not seen before. 她按铃,进来一个她从未见过的姑娘。
Down flew the eagle to seize the chicken 老鹰飞下来抓小鸡。

Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.
Standing beside the table was an interpreter
Watching the performances were mostly foreign tourists.
作者: rushtosummer    时间: 2010-1-7 20:45:57

Rushtosummer的学习笔记 5)倒装
如果句子谓语提前,则句子为倒装语序(inverted order),分为完全倒装full inversion)和部分倒装partial inversion
Full inversion: 整个谓语提前,如:Down fell half a dozen apples
Partial inversion: 只有部分谓语提前,如:How are you doing?
1, there , here, now, then 等副词引导的句子。
There comes the rest of the party.
2, so, neither, nor 引导的句子:
1有些由If引导的条件状语从句(主要包含有were, had, should 的从句),可以把IF省略,把上述动词放到主语前面去
Weren’t it for their assistance, we wouldn’t be able to do so well.
Had we got there earlier, we would have caught the train.
Should Mary call, say that I'll be back in an hour.
Clever though he was, he couldn’t conceal his eagerness for praise.
1, 些有否定意义的副词,若放在句首,句子常用倒装。
Never would he know what she had suffered.
Scarcely was she out of sight when he came
2, 有个别其他副词放在句首时,有时也会有这个现象:
Often would she (she would) weep when alone.
3, 有些短语,(特别是介词短语)移到句首时也可能引导倒装语序:
On no account must we give up this attempt.
Under no circumstances could we agree to such a principle.
一般这类的都是一些否定含义的短语,类似的还有:In vain, not until, at no point
还有表示唯一的,如:only in this way
So…that结构: So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.
Before him lay miles of undulating moorland.
After the banquet came a firework display in the garden.
Up went the arrow into the air.
Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.
2, 过去分词做表语的句子,过去分词有时也可以提前,把主语放到后面去。
Seated on the ground are a group of young people.
3, 作表语的介词短语有时也可以提前。
Among its products are farm machines and mining equipment.
4, 其他表语也可提前
Worst of all is the humiliations he suffered.
1, 祝愿的句子:
Long live world peace!
May you have a long and happy life.
2, 间接引语后的插入语,主语有时可放在谓语后面:
I do hope,” said Nancy, “they haven’t all forgotten about it.”
3, 有时修辞上的考虑,表语也可以提前:
Very grateful we are for your help.
A very reliable person he is, to be sure.
作者: rushtosummer    时间: 2010-1-7 20:46:55

Rushtosummer的学习笔记 5)倒装
如果句子谓语提前,则句子为倒装语序(inverted order),分为完全倒装full inversion)和部分倒装partial inversion
Full inversion: 整个谓语提前,如:Down fell half a dozen apples
Partial inversion: 只有部分谓语提前,如:How are you doing?
1, there , here, now, then 等副词引导的句子。
There comes the rest of the party.
2, so, neither, nor 引导的句子:
1有些由If引导的条件状语从句(主要包含有were, had, should 的从句),可以把IF省略,把上述动词放到主语前面去
Weren’t it for their assistance, we wouldn’t be able to do so well.
Had we got there earlier, we would have caught the train.
Should Mary call, say that I'll be back in an hour.
Clever though he was, he couldn’t conceal his eagerness for praise.
1, 些有否定意义的副词,若放在句首,句子常用倒装。
Never would he know what she had suffered.
Scarcely was she out of sight when he came
2, 有个别其他副词放在句首时,有时也会有这个现象:
Often would she (she would) weep when alone.
3, 有些短语,(特别是介词短语)移到句首时也可能引导倒装语序:
On no account must we give up this attempt.
Under no circumstances could we agree to such a principle.
一般这类的都是一些否定含义的短语,类似的还有:In vain, not until, at no point
还有表示唯一的,如:only in this way
So…that结构: So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.
Before him lay miles of undulating moorland.
After the banquet came a firework display in the garden.
Up went the arrow into the air.
Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.
2, 过去分词做表语的句子,过去分词有时也可以提前,把主语放到后面去。
Seated on the ground are a group of young people.
3, 作表语的介词短语有时也可以提前。
Among its products are farm machines and mining equipment.
4, 其他表语也可提前
Worst of all is the humiliations he suffered.
1, 祝愿的句子:
Long live world peace!
May you have a long and happy life.
2, 间接引语后的插入语,主语有时可放在谓语后面:
I do hope,” said Nancy, “they haven’t all forgotten about it.”
3, 有时修辞上的考虑,表语也可以提前:
Very grateful we are for your help.
A very reliable person he is, to be sure.
如果句子谓语提前,则句子为倒装语序(inverted order),分为完全倒装full inversion)和部分倒装partial inversion
Full inversion: 整个谓语提前,如:Down fell half a dozen apples
Partial inversion: 只有部分谓语提前,如:How are you doing?
1, there , here, now, then
There comes the rest of the party.
2, so, neither, nor
1有些由If引导的条件状语从句(主要包含有were, had, should
Weren’t it for their assistance, we wouldn’t be able to do so well.
Had we got there earlier, we would have caught the train.
Should Mary call, say that I'll be back in an hour.
Clever though he was, he couldn’t conceal his eagerness for praise.
1, 些有否定意义的副词,若放在句首,句子常用倒装。
Never would he know what she had suffered.
Scarcely was she out of sight when he came
2, 有个别其他副词放在句首时,有时也会有这个现象:
Often would she (she would) weep when alone.
3, 有些短语,(特别是介词短语)移到句首时也可能引导倒装语序:
On no account must we give up this attempt.
Under no circumstances could we agree to such a principle.
一般这类的都是一些否定含义的短语,类似的还有:In vain, not until, at no point
还有表示唯一的,如:only in this way
So…that结构: So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.
Before him lay miles of undulating moorland.
After the banquet came a firework display in the garden.
Up went the arrow into the air.
Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.
2, 过去分词做表语的句子,过去分词有时也可以提前,把主语放到后面去。
Seated on the ground are a group of young people.
3, 作表语的介词短语有时也可以提前。
Among its products are farm machines and mining equipment.
4, 其他表语也可提前
Worst of all is the humiliations he suffered.
1, 祝愿的句子:
Long live world peace!
May you have a long and happy life.
2, 间接引语后的插入语,主语有时可放在谓语后面:
I do hope,” said Nancy, “they haven’t all forgotten about it.”
3, 有时修辞上的考虑,表语也可以提前:
Very grateful we are for your help.
A very reliable person he is, to be sure.

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