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[i习作temp] issue 85 望大家给点建议(第一次发,求拍) [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-3-12 09:01:16 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
Issue 85
Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.
The speaker contend that government funding of the arts damages the integrity of the arts, which is fundamentally unwarranted in that whether the arts are integrity or not is not determined by the funding given by the government. The purpose government funds the arts is to motivate and assist the arts to thrive. To better state my point of view, I will illustrate it in detail as below.
To begin with, it is essential for government to provide financial help for the artists. As we all know, art is a cost-demanding profession which otherwise would other cause the artists to struggle to make a living. Without necessary funding from the government, it will be difficult for artists themselves to survive, let alone create great works. Take Van Gogh as an example, in spite of his greatness in impressionistic painting, he live a poor life in his time in that no funding was provided for him. The only painting sold when he was alive was purchased by his brother, who borrowed the money for the painting. Imagine that the government subsidized him in his career, how can Van Gogh live this way? And maybe more great works like Sunflowers will be created. So funding is needed by artists to further their creation.
Secondly, history without art is incomplete and art should be funded to make the nation's history a complete one. If artists lacking of funding are subsidized by government, it is possible for them to pay back the country more great arts in return, rather than what the speaker says that funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts. What is more, government can take steps to assure the funding are used for arts but not other means threatening the integrity of the arts. And now it is widely accepted that arts should be funded to be developed, which can motivate people and educate people.
In addition, it is the artists but not the funding which determine the integrity of the arts. It is possible that the government may ask the artists to create some artworks as something educational, but that does not threaten the integrity of the arts. Conversely, the artists funded by government are supposed to create some works beneficial for the stability and development of society. The speakers may define it as something threatening the integrity of the arts, which is unfounded in that the arts can still accomplish artworks they are good at.
However, government should also supervise the utilizing of the funding to make sure that it is used in a proper way related to arts. The money given to the artists should be evaluated by experts and listed when it is used, which will promote the development of arts, and at the same time, guarantee the proper use of the funding.
To sum up, from all the discussions above we can safely draw the conclusion that it is ungrounded for the speaker to worry that funding of the arts would threaten the integrity of the arts. Funding is demanded for the prosperity of arts and the surviving of artists. All we have to do is to supervise the use of the funding.

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