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[F1] 大龄青年F1签证问答&study plan 急求分析!!! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2022-7-18 15:34:19 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 listerine1990 于 2022-7-18 15:42 编辑

报的美国社区大学CC 2+2模式,报的专业也是平面设计,但是college发的I-20写的是语言课程,去年有过一次B1拒签史。

以下是我整理出来的签证时的问答以及study plan的内容,求寄托签证大神,帮忙分析分析是否合理,如果不合理应该如何改进,过几天就要面签了,万分感谢!!!


1 ) Introduction of my background
From 2009 to 2010 I studied graphic design at XXX vocational school for one year. Later, during my work, I strengthened the study of graphic design through self-study, which made me become a graphic designer.
Due to my education is Not high, I studied to major in administrative management for my associate's degree at the XXXX university through online courses way from 2017 to 2020, Because there was no graphic design major in that university at that time, I followed the teacher's suggestion and chose to study the administrative management major.

2 ) The reasons why I choose to study in the United States
due to I haven't bachelor's degree and lack of basic theoretical knowledge make My career development has been greatly restricted, missed many opportunities to get into good companies, but I did not give up, so I decided to study again.
This time, I decided to choose to study in the United States to complete my bachelor's degree. because the United States has the world's top educational resources, especially in the field of graphic design, It is the leader. According to my survey, It is found that in American education, graphic design majors pay more attention to teaching in the way of basic theoretical knowledge, while China focuses on the practical operation.
Through years of work experience, I have mastered a lot of operational skills, but I lack basic academic theoretical knowledge, so studying in the United States will make up for my lack.
Moreover, having study abroad experience in the US will give me a more competitive advantage in my career in China.

3 ) Why I choose major in Graphic Design and XXX College
When I was in high school, I found that I was more interested in art and beauty, so I chose to study graphic design at a vocational school after high school, but unfortunately, vocational schools have no degree
So This time going to the United States to study, I will plan to choose the major in graphic design again and complete my bachelor's degree.
As far as I know, XXX College is one of the most famous colleges in the USA, it has the best graphic design program among many community colleges, and it also has the highest transfer rate in the USA.

4 ) My capital source
Since I have been working for many years, I have enough funds to support my studies, and now is the time for me to pursue my academic dreams.

5 ) Study plan during my bachelor's study
- In the first year after arriving in the United States, I will study English intensively at XXX college, understand American culture, and integrate and adapt to the local life in the United States as soon as possible.
- In the second year or maybe sooner, I'll start taking my majors while getting to know America's 4-year universities in preparation for my transfer.
- In my third year, I will graduate from XXX College with my associate's degree and start transferring to a better 4-year university for my bachelor's degree in graphic design.
- After graduating with a bachelor's degree from a 4-year university in my fourth year, I will be returning to my country.

6 ) Plan after graduation
Here's what I plan to do when I finish my studies in the US
1. I have already discussed with my girlfriend that we will get married when I return from studying abroad.
2. Live with my parents because I am the only son in my family and I need to come back to live with them and take care of them.
3. Find a good job, and use the useful theoretical knowledge I learned in the United States to apply to my work.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERVIEW Q&A 部分

Q- What are you doing now?
ANS- I have work now, I am a graphic designer

Q- What will you do in the USA?
ANS- I want to study graphic design for my bachelor's degree in the United States,
Because I completed an Associate's degree in China, not a bachelor's degree,
Many good companies require employees with at least a bachelor's degree.

Q- What is your purpose for this visa?
ANS- I need an F-1 visa to start my program at XXX College in the USA. I plan to finish my studies in about 4 years and then go back to China.

Q- Why do you want to study in the USA?
ANS- because the United States has the top educational resources in the world, especially in the field of graphic design, It is the leader. and you know, having study abroad experience in the US will give me a more competitive advantage in my career in China.
【 in American education, graphic design majors pay more attention to teaching in the way of basic theoretical knowledge, while China focuses on practical operation,
I have mastered a lot of operational skills, but I lack basic academic theoretical knowledge,
so studying in the USA will make up for my lack 】— 括号部分为细节补充,看情况回答

Q- Why go to America NOW?
ANS- Because now I have enough money to support my studies

Q- Why do you choose this college?
ANS- XXX is one of the most famous colleges in the USA.
It has the best program of graphic design among many community colleges
and has the highest transfer rate in the USA.

Q- What is your major?
ANS- I major in graphic design
but first I need complete the intensive English program at XXX College and then continue my academic major

Q- Please tell me about your major
ANS- Graphic design refers to being artistic and professional, using "vision" as a way that communication and expression.

Q- Why do you choose this major?
ANS- Because I am very interested in art and Beauty and I believe that a career in graphic design will be very promising in the future in China.

Q- Why do you choose this major?
ANS- Because I am very interested in art and Beauty and I believe that a career in graphic design will be very promising in the future in China

Q- What's the difference between your major now and the major in the USA?
ANS- Because I work already, I'm a graphic designer, so it's no different

Q- How long will you study in the USA?
ANS- about 4 years, after finishing my studies I will come back to my country, get a good job, and live with my family

Q- what is your study plan?
ANS- In the first year, I will study in the intensive English program at XXX College,
The second year I'll start majoring in graphic design
In the third year, I will start transferring to a better 4-year university for my bachelor's degree.
After finishing my bachelor's degree I will be returning to my country.

Q- What is your plan after finishing your studies?
ANS- Here's what I plan to do when I finish my studies in the US
1. I have already discussed with my girlfriend that we will get married when I return from studying abroad.
2. Live with my parents because I am the only son in my family and I need to come back to live with them and take care of them.
3. Find a good job, use the useful theoretical knowledge I learned in the United States to apply to my work

Q- Can you explain why 90% of Chinese students didn't come back?
ANS- There may be many reasons. actually, that used to be the reality. But things have been changing in recent years and much more students are coming back after they have finished their studies. And, the Chinese government has offered priority for the students from the USA to establish their professional careers.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2022-7-26 02:11:59 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 listerine1990 于 2022-7-26 02:16 编辑
gterlann 发表于 2022-7-23 10:56
虽然你写很长, 但是我实话实说了, 你的英语水平不行,即便这个是written English, 你的语法错误也很多, ...



I want to study graphic design for my bachelor's degree in the United States,
Because I completed an Associate's degree in China, but not a bachelor's degree,
I plan to start my career as a graphic designer in a top advertising agency in China such as BBDO, Ogilvy, and JWT.
Santa Monica College
5、你的语言这么好了为什么还要去上语言课程   (……因为之前有背过答案)
because My English  is OK for simple talk, but it's not ok for Academic

然后就拒签了…. 全程除了护照和I20,没有要其他的支持性材料

Due to I haven't bachelor's degree and lack of basic theoretical knowledge make My career development has been greatly restricted, missed many opportunities to get into good companies.
I decided to choose to go to study in the United States to complete my bachelor's degree, because the United States has the world's top educational resources, especially in the field of graphic design, It is the leader. According to my survey, It is found that in American education, graphic design majors pay more attention to teaching in the way of basic theoretical knowledge, while China focuses on practical operation.

Through years of work experience, I have mastered a lot of operational skills, but I lack basic academic theoretical knowledge, so studying in the United States will make up for my lack.
and having study abroad experience in the US will give me a more competitive advantage in my career in China. Santa Monica College is one of the most famous colleges in the USA, it has the best graphic design program among many community colleges, and it also has the highest transfer rate in the USA.

With the rapid development of China's economy in recent years, the graphic design position of advertising, UI/UX, and branding Systems in business competition is increasingly valued by enterprises.
Thanks to the development of the Internet in China, people's aesthetics of vision has been improved quickly, and people's requirements for a sense of design are also increasing. It is foreseeable that the market demand for graphic design will continue to expand in the future.

In the top companies in the advertising creative field in China, they prefer graphic designers who have a high degree or have studied abroad, so I plan to start my career as a designer in a top advertising agency in China after graduation, such as BBDO, Ogilvy and JWT.
Moreover, my parents and girlfriend live in China, and I'm the only son in my family, so after graduation, I have to come back and live with them


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大龄青年F1签证问答&study plan 急求分析!!!
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