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[资料分享] 口语准备+task1,2材料+sample [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:02:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Test Test Date Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
TELXMLJuly 21, 200729 28 23 25 105


首先,口语最重要的还是实力,提高实力是根本。太多的技巧在面对滴答的倒计时面前可能也没太多用处。我自己感觉平时还好啦,但在倒计时考试的时候还是紧张,说话也哆嗦,也没精力考虑intonation之类:( 总之之前准备的“技巧”是一点没用上,呵呵。


     (3).如果有时间从发音上提高,我认为版内的那个美音训练是个很好的材料!american accent training 

     我从买OG开始复习到考试总共只有14天时间,除开中间几天搬寝室外,复习时间不多,所以我是在考完后才下载american accent training的,但感觉很值得。

TASK1,2:这两道都是independent task,从收集的情况看,task1一般问的都在人物、地方、事件、物品之内;task2可以用以前185题的作文材料来做内容准备。

    具体举例讲一下我自己选择的题材:我是学建筑architecture的,所以遇到跟学科有关的就是architectural design;跟老师、尊敬的人、影响很大的人等有关的就是my teacher of architecture history;遇到关于历史建筑保护、喜欢参考的地方、大城市还是小城市、要不要政府出钱建博物馆这类型题目时,选的建筑类型就是museum,然后写的材料把museum跟city history和旅游景点联系起来,就可以基本覆盖这些题材的范围。

    我这样做其实主要是为了保底线,因为我考前准备时间很短,怕上了考场出现不知道讲什么的情况(前两题的15秒准备时间确实太少。。),所以写下一些材料作为预防。真正到了考场上,不必拘泥于这些东西。实际我考的时候,第一题是让描述subject that u want to learn more,算是押上了一点~~第二题就没有准备到,这很正常。



(PS:两个录音文件都要下载了才能解压喔:rolleyes: )

[ 本帖最后由 风野 于 2007-8-12 00:08 编辑 ]
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:04:03 |只看该作者
¡Hola! Mucho gusto.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-8 23:05:09 |只看该作者

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:08:05 |只看该作者

人物:你最admire的一个人是谁?/ 一个对你一生重要的人/对你影响最深刻的人
Famous people
The scientist I admire most is Albert Einstein who changed the way we understand the universe. In the year Nineteen-Oh-Five, Albert Einstein published some important papers in a German scientific magazine, including one of the most important scientific documents in history. Albert Einstein's theories of relativity are about the basic ideas we use to describe natural happenings. They are about time, space, mass, movement, and gravity. This theory offered new ideas about gravity and the close relationship between matter and energy. Besides his scientific achievements, he was a simple man in life and showed an inner joy when he was playing his violin or talking about his work. That’s why I admire him most.
The athlete I like most is Liu Xiang who is one of the most famous athletes in China. He not only won Gold medal at the Athens Olympics but also keeps the world record. He sets a good example to indicate that persistence and hard working make perfect. His spirits encourage lots of young people in our country. Furthermore, he is a kind-hearted person as well. He has donated his precious track shoes to charity foundations. Sobecause of these contributions and good characters, I regard Liu Xiang as my favorite athlete.
Normal people
My mother has influenced me greatly in the past years. Since she suffered from an incurable disease more than twenty years ago and was told that this disease may cause greater pain than cancer could. But she held a positive attitude towards life and always told me that we should not yield to disasters in life but to strive for hope and spare no effort to realize our dream. Her perseverance and determination have told me what true bravery is and stimulated me to pursue my goal and cherish what we have. That’s why I regard my mother as the most important/influential person in my life.
The teacher who influences me most is my teacher of Architecture history because she changed my attitude towards designing. She is an excellent designer with a great passion for architecture and teaching. In addition, she respects our individual understanding of the distinctive styles in history and encourages us to pursue our own way of learning and designing. As my tutor, she gives me advice not only on my design work but also on the difficulties I meet in school life. Besides, she is an easy-going person so we always have discussions freely. During the years on the campus, I gradually formed my new ideas of design, passion, and independent thinking. That’s why I think she is the best teacher.  
性格:你认为作为一个朋友最重要的特点是什么/what qualities should a leader have/一个人在团队工作中最重要的quality/好老师的character/一个你敬佩的人的好性格/what do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?
The characteristics of friends
There are several characteristics that I think a true friend should have. First, a true friend should be sincere. That means he or she becomes my friend just for me, not for my possession, power or other considerations. And a true friend should be candid, which means when I’m going to do something wrong, he or she would dissuade me and they would not just flatter me but point out my defects. Second, I believe that a friend in need is a friend indeed. When I’m in trouble, he or she is here and supports me; when I’m depressed, he or she would stay with me and encourage me. In addition, a true friend should be reliable enough so that I can share my secrets and feelings with him or her. Therefore, I think these are the important characteristics that a true friend should have.
¡Hola! Mucho gusto.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:09:12 |只看该作者
The characteristics of a leader
There are several characteristics that I think a leader should have. First, a good leader should acquire the ability to organize people with different backgrounds. A leader may be patient enough to listen to his underlings and still keep his own mind. As a leader, he or she might encounter disputes among team members in making a decision. In that case, he or she must be careful enough to analyze the proposals and decisive enough to make the final decision. In addition, a good leader should treat team members fairly without bias or discrimination, which would greatly stimulate those diligent members so the efficiency of the whole team can be improved. Therefore, I think they are the most important characteristics.
The characteristics of a teacher
In my opinion, a good teacher should first love the job and then love his or her students and treat them fairly without bias or discrimination. A good teacher must be patient enough to teach his or her students and stimulate their interest in pursuing what they like. Besides, knowledge is not the only thing that students should acquire at school, I think. Teachers should be open-minded to encourage students to understand the idea of independent thinking so that students could learn more by themselves. A good teacher will not tell students all the answers but leave them a space to work it out themselves. Besides, teachers are supposed to instruct students to respect and love their fellows. In short, love for the job and students, patience and desire to stimulate students’ potential, instruction of love and respect are the most important characteristics a good teacher should possess.
The characteristics of a parent
In my opinion, good parents should be patient enough to listen to their children and stimulate their interest in pursuing what they like. Parents are supposed to be open-minded to encourage children to understand the idea of independent thinking so that they could learn to deal with their own work. Besides, parents’ behavior and personal values will influence their children so parents need to pay attention to children’s health both physical and psychological and don’t put much press on their kids. In short, patience, understanding, and tolerance are the most important characteristics that good parents should have.
The characteristics in teamwork
In my opinion, the good characteristics for a person in a team should include reliability, loyalty, patience, skill of good communication and passion for work. First, a reliable and loyal team member will always get work done and meet the requirements. In addition, members in a team need to deal with affairs together so a good communication skill will be indispensable for a member to work with his colleagues efficiently. Besides, a person with great desire and passion will work positively and actively so the efficiency of the whole team can be improved. And great passion often makes the person strive for better performance and improvement of their products or service. In short, I think these are good characteristics of a team member.
A countryIf you could live abroad, where would you go/ What place you never visited before do you want to visit most/ Describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday.
The country I’d like to visit most should be Norway. First it’s said that the country’s name “Norway” means the way to the north. I live in south China so I always have a plan of going to north regions to enjoy the different and fresh landscape there, especially the snow in winter. It never snows in my home town and the city I’m living in. Second, I heard of Norway from fairy stories when I was still a little kid. So I always hope that I could go there some day. Besides, I’m very interested in different cultures around the world, especially those different from my own. In addition, I made several Norwegian friends last year when they visited my campus. So I hope to meet them in their country. I think they are the main reasons.
¡Hola! Mucho gusto.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:10:23 |只看该作者
A public area: Talk about you favorite park or public area/你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方/介绍你最喜欢的城市的一个地方
In my spare time, I like to go to the stadium in the city and the sports center there. First, taking exercise there is very interesting and often I could meet new people and play together. Sometimes we could become friends after having fun.  In addition, the sports facilities there are excellent and I could find almost whatever I’d like to play with. Besides, I like the environment around the center because of the fresh air and grassland. Sometimes I go there not for sports but for relaxation with friends or for taking photos. That’s because I like photography and this is an ideal place. Even walking around here would relieve my stress, especially after several days of hard work. That’s why I like to go there.
如果你去restaurant 或者café,你总注意的是什么features. Features of cafe or restaurant you like
If I choose a restaurant or café, I think the most important factor is the food and drink provided there. Of course I would like to go to restaurants with delicious food. In addition, the environment there should be elegant and free of noise so that I could meet friends there and have a nice conversation. Besides, the service in that restaurant should be nice and attentive so I would enjoy every second staying there and like to go back some day later. One of the reasons for going to restaurants is that I like to try new foods. Consequently an attractive restaurant should try to offer something new and keep those popular ones.
Hometown:     The favorite place in your town.  
When you are away from home, what do you miss most?
When I am away from hometown, the place that occurs to me most should be my home, especially my bedroom. My bedroom is the private space where I can do whatever I want to. When I was tired, I liked to lie down on my big bed and listen to favorite music. When I was excited, I would try out new ideas and watch movies or play card games with my best friends there. Sometimes we just talked with each other and confided our own secrets which we wouldn’t tell our parents. Besides, I would like to paint and make sketches in my bedroom because I can concentrate on my work without disturbance.
Home:  Which room do you like most?同上
Impressed experience: an enjoyable event impressed in your childhood/说一个参加过的memorial活动/most memorable events in your childhood.
The most memorable event in my life is the moment when I first arrived at this city four years ago and got off the train. It was pretty hot that evening. I knew I was supposed to spend five years here and I was curious to meet my new classmates in this college. When I got out of the railway station, I looked out into the buildings along the road. Everything seemed fresh to me and I even began to imagine the landscape and architecture on the campus. That was the beginning of my college life and the five years will greatly influence my future life so I think it is the most memorable one.
Important decision
The most important decision for me is to choose to study architecture in this university. Upon high school graduation, I had to choose from plenty of universities and majors so I followed my desire and passion. I like the feeling of being a designer, the feeling of doing something new, something creative. Architecture is just one ideal choice which requires innovation and creativity. Besides I grow up in a small city where the local environment is getting worse and worse. I hope that I could gain the ability of architectural and landscape design so as to serve both the community and my own calling. In addition, this decision is of great importance to me because the five years I have to spend on campus are the essential period in my life. That’s why I think it the most important decision.
Embarrassing moment
The most embarrassing moment I have ever experienced is that I slept in the class of architecture history but suddenly fell down to the ground. On that day I took the architecture history class in the afternoon. But I have been working on several other subjects for days and have to hand in the design assignments before that afternoon. So I didn’t sleep the last night and felt quite sleepy in the class. Finally I had a nap during the break and suddenly fell down to the ground. I was so embarrassed because the teacher and all the other students were staring at me. What a big surprise. I guess that might be the most embarrassing one.
¡Hola! Mucho gusto.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-8 23:11:24 |只看该作者

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:11:46 |只看该作者
Challenging: Describe one of your challenging  experience你怎么攻克的
Opportunity: 说一个你有过得opportunity,并解释。Describe one opportunity that you have been given.
Last year I was appointed to be one of the part-time interpreters for the visiting scholars and delegates from a Norwegian university. My responsibility was to make an introduction to the history, departments and faculty in our school. Actually, I didn’t have any experience of being a translator but time is limited before their arrival. So I tried to learn much about the country Norway and the university, and then make preparations for the introduction materials. This helped me a lot so that I could step onto the stage with great confidence at the meeting. Finally I got to know that this introduction was considered successful. This was amazing and I’m glad that I have done a good job.
Relax: what do you think is the best way for a student to relax after hardworking at school/ How to relax yourself
I think the best way for a student to relax is taking exercise. First, taking exercise is very interesting and usually I could meet new people and play together. Sometimes we could become friends after having fun. In addition, the sports facilities on campus are excellent and I could find almost whatever I’d like to play with. And I would concentrate on the game we are playing and forget all the pressure. Besides, I think the environment around the sports center is great because of the fresh air and grassland. Sometimes I go there not for sports but for relaxation with friends or for taking photos. Even walking around would relieve my stress, especially after several days of hard work. That’s why I think taking exercise is the best way.
Art & Culture
Film & movie: What kind of film do you like most /Film of comedy, drama, musicals里面你最喜欢哪一种
I think comedy is my favorite kind of movie. First comedy movies are designed to entertain us by humorous jokes and actions. So watching a comedy is one of my favorite relaxations especially after several days of hard work. And I believe that laughter helps me to relieve my stress, that’s just what comedy movies are supposed to make. In addition, many of my friends also have an interest in watching comedy movies so I can share with them my favorite ones or maybe watch with them together.
Book & novel: describe a book that you think is interesting/小说、杂志、诗歌你喜欢哪种/你认为重要的一本
The most interesting book I think would be The Lord of the Rings. First, I enjoy this kind of stories about the magic and mysterious world with wizards, warriors, and heroes. And the battle between the good and evil always seems historic and sometimes I even hope that I could join the battle as an excellent wizard serving for my people and the honor of the Holy light. Besides it’s the story about bravery, persistence, loyalty, love and sacrifice for the world, all the good qualities that define us as civilized human. Besides the story is full of imagination and has description of diverse landscape and glorious castles. As an architect, I’m also interested in this aspect. In short, that’s why I like it most.
As for novels, magazines and poems, I like to read magazines in my spare time. First, magazines are full of latest information that shows what other people are doing and thinking about the similar topics, such as the introduction of new books and fashion designs in this season. Besides, magazines are designed to entertain readers so I don’t need to spend much time in reading but gain much fun. This is suitable especially when I don’t have much time, such as short breaks between meetings. Novels are also interesting sometimes but they are so long that I cannot finish reading at one time, which means I may still think of the stories while I go back to work. That’s not good. So, for these reasons, I think magazines are  the best choice.
describe a poem or a letter you wrote/ Talk about a composition that is important to you, ex: essay, poem, letter, and explain the reasons.
I have written a letter to my mother which was homework from my teacher. At the beginning, I don't want to write the letter because I had quarreled with my mother the day before. However, after I returned home, I found my mother had already prepared the dinner for me and I felt so guilty about my thought. So I wrote the letter as soon as possible when I finished my dinner. In the letter, I told my mother how I loved her and how moved by her patience and forgiveness.
¡Hola! Mucho gusto.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:15:53 |只看该作者
Painting: Describe a painting you have seen before. Why do you like it or dislike it?
The painting I like most is the sunflowers painted by Vincent Van Gogh. First of all, most paintings of Van Gogh are full of passion, especially for this one. I fell in love with this painting at the first sight I saw it. The golden bright tone of the whole picture makes me feel warm. In addition, the sunflower is my favorite flower. Because I believe sunflowers symbolize hope and happiness, whenever I see the painting of sunflowers I would forget the trouble I have and are full of energy.
Music: Describe an art such as song or painting that gives you long lasting impression/ What kind of music do you like most.
New Age music is the kind of music I like most. There are no heavy rhythms, hash sounds and complex harmonies in the New Age music. It focuses on the music that meet the psychological needs of people. It often helps me to calm down and image a natural circumstance. Moreover, New Age music also can be used to heal the mind, body and soul. When listening the New Age music after on day’s tired work, my heart beats more gently, my pressure drops, and I feel relax. So, in my spare time, I like to listen to the music.
Culture: Describe a memorable celebration or social event/describe a social or politics celebration events in your culture.
One of the most popular social celebration events in China is the Autumn Moon Day, on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. The moon at that night is the fullest and brightest of the year. Traditionally, it symbolizes the reunions of the families. Almost all the Chinese go back home and have dinner with their families. After that, all the members of the family eat the moon cakes and admire the bright mid-autumn moon together.
One of the most important festivals in China must be the Spring Festival.
The season which you like, reasons
I prefer winter to other seasons because of several reasons. I live in the south but I enjoy the different and fresh landscape in the winter, especially the snow, because it only snows in winter in my city. In that season, the white snow would cover all the trees, the streets and the roof of the houses. So beautiful, I think. Besides, skiing is my favorite sport, and I really enjoy skiing with my friends. In addition, a world covered by snow seems fantastic, which may arouse my memory of the fairy stories I read when I was a little kid. That’s why I prefer winter.
Effective transportation
In my view, the subway is the most efficient transportation in the city. First, subway is another system which doesn’t have any traffic jam even in rush hours on the ground. So this might be the first choice for those commuters who have to get to work on time. Second, the subway system often covers the most important blocks and areas of each city so it’s very convenient for people to travel from one place to another. Besides, it takes few minutes to the destination than taking any other kind of transportation on the ground. And each train could carry a large amount of people, which also improves the efficiency. So overall, subway is the most efficient transportation in the cities.
对你来说很有价值的东西(objective/ important gift / toy, why
The most important gift in my life is a small model of superman from one of my best friends. When I was a little kid, I always moved from one place to another with my family so I didn’t have many friends and felt depressed. And this was the first gift I got from my friend on my birthday and I can still remember the exciting moment when I received it. This model gave me a strong feeling that there’s still someone who cares about me. One year later I moved again but kept it with me. Every time when I took it out, I would recall him and our friendship. And this gift gives me much confidence in life and friends, so I think it is the most important one.
¡Hola! Mucho gusto.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:16:31 |只看该作者
The most influential invention in my life would be computers. First, computers help me with my mathematical problems and bring much convenience to me. Reading stories online, listening to the music and seeing the films on my computer have been my favorite relaxations. Besides, computers offer me an efficient way to get in touch with my friends around the world and get the latest information about my favorite cartoons. In addition, computers are important not only in my relaxation but also in my job. I often make my architectural design with the help of computers and get access to the online libraries. So computers are indispensable in my life.
说说你的国家喜欢的sport, game或者activity
The most popular sport in our country is table tennis with the title of “National Ball” in China. One reason is that table tennis helped start the political communication between China and the United States in 1970s. Second, Chinese athletes of table tennis have won hundreds of gold medal in various world competitions. In addition, table tennis is an interesting sport and meanwhile, it doesn’t cost much so that many Chinese families can afford it. Besides, playing table tennis has been a tradition around China and many people enjoy this game. Many of my friends learnt to play this game in primary school and still keep this hobby nowadays. Actually, players of this game are not only young people but also people at all ages. So I think the most popular game in our country is table tennis.

In my opinion, the most impressive school is the one I’m studying in. To be an architect, I’m supposed to study five years on this campus and I’ve already spent four years here so I’m familiar with every corner of this university. This school is not very famous in our country but I do have many excellent friends here and I’m always impressed by their ambitions, wonderful performance in study and great passion for design. Besides, students here are encouraged to pursue what they like in this field and diversity of design is respected as an important quality of a designer. We can get access to many materials in the libraries. During the four years here, I have developed my own perspective of architectural designing and made many friends here so I think this is the most impressive university/school for me.
I would like to have a dog as my pet. First, dogs are so cute that I have been fascinated by several special kinds of dogs. Sometimes, I would feel lonely so it would be great if a dog accompanies me through hard times, because I truly believe in a dog’s loyalty. In addition, I’d like to walk around with my dog, maybe in the park or along the river, and enjoy the sunshine. The feeling of holding her in my arms is so warm and I like to look at her playing on the grassland. Besidesdogs are easy to feed and I can get food and everything useful from the nearby supermarket. What I should do is just to get the license from the government according to the law. In short, I will choose a dog as my pet.
In my opinion, fish is my favorite food. First, fish is nutritious which can provide us with plenty of protein for a day. And in this area fish is the traditional food for the local people because there are many fishes here. So they gradually tried out various delicious dishes with all kinds of fishes. In addition, the pronunciation of fish in Chinese language is similar to another word which means more than enough. This makes fish indispensable on ceremonial events and traditional festivals especially on the eve of Spring Festival all over China. That’s why I think fish is my favorite food.
Job/ goal
Job: If you get a chance to have a job, what will you do/ a profession you like/ Every one have some goals, describe one of your goal.
I hope I could be an architect upon graduation. First, I have taken five years’ architectural education in my university. Second, I like the feeling of being a designer, the feeling of doing something new, something creative. Architecture is just one ideal choice which requires innovation and creativity, which means every day could be a fresh day when a new design starts. Besides I grow up in a small city where the local environment is getting worse and worse. I hope that I could gain the ability of architectural and landscape design so as to serve both the community and my own calling. That’s why I hope to be an architect.
¡Hola! Mucho gusto.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:17:45 |只看该作者
你最拿手的一项技能如画画或拿手的体育项目, 说说他为什么对你很重要
One of the important skills I have is painting and freehand drawing. First, I began to learn painting in the primary school where I first got to know the light, shadow, and proportion. Then, as an architect, the skill of painting and freehand drawing provides me with a fundamental ability to imagine what this design would look like and make sketches so as to represent it. Besides, painting itself is quite interesting. When I paint on the canvas, I will forget the stress and just concentrate on what I like. So it is also a great relaxation. Sometimes I will give paintings to my friends as gifts. So I like painting.
study in a university in big city or small city
In my opinion, studying in a university in a big city is a better choice. First, universities in big cities usually have a long history and great fame in academic world and the faculties there are really outstanding. Second, there are more opportunities in big cities than in the small ones so that students could hold part-time jobs to support themselves and gain working experience as well. In addition, there are a variety of cultural activities available in big cities, such as music, dance performance, art gallery and exhibition. Besides, medical facilities and emergency services are easily accessible than in the countryside. That’s why I prefer to study in a big city.
As for me, I prefer to get up early in the morning because I think it’s a good habit for health. According to my experience, getting up late in the morning usually makes me sick and dizzy, but I will feel good and energetic when getting up early in the morning. In addition, I learnt from one medical magazine that human bodies need to have a rest between 11pm and 5am the next day morning in order to produce some certain chemicals which are crucial to the health. Besides, I will lose the chance of having a nice breakfast if I get up too late.
In my opinion, visiting museum is the efficient way to understand a city. As an architect, I truly enjoy the beauty of these buildings. Besides, each museum has its own story, which is usually related to the important events in history of the local area. In addition, great museums around the world have been attractive destinations and gained great fame for the cities. When visiting a city, a tourist can learn the customs, heroes, and cultural characteristics from the local museum. And then with the background information from the museum, a tourist can better understand the city’s sceneries and architectures during his trip. So I think visiting museum is a good way to understand a city.
In order to keep in touch with your friends and family members, which way do you prefer to use, by letters, e-mail or by telephone
As for me, I prefer to contact my friends and parents by telephone. First, I think telephone is the most convenient way to keep in touch with others. With the development of communication technology, almost every one has a telephone or cell phone so I can get in touch with them at any time, while mails usually takes days to arrive and email can only be received when they connects to the Internet. Besides, we can hear the voice of each other and feel the emotion of the other one.
In my opinion, parents shouldn’t allow their children to watch whichever TV program they like. First, more and more dangerous and violent behaviors are displayed on TV nowadays, which are harmful to our kids both physically and psychologically. Second, too much time spent in watching TV could keep children at home and away from outdoor activities, which are really good for their growth. Besides, children who watch too much TV programs may not have enough attention to their studies and may fail in some subjects. I think parents should instruct their children to understand self-control and how to distinguish good and evil. That’s why I think watching TV should be limited.
¡Hola! Mucho gusto.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-8 23:19:01 |只看该作者
I think that depends on what kind of book it is. When reading a novel, I prefer to finish reading it at one time. Because I’m usually attracted by the stories and will still think of it if I haven’t finished it but have to go back to work. This may be a distraction so I cannot concentrate on my work. As for a magazine or other kinds of book, I prefer to take several times of reading. First, my spare time is not adequate for me to finish them at one time because I’d like to read magazines during short breaks between meetings, on the subway, or at lunch time. Second, some books are so great that I hope to read through several times in order to get a clearer understanding, especially for the books about my major.
Some people prefer go to the destination directly when they on a trip; others prefer spend time to go to some other places along the trip. which do you prefer and why? 一些人旅游抓紧时间直达目的地;一些人喜欢慢慢悠悠的,还要中间逛些其他地方。你喜欢哪个为什么。
I prefer going to the destination directly. First, the time for me to visit one place is usually limited and I often have made plans for the routes. The destinations I’m going to visit usually represent the typical aspects of the history, culture and local people, which are the most attractive factors. In addition, as an architect, I have a long list of destinations that I want to visit within a relatively short period. So I cannot spare time in visiting other places or on the way. Besides, I will be tired if I spend too much time on the way from one place to another, which often means that I cannot enjoy the places as I planned to. that’s why I prefer going to the destination directly.
keep or not old building i the city。有的城市主张保留老建筑,有的主张拆旧建新,你选择哪种,为什么。
In my opinion, old buildings should be kept in the city as the witness of the local history and the life in the past times. As an architect, I truly enjoy the beauty of these buildings and many of them are really masterpieces by great figures in history. Besides, each old building has its own story, which is usually related to the important events in history, such as the change of a dynasty, or a family history. The sense of history and the respect for the ancestors are two of the qualities that define us as civilized human. Besides, old buildings can usually be used for other functions. For example, the old city hall can be converted into a library or museum of local history. In addition, once the old buildings are pulled down, they cannot be rebuilt. So I think they should be preserved.
musical instrument necessary or not/ musical education是不是很重要/ Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?
In my opinion, I think musical education is of great importance to the students. First, life will be extremely boring if students are only allowed to study science and required to complete endless homework. Second, music has been the oldest tradition in many nations ever since thousands of years ago, which expresses different feelings, such as calm, exciting, happy or sad. Students who are interested in similar kind of music may get together and make friends with each other. That means music can provide social connections with others. Besides, as a saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, music is just a nice relaxation for many students, especially after hard working at school.
People say that childhood is the best time in one person's life? Do you agree or disagree?
As for me, I agree that childhood is the best time in my life. The first years of childhood are the time when a person learns a lot about himself, his family and the society. It has been seen that children who get the love and support of their parents and teachers in their childhood turn out to be mature and emotionally balanced teenagers and adults. On the other hand, if we look at the childhood of criminals and other anti social elements, we will find that most of them have been through tough times as children. They were deprived of proper care and upbringing. Delinquents also have a history of abuse in their childhood many a times. The type of personality that a child develops is difficult to change later. So I firmly believe that childhood is a vital part of a person's life that plays an important role in shaping his future.
In my opinion, obtaining experience by ourselves is more important than getting from others. First, different people get different idea from the same events, which means experience gained from others always reflects other people’s perspective on a certain event. But as an adult, what we should learn is exactly independent thinking. Second, in a fast-developing society, things are always changing so the experience in the past may turn out to be wrong today. We should notice this point. Besides, in many cases, skills and knowledge can only be obtained through practical actions. For example, I cannot learn swimming by just reading experience on paper. I need to jump into the swimming pool and carry it out. So I think in most cases, experience can only be gained by ourselves.
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发表于 2007-8-8 23:20:09 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school?
In my opinion, I disagree that students should wear uniform in school. Those who agree with this statement pay too much attention to functional factors and ignore the most important part that each student is a unique person. School education should not only includes knowledge, but also instructs students to understand the personal value. I think it’s unwise to require uniform just because students may focus on clothes. If so, school should conduct them rather than avoid it. Besides, pursuit of beauty is one of human nature and that’s what makes our world so wonderful. School shouldn’t kill this nature by simply forbidding other clothes. Anyway, education is both physical and psychological.
媒体(tv,internet.)和人(朋友,家长,同学)从哪方面你能学到更多的东西/which one acts more influence on you. newspaper, televison or teachers/人是被电视,报纸,广播上的信息影响得多,还是家人朋友得影响多
­As for me, parents, friends, teachers and people around me are most influential. First, I always stay with my parents and friends. When we are together, we tend to talk about many topics and exchange our ideas over the recent events and news. Most of the time, we may have different opinions and try to persuade the other one. While in this way, we gradually understand each other. In addition, when I have trouble in making a decision, I often turn to my friends or parents for help. They could give more specific ideas and advice that the other media can not offer. Besides, I believe that the talk on TV or internet maybe just serve for some people, large organizations, or for commercial and political purposes. So that’s why media doesn’t influence me much.
In my opinion, governments should invest in museums and theatres. First, museums should be built in the city as the witness of the local history. As an architect, I truly enjoy the beauty of these buildings. Besides, each museum has its own story, which is usually related to the important events in history. The sense of history and the respect for the art and science are two of the qualities that define us as civilized human.  In addition, great museums around the world have been attractive destinations and gained great fame for the city. Besides, local museums always play an important role in education system, and most of them are non-profit institutions and are generally lack of money. So the local government should take the responsibility to invest in public museums.
As for me, I prefer to eat in the restaurants. First, eating in a restaurant will make my life more convenient. As we know, cooking is very important and also time-consuming. When I come home from work and feel tired, I normally want to eat out. What I need to do is to take a leisure walk to the restaurant, sit down, make an order, enjoy my dinner and then, the most important thing, and leave without cleaning the dishes. In addition, I like to meet my friends at restaurants. Sometimes, meeting friends at home is tedious, especially meeting some friends that I am not very familiar with. While drinking and eating, we will have more topics to talk about. And the beautiful environment of the restaurant will make the talk more pleasant. That’s why I prefer to eat in the restaurants.
As for me, I prefer to work at office. First, I think home is the place for private life especially after work. So I don’t want to take my work home. Second, there are many distractions at home so that I can barely concentrate on my assignment and the efficiency will be pretty low. Besides, most of the time, we need to work in a team and office is the best place for all the members to have a meeting and organize the whole project. We can easily control the process and communicate with one another face to face. In addition, many facilities and resources at office can be easily obtained which I have to buy if I choose to work at home. Even if working at home has some advantages, it still cannot outweigh the problems it may cause. So I prefer working at office.
喜欢课堂学习,还是自学/ is it important for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself/ Many people say students should attend classes, while others prefer to carry out dependent study. Whats your opinion?
As for me, I prefer to attend in class. First of all, in class professors will teach us systematic knowledge and tell us what the emphases are. Because we have not such deep understanding of a subject as our teachers do, we often cannot grasp the main principles by ourselves. In addition, besides teaching knowledge, teachers also impart us the right methods of study. So we can understand how to study efficiently. Otherwise, we will waste lots of time.
In my opinion, I prefer to attend class regularly to study by myself.
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发表于 2007-8-8 23:21:00 |只看该作者
attend college 是否比不读college容易successful in career ,why/有些人觉得在大学的学习是很重要的,有的人觉得它并不怎么重要,你的观点?
­In my opinion, college students are easier to success in career. First of all, higher education helps to widen horizon and increase intellectual ability. These abilities are essential for a person to achieve success. In addition, in college, most students will determine their professional goals with the deep understanding of their major. Furthermore, students will make many new friends in college. Consequently, these friends may provide significant help in process of success.
In my opinion, attending college is a promising step into a world of opportunities. Nowadays unemployment crisis is troubling not only the poor countries but the developed western countries as well, so that the ease of finding a job may play an important role in the decisions people are making. In addition, university provides a higher level of education and has all these resources and facilities for people who are pursuing knowledge. Higher education will provide people with not only knowledge for their careers, but also the fulfillment of their life goals. Besides, there is chance for everyone in the college to meet people, make new friends and know individuals of great importance. All of these are of significant help in pursuit of success.
In my opinion, I prefer to be a leader in a group. First, a good leader is the person with the ability to organize people with different backgrounds, while followers may give suggestions but they follow the lead’s instruction. That’ a challenging job and I really like it. Besides, I think I have the patience to listen to my underlings and still keep my own mind. As a leader, I may encounter disputes among team members in making a decision. In that case, I will be careful enough to analyze the proposals and decisive enough to make the final decision. In addition, being a leader will give me great sense of success and responsibility, which would be the stimulation for me to fulfill myself and try to improve the performance of the whole team. I think they are why I want to be a leader.
闲暇时间喜欢户外还是室内活动prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities
As for me, I prefer outdoor activities. In my spare time, I like to go to the stadium in the city or the sports center on the campus. First, taking outdoor exercise is very interesting and usually I could meet new people and play together. Sometimes we could become friends after having fun. In addition, the sports facilities there are excellent and I could find almost whatever I’d like to play with. Besides, I like the outside environment because of the fresh air and grassland. Sometimes I go out not for sports but for relaxation with friends or for taking photos. That’s because I like photography very much. Even walking around in the park or on the campus would relieve my stress, especially after several days of hard work. That’s why I like outdoor activities.
Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? 你喜欢用internet还是academic book or journal来找资料准备research
As for me, I prefer to do research with the help of internet. First of all, internet provides the most updated information of my research area. I can get the latest scientific papers from the internet database. In addition, it is more convenient for me to browse the internet database in lab or at home than go to the library for academic books or journals. Furthermore, I can consult scientists or exporters about some difficult problem in my research through internet if they are not in my city.

你是想把多余的一点点钱马上用掉,还是存do u like to use the little extra money or save it latter.
In my opinion, I prefer to use the money. First, none of the rich people became rich by getting interests from the bank. Living in a constantly changing world, we should adjust ourselves to accept the new idea of investing our money to different areas in order to get a better pay back. Besides, if every one saves money in the back and doesn’t buy stuff, the national economy will encounter a significant decline which may cause consequent decline in our income. In addition, I hope to enjoy life when I am still young. For many kinds of entertainment are only suitable for young people. Youth is a valuable but short period of life and I hope to travel to many places when I am young. So that’s why I prefer to use money soon.
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发表于 2007-8-8 23:22:12 |只看该作者
take a long vacation or several short vacation in a year
In my opinion, I prefer to have a long vacation each year. First, I can do something that needs a long time to finish in the vacation. For example, I always hope to travel far away to several interesting places to spend my holiday, such as Paris in France and Oslo in Norway. In addition, with a long vacation I may find an internship to practice what I have learned in the college. Besides, I may try out new ideas or organize a group working on designing cartoon characters and short stories, which is the common hobby among some of my friends and me.
Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in group
As for me, I prefer to study in a group mainly because my major is architecture which requires more communication and interaction with others. In the architectural education, working in a studio is one lasting tradition where several students work together on specific projects and meanwhile learn from each other. According to my experience, students should acquire not only the ability of independent thinking but also the ability to work in a team because the projects are usually too large for one single student to fully understand. In addition, studying in a group can give each member opportunities of exchanging information and understanding of designing. So I think studying in a group is beneficial to me.
In my opinion, studying in a regular classroom is a better choice. First, students can easily concentrate on the lectures in a regular classroom and would not be distracted by TV, telephone or other things that those who study at home may encounter.
prefer professor’s lecture of outdoor studying
As for me, I prefer to attend professor’s lecture. First, professors will teach us systematic knowledge in class and tell us the important aspects of this subject. Since we don’t have such deep understanding of this subject as the professors so, it is useful to follow the professors’ instruction. In addition, professors will answer our questions that we came across in the process of learning and encourage us to form independent understanding of some principles.
In my opinion, students should take part in sport activities and don’t just concentrate on academic disciplines. There are several reasons. First, taking sport is an important way to keep healthy so that students can have enough energy to study other subjects. Second, outdoor sports provide an opportunity for students to take in the fresh air and have a rest to relieve the stress. Besides, sports are usually organized in teams so students could meet new people and make friends, then have a better understanding of teamwork and co-operation. That’s why I prefer taking sports.
some people prefer to do the 那些能在未来挣很多钱的job, others prefer to do the job that they like despite of the wage of that job which one do u think is better./ 应该选择工作好找的专业还是应该选择自己感兴趣的专业
As for me, I prefer to choose what I like most as my major. First, I will make more efforts when I study in the field that I have a great interest in, that’s architecture, because I like the feeling of being a designer, the feeling of doing something new, something creative. Architecture is my ideal choice which requires innovation and creativity. Besides I grow up in a small city where the local environment is getting worse and worse. I hope that I could gain the ability of architectural and landscape design so as to serve both the community and my own calling. Besides, the social trend may not suit every one so I think we should follow our own passion and desire.
Our life is easier or more difficult than our grandparents'?
I strongly agree that our life is much easier than that of my grandparents’. First, nowadays with the development of technologies, we are living an easier life with the help of some modern inventions, such as washing machine, elevator, bus and subway systems. We have computers and fast access to the internet, which may help us in our job and greatly influence our daily life. For example, I can read books in the library around the world. In addition, modern transportation systems make it possible for me to travel to many countries in a short period.
Do you prefer to work in individual with profession or work in group with profession?
As for me, I prefer to choose a profession that requires working as a member in a group. First, working in a group means I can work with other experienced colleagues on the same project, which is a great chance for me to learn from them and gain experience. Second, working in a group will be helpful for me to better understand the idea of teamwork and develop the ability of co-operation.
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