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发表于 2003-12-26 23:09:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:10:26 |只看该作者
1 People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some ideas of what to write about for a good score:

Most people wrote about similar things. Here are some of the easiest and best things to write about:
•People go to college to prepare themselves for their careers.
•People go to college because they like to learn.
•People go to college because they can meet other people who like to learn.
•People go to college for personal fulfillment.
•People go to college because going to college is an interesting social experience.

Most common errors with this essay topic:

Failure to restate the topic is one of the most common errors that TestMagic sees in most essays. For example, many essays start like this: "I agree with this point..." If we say only this, and do not restate the topic, then the essay scorer will lower your score. We need to say something like this: "I agree that having food that is easy to prepare has improved our lives." Adding this information makes our TOEFL essay stronger!

Many people did not understand the topic. Some people wrote about the difference between college and university and wrote about why people choose to study at a college instead of studying at a university. This interpretation is WRONG. In American English, when we talk about "college," we are generally referring to any four-year program. We often use the words "college" and "university" interchangeably. We need to write about why people want to study at either a college or university.

Sample Essay
People study in college or university for many different reasons. I think the most important reason is to gain more knowledge and learn more skills. Of course, there are also many other reasons that people study in college such as to get more friends, and increase one's self-confidence.

These days, most jobs require people who are educated and have good job skills. Therefore, the people who want a good job have to study hard and at least graduate with a high education. Furthermore, as technology advances all over the world, more and more education is required of people.

Some people who study in college or university want to make more friends and increase their interpersonal skills. They enjoy their lives in university or college and tend to socialize a lot. They can meet more people who have the similar interests with themselves. They can go to uni ball after school and make more friends who they trust.

The people who graduate from college seem more confident in our community. These people are more respected by society. Many people want to be respected and to be important by family, friends, their bosses, and others in their lives. They find that most of them can confidently talk and do their jobs as they are more educated. Therefore, most people want to get the confidence through the university or college study.

In today's society, people need more knowledge and skills to be adapted. The university and college study is a good way to achieve this.
This essay has very good organization and is has good development. To raise her score, the author of this essay should add some clear, specific examples and make the conclusion stronger.
This essay has very good organization and is has good development. To raise her score, the author of this essay should add some clear, specific examples and make the conclusion stronger.

College is a place that the students can learn more and new knowledge and experience in it. Of course, different people have different reason to study in college. For example, some people want to be to go on a further study after they graduate from the college; some people hope to find a good job after their studying in the college and also some people wish to exchange their present situation through studying in the college. In my opinion, no matter what reason people study in the college for, studying in the college is just a preparation for their future’ life.
First of all, students can learn new knowledge and experiences from the studying in the college. There are many teachers, professors with abundant teaching experience who teach students lots of new knowledge and help them to solve the problems in their study. With their help, student can learn a lot of useful basic and professional knowledge which is very helpful for their future’ work. and study. After they finish their study in the college, students go to work in the society and contribute to the different fields.

Secondly, students can learn how to arrange their own time reasonably. Before their studying in college, their life often arranged by their parents and their study often arranged by their teachers. It is very different for them to live and study in college, because students studying in college have to arrange their life and study by themselves. They have right to arrange their part time, such as when to get up, when is the sport-time, when to finish the assignment etc. This is very important experience for students’ work and life in the future.

Secondly, studying in the college make students having opportunity to live with other student and learn how to cooperate with other people. Usually, people often have uncomfortable feeling to live with a stranger, because they do not know each other and perhaps their habit and personality are different. But for the long run, it is good for them. They have to cooperate with each other and solve a lot of problems they will face together. Gradually, they can learn how to care and understand other people. It is a preparation for students to go to cooperate with other people in the society.

All in all, students not only can learn lots of new knowledge from the books but also can learn much more necessary experience such as how to arrange time and how to cooperate with other people. It is very important for their future work and life.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:12:00 |只看该作者
2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some ideas of what to write about for a good score:
•Parents generally have a greater commitment to their children than their teachers do.
•Parents might not be impartial (fair) with their children.
•Parents are not professional teachers.
•Teachers are professionals.
•Teachers usually do not have enough time to spend with their students.

Most common errors with this essay topic:
•Failure to restate the topic is one of the most common errors that TestMagic sees in most essays. For example, many essays start like this: "I agree with this point..." We need to say something like this: "I agree that having food that is easy to prepare has improved our lives."
•Very few people stated that parents are very important because children have so much contact with them in the first years of their lives. Most psychologists agree that these years are fundamental to the emotional and mental growth of the child.

Sample Essay
Parents influence greatly their children for a lifetime. I think people are molded by two factors, family and the society that they are in. From birth, humans are influenced by the surrounding people for their characteristics. Parents take a big role in bringing up children, which affects their lives for a long time.
In early infanthood, babies are looking to moms and dads to learn basic manners to be accepted in society. Some of these manners include not running around in restaurants or hitting other kids. As they grow up, they learn more from parents about social etiquette, which makes them more suitable to live in society. Children tend to look to their parents for role models knowingly or unknowingly.
Besides, parents can also affect children’s study habits. Children of doctors , lawyers, investment bankers, and other professionals see their mothers and fathers work a lot of time, reading books, and punching keyboards, even at home. They are showing their children how to study by their own behavior.
However, parents can also be a bad example for their kids. It is difficult for children who have abusive parents to lead a normal childhood and is possible that they may become similar to their abusive parents when they grow up. In this sense, the parents’ negative role in shaping the children's personality cannot be emphasized more.
In conclusion, parents are the best teachers for their children. They leave big marks on their children’s lives and are therefore more influential teachers than any others they may have in their lives. --------------------------------------------------------------------
This essay has nice organization and good ideas, but some of the language is a little bit awkward.

Obviously, the first teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents. They teach us to walk, to speak, and to have good manners before we reach "the real world." More than even the professional teachers that we have in school, parents are generally the most involved in the development and education of children.
Almost for sure our parents are the best teachers at the beginning of our lives, which actually corresponds to the parents' role in nature. Parents are most committed and involved in teaching their children; they have a kind of instinct to sacrifice a part of themselves for the betterment of their children. They love us and have great patience while passing down their knowledge to us. They wish us a success and thus will not teach us bad things. And of course, implicit learning occurs when children unconsciously copy some of their parents' habits and styles of behavior.
During the second stage of child development, adolescence, parents can still be in the best position to offer advice even though the children might not accept it. In this case, perhaps the child's friends would be the best teachers. Adolescents are notoriously rebellious in many cultures and may automatically reject any advice from their parents. My first marriage for instance, was solely a matter of doing the opposite when my parents tried to intrude in offering their advice. So in such matters, parents should be much more flexible and be rather the partners with their children. So we can see that being a teacher of growing child become more and more complicated case as the time passes and many parents are simply not able to meet the increased demands.
On the other hand, I would say that parents are not professional teachers and they tend to be very biased by their love of their children. So wishing good things and an easy life may prevent children from maturation. In any case, parents usually can present only one viewpoint of the world, while good teaching should be based on different attitudes. Thus, when children go to school and have a great diversity of teachers, they learn much more than their parents could probably give them. Furthermore, once our parents get older, they become more conservative and cannot always be objective in regard to modern trends and fashions. Thus we need to take their advice with caution during that period. However, some kind of intuition which I believe shared between relatives about what everybody needs and great love which exists in a families still makes our parents very good teachers and advisers at any time.
In conclusion, while parents are not the ideal teachers, and well-rounded children will generally need a great diversity of teachers in their lives in order to have a more accurate view of the world, parents are generally the most committed of all teachers and have the greatest emotional investment in their children and their future.
This essay has nice organization and good development. The author has some fairly deep ideas about this topic and conveys them well.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:13:46 |只看该作者
3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some ideas of what to write about for a good score:

•This type of food is usually not as nutritious as fresh food.
•This type of food is usually more expensive than fresh food.
•Preparing this type of food is usually much faster than preparing food "from scratch."
•Cooking is a time when we can spend time with our families. If we spend less time cooking, we will spend less time with our families.
•Cooking can also be a form of relaxation that we will lose if we spend less time cooking.
•This type of food is a reflection of the pressures and stress of life in modern cities.
•Having the option to prepare food more quickly can actually contribute to stress in our lives since we will feel the pressure to do more in less time by using these foods.

Most common errors with this essay topic:
•Failure to restate the topic is one of the most common errors that TestMagic sees in most essays. For example, many essays start like this: "I agree with this point..." We need to say something like this: "I agree that having food that is easy to prepare has improved our lives."
•Many essays talked about the importance of good nutrition. This point is related to the topic, but it is only a point, not the topic. In other words, we should not write an entire essay about the importance of good nutrition, just one paragraph.
•Some essays talked about the dangers of the technology associated preparing food, like radiation from a microwave oven. This is a minor point and should not be developed in the essay.

Sample Essay

Nowadays, wherever we turn our gaze, we can see different types of food that are easier to prepare. For instance, we can buy frozen foods in a supermarket and just prepare it in a couple of minutes, whereas before it could have taken us maybe hours to prepare this kind of meals. I would accept that this so-called improvement has changed our lives, but I believe that there are some drawbacks as well.
It is true that these kinds of food do not involve hard work to prepare, but food that is easy to prepare generally has some artificial ingredients mixed in it that makes it "easy-to-cook". If we take time to read the ingredients, we would definitely come across words like preservatives or artificial flavorings. It was just a couple of days ago that I came across a newspaper article which stated that someone was poisoned because he ate this type of food. He was hospitalized for almost a month.
Not having to cook has also taken the fun out of cooking. Cooking is an art, but in today's world, this is no more true. People are so busy with their work that they just rely on this simple foods. The invention and production of this foods have made people lazy not only for cooking but also for a well family get-together. It was not like former times when families would sit together and eat freshly baked food. Instead, they are getting these artificial things with minimal nutrients in them.
Cooking in the yesteryears was much better than today's. People would spend more time in the kitchen, preparing the food in the way that they liked it. This brought families closer together and also contributed to the high quality and nutrition of the food. Granted, people are busier nowadays and do not have as much time as they did in the past, but I believe that people have forgotten the importance of healthy, fresh food and of the time a family spends together preparing the food. So, I would say that having food that is easy to prepare has had many disadvantages.
This essay has good organization and fairly good use of language. To raise the score, the author would first need to explain why people choose food that is easy to prepare rather than buy food that is fresh. Second, some of the language is awkward; for example, "Cooking in the yesteryears was much better than today's." is a somewhat awkward construction.

It can not be doubted that our eating style has encountered a revolutionary change in the last few decades. It is the change in the type of food that has had the greatest influence. Not only have the recipes of certain food types have been altered, but also absolutely new ones have been created. Examples include yet are not restricted to beef hamburgers, potato chips, and cola drinks. All of these changes contribute to making food preparation as fast and easy as possible. It cannot be neglected that modern cooking facilities play a dramatic role in this trend.
Some people regard this trend as a spoiler of our lives. Their argument focuses on two main points. First, many newly emerged types of food have not the essence of a "complete meal" as defined by nutritionists. To add to the problem, these food types are often served alone. In fact, there are many medical reports warning people from depending upon such fast meals in their food. Other reports indicate a high potential of malnutrition among those who are "addicted" to the common duet of burgers and cola.
Second, the advantage of gathering family members around a meal at home is lost. Fast prepared food types are usually eaten outside home. With the absence of regular family meetings, relationships are likely to be weaker.
Others think that fast prepared food types do improve our style of life. This opinion comes especially from busy people, working wives, and younger people. They believe that we have many things in life more important than eating. Time spent on food preparation is considered wasted by them. Wives will have more time to take care of their families' souls not just stomachs. Family relationships will get stronger. Business men and women will have more time to concentrate on their business without worrying about food arrangements. In general, people will have a greater opportunity to take care of their minds and hearts. Reports estimate the time spent on food arrangements as a large percentage of our lives.
I agree with that food preparation should take its necessary time and care. Otherwise, the time saved in food preparation can lead to longer times of headache or even of staying in hospitals suffering from malnutrition.
This essay has good organization and good use of language. To raise her score, the author should develop the third paragraph and the conclusion.

Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes, from a period when he hunted for his food to the present era when man is dependent on preprocessed foods. During this period not only has man changed his mode of eating but his whole lifestyle as well. In pursuit of more in this competitive world, man no longer has time as he once had. He is caught in a race against the clock. A person who finishes more in lesser time is considered more efficient. This pressure to do more in less time has affected his eating habits as well and, as a result, man no longer has time to cook food. Early man's only objective was to seek food to sustain him and his family. Nowadays finding food has taken a back seat to other priorities, such as career and education.
Food is no longer of that importance. This is not an encouraging trend. People are too dependent on preprocessed or precooked food, which no longer has the freshness it once had. Such foods loose their mineral and vitamin content and are not as healthy as fresh food. That is why the number of diseases is also rising. People have also shifted to high calorie content food like French fries, pizzas, and ice cream, etc., which is causing obesity, fatigue, etc. As man is becoming busy and too involved in his busy schedule, he has no time even to take care of his own personal needs.
Furthermore, cooking is an art which is dying out. People once enjoyed cooking . It was a means of eliminating stress and tension. People were once able to relax during this time and reflect on their lives.
People may tend to argue that by using precooked and preprocessed food they are efficiently using time and can use this precious time saved for other purposes. But is it really worth it? This is a question whose answer can invite much speculation about whether by saving this little time we are inviting lots of other problems, which could easily be avoided. It is actually making our lives not simpler but more complicated. We have lost many of the simpler things in our lives, like the simple acts of selecting our evening meal, preparing it, and enjoying it with our loved ones, and we are worse off for it.
One important note: people in the United States are using words like man, mankind because they are starting to sound sexist. Instead, we are using words like humankind because they do not sound as sexist.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:14:36 |只看该作者
4 It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

Sample Essay

People always are learning and practicing through their whole lives. From reading words in text book such as toy, car, train etc., people have the concept and ideas.  They further understand the actual meaning of these words by playing toys and riding or driving cars, trains etc.
Education (books) and experience are the main two channels for People to gain their knowledge. Each play different roles for people. In my opinion, knowledge from experience is more important than that from books.
Experience first can prove if the knowledge form books are true or false. Textbooks are very wonderful in teaching people essential principles, how is the world looks like? what is the basic law of change of people and things? We can learn a lot through primary school, secondary school until  university. However, people can only understand the really meaning of those form books and justify them if they are right through practices. A few hundred years ago, people learnt from text book that the earth was flat. However scientists found that was wrong through observations and measurement.
The knowledge from experience can improve and advance
the world and our society. As books have limitation, they only teach us the what people found in the past. The knowledge from the books are constrained to the certain conditions and environment. For example, mould and tools design for plastics industry, the university course only taught me very simple cases, most knowledge are obtained from various different and complicated cases in my career.
There are a lot new inventions and new products which could not be found from textbooks. Our society and world are developed through continuous practices, those knowledge, never found in books, such as internet, e-business etc. are all developed through new practices.
"The truth comes from practices and experience", people are continually discovering new things and assessing the creditability of the knowledge written in books. The knowledge from experience help us much more than those from books.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:15:17 |只看该作者
5  A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

Sample Essay

I am from Arroz e Feijao, a small town in the northeast of Brazil. Building a factory in there will bring a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but I believe that Arroz e Feijao will mostly benefit from the building of a new factory because it is largely populated by poor people and the factory would bring many benefits to this small town. However, of course, a factory has disadvantages as well.  
As you know, factories usually bring pollution. If this factory is not managed very effectively and efficiently according to specific rules, it's prone to polluting the local air and water. What's more, factories usually make noise. Beside clean drinkable water and fresh air, an ideal community should be quiet. If the factory cannot maintain this situation to the community, it will not last long. A factory that is too noisy or pollutes too much will eventually be relocated to a new area.
On the other hand, a factory could bring a lot of benefits to the community. So I would support the plan to build a factory to my community for all the reasons I will describe below.
First of all, the factory's construction will surely improve the local infrastructure. To run smoothly, the factory will have to have a steady, reliable supply of water and electricity. Some old pipes will be changed, and some facilities will be renovated. The residents' living standard get improved as a result of these widespread changes, an important benefit in Arroz e Feijao, where many people do not have access to clean water.
Secondly, to make the employee commute more convenient, the local roads will have to be rebuilt and broadened, resulting in improved public transportation. The town's residents can take a public bus to go shopping or go to work. As a result, air pollution and fuel consumption might be reduced.
Most important, a factory's establishment will bring up a lot of employment opportunities for the community. A factory need experts from various fields. The residents can take just a few minutes to go to the factory to work. So, the local residents can get great benefits from this factory.
Generally speaking, I agree with the plan to build a factory near my community. If the factory can be managed successfully, the factory and local residents can have mutual benefit.
This essay follows the standard pattern of a good TOEFL essay--it has simple, clear points that are supported with examples. I particularly like the way the writer was very specific about how water pipes would have to be replaced; this detail makes the essay seem well planned and makes its writer seem insightful.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:16:27 |只看该作者
6 If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

Most common errors with this essay topic:
•Failure to restate the topic is one of the most common errors that TestMagic sees in most essays. For example, many essays start like this: "I agree with this point..." We need to say something like this: "I agree that having food that is easy to prepare has improved our lives."

Sample Essay

Everything in the universe is in constant change. And everything needs continual improvement if the ever changing and increasing demands of humankind are to be met. If I am ever given the chance to change one important thing about my home town, it would be internet service. Needless to say that nothing generally revolutionized the way we live as internet in the past decade. Thus, an improvement in this vital service would mean an even more, unheard betterment to the people in my home town.
It is said that information is power. True saying indeed! I can envision how everything in my home town could improve dramatically if the internet service in it were made free, fast and staying out there like electricity, telephone or water all the time. One thing, a fast free and reliable internet service could improve in my home town is the way people work. If there is a this said service people in my home town must not necessarily commute to a far place to do their job. This in turn would mean  less traffic jams, spacious work place, more time for family and recreation and so on.
The way people learn would be another important thing that a fast, free and reliable internet service could better in my home town. People will have the chance to go through  tremendous and different information resources in a very small amount of time. They, apparently will also take less time to share it. This assures a more fulfilled life for my home town people.
Since its advent, internet touched every part of our life. It in a dazzling way improved the way we do business, learn and communicate. A change in internet service implies good way of living for every one in my home town.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:17:05 |只看该作者
7 How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

Sample Essay

Hesitating I enter my house, the light outside is dimming and the shadows make everything appear unfamiliar. I  know that my husband has not returned from work yet, simply because his car is not in the garage. I am alone. I carefully check all the rooms, almost expecting something to happen suddenly. I hold my bag in my hand as if it were a weapon. After the whole house has been declared “clear,” I start to breathe normally again and a smile appears on my face as I realize, once again, how a simple movie seen at the cinema a week earlier can modify my actions.
Sometimes I wonder if I should watch TV, with all its shows that make me wonder whether I exercise enough, whether I am slim enough, or whether I treat my pets with the care they deserve: am I really concerned about their mental health??? Not to mention the hundreds of commercials that try to make me believe I need a water purifier to remain alive since the water I am currently drinking is heavily polluted! And countless are the times when I have heard people talking by quotations learned from movies… We need to watch shows and films to know what to say, how to be, how to act. We are so addicted to all this that it almost seems like we cannot think on our own.
I cannot help thinking about what happened to me some days ago, an example that clearly shows what kind of power TV has over people. My husband and I were in a restaurant when I heard my young neighbor pronouncing violent words in a low angry voice. Surprised, I turned to better understand the situation and I saw that he was holding a fake military device and was acting as if he were filming a war movie. I am sure that if I had been a little be more updated about this type of movie, I would have recognized what he was saying as a quotation. Now, I wonder if he uses such a language also with his friends and with his parents, if he is aggressive, and if so, whether his attitude has really nothing to do with what he watches on TV.
That same evening on the way home I saw two cars stopped one next to the other at a traffic light and as soon as the light turned green they started racing, in the middle of town. In this case not even a major knowledge of movies and TV programs would have helped me: there are just to many of them on the market showing the exact same thing: people racing with cars.
I am sure that everybody, if asked, could easily list many other examples of how TV and movies can modify our behavior and therefore our life but, I wonder, if we will always be able to draw the line between a TV show and real life, between what they make us think we want and what instead we really need and are and believe.
This is a unique essay; it is written in a more literary style than the traditional "cut and dried" approach of most essays. It is refreshing to read such essays!
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:17:37 |只看该作者
8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

This essay was written by me (Erin Billy) and has 653 words. Even though this essay is relatively long, I wrote it in under 20 minutes. Your essay should have 250-500 words.

Sample Essay
Television is undoubtedly one of the most powerful means of communication in the history of humankind, rivaled only by such other forms of communication as the Internet, the telephone, movies, and, of course, simple, low-tech speech. Television, with its wide availability and rich media with image and sound, is difficult to ignore and even seductive in its appeal. Television is as much a part of our lives as are our meals, work, or school; studies consistently show that the average American child spends almost as much time watching television as she does in school. Furthermore, because television is so rich in its media, it often requires our full attention or is more attraction to us than are our daily lives. Naturally, the more time one spends watching television, the less time she has with her family and friends. Thus, we can clearly see why some have claimed that television has been harmful for communication among family and friends. However, I believe that, while television has been somewhat harmful in its effects, it has hardly "destroyed" communication among family and friends for most people, although for some, this may be true.
Most people much prefer spending time with their families and friends to spending time watching television. Television is of course an important part of many people's lives, but most people would gladly choose family and friends over television were they given the choice. Furthermore, most educated people are aware of the deleterious effects of too much television and either avoid excessive time watching television, or actually do not enjoy it. I, for example, after a long day at work, would much rather spend time talking with my wife and playing with my children than I would watching some unrealistic portrayal of life on television. For me and my family, our time together is precious and beautiful, and could never be replaced or hurt by television.
Furthermore, the effect of television is simply not so great that it could be said to have "destroyed" communication among family and friends. Granting that communication among family and friends in industrialized countries has decreased in recent years, it might be tempting to blame this problem on television since its rise roughly coincided with the decrease in time we spend with our families. However, I believe this situation is more likely due to increased pressures relating from work, school, and the economy. In my case, for example, I find that my pressures from work are so great that I must often sacrifice time at home so that I can meet the challenges of running my own business. Many of my friends are in similar situations--my best friend, for example, has just finished law school, which took about sixty hours a week of his time. In a word, people nowadays have very little time for anything, but television is not the cause--it is increased desire to succeed.
In some situations, however, television has surely contributed to a decrease in communication among family members. In my childhood in the countryside, I often saw parents and children watching television for hours on end, rarely speaking with one another. It seemed for them that television was a way to escape from their sad, miserable existence. However, even in this case, I would say that television merely contributed to the bad situation, but did not cause it; were television not existent, surely these people would have found other escapes, alcohol or gambling, for example. In other words, people always find a way to do what they want to do.
In short, I do not believe that television has destroyed or even harmed interpersonal communication among most people. Most people realize that television is merely a temporary diversion and do not use it to replace interpersonal communication. I believe that the damage attributed to television is greatly exaggerated and that such damage is most likely attributable to other more powerful social factors.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-26 23:19:31 |只看该作者
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:19:58 |只看该作者
10 “When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

Sample Essay
I fully agree with the claim that there is no correlation between success and luck. Moreover, I understand success to refer to one’s ability to achieve the predominant part of his goals in his lifetime, which in turn leads to a correlation between success and income since the accomplishment of such a natural goal as to provide a good future for your loved ones demands the means. What is the simplest and most lawful way to earn enough to consider yourself a successful person? To receive a good education and to find a good job. Both receiving an education and making a career presuppose one’s readiness to work hard, and success without hard work is simply not possible for the vast majority of the world's population. The reasons and examples listed below will strengthen my point of view.
First of all, considering an education and a career as key factors of success, one will choose to pursue a degree from a college or a university. One wishing to be admitted to the university will have to take several tests. It is doubtful that someone will be so lucky that knowing nothing, he could pass the test with a high score. A low score means failure, and that test taker will not likely be admitted.  Therefore, in order to be successful, one should prepare for the tests and work hard, because a good education will provide him with a good job and an opportunity to accomplish some of his goals and dreams.  In my lifetime, I have never met a person who could graduate from a college without working hard.

Secondly, it is impossible to make a career if one is indolent and lacking knowledge, at least in developed countries. Luck plays no role in achieving this success. Even if someone was unbelievably lucky enough to become a manager not being qualified enough, he will be asked to resign in the near future because of his inability due to lack of knowledge and experience to make right decisions. For instance, I used to work for a very small company owned by a friend. This company was later closed because of bankruptcy. The cause of bankruptcy was wrong strategies and decisions made by the owner. After the failure, he went to a university and worked for another company so that he could obtain experience and become a successful businessman. Nowadays, he considers himself a successful person because he had turned into reality his two biggest dreams of producing consumer goods of high quality and making charitable donations to needy people.

In sum, as long as someone understands success as an ability to turn into reality some of his dreams and goals, he will have to work hard because he will need money. And his chances to earn that money will remarkably increase if he could graduate from a college and make a career. All of these things are simply not possible without hard work. Luck has no place in such a scheme of events.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-26 23:20:58 |只看该作者
11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Sample Essay

Some people claim that universities should give the same sum of money to their students' sports activities as to their university libraries. They point out that universities should attract more students to exercise, because a healthy body can make a student bear the heavy studies. On the other hand, most people, like me, strongly disagree with it. In the following paragraphs, I will explain some main reasons.

In the first place, an obvious advantage to spend more money on libraries is that enormous libraries can help us save a huge amount of money, paper resource and the time to seek study materials from a far bookstore. As we all known, the prices of books are more expensive than before, while we have to read more books to catch up with the high-tech era. Moreover, now many students are still too poor to go to school, therefore libraries become the cheapest places to provide useful knowledge for them. Just imagine these poor persons can enjoy a varieties of books in a comfortable environment with enough light and a quiet study atmosphere. How happy they are!

Secondly, another reason why I disagree is that the chief goal of university education is to teach students working skills. Obviously, libraries provide more useful information to students than sports activities do. For example, more and more libraries are also equipped with computers which can encourage students to surf the Net to widen their horizons. Without the Internet, there will be less chances to make friend with the foreigners and catch the latest worldwide information. On the contrary, sports activities are just limited in a small area and a few of friends in some degree.

However, I don not deny that sports activities can provide chances to develop some good characteristics, such as cooperation. But frankly speaking, it is a bit wasteful to spend too much money on sports activities, when we can attain enough free exercises, such as running, which gain the same advantages as well. Furthermore, students are easily obsessed by the activities and overlook their studies. For instant, I once used so much study time to play basketball that I failed to go up to the next grade. Although I earned some awards of basketball matches at that time, I feel very regret. In fact, numerous students have the similar stories because of the attraction of the sports activities.

In conclusion, I firmly disagree with the idea that universities should give the same sum of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Nevertheless we are sure that both universities libraries and proper sports activities are valuable. Anyway, to avoid students playing overtime and ignoring their homework should be concerned. Is it wise to spend more money on universities libraries?


I disagree with the statement that universities should offer the same amount of funding for sports activities as they provide for studies. The word 'studies' means a wide range of activities that a student should follow in order to be graduated at a university or a college (in this case). Studies include reading for new knowledge, conducting experiments with invaluable equipments in high-tech labs, finding literature, writing research reports, etc.

In contrast, sports are not a must for students who study another specific subject stream. Therefore, it should not require that much of dedicating work and money because it is actually based on physical training that can be achieved during the spare time of such a student. It is obvious that the sports activities are essential for well-balanced healthier life not only for students, but also for each and every human. However, if we balance the cost and benefit of regular studies and sports, studies always rank first because of its high cost as well as the higher benefits than achieving through sports.

Undoubtedly, studies require large amounts of money to support a student. For an example if we take a student who study biotechnology. She/he should conduct her research in air-conditioned labs with fine equipments. The chemicals used to run a gel, such as polyacrylamide gel are very expensive. She/He will have to use these expensive chemicals many times. Moreover, the uses of energy for high-tech equipments are very high. Let's assume that the university scholarship bear all these expenses. But the point is that if the university gives the same amount to practice basketball for that student, it is a waste of money because the student's major concern is his/her studies than practicing basketball. The important conclusion is that this student does not need to study basketball in depth because she/he is not reading for a sports technology degree. If one student needs to follow such a degree it doesn't matter to fund him/her in big amount for sports. Therefore my opinion is that university should have flexible criteria to provide only the adequate amount of money for a specific program without assigning the same amount for both most and least important programs.

In the world there are many poor students who have excellent abilities in different fields of studies. Universities can absorb those intelligent students if they have good plans of funding that are mainly focused on studies while assigning only an adequate/less amount for sports. Administrative officers should be aware of all these factors when they spend money on students' support.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-26 23:23:03 |只看该作者
12 暂缺
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-26 23:23:41 |只看该作者
13 Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample Essay
People may have two choices to eat, either they go out to fast food stands or restaurants, or they prepare food at home, whatever suitable to them. In my case I prefer to go out to eat, as it is easy to get, it saves my time, and I can try variety of interesting food of  different countries.
   Being a working person, with all day long office work and driving long way, it becomes difficult to do all preparation for making food. For me easy way to get food is restaurant, where I can get prepared food at home or office by just ordering on phone, Along with that another comfort is, that when ever I have to eat together with my so many friends, I can always  go to a restaurant, otherwise it’s difficult to prepare food at home  for so many people and don’t get time to talk and having fun. So I always find it a easier way to eat out, apart from that It make my other outdoor activities possible   because I don’t have to bother about food wherever I go, to any fun place or theater or traveling, restaurants are always there throughout  city and it becomes easy every time to get food whenever and whenever I need according to other activities.

Besides that I can save a lot of time by getting food from restaurant as, I don’t have to go for vegetables and grocery shopping, I don’t need to clean, cut and fry  food and do a lot kitchen work , doing dishes etc., instead  I can get fresh food  delivered in minutes.
Along with that  when I eat at restaurant I have more time to do other things like reading, watching TV, and listening music, going out theatre, or having fun with friends, that don’t make me tired or boring and I feel refreshed for next day work, so by going to restaurant  I can manage a lot more activities instead preparing food.

In addition, in restaurant I get a variety of food choice, I can have taste of different regions, for example  Indian restaurant I can get varied food from North Indian to South Indian  Punjabi, Bengali, Madrasi, Maharashtrian, etc. at one place.
Likewise, I can taste world wide food variety like  pasta dishes  in   Italian restaurant , tortilla and barito dishes  in  Mexican, pizza, and burger items  in American, noodles in Chinese, etc. and can enjoy  various vegetarian, non vegetarian  dishes which are specialty of different countries.
Not only that, in restaurant the food is served with beautiful garnishing, that tempt for eating and is worth of paying. I find it very interesting to experience varied food in different restaurants.
To conclude I am fond of going stands and restaurants for eating that is suitable for me because of convenient, quick and variety of tasty food, which I enjoy very much and make my routine easier and interesting.

As people get more and more busy with their life stlyle and career, they tend to go out and eat food from restuarants or other food stall. But I for one still prefer to come home, prepare and eat my food at home.

I have always enjoyed  cooking for other people and let them praise me for it. It has been an extra bonus because I find cooking theraputic as well. After coming from a exhausting day of work from the office, it is fun to be your own boss in the kitchen. I can do whatever I want to do and do not have to ask for any permission or worry about if I am doing everything right. It is the fact that I know what I am good at it makes me feel exuberant.

But apart from this, cooking at home and eating with the rest of the family at the end of the day has been a tradition in the old generation. A tradition that more and more people are forgetting these days. We are so busy with our own lives that we are no longer interested with the lives or our near and dear ones. So I think the best way to catch up with the rest of the family with over a nice cosy dinner and sipping warm wine.

Eating at one of those classy resturants means that you have to be dressed properly with black jacket and white shirt. If you go to one of the chinese resturants that is just round the corner, it is always noisy when all you want is quite and peace around you. Sometimes the food is not even up to standard, sometimes your favourite dish is not available any more.

Then there is a question of hygiene. How well cooked is the food at the resturant? Have they been washed properly before cooking? If food is eaten at home, you are sure that it will be cleaned and washed properly becasue hygiene, to you, is the most important thing.

Even if some people think of cooking as a hassle nowadays, with microwave, oven and other different kitchen gadgets, cooking can be done with no probelm at all.

last but not the least, it's very cheap when you eat at home. A person might not be able to afford chinese 30 days a month, and 12 months a year.

So based on all the above mentioned point, I think it is better to eat at home
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-26 23:25:06 |只看该作者
14 Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Sample Essay
Optional attendance to classes at universities has been an increasingly popular way for students to study for several years in quite a few countries. However, it has not yet had its intended results as it had been hoped. In fact, today, this system seems to be one of the reasons for the corruption of university education. In my opinion, compulsory attendance is better than having no requirement to attend all the lessons on-campus.

There are two points of view to this question. First, one side will say that university students are adults and should be able to manage their time as they see fit. This point of view says that sometimes, in today’s busy world, people need flexibility to manage their lives. For example, many single parents who are trying to earn their college degrees will sometimes need to skip a class because of the demands of their other responsibilities. However, I believe that the great majority of college students are young and single, and have few responsibilities, and that they need the discipline and structure of a system that requires attendance. Young people who have just gone off to college are notorious for the excesses to which they enjoy their freedom.

There are many negative situations caused by the free-attendance system. The most harmful one is the economic waste for both universities and students. Many students who do not attend classes regularly are likely to suffer decreased performance on their exams and therefore waste their time in college. They, generally, do not feel panic because of the failures or restudying the same subjects for the second time. However, this sometimes costs a fortune to both parents and the government that have created tax-funded subsidies for education for each student every year. Not only are the university fees wasted, but also the money for accommodations and other spending are also wasted.

On the other hand, students who are required to attend classes regularly have no time to waste in pubs or clubs. Nor can they spend these young years, which are more valuable to them to learn and think than any other period in their lives, on gambling or drinking. I do not mean they are only to study without any break or entertainment. Their social life is as necessary as studying during the hard academic years, yet, the amount of each should be balanced well. More spare time than necessary encourages the young to ignore studying and classes. Thus, neither the universities nor the students do their best if the students have too much freedom not to study.

To sum up, many teenagers are not able to think sensibly to decide when to study and when to enjoy with friends. A scheduled chart of classes which have a huge number of options that are necessary to identify the best fitting one for each student, will help them to construct an ideal campus life including leisure activities. In addition, this will stop the waste of time and money and is likely to reevaluate the higher education system in several years. In short, I believe that the majority of college students are too young to manage their time responsibly and that universities should therefore impose strict rules on attendance.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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