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[求助] Independent Writing新人求指导!! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-12 16:15:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
121.Some people trust their first impressions about a person's character
because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do
not judge a person's character quickly because they believe first impressions
are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree
Support your choice with specific examples.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Although we are told again and again, potential judgements based on the first impression still plays a role in our daily life. But trust me, one can only make the way to other people's hearts by trying to be non-judgemental, patient and kind and first impressions are often liars.

For me, first impressions fall into 3 parts: appearance, behaviour and character.

Firstly, appearance might be the last I would like to count on when it comes to judging people. Admittedly, a shabby T-shirt and a luxurious suit lead to divergent consequences in interviews since most of us are fans of fantastic dressing. But none of us could ever deny the possibility that it turns out what he/she is wearing has nothing to do with what he/she is like. My classmate Jenny has appealing appearance and a special taste for dressing, which makes her an obedient, elegant and kind girl, seemingly, of course. But only those who have been to her home know how terribly she treats her parents and sister and how cold she really is. Appearance doesn't represent intelligence, discretion or a caring heart.

As for behaviour, here's something that deserves people's attention. According to a survey conducted in 7 major cities in the UK, people tend to perform their action more carefully and at a faster rate when they know they are making a first impression, that is to say, more experienced and practical behaviour is presented in the first impressions. Judging from that short observation of his/her behaviour and fortifying your judgement when dealing with him/her later, you are likely to be "cheated". And this is just the case when people unconsciously pretend to be better. As is known to all, classes are offered nowadays to prepare you for interviews, blind dates, etc. There, you are taught to improve your first impression so that it no longer reflects what sort of person you are. See? First impressions can be faked.

What about character? Due to lack of patience, you are likely to ignore some precious qualities of somebody. I'd like to stress out here that it takes time to get to know one's heart, and reliance on the first impression leads to misunderstanding. Take my roommate Emma as an example, she was, let's say, a bit hostile when I first met her as there was something wrong about our room arrangements. And it was not until I got caught in the rain and she "rescued" me when I started reflecting on the past and finally realized that she had been so caring and helpful all the time. As time goes by, it is my fortified first impression that twisted everything.

In conclusion, first impressions might be liars, but patience and understanding will always be the key to accurate judgements.
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