“An actor whose conduct has not created a risk of physical or emotional harm to another has no duty of care to the other unless a court determines that one of the affirmative duties provided in §38-44 is applicable.”
“(a) An actor in a special relationship with another owes the other a duty of reasonable care with regard to risks that arise within the scope of the relationship.
(b) Special relationships giving rise to the duty provided in Subsection (a) include:
(1) a common carrier with its passengers,
(2) an innkeeper with its guests,
(3) a business or other possessor of land that holds its premises open to the public with those who are lawfully on the premises,
(4) an employer with its employees who, while at work, are:
(a) in imminent danger; or
(b) injured or ill and thereby rendered helpless,
(5) a school with its students,
(6) a landlord with its tenants, and
(7) a custodian with those in its custody, if:
(a) the custodian is required by law to take custody or voluntarily takes custody of the other; and
(b) the custodian has a superior ability to protect the other.”
“(a) An actor in a special relationship with another owes a duty of reasonable care to third parties with regard to risks posed by the other that arise within the scope of the relationship.
(b) Special relationships giving rise to the duty provided in Subsection (a) include:
(1) a parent with dependent children,
(2) a custodian with those in its custody,
(3) an employer with employees when the employment facilitates the employee's causing harm to third parties, and
(4) a mental-health professional with patients.”
第二,第三人。第三人必须为特定的第三人,一定要是可预见的第三人(Foreseeable third party,注意这个词,foreseeable,我分析完条文会在下面重点讲卡多佐的案子,他的判决可以被视为是精简版的重述,虽然他的判决在第三次重述之前)。怎么理解呢?就是说A必须可以预见到B会去伤害C。我们教授用的是Tarasoff这个案件。在这个案件中,精神病医生A对死者C负有义务,因为他的病人B告诉他,老子B就要去杀掉C。所以C对A而言是可预见的并且是特定的第三人。如果,B没有告诉他我要去杀掉C,反而就说,老子要去报复社会了,那么第三人是不可预见的,B不知道C要去报复谁,在这种情况下,B对潜在的第三人没有义务。所以B对C造成的伤害不负过失侵权责任,因为义务要件不满足。
“An actor who undertakes to render services to another and who knows or should know that the services will reduce the risk of physical harm to the other has a duty of reasonable care to the other in conducting the undertaking if:
(a) the failure to exercise such care increases the risk of harm beyond that which existed without the undertaking, or
(b) the person to whom the services are rendered or another relies on the actor's exercising reasonable care in the undertaking.”
“An actor who undertakes to render services to another and who knows or should know that the services will reduce the risk of physical harm to which a third person is exposed has a duty of reasonable care to the third person in conducting the undertaking if:
(a) the failure to exercise reasonable care increases the risk of harm beyond that which existed without the undertaking,
(b) the actor has undertaken to perform a duty owed by the other to the third person, or
(c) the person to whom the services are rendered, the third party, or another relies on the actor's exercising reasonable care in the undertaking.”
“(a) An actor who, despite no duty to do so, takes charge of another who reasonably appears to be:
(1) imperiled; and
(2) helpless or unable to protect himself or herself
has a duty to exercise reasonable care while the other is within the actor's charge.
(b)An actor who discontinues aid or protection is subject to a duty of reasonable care to refrain from putting the other in a worse position than existed before the actor took charge of the other and, if the other reasonably appears to be in imminent peril of serious physical harm at the time of termination, to exercise reasonable care with regard to the peril before terminating the rescue.”