My friend Prof. Florian Stadler at Chonbuk National University isoffering master/ PhD student positions with financial supports. Couldyou forward this flyer to the undergrad students who might beinterested in studying in Korea for an advanced graduate degree?
For students who are interested and have questions, please contact Prof. Florian Stadler directly. ( )
1. The Rheology Group in the School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering is looking for Master Students
What we offer:
• Work in an ambitious young team
• Interesting and challenging topics in largely unexplored fields of science and engineering
• Financial support from the BK 21-program (Brain Korea 21, 500,000-600,000 ₩/month)
You should have:
• Good English skills
• An open mind for new scientific facts and good observation ability
• The ability to work with fragile machines and substances
and will have to be a student at the School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering
2. The Rheology Group in the School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering is looking for Master and PhD Students
What we offer:
• Work in an ambitious young team
• work on an interesting project on modifying epoxy
resins to produce wind mill blades (a
multidisciplinary project)
• Financial support
You should have:
• Good English skills
• An open mind for new scientific facts and good observation ability
• The ability to work with fragile machines and substances
and you should be a student at the School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering
3.The Rheology Group in the School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering is looking for two PhD Students
Topic 1: synthesis and characterization of special metallocene PE
Topic 2: rheological and dynamic mechanical characterization of special metallocene PE
What we offer:
• Work in an ambitious young team
• Financial support
You should have:
• Good English skills
• An open mind for new scientific facts and good observation ability
• The ability to work with fragile machines and substances
The positions will become available in August 2010. But the necessary administration will have to be started by April 2010.
Interested? Then contact me:
Prof. Dr. Florian Stadler
+82 (63)-270-4039