本帖最后由 paracloud 于 2010-5-9 23:30 编辑
VO:(looking at my application form...then) oh, how was life in uk?
me: pretty good, enjoyable.
VO: so... you already have a master of XXX in the uk, why are u going to the statesto have another one?
me: well, my study in the ukwas just generally XX, focus on professional training to become an XX, but inmy further study i would like to focus on the specific field of XX, which iscalled XX.
VO: what is that like?
me: traditionally, XX have to manually click mouse to build a XX, but in XX,you really can get rid of the restrictionof one software and get into the black box of programming blablabla.... and Xuniversity is well known for its innovation in this field.
VO:(listening carefully) Wow... so...which architect do you admire?
me:XX, do you know her?
VO: no... how to spell her last name?
VO: I'll check it out latter
me: she used a lot of XX in her firm.
VO: en... get this form and go to...
me: thanks
总之,我说的多些,VO话不多,但是听得比较认真,偶尔看看电脑。准备的材料VO一点也没看。感觉比在伦敦签美国的时候气氛宽松的多。零零碎碎,希望这个帖子对大家有帮助。 |