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[经验思考] 一个半月AW复习总结 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-4-11 17:24:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 apple916 于 2011-4-11 17:47 编辑


28/17 "Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little."
207/19 "Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are."
203/3 The following appeared in a newspaper feature story. “At the small, nonprofit hospital in the town of Saluda, the average length of a patient's stay is two days; at the large, for-profit hospital in the nearby city of Megaville, the average patient stay is six days. Also, the cure rate among patients in the Saluda hospital is about twice that of the Megaville hospital. The Saluda hospital has more employees per patient than the hospital in Megaville, and there are few complaints about service at the local hospital. Such data indicate that treatment in smaller, nonprofit hospitals is more economical and of better quality than treatment in larger, for-profit hospitals."


TOPIC: ARGUMENT209 - The following recommendation was made by the Human Resources Manager to the board of directors of the Fancy Toy Company.
"In the last three quarters of this year, under the leadership of our president, Pat Salvo, our profits have fallen considerably. Thus, we should ask for her resignation in return for a generous severance package. In Pat's place, we should appoint Rosa Winnings. Rosa is currently president of Starlight Jewelry, a company whose profits have increased dramatically over the past several years. Although we will have to pay Rosa twice the salary that Pat has been receiving, it will be well worth it because we can soon expect our profits to increase considerably."

Rosa Winings may not reach the expectation of the manager. Were the real factors not be found out, the company would probably continue experiencing decline in profits.

The author unfairly assumes that the considerably profit decline is the result of the poor leadership of Pat Salvo. But we are not informed of how many profits were achieved by the company under the leadership of the former president before Pat. It is entirely possible that the poor situation has existed for a time and worsens until Pat take over the position. So, the recommendation is not fair at all. Granted Pat has been the president for a long time, it is still unfair to blame her for the decline in profits. Perhaps, the market of toy is shrinking due to some causes, thus the whole sales condition is stagnancy in the industry. That is to say, other correlative companies are experiencing the same even worse situation as the Fancy Toy Company. Compared to these companies, the loss is not so significant, though the profits falls considerably. Moreover, the time of three quarters is not long enough to indicate the real behavior of the company. Perhaps, Pat has taken some measures which harm the profits temporarily but will benefit it in the long run. For example, Pat excludes some sorts of toys possessing a large share in the market, but those toys are low-profitable. And she is looking for or already finds a better substitute. However, it takes time to reveal its benefits.

Even Pat Salvo is a terrible president; there are probably other more crucial factors responsible for the profit declining.It may be the result of intense competition from its counterparts. Other companies may invent some more appealing products to crater for the consumer, whereas the Fancy Toy Company keep its major products unchanged due to their confidence in previous success of these products. Without ruling out this potential factor, the company faces the risk of losing their original market share. Consequently, it is more pressing to inspect the market than to fire the president hastily.

Even if the fall of profits is attributable to Pat Salvo and no other factors share the responsibility, it is still not wise to appoint Rosa Winnings with respect to the double salary. Yet Rosa is an outstanding president of Starlight Jewelry, it is not enough to promise her to be a successful leader in the Fancy Toy Company. So many differences exist in the two industries. The toy industry involves a lot differentiated problems, possibly beyond the ability of her. Additionally, there are entirely new teams for her to lead and many new tasks waiting for her. She probably needs a time to get accustomed to these circumstances. Then, the expectation would not be achieved soon. Furthermore, some one more suitable than Rosa deserves attention from the company.

To avoid greater decline in profits, the manager had better inspect the market of toy carefully rather than replace a possible loyal president with another one who is unfamiliar with the industry.

ISSUE 17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

There are two types of laws: just and unjust. It is not only a legal obligation, but also a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Also, people have a moral responsibility to disobey and resist unjust laws, which can be called civil disobedience, because unjust laws cannot be regarded as laws.

As we all know, some laws are probably contrary to the widely held conceptions and contrary to the faith or conscience of citizens who have a specific religious or cultural background, because of the limits in rationality, knowledge, technology and other aspects of those legislators. Clearly, being subject to such laws violated the morality, religion, or the principle of universal justice. The goal of the rule of law is not to make people the slaves of laws, but to enable everyone to become free and independent individuals with a conscience and a sense of justice.

In a state under the rule of law, there should be recognition of legitimacy of civil disobedience out of conscience in some cases. This kind of legitimate disobedience can make up for the deficiencies of laws. Civil disobedience is illegal only in the form, but in essence, it is not only not violation against the law, but a higher level of respect for the law. The purpose of civil disobedience against laws is to expose the injustice of the law, or to promote a just career by catching the intention of the public to the unjust laws. The ultimate goal of civil disobedience is to awake their conscience to change these laws. Therefore, civil disobedience is to change rather than to destroy a specific law.

Social change occurs either through coercive means, or basing on a democratic way. A typical example of the former is terrorism. Despite the terrorist may not change the existing situation out of their self-interest so as to reach the end they in favor of, but they always use violence to achieve their political objectives. In contrast, civil disobedience against some certain laws by peaceful means is an open dialogue with the authorities and trying to convince the authorities that those laws they are opposed to have some inherent injustice. In general, it is basing on this dialogue that enables civil disobedience starts a democratic exchange of ideas with the authorities. Mill, in "On Liberty" advocates that, if someone challenges some widely accepted views, we should thank them, and open our hearts to listen to their views; at the same time, we should be pleased that someone are completing the business we should have done. Therefore, it is not only a responsibility for every individual to disobey and resist unjust laws, but this kind of civil disobedience should be protected by the authority.

Legitimate civil disobedience will help to prevent the departure from justice. Even if there is such a departure, civil disobedience is conducive to correct it. Therefore, it can be used as a stabilizing force in society. Meanwhile, those who disobey the unjust laws demonstrate a responsible citizenship or civic virtue.

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发表于 2011-4-13 09:55:16 |只看该作者

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