YY: what did you do before Oct.?
me: i was finding a job. you know, because i was refused by visa and missed t
he recruiment pick up season, so i took a long time.
yy: u spent so long to find a job? then i don't know why do you want the mast
er degree?(我去读master)
me:that's why i want to study for a master degree. and it is not hard to find
a job, it is hard to find a job relating with my major. actually i want to st
ay in beijing, but because i miss the season, i have to move to shanghai. u kn
ow most fresh got their job offer in April or May. but that time i don't want
to find a job because i want to study.(期间根本没有听我说,不停的把我的材料递出
yy:did u get a fellowship last year?
me: yes, even higher.
yy:i can't issue you the visa now. we must contact Beijing to confrim your in