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[i习作temp] ISSUE 40 最后的战役 第一周 波 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-26 23:49:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 liubo8813 于 2010-12-27 00:09 编辑

ISSUE40 - "Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem."

The speaker claims that it is more important to pursue individual interests rather than contribution to the larger society for a scholar or researcher. Although the researchers' personal interests act significantly in the progress of society, the speaker overlooks the overlap between the contribution made by scholars and the results derived from their interests. And more, the extreme unusual or idiosyncratic interests may not contribute to the society but do harm to it.

To begin with, no one can deny the importance of interest in scholars and researchers' work. In one hand, many of the successful scholars and researchers are initially encouraged by their interests. For instance, it is the interest to uncover the truth behind the dropping apple that renders Isaac Newton to discover the discipline of gravity. And in the other hand, only when the scholars focus on what they are interested in, can they be provoked and productive. It must be a cruel practice to press a promising photographer to become a computer expert.

However, obviously, many of the contributions made by the scholars or researchers attribute to their interests of the specific field. The contribution of a scholar or researcher and his or her interest always overlap each other. When comes to the case of Albert Einstein, the passion and interest in the electricity got him to invent all those implements, which benefit the world all the time. And it is not an impossible task for the researchers to evaluate the consequences of their performance.

Furthermore, concerning the limit resources, a researcher or scholar's unusual or idiosyncratic interest may cause a waste of resource both in material and intellect and even a disaster. Without certain boundary, an idiosyncratic researcher may abuse the available resources and disregard the experiments' consequences. In particular, the research of the outer space is extreme expensive and causing the space pollution. So it should go under the assessment of government and the peer review to approach, other than manipulated by a group of idiosyncratic researchers.

In sum, the interests of scholars and researchers are important to some extent. But overemphasis of the interests of scholars and researchers may lead to chasm between the social needs and the scientific and sociological researches. And the progression of the society should be carefully considered in every single field.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-12-31 00:02:55 |只看该作者
The speaker claims that it is more important to pursueindividual interests rather than contribution to the larger society for ascholar or researcher. Although the researchers' personal interests actsignificantly in the progress of society, the speaker overlooks the overlapbetween the contribution made by scholars and the results derived from theirinterests. And more, the extreme unusual or idiosyncratic interests may notcontribute to the society but do harm to it.

Tobegin with, no one can deny the importance of interests in scholars(可怜我不知道这个地方是不是该加,波看到后回应下) and researchers' work. Inone hand, many of the successful scholars and researchers are initiallyencouraged by their interests. For instance, it is the interest to uncover thetruth behind the dropping apple that renders Isaac Newton to discover the discipline ofgravity. And in the other hand, only when the scholars focus on what they areinterested in, can they be provoked and productive. It must be a cruel practiceto press a promising photographer to become a computer expert.

However,obviously, many of the contributions made by the scholars or researchersattribute to their interests of the specific field. The contribution of ascholar or researcher and his or her interests always overlap each other.When comes to the case of Albert Einstein, the passion and interest in theelectricity got him to invent all those implements, which benefit the world allthe time.(这个例子不大好啊,爱因斯坦毕竟是做物理的,电学什么的,这个应该用在爱迪生身上才行啊) And it is not animpossible task for the researchers to evaluate the consequences of theirperformance.
Furthermore,concerning the limit resources, a researcher or scholar's unusual oridiosyncratic interest may cause a waste of resource both in material andintellect and even a disaster. Without certain boundary, an idiosyncraticresearcher may abuse the available resources and disregard the experiments'consequences. In particular, the research of the outer space is extremely expensive and causing thespace pollution. So it should go under the assessment supervision 我认为用这个词好,可能我对assessment的用法不够熟悉) of government and the peerreview to ofapproach, other than manipulated by (under the manipulation of) a group of idiosyncratic researchers.
Insum, the interests of scholars and researchers are important to some extent.But overemphasis of (on) the interests of scholars and researchers may leadto chasm between the social needs and the scientific and sociologicalresearches.(前文中对这句话没有说透,过度关注interest 会使科学和社会产生分歧么?应该还是继续用科学家对于研究的兴趣和热情才好,这样换了个说法反倒有些歧义,一孔之见) And the progression of thesociety should be carefully considered in every single field.(我觉得结尾有点敷衍了)

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-12-31 00:06:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Crowley 于 2010-12-31 01:12 编辑

The speaker claims that it is more important to pursueindividual interests rather than contribution to the larger society for ascholar or researcher. Although the researchers' personal interests actsignificantly in the progress of society, the speaker overlooks the overlapbetween the contribution made by scholars and the results derived from theirinterests. And more, the extreme unusual or idiosyncratic interests may notcontribute to the society but do harm to it.

Tobegin with, no one can deny the importance of interests in scholars
(可怜我不知道这个地方是不是该加,波看到后回应下) and researchers' work. Inone hand, many of the successful scholars and researchers are initiallyencouraged by their interests. For instance, it is the interest to uncover thetruth behind the dropping apple that renders Isaac Newton to discover the discipline ofgravity. And in the other hand, only when the scholars focus on what they areinterested in, can they be provoked and productive. It must be a cruel practiceto press a promising photographer to become a computer expert.

However,obviously, many of the contributions made by the scholars or researchersattribute to their interests of the specific field. The contribution of ascholar or researcher and his or her interests always overlap each other.When comes to the case of Albert Einstein, the passion and interest in theelectricity got him to invent all those implements, which benefit the world allthe time.(这个例子不大好啊,爱因斯坦毕竟是做物理的,电学什么的,这个应该用在爱迪生身上才行啊) And it is not animpossible task for the researchers to evaluate the consequences of theirperformance.
Furthermore,concerning the limit resources, a researcher or scholar's unusual oridiosyncratic interest may cause a waste of resource both in material andintellect and even a disaster. Without certain boundary, an idiosyncraticresearcher may abuse the available resources and disregard the experiments'consequences. In particular, the research of the outer space is extremely expensive and causing thespace pollution. So it should go under the assessment supervision 我认为用这个词好,可能我对assessment的用法不够熟悉) of government and the peerreview
to ofapproach, other than manipulated by (under the manipulation of) a group of idiosyncratic researchers.
Insum, the interests of scholars and researchers are important to some extent.But overemphasis of (on) the interests of scholars and researchers may leadto chasm between the social needs and the scientific and sociologicalresearches.(前文中对这句话没有说透,过度关注interest 会使科学和社会产生分歧么?应该还是继续用科学家对于研究的兴趣和热情才好,这样换了个说法反倒有些歧义,一孔之见) And the progression of thesociety should be carefully considered in every single field.(我觉得结尾有点敷衍了)

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