Theauthor failed to provide necessary information to support elderson collegeshould help the gathering in the aspects internally and externally.
Theauthor didn't mention whether such ceremony profitable or not. the author onlyaim on the amount of donation made by such gathering, but neglected the cost ofhelding the ceremony. if it's not profitaility, why elderson should held?
The2 school have different situation differenet student body and income. studentmay not come for the reunion at this school. for alumi of different schools,they should have different employment situation according to the fame of theschool and even their ability. one school may have the most income from itstuition but with less student employment rate.
Evensuch ceremony works, the author didn't demostrate why graduating class shouldhold annually. comparing to old alumni, fresh graduate will have less income.thus won't make much donation. the author failed to illustrate the reason whygraduating class should held the gathering annually.
To sum, the author failed to demonstrate evidence in theaspect of profitability, student's economy power and misaimed on a donationbody of student.