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[作文] 【Daily Writing作文特训小组】zhangzbupt的作文贴,求监督求指导~ [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-26 22:26:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 zhangzbupt 于 2011-7-26 22:30 编辑

Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement: People can solve importantproblems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's noneed for the government to help them.

I am shocked with the following statementthat since people can deal with significant problems by themselves or with thehelp of their relatives, the government is no longer needed to help them. Ithink this statement is ridiculous.

Firstly, I have to doubt

thesupposed idea that people can solve important problems in person or with thehelp from their family members. Perhaps, one can repair the electronic equipment,find a good way to make money or buy a house in reasonable price without the government.However, if the electronic equipment is stolen, or the house is on fire, canhe/s problems e solve these problems by themselves and the relatives? Althoughsome troubles can be solved without the help from the government, the governmentis indispensable to other important things. It is always your first response tocall the police when you find serious crimes
on your house. And individuals have to relyon the laws of the country to deal with their problems justly.

Although people sometimes can solve theirproblems, government has to do much work to help people. There is no doubt thatlots of people are still living miserable lives and much of them have to facethe danger of exposure and starvation. People in this condition always have nochoice but to ask the government to help them. And this is the responsibilityof the government.

Finally, individuals are limited in financeand energy in several fields that are needed the government such as publiceducation, transportation, foreign affairs and so on. As we all know, it isimpossible for the parents to teach all sorts of knowledge to their children.So we need the government to establish schools, edit textbooks and hireteachers, which is out of most people's ability.

In sum, I completely disagree with thestatement that the government is no need to help people, because they can solveimportant things. Government is significant to everyone and plays a crucialrole in public affairs.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-27 16:53:29 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-8-12 23:02:26 |只看该作者
8月12日20100221NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge?

As we can see, the world has changed rapidly over the past decades: lots of new economic modes come out, and the methods of communication have changed from letters to email and cell phones. As a results, everyone in the world should update their knowledge to adjust the developing world. So when it comes to the school teachers and their knowledge, some people argue that all teachers should be obligated to take coursed every five years in order to update their knowledge. But in my opinion, sweeping generalizations are unsuitable here. Different majors and the updating rate of relevant knowledge should be considered seriously.

There is no doubt that teachers' knowledge should update according to the development of the world. For example, several years ago the most popular software develop plateform was visual studio c++, which is based on local computers to design and realize useful software. But now the new software develop plateforms, which is based on Internet, such as VSD, have taken over visual studio c++, and enable many people work together at the same time. Only if teachers take courses to update their knowledge, they could give the students better education. Similiarly, initiative and creativity are necessary characteristics for good teachers. Taking courses and studying new science are excellant ways to help them keep advanced knowledge.

Although it is beneficial for teachers to take courses, good measures should take into accout specific conditions. Knowledge in different mayors has different updating rate. Technology in modern communication varies rapidly. For example, two years ago cell phones could only use GSM network to ring up and send text messages, but now smart cell phones could use WCDMA network to watch TV programmes.  A professor in communication who doesn't study new technology in three years, he/she is condemned to be knocked out. However, other subjects, such as history or geology, have a relative slow updating rate on knowledge. Consequently, teachers in different subjects should have different time periods to take courses.

In addition, different teachers have different ways to gain knowledge: practical experiences might be of much use to teachers in economics, while theories is probably very beneficial to teachers on astronomy. So updating teachers' knowledge needs to consider their characters of the subjects.

In sum, I support the opinion that teachers should update their knowledge on time, but the specific ways should consider specific conditions.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-8-15 23:01:12 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?: The effective leader tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.

As we all know, the role of the leader to form an effective and united team is of much importance. So when it comes to the opinion that trying to make others feel they have a contribution to a decision should be what the effective leader tries to do, I agree with it completely.

One of the main tasks of an effective leader is to make others feel they are partners of the team. Some leaders always mdecisions based on their own analysis and experience, but never care about the opinions of others, even if some of these opinions are much better than that of the leaders. As a result, the work of the team can't proceed in the most effective way, and what's worse, sometimes the decision of the leader comes from the wrong data or impression, because it is always the employees who face the real situation directly, the result could be disastrous.
Asking for others' ideas and discussing them thoroughly could make a change, and will find the most efficient methods to accomplish tasks, which make the team more effective.

Another benefit of making everyone as partners of a decision is that it can form a solid team, which maximum the efficiency of every employee. In a solid team, every worker feels it is his/her responsibility to help the leader to make the most correct and efficient decision. Consequently, the employees positively propose their own ideas, then discuss sorts of methods and finally find the correct choices for the leaders. With this process, once the leader makes the final decision, all of the employees are condemned to do their best to execute it, because it is the choice of all of persons, not just the leader’s.

Finally, making all the people feel they have a contribution to the decision improve their sense of achievement, which encourage them work harder. To prove one's own value and to gain others' approvals are the happiest thing in work. A leader who makes others to realize their individual contribution to the work will gain the respect of workers and inspire them.

Taking into account all have discussed above, we can safely conclude that the leader who tries to make everyone feel that they are partner of a decision is an effective one, because this characteristic not only makes the leader gain effective decision, but also enables the workers to work harder.

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