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[i习作temp] issue65,3.31倒数第二篇练习 [复制链接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


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发表于 2012-3-26 23:46:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

The speaker asserts that every individual has a responsibility to obey just laws and disobey unjust laws. I concede it is seemingly true for it is a reflection of people's attitude toward fairness. But in fact, if people follow this statement, there will be a great number of problems casued. So in my opinion, the laws should be fair and just enough, but people can not choose whether to obey the laws in there own will. There should be a strict system for a law to be enacted and applied.

At the first place, people should define the word "just" and "unjust" again. The law is a common norm and criterion for every individual in the society. And the stantard of this norm comes from the common acknowlegement of fair and justice. It should be a synthesis and representation of every individual’s will. However, as people learn from the history, the laws are always used as instruments for the monarch to protect their interest and regime. At this point, the laws may conflict with the interest of most of the citizens. This is an unjust law and every individual who is a member of this country should resist such law which is opposite to the civilization and justice. Just like the Civil War fights against the legitimized system of slavery which is really an irony of a modernized society. And the achievement of this war, the abolishment of slavery, lets the America steps into a new era of justice and fairness. Only by the resisting of such unjust laws, can a society step further to civilization and justice.

However, if every people have the right to disobey the laws that they think are unjust, the society would be in a great mass. On one hand, it is hard to judge whether the law is just and who can have the right to judge it. As people know that a enactation of a new law always encounters a lot of opponets for people today may not realize the insignificance of a law. And such laws may sometimes be misunderstood as unjust laws. On the other hand, if laws are disobeyed randomly, this will obviously lead a society to a status of anarchy which will finally be harmful to every individual. It may also be employed by some people against the government as they can instigate some people to disobey the laws in terms to topple down a government. It is especailly a great danger for a civilization society.

In my opinion, as the laws are conmon acknowlegement of every people, it should not be judged by an individual or a group of people which may cause bias and partiality. It should be enacted and applied in a strict system. The accomplishment of justice relied on the common ackonwlegement of fairness but people should look out for "the dictation of the majority" at the same time. In addition, the enacment and application of a law should be supervised by people as many as possible and every process should be abovehand and just. A healthy and comprehensive system will keep the laws from being employed by some people. For instance, the jury is a good protection for the trail to be fairly treated. Only under a strict system, can the laws be just and the representation of wills of most of the people.

To sum up, in today's world, people are seeking for a more democracy and cultivating society and the justice of laws is an important part of this. It is human nature to resist something that is not compatible with himself/herself, but the definition of just and unjust could not be judged so simply. Therefore, in order to establish just laws, there should be a strict system for the laws to be made and applied which is supervised by most of the people and can be the representation of all of the classes.
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