v:What do you do with that after you graduated?
Me: I will come back to China and I will specialize in Automobile Finance area.
V: Who will pay for the money?
Me: University of ............
V: Give me your admission letter
Me: Do you want to see my offer letter.
V: Yes ,mama.
V:How can you tell I-20 and offer letter is the same thing
ME: The I -20 shows that i got the full sholarship.
V: ....(没听清)the rest money
Me: You mean the second year.
V: Yes
me: The university will renew it.
V: Give me your deposit.
然后一直敲键盘不说话 !最后用中文跟我说我现在的情况不符合非移民签证。
Me:Can you give me the reason?
V; 扔出一张纸。不知道为什么护照也没盖据签章!!!
个人分析:既然是MBA,VO可能会假设你有非常详细的归国计划,而不是简单的back to china and specialize in Automobile Finance area.那么简单,如果你有的话,最好提出来。同时,renewable的费用不需要提供财产证明的,你还是把career plan做的细致一点吧
1. money还是要准备;
2. 那句“I will come back to China”太生硬了,我们是要证明自己会回国,但语气上不能太露骨吧,不如改成“After I return/ After my graduation, I plan to do XXXXXX in xxx(中国的城市)”。 我的study plan上就是这样的,不直接说“我要回中国!”, 而是说我要在xxx城市的xx大学当老师,带实验室,这样更具体,更真实可靠。