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[i习作temp] ISSUE160【0906G Fight 3月中~4月初队】 第一周第三次作业 by 小冰灵 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-10 13:18:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
160"The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little."
1 政治领导人需要对长远的国家利益和人民利益的坚持,而不是为了争取特定阶层的支持而随波逐流
2 科学领袖需要坚持对真理的信仰,不能屈服于伪科学的压力
3 精神领袖必须发扬人类的博爱精神。

Leadership is hard to define since everyone has different opinions in how to become an effective leader.Someone may think the ablity to commuicate with others is of great significiance, while someone counts the creativity very much.As far as I am concerned, consistentency to certain principles is the key to a successful leader.People who are easily influenced by others will not be regarded as leaders because they are unable to persuade others to follow them. To discuss it in a further way, the principles distinguish from the various realms where leaders take part in . Political leaders must obey the rules to maximize citizen's rights in the long term.Some leaders adopt diffent ,even contrary policies to please different groups of people.However, these policies are just expendicy which cannot boost the whole country in the long time.Let's assume that , a political leader detemines to raise the tax rate of import goods in order to protect the workers' rights ,however, after a period of time,he changes the idea ,and turn to lower the rate to win the support from traffickers. He may gain the support form traffickers in the short term ,but also gains citizens' doubt on his desicion making. A leader of the country who do not make his own judgements by seriously thinking about the future of the nation ,instead, he make the determination only to appeal to certain startum . That is to say ,he cares more his power's consistency than the nation's fortune.Nobody will trust such a leader can lead their country to brace the bright future.Therefore ,the principle that a political leader should follow is undoubtedly the blance between the counrty's core interes and citizens' equitable rights. Comparitively ,a successful science leader should be persistent in the truth of science.As a scientist ,one is bound to meet a lot of obstacles, not merely technologic problems .A good scientist mush learn how to deal with people who don't comprehend your research .They may confront with great psychological pressure, sometimes even the threat of life.Only people with strong belief in the true and ever-lasting rule in the nature can manage the situation and hold onto his fruit even nobody understand him and his research.In fact,there appears to be not many scientists insisting their opinions, especially before the medieval.Even Newton, one of the comprehensively accpeted great scientists, he didnot continue his research after accomplishing many great discoveries in physics,instead ,he turned to theology.In this way ,he cannot be called the leader of science in his time beacuse he did not hold on his belief in science all his life.Einstein is a real science leader ,not only because he institued the theory of relativity ,but also the fact that he contributed all his life to the enterprnuer of science development.Without he rigidity of the truth,which is the indispensible characteristic for a leading scientist,one could not achieve the peak of the scientce. Finally,let's consider social-spiritual leadership. In my mind,it is of great importance for one to inspire others with sincereity and the for-all love.As a consequence, a successful spiritual leader should concern common people's feelings and try to bring the brightness and hope to the world.Martin Luther King was eminently effectively in leading others ,because he commited to the non-violent protest.Since the peaceful protest minimize the opposition ,King won most people's trust owe to his good will and his tolerance,which are strong powers in people's soul .In this way,King has successfully done his role of an effective spiritual leader,leading numerous people to the harmonious relationship betwen people. Successful leaders should be able to make their own decisions and take others to follow their way.At length ,the principles which the decisions should obey varys from different realms.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-11 01:42:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Loutlook 于 2009-2-11 01:47 编辑

咳 晚了晚了…… 对不起啊……

粘上来 格式还是不好 老样子 附个word

3.呃…… 分段了吧:)

Leadership is hard to define since everyone has different opinions(与has不一致,不知对不对) in how to become an effective leader. Someone may think the ability to communicate with others is of great significance, while someone counts the creativity very much. As far as I am concerned, consistency to certain principles is the key to a successful leader. People who are easily influenced by others will not be regarded as leaders because they are unable to persuade others to follow them. To discuss it in a further way, the principles distinguish from the various realms where leaders take part in. (开头有点像托福的,不过很好!)

Political leaders must obey the rules to maximize citizen's rights in the long term. Some leaders adopt different, even contrary policies to please (呃 取悦…… 好!)different groups of people. However, these policies are just expediency(这词也好!) which cannot boost(还好!) the whole country in the long time. Let's assume that, a political leader determines to raise the tax rate of import goods in order to protect the workers' rights, however, after a period of time, he changes the idea, and turn to lower the rate to win the support from traffickers(好高级的词~ 不过查了下多指不太好的贩子). He may gain the support form traffickers in the short term, but also gains citizens' doubt on his decision making. A leader of the country who do not make his own judgments by seriously(serious) thinking about the future of the nation, instead(好!), he make the determination only to appeal to certain stratum. That is to say, he cares more his power's consistency than the nation's fortune. Nobody will trust such a leader can lead their country to brace the bright future.(这句有些杂糅而且我不知道trust后可不可接从句 过后可讨论下) Therefore, the principle that a political leader should follow is undoubtedly the balance between the country's core interest and citizens' equitable rights. (如你所说 第一段确实有点跑 感觉应该把领导者是否有私欲先排除就是不讨论道德层面 只讨论兼听还是独行 其实稍作调整就可以了 尤其不该说作为一个领袖改怎样怎样 而是要讨论 这人这么做了之后是否会有作为 仅供参考:))

Comparatively(过渡不错!), a successful science leader should be persistent in the truth of science. As a scientist, one is bound to meet a lot of obstacles, not merely technologic problems. A good scientist must learn how to deal with people who don't(这个要用do not 其他简写作文里最好也不要出现 ETS要求的是written English:)) comprehend your(呃 人称与前文不一致 而且严谨的文章最好不要出现这种容易动感情的第二人称:)) research .They(S/he 要一致) may confront with great psychological pressure, sometimes even the threat of life. Only people with strong belief in the true(truth) and ever-lasting rule in the nature can manage the situation and hold onto his fruit(Orz) even nobody understand him(him/her 鬼子们怕性别歧视) and his research. In fact, there appears to be not many scientists insisting their opinions, especially before the medievalMedieval Ages). Even Newton, one of the comprehensively accepted great scientists, he did not continue his research after accomplishing many great discoveries in physics,(word让改成;) instead, he turned to theology. In this way, he cannot be called the leader of science in his time because he did not hold on his belief in science all his life. Einstein is a real science leader, not only because he instituted the theory of relativity ,but also the fact that he contributed all his life to the enterprnuerenterprise of science development. Without he(his) rigidity of the truth, which is the indispensible characteristic for a leading scientist, one could not achieve the peak of the science.

Finally, let's consider social-spiritual leadership. In my mind, it is of great importance for one to inspire others with sincerity and the for-all love(这个很诡异 用universal love吧). As a consequence, a successful spiritual leader should concern common people's feelings and try to bring the brightness and hope to the world. Martin Luther King was eminently effectively in leading others, because he committed to the non-violent protest. Since the peaceful protest minimize the opposition ,King won most people's trust owe to his good will and his tolerance, which are strong powers in people's soul .In this way, King has successfully done his role of an effective spiritual leader, leading numerous people to the harmonious relationship between people (这俩词可去掉吧).

Successful leaders should be able to make their own decisions and take others to follow their way. At length, the principles which the decisions should obey vary from different realms.




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ISSUE160【0906G Fight 3月中~4月初队】 第一周第三次作业 by 小冰灵
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