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ISSUE144 【dies in flames 0910G长线突破】 by winning1030 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-3-24 09:55:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 winning1030 于 2009-3-24 09:56 编辑

144"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

In the long course of human history, it is admitted that something of lasting value in society has never faded away, among which the eternal common theme of the aesthetic pursuit to transcend time, space and races, profound thought to reflect the truth and meditate the meaning of life and appeal to right sense of virtue and morality are the most typical ones. The public can benefit a lot from the lasting value, such as enriching spiritual life, boarding their horizons, better understanding of the world and life. And these values can be always found in art.

Since the values mentioned above, to some extent, come from art, however, artists and critics are closely interrelated in art activities, who, on earth, gives society the values? As far as I’m concerned, it is the artist, not the critic who gives society the lasting values.

There is no doubt that artists create works of art , depending on their talents, creativity and profound thought. Among untold works, only those of lasting values can stand the test of time. Picasso’ "Guernica", a mural that shows the tragedies of the Spanish Civil War and the suffering inflicts upon individuals, and in particular, innocent civilians, vividly interpret the cruelness of the war, as a perpetual reminder of the tragedies, an anti-war symbol and an embodiment of peace, by abstract show method. Similarly, Jean-François Millet’s most famous work,The Angelus,with an almost religious gloss , his affection to eulogize the industrious peasants and sincere sympathy to them, which not only gives people aesthetic experience but also his insightful thought——hardship in belief maybe is also a kind of virtue, which could favor them the happiness of getting closer to God. Such examples are too numerous to mention one by one. Nevertheless, they all share something in common that it is the artist creates lasting value.

However, some people may argue that I have ignored the critic’s influence in art activities and refute that if the critic hadn’t unearth the values of art and then deliver and interpret them to the public, the great art probably would have never accepted, let alone reflect their own lasting value ,therefore , they draw the conclusion that it is the critic who gives society lasting value. Unfortunately, it is admitted that there are many great artists who haven’t been accepted by their time while became famous only after death, such as Van Gogh and Shakespeare. But what the critic delivers to the public is their own achievement or just the value of the artist’s art? Here, I have to point out the role in which the critic plays is just media in art activities. Their responsibility is to enable the public to appreciate the true value of art to enrich their spiritual world and improve their aesthetic sensitivity. What really counts about their comments is the lasting value of art from artists contained in their interpretation. That is to say, the comments would be of little sense if they are separate from the works of art of artists, who endue their works with vitality. Actually, they haven’t actually directly participated in the creation of art together with the artist themselves. Even though some great art were ploughed under by critics or its time, its lasting value would still exist in itself just with undiscovered and on the other hand, the critic also could never have chance to deliver it to the public as the value they “gave” . In fact, I don’t deny the positive effect of the critic on society, but emphasize the different roles in which the artist and the critic play——one is to give society something of lasting value while the other is responsible to interpret.

To summary, it is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value.


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