In this argument, the arguer recommends that if new writers want someprestigious company to publish their first book, they should write mysterynovels. To justify the conclusion, the arguer points out that the number ofmystery novels printed in the last two years increased dramatically. Inaddition, the arguer takes it for granted that all publishers have the willing to raise the number of mystery novels they print. A careful examinationof this argument would reveal how groundless it is.
To begin with, the arguer fails to provide any evidence to prove thatpublication of mystery novels soared in the last two years, and almost half ofthem were written by new writes. Even it is true, it does not means that themarket definitely will require mystery novels written by new writers. Perhapsthe numbers of mystery book printed in the last two year have already holdsheer bulk of market, left only a little space for growth. Or perhaps, themystery books do not enjoy a pressing sale as the arguer insists.
Furthermore, even there is an expanding market for mystery novels, theauger fails to convince us that all publishers will want to increase the numberof mystery novels. What's more, increasing the number of mystery novels is notequal to supporting new writers to published first book. It isawfully possible that ust a part of publishers want to raise the number ofmystery novels, among them, just a few want to publish new writer's book.
Last but not least, experience illustrate that it is not suitable forevery new writer turn to write mystery novels. The arguer fails to consider thedifference between novel and other articles. Obviously, writer who is going to write academic study or thoughtful essay, have nointeresting in write a mystery novel.
To sum up, the conclusion reached in the argument lacks credibilitysince the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend availably support towhat the arguer claims. To make this argument more logically acceptable, theauthor would have to show that publisher have a strong willing to print newwriter's book of mystery novel only. In addition, author should provide several data or results of surveys toreflect the expending market for mystery novels.