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[i习作temp] Issue10 第四次作业,感觉好痛苦啊,多谢修改~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-21 21:46:50 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue10 "Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."


The author asserts that financial support should be ensured for major cities' prosperity in that a nation's cultural traditions are mainly preserved and generated in cities. As far as I am concerned, I have different opinions on this matter however and I will expand my idea from the following facets.

In the first place, major cities are always the center of a nation's politics, economy or culture, and represent the nation's impression. It is very common that people learn a nation through its major cities first, because major cities have great influence and have much possibility to be propagandized. For instance, when referring to America, New York or Washington is most likely to appear on people's brain; For France, it is Paris; For China, it is Peking or Shanghai; and it is same for other country. Thus, to guarantee the development of major cities is very important, however, the prosperity of minor cities or the rural areas are also quite important. If a nation only emphasize on large cities, and neglect the other areas, which cover most population of the nation, fortune polarization will come into being and even demolish the stabilization. Since the financial support of a nation is limited, the government should keep a balance between the support to major cities and other areas. On the other hand, after the development of a city has been operated well, it is completely possible that it can thrive depending on itself and does not need the nation support any more.

In the second place, are a nation's cultural traditions always preserved and generated in cities? It depends. Cultural tradition is a widely concept; it can refer to the historic cite or cultural relic, likewise, it can also be customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. Where the former or the latter locate is not necessary. Take the historic cites as an example. The famous Imperial Palace of China, where the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasty dwell and manage the country matters, locates at Peking, the capital of China. However, the world-famous rock caves locate at Dunhuang, a minor or correspondingly behindhand city. Moreover, when referring to the latter kind of culture, such as customs, minor cities or the rural areas are more likely to preserve them in respect that large cities are influenced by globalization dramatically and many customs have disappeared. When you go to megalopolis, you will have a familiar feeling in that you can find lots of high buildings and nosheries such as KFC all around similar to other megalopolises; Whereas, at small villages, you can experience the traditional life style of the nation.

In addition, financial support cannot ensure the preservation of cultural traditions and it needs the whole nation's consciousness. What's more, not all traditions are needed to be reserved; people should distinct essential from draffy.

To sum up, major cities, as well as the other areas, need the nation's financial supports, so the government should make a balance. But whether a city is flourishing or not does not have direct relation to the preservation of cultural traditions. They should be considered separately.

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-22 10:58:50 |只看该作者


The author asserts that financial support should be ensured for major cities' prosperity in that a nation's cultural traditions are mainly preserved and generated in cities. As far as I am concerned, I have different opinions on this matter however and I will expand my idea from the following facets.

In the first place, major cities are always the center of a nation's politics, economy or culture, and the representation to give impressions of the whole nation on the foreigners. It is very common that people learn a nation through its major cities first, because major cities have great influence and have much possibility to be propagandized. For instance, when referring to America, New York or Washington is most likely to appear on people's mind; For France, it is Paris; For China, it is Peking or Shanghai; and it is same for other country. Thus, to guarantee the development of major cities is very important, however, the prosperity of minor cities or the rural areas are also quite important. If a nation only emphasizes on large cities, and neglects the other areas, which cover most population of the nation, fortune polarization will come into being and even demolish the stabilization. Since the financial support of a nation is limited, the government should keep a balance between the support to major cities and other areas. On the other hand, after the development of a city has been operated well, it is completely possible that it can thrive depending on itself and does not need the nation support any more.

In the second place, are a nation's cultural traditions always preserved and generated in cities? It depends. Cultural tradition is a widely concept; it can refer to the historic cite or cultural relic, likewise, it can also be customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. Where the former or the latter locate is not necessary. Take the historic cites as an example. The famous Palace Museum of China, where the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasty dwell and manage the country matters, locates in Peking, the capital of China. However, the world-famous rock caves locate at Dunhuang, a minor or correspondingly behindhand city. Moreover, when referring to the latter kind of culture, such as customs, minor cities or the rural areas are more likely to preserve them in respect that large cities are influenced by globalization dramatically and many customs have disappeared. When you go to megalopolis, you will have a familiar feeling in that you can find lots of high buildings and nosheries such as KFC all around similar to other megalopolises; Whereas, at small villages, you can experience the traditional life style of the nation.

In addition, financial support cannot ensure the preservation of cultural traditions and it needs the whole nation's consciousness. What's more, not all traditions are needed to be reserved; people should distinct essential from draffy. Take augury as an example. In the ancient time, people were used to auguring whether it was auspicious before doing anything or judging whether the constellations of the boy and girl were suitable before marriage. Undoubtedly, these are fetish and should not be inherited any longer.

To sum up, major cities, as well as the other areas, need the nation's financial supports, so the government should make a balance. But whether a city is flourishing or not does not have direct relation to the preservation of cultural traditions. They should be considered separately.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-22 10:20:19 |只看该作者
The author asserts that financial support should be ensured for major cities' prosperity in that a nation's cultural traditions are mainly preserved and generated in cities. As far as I am concerned, I have different opinions on this matter however and I will expand my idea from the following facets.开头真不错,赞

In the first place, major cities are always the center of a nation's politics, economy or culture, and represent the nation's impression(民族的形象这么说吗?). It is very common that people learn a nation through its major cities first, because major cities have great influence and have much possibility to be propagandized. For instance, when referring to America, New York or Washington is most likely to appear on people's brain(brain改成mind); For France, it is Paris; For China, it is Peking or Shanghai; and it is same for other country. Thus, to guarantee the development of major cities is very important, however, the prosperity of minor cities or the rural areas are also quite important. If a nation only emphasize on large cities, and neglectthe other areas, which cover most population of the nation, fortune polarization will come into being and even demolish the stabilization. Since the financial support of a nation is limited, the government should keep a balance between the support to major cities and other areas. On the other hand, after the development of a city has been operated well, it is completely possible that it can thrive depending on itself and does not need the nation support any more.

In the second place, are a nation's cultural traditions always preserved and generated in cities? It depends. Cultural tradition is a widely concept; it can refer to the historic cite or cultural relic, likewise, it can also be customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. Where the former or the latter locate is not necessary. Take the historic cites as an example. The famous Imperial Palace of China, where the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasty dwell and manage the country matters, locates at Peking, the capital of China. However, the world-famous rock caves locate at Dunhuang, a minor or correspondingly behindhand city. Moreover, when referring to the latter kind of culture, such as customs, minor cities or the rural areas are more likely to preserve them in respect that large cities are influenced by globalization dramatically and many customs have disappeared. When you go to megalopolis, you will have a familiar feeling in that you can find lots of high buildings and nosheries such as KFC all around similar to other megalopolises; Whereas, at small villages, you can experience the traditional life style of the nation.

In addition, financial support cannot ensure the preservation of cultural traditions and it needs the whole nation's consciousness. What's more, not all traditions are needed to be reserved; people should distinct essential from draffy.这段才两句话啊?再展开点吧

To sum up, major cities, as well as the other areas, need the nation's financial supports, so the government should make a balance. But whether a city is flourishing or not does not have direct relation to the preservation of cultural traditions. They should be considered separately.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-22 10:08:24 |只看该作者
:$ 谢谢大家~~ 嘿嘿,因为这个题目觉得好难,头绪很乱,只能写了详细的提纲才能开始写正文:(



使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-22 09:58:24 |只看该作者

Issue10 "Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-22 09:55:30 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-22 09:53:41 |只看该作者
The author asserts that financial support should be ensured for major cities' prosperity in that a nation's cultural traditions are mainly preserved and generated in cities. As far as I am concerned, I have different opinions on this matter however and(两个连次放一起感觉有点别扭呢) I will expand my idea from the following facets.

In the first place, major cities are always the center of a nation's politics, economy or culture, and represent the nation's impression. It is very common that people learn a nation through its major cities first, because major cities have great influence and have much possibility to be propagandized. For instance, when referring to America, New York or Washington is most likely to appear on people's brain(有点别扭); For France, it is Paris; For China, it is Peking or Shanghai; and it is same for other country. Thus, to guarantee the development of major cities is very important, however, the prosperity of minor cities or the rural areas are also quite important. If a nation only emphasize on large cities, and neglect the other areas, which cover most population of the nation, fortune polarization will come into being and even demolish the stabilization. Since the financial support of a nation is limited, the government should keep a balance between the support to major cities and other areas. On the other hand, after the development of a city has been operated well, it is completely possible that it can thrive depending on itself and does not need the nation support any more. 修改意见:(after fully development, the city can thrive  itself and does not need the nation support any more. )

In the second place, are a nation's cultural traditions always preserved and generated in cities? It depends. Cultural tradition is a widely concept; it can refer to the historic cite or cultural relic, likewise, it can also be customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. Where the former or the latter locate is not necessary. Take the historic cites as an example. The famous Imperial Palace of China[/color],(直接说故宫就好了) where the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasty dwell and manage the country matters, locates at Peking, the capital of China. However, the world-famous rock caves locate at Dunhuang, a minor or correspondingly behindhand city. Moreover, when referring to the latter kind of culture, such as customs, minor cities or the rural areas are more likely to preserve them in respect that large cities are influenced by globalization dramatically and many customs have disappeared. When you go to megalopolis, you will have a familiar feeling in that you can find lots of high buildings and nosheries such as KFC all around similar to other megalopolises; Whereas, at small villages, you can experience the traditional life style of the nation.

In addition, financial support cannot ensure the preservation of cultural traditions and it needs the whole nation's consciousness. What's more, not all traditions are needed to be reserved; people should distinct essential from draffy.

To sum up, major cities, as well as the other areas, need the nation's financial supports, so the government should make a balance. But whether a city is flourishing or not does not have direct relation to the preservation of cultural traditions. They should be considered separately。

[ Last edited by hzyj0322 on 2005-12-22 at 09:57 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-22 09:50:50 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-22 09:49:30 |只看该作者
The author asserts that financial support should be ensured for major cities' prosperity in that a nation's cultural traditions are mainly preserved and generated in cities. As far as I am concerned, I have different opinions on this matter however and(两个连次放一起感觉有点别扭呢) I will expand my idea from the following facets.

In the first place, major cities are always the center of a nation's politics, economy or culture, and represent the nation's impression. It is very common that people learn a nation through its major cities first, because major cities have great influence and have much possibility to be propagandized. For instance, when referring to America, New York or Washington is most likely to appear on people's brain(有点别扭); For France, it is Paris; For China, it is Peking or Shanghai; and it is same for other country. Thus, to guarantee the development of major cities is very important, however, the prosperity of minor cities or the rural areas are also quite important. If a nation only emphasize on large cities, and neglect the other areas, which cover most population of the nation, fortune polarization will come into being and even demolish the stabilization. Since the financial support of a nation is limited, the government should keep a balance between the support to major cities and other areas. On the other hand, after the development of a city has been operated well, it is completely possible that it can thrive depending on itself and does not need the nation support any more. 修改意见:(after fully development, the city can thrive  itself and does not need the nation support any more. dan)

In the second place, are a nation's cultural traditions always preserved and generated in cities? It depends. Cultural tradition is a widely concept; it can refer to the historic cite or cultural relic, likewise, it can also be customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. Where the former or the latter locate is not necessary. Take the historic cites as an example. The famous Imperial Palace of China, where the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasty dwell and manage the country matters, locates at Peking, the capital of China. However, the world-famous rock caves locate at Dunhuang, a minor or correspondingly behindhand city. Moreover, when referring to the latter kind of culture, such as customs, minor cities or the rural areas are more likely to preserve them in respect that large cities are influenced by globalization dramatically and many customs have disappeared. When you go to megalopolis, you will have a familiar feeling in that you can find lots of high buildings and nosheries such as KFC all around similar to other megalopolises; Whereas, at small villages, you can experience the traditional life style of the nation.

In addition, financial support cannot ensure the preservation of cultural traditions and it needs the whole nation's consciousness. What's more, not all traditions are needed to be reserved; people should distinct essential from draffy.

To sum up, major cities, as well as the other areas, need the nation's financial supports, so the government should make a balance. But whether a city is flourishing or not does not have direct relation to the preservation of cultural traditions. They should be considered separately.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-21 23:52:06 |只看该作者
哇~~ 智恩修改的好快哦,多谢呢:$  

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-12-21 23:47:53 |只看该作者
The author asserts that financial support should be ensured for major cities' prosperity in that a nation's cultural traditions are mainly preserved and generated in cities. As far as I am concerned, I have different opinions on this matter however and I will expand my idea from the following facets.简洁明了

In the first place, major cities are always the center of a nation's politics, economy or culture, and represent the nation's impression. It is very common that people learn a nation through its major cities first, because major cities have great influence and have much possibility to be propagandized. For instance, when referring to America, New York or Washington is most likely to appear on people's brain; For France, it is Paris; For China, it is Peking or Shanghai; and it is same for other country. Thus, to guarantee the development of major cities is very important, however, the prosperity of minor cities or the rural areas are also quite important. If a nation only emphasize(s) on large cities, and neglect(S) the other areas, which cover most population of the nation, fortune polarization will come into being and even demolish the stabilization. Since the financial support of a nation is limited, the government should keep a balance between the support to major cities and other areas. On the other hand, after the development of a city has been operated well, it is completely possible that it can thrive depending on itself and does not need the nation support any more.

In the second place, are a nation's cultural traditions always preserved and generated in cities? It depends. Cultural tradition is a widely concept; it can refer to the historic cite or cultural relic, likewise, it can also be customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. Where the former or the latter locate is not necessary. Take the historic cites as an example. The famous Imperial Palace of China, where the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasty dwell and manage the country matters, locates at(in) Peking, the capital of China. However, the world-famous rock caves locate at Dunhuang, a minor or correspondingly behindhand city. Moreover, when referring to the latter kind of culture, such as customs, minor cities or the rural areas are more likely to preserve them in respect that large cities are influenced by globalization dramatically and many customs have disappeared. When you go to megalopolis, you will have a familiar feeling in that you can find lots of high buildings and nosheries such as KFC all around similar to other megalopolises; Whereas, at small villages, you can experience the traditional life style of the nation.

In addition, financial support cannot ensure the preservation of cultural traditions and it needs the whole nation's consciousness. What's more, not all traditions are needed to be reserved; people should distinct essential from draffy.可以展开再写点,人们要如何意识到保护传统文化等等

To sum up, major cities, as well as the other areas, need the nation's financial supports, so the government should make a balance. But whether a city is flourishing or not does not have direct relation to the preservation of cultural traditions. They should be considered separately.

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Issue10 第四次作业,感觉好痛苦啊,多谢修改~~
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