TOEFL (Institution Code) Sub-score Requirement IELTS Sub-score Requirement Country Oxford Normally not accepted NA 7.5 7.0 UK KCL 100 (0394) NA 7.0 W&R: 7.0 S&L: 6.0 UK UCL 109 (9163) R:24 W:30 L:20 S:307.5 6.5 UK Cambridge 110 NA 7.5 7.0 UK Columbia 105 (2163) (take the test by Nov 1 or Dec 15) R&L:26 W&S:24NA NA US Manchester 106 NA 7.0 W:7.0 UK Chicago 104 NA 7.0 7.0 US ANU CBT:280+5 (0506) NA 7.0 W:7.0 Others:6.0 AU LSE 114 L&W:27 7.5 L&W:7.0 UK Georgetown 100 (5244) 25 7.0 6.5 US Warwick CBT:260 NA 7.0 NA UK Boston U 100 (9627) R:25 L:25 W:25 S:23 NA NA US NYU 100 (2599) R&L: 26 W&S:22 NA NA US Toronto 100 W&S:22 7.0 NA CA SOAS 105 (0107) 26 7.0 7.0 UK Queen Marry 79 (take three-month presessional and insessional English program) W:16 6.0 W:5.5 (take three-month presessional and insessional English program)UK Bristol (MA in Law & LLM) 107NA 7.0 R&W; 6.5 UK York CBT:250+5 NA NA NA CA Stanford 100 (4704) NA NA NA US Yale 100 (3997) (Sent by Dec 16, 2009) NA NA NA US Fordham NA (2264) NA NA NA US Florida State 98 (5219) 22 NA NA US USC 100 (4852) NA NA NA US Boston College 100 NA NA NA US Wake Forest 100 NA NA NA US Harvard 100 25NA NA US Emory 90NA NA NA US Texas Austin CBT:250 (6882) NA 7NA US MSU 100 25 NA NA US Northwestern 100 (1565) NA NA NA US George Washington CBT:250 NA NA NA US Duke 100 (5156) (take the test by October) NA NA NA US WULS 100 (6929) NA NA NA US Nottingham 10021 7.0W:7, R:6.5,S&L:6.0UK Mcgill 86 (0935) 20 6.5 NA CA Sydney 100 W:23, S,L,R:22 7.0 6.0 AU Durham 100 NA 7.0 NA UK Birmingham 100 20 7.0 6.0 UK Upenn 100 (2926) (take the test by Jan) NA 7.0 NA US Edinburgh 10020 7.0 6.0UK British Columbia 100 NA 7.0 7.0 CA Willian&Marry 100 (5115) NA NA NA US Newcastle NA NA 6.5 (take ten-week presessional English Course) NA UK Michigan 98 (1839) (take the test by Jan 1) NA 7.0NA US UCLA 96 (4837) NA NA NA US Leicester 90 NA 6.5 NA UK Lancaster 100 NA 6.5 NA UK Virginia NA (5820) (take the test by Dec 1) W:24 S:22 R:26 L:26 NA 7.5 US Iowa 92 (6681) NA 7.0 6.0 US City U (accepts CET6 with a mini score of 490)92 NA 6.5 NA HK WCL 93 (5007) NA 6.5 NA US Cardiff CBT: 237 NA 6.0 (complete the 12-week English course) 5.5 UK Melbourne 90 W:21 6.5 W:6.0 AU Aberdeen 90 W:20-24 6.5 6.0 UK Glasgow 92 NA 6.56.0 UK NUS 92 NA 6.0 NA SG UC Davis 88-89 (4778) NA NA NA US Temple 88 (2906) NA 6.5 6.0 US CUHK (accepts CET6 with a mini score of 435) 88 NA 6.5 NA HK Washington&Lee 100 (5887) NA NA NA US Cornell 79 (2098) (accepted applicants with a score between 79 and 100 must take the English Placement Test) NA NA NA US Minnesota 79-80 (6874) NA 6.5NA US HKU 97 (9671) NA 7.0 6.5 HK UIUC 79 NA 6.5 6US UNSW 90W:246.5 6.0 AU IUBloomington CBT:213 (1324) NA NA NA US Berkeley100 (4833) NA 7.0 NA US OSU 100 NA NA NA US NYLS CBT: 250 NA NA NA US SMU PBT: 575 NA NA NA US
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