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[a习作temp] 求改argument寫作 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-6-25 05:41:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 azca73 于 2011-6-25 14:52 编辑


Arecent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer9 times more chronic fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression than dopeople living on the continent of Asia. Interestingly, Asians, on average, eat20 grams of soy per day, whereas North Americans eat virtually none. It turns out that soy contains phytochemicals called isoflavones, which have been foundto possess disease–preventing properties. Thus, North Americans should consider eating soy on a regular basis as a way of preventing fatigue and depression.

Grounding on the recent study, supposing that isoflavones in soy can possess disease-preventing properties, and then sythesizing two hypothesizes that the rates of chronic fatigue and chronic depression are higher in the North America continent and less North Americans eat soy in regular basis, therefore, the arguer accordingly suggest that daily intake of soy will prevent fatigue and depression. However, a close scrutiny of this argument reveals that it has logical flaw in several aspects.

To begin with, the comparison in this argument is incomplete and selective. The arguer discovers that people live on the continent of Asia eat more soy per day than people live on the continent of North America. First, the arguer has not mention anything about how the data is collected in this study. Since North Americans who do not eat soy in regular basis and Asians who eat soy in regular basis can be chosen to participate in this study, and the results will turn out that Asians eat more soy than North Americans on average. In addition, the aruguer ignores the facts that Asians and North Americans have two completely different dietaries due to the cultural differences. In my opinion, Asians eat more soy in regular basis not because they know the health benefits of soy, it may because that a large quantities of soy beans are produced in Asia which causes soy became a part of Asian’s dietary. Also,some poor Asians eat soy everyday because soy is a lot cheaper than other kinds of foods. Besides that the arguer does not mention that people in Asia are suffering from other types of illnesses that are caused by different diseases. Ifisoflavones are found to posses disease-preventing properties, why isoflavones cannot prevent the occurrences of other illnesses? Apparently the arguer provides incomplete and selective evidences to validate his argument.

Secondly, the arguer has drawn the conclusions based on a hasty generalization. The arguer assumes that chronic fatigue and chronic depression are caused by diseases. In fact,the causes of chronic fatigue and chronic depression are complicated, and the aruguer fails to take into account that other factors may have influences on the occurrences of these illnesses. Chronic fatigue and chronic depression are also well-known as psychological conditions which can be triggered by stressful life style, lose of beloved ones, etc. Therefore,multidisciplinary approaches are often used to determine complex factors that cause chronic fatigue and chronic depression. The arguer falsely generalizes that chronic fatigue and chronic depression are only caused by diseases which shows that the arguer has no depth understandings about chronic fatigue and chronic depression.

Finally, the arguer has failed to established a causal relationship between isoflavones and the occurrences of chronic fatigue and chronic depression. First, even if that isoflavones can possess disease-preventing properties , the arguer tends to assume that isoflavones can prevent all kinds of diseases. Yet the arguer fails to prove this poor assumption because chronic fatigue and chronic depression are also triggered by psychological and environmental factors. Second, the author gives no information about how isoflavones relate to the development of chronic fatigue and chronic depression,and it is quite possible that isoflavones can prevent development of
some diseases other than the diseases that cause chronic fatigue and depression. For that matter, the statement of isoflavones can prevent chronic fatigue and chronic depression is not veraciousat all.

In sum, the conclusion reached in the argument is invalid and misleading. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer should demonstratethe causal relationship between isoflavones and the occurrences of chronic fatigue and chronic depression. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of this argument until the arguer can provide more information about the rate differences of chrnoic depression and chronic fatigue in North Americans and Asians.


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荣誉版主 Sagittarius射手座 寄托优秀版主 GRE斩浪之魂 AW作文修改奖 枫华正茂 魅丽星 爱美星 德意志之心

发表于 2011-6-25 19:30:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 咖啡盐 于 2011-6-25 19:32 编辑

Arecent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more chronic fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression than do people living on the continent of Asia. Interestingly, Asians, on average, eat 20 grams of soy per day, whereas North Americans eat virtually none. It turns out that soy contains phytochemicals called isoflavones, which have been found to possess disease–preventing properties. Thus, North Americans should consider eating soy on a regular basis as a way of preventing fatigue and depression.


                              ‖--》酱油里含有isoflacones控制着disease-preventing properties--》北美人吃了酱油就可以预防另一种毛病了
亚洲人吃酱油            ‖


Grounding on the recent study, supposing that isoflavones in soy can possess disease-preventing properties, and then sythesizing(这个词好像拼错了) two hypothesizes(题目给出的是事实现象而非假设) that the rates of chronic fatigue and chronic depression are higher in the North America continent than that in Asia, and less(题目给出的是virtually none,要和题目对应起来,不是很少,而是没有) North Americans eat soy in regular basis.(该断句时就断句,长句子并不一定就是好的) Therefore, the arguer accordingly suggest that daily intake of soy will prevent fatigue and depression. However, (照搬句式要完整,前无铺垫,这个转折的transition就很突兀了。)a close scrutiny of this argument reveals that it has logical flaw in several aspects.(你忽略了isoflavones,这个在论证中是一个不可少的逻辑因素。亚洲人没毛病不是因为酱油本身而是酱油中的I成分。)

To begin with, the comparison in this argument is incomplete and selective. The arguer discovers that people live on the continent of Asia eat more soy per day than people live on the continent of North America.(嗯,这句话摆在这里前后不搭。) First, the arguer has not mentioned anything about how the data is collected in this study(the arguer has not mentioned the details about how the data of Asian's soy absorption is collected in the study.). Since then North Americans who do not eat soy in regular basis and Asians who eat soy in regular basis can be chosen to participate in this study, and the results will turn out that Asians eat more soy than North Americans on average. In addition, the aruguer ignores the facts that Asians and North Americans have two completely different dietaries due to the cultural differences. In my opinion,(不要有任何主观推测的倾向) Asians eat more soy in regular basis not because they know the health benefits of soy, it may because that a large quantities of soy beans are produced in Asia which causes soy became a part of Asian’s dietary.(种什么就要吃什么吗?不如说他们吃soy只是因为他们喜欢吃而已,北美的soy也是很多的) Also,some poor Asians eat soy everyday because soy is a lot cheaper than other kinds of foods. Besides that the arguer does not mention that people in Asia are suffering from other types of illnesses that are caused by different diseases. Ifisoflavones are found to posses disease-preventing properties, why isoflavones cannot prevent the occurrences of other illnesses? Apparently the arguer provides incomplete and selective evidences to validate his argument. (这段这段....这段有点乱啊。一开头还中规中矩的,但论证不全,说到soy的部分就一口气把所有的都说了。一开始认为实验有问题,就算实验没有问题呢?亚洲人吃soy的原因就接着写呗。等soy的结束了再把方向转到其他地方。下面看红色部分,感觉LZ是想从中西方文生活习性上再来谈谈差异性。不过这一段我觉得LZ有点偏题了,题目是要围绕毛病来谈的,而不是谈soy)

Secondly, the arguer has drawn the conclusions based on a hasty generalization. The arguer assumes that chronic fatigue and chronic depression are caused by diseases.(文章里没有说过) In fact,the causes of chronic fatigue and chronic depression are complicated, and the aruguer fails to take into account that other factors may have influences on the occurrences of these illnesses. Chronic fatigue and chronic depression are also well-known as psychological conditions which can be triggered by stressful life style, lose of beloved ones, etc. Therefore,multidisciplinary approaches are often used to determine complex factors that cause chronic fatigue and chronic depression. The arguer falsely generalizes that chronic fatigue and chronic depression are only caused by diseases which shows that the arguer has no depth understandings about chronic fatigue and chronic depression. (论证上还算有条理,可惜让理解偏差给毁了。文章只是说,亚洲人没有毛病是因为I成分中的抗病体,但并没有说两种毛病是疾病引起的。相信你也注意到了这点才这么说的,其实这个本身就是一个逻辑上的瑕疵处,可以从I成分是否真的能有效抵抗毛病来谈谈。)

Finally, the arguer has failed to established a causal relationship between isoflavones and the occurrences of chronic fatigue and chronic depression. First, even if that isoflavones can possess disease-preventing properties , the arguer tends to assume that isoflavones can prevent all kinds of diseases. Yet the arguer fails to prove this poor assumption because chronic fatigue and chronic depression are also triggered by psychological and environmental factors. Second, the author gives no information about how isoflavones relate to the development of chronic fatigue and chronic depression,and it is quite possible that isoflavones can prevent development of
some diseases other than the diseases that cause chronic fatigue and depression. For that matter, the statement of isoflavones can prevent chronic fatigue and chronic depression is not veraciousat all.(和上段同样问题,其次文章没有说过I成分和chronic fatigue,

chronic depression


North Americans should consider eating soy on a regular basis as a way of preventing fatigue and depression.


In sum, the conclusion reached in the argument is invalid and misleading. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer should demonstratethe causal relationship between isoflavones and the occurrences of chronic fatigue and chronic depression. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of this argument until the arguer can provide more information about the rate differences of chrnoic depression and chronic fatigue in North Americans and Asians.


1. 作者的对比实验是有问题的。首先,抽样上的问题,找吃soy的亚洲人和不吃soy的美洲人。就算实验数据上没有问题,造成美洲人毛病的原因只是因为不吃soy吗?然后可以从种族间的地域、文化、习惯等方面的差异来举例论证。

2. 就算实验木有问题,与soy有关,但是soy中的I成分的原因吗?I成分能够防止一部分疾病,但能防止这方面的疾病吗?如同LZ提到的,有可能是因为心里原因造成的。另外,就算能防止,是因为I成分吗?会不会是soy中的其他成分的原因呢?或者共同发挥作用呢?

3. 就算真的是I成分的原因,也不一定要吃soy啊,只要服用同样含有I成分的其他物质一样可以达到效果。能保证没有副作用吗?另外,就算soy能防止

chronic fatigue,

chronic depression,但能否防止fatigue,depression并不知道(作者偷换了概念



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Rank: 1

发表于 2011-6-30 01:45:01 |只看该作者
抱歉回覆遲了,非常感謝樓主的提點!! 我會努力改進的!

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Rank: 1

发表于 2011-7-7 04:16:37 |只看该作者
修改後的作文,求改! 謝謝

Grounding on the recent study, more North Americans suffer from chronic fatigue and chronic depression than Asians. Meanwhile, Asians eat soy daily while North Americans eat virtually none. The arguer also states that soy contains isoflavones which can possess disease preventing properties, so North Americans should eat soy on a regular basis in order to prevent fatigue and depression. However, a close scrutiny of this argument reveals that it has logical flaw in several aspects.

To begin with, the comparison in this argument is incomplete and selective. First, the arguer has not mentioned the details about how the data of Asian’s soy absorption is collected in the study. Since then North Americans who do not eat soy in regular basis and Asians who eat soy in regular basis can be chosen to participate in this study, and the results will turn out that Asians eat more soy than North Americans on average. Even though no error exists for data collection, is eating no soy on regular basis the only reason that causes more North Americans suffer from chronic fatigue and chronic depression? The aruguer ignores the facts that Asians and North Americans have two completely different dietaries due to the regional, cultural and personal preference differences. Therefore, Asians eat more soy in regular basis not because they know the health benefits of soy, it may because Asians love to eat soy.

Secondly, even though the data collection has no error, the arguer has drawn the conclusions based on a hasty generalization. In fact,the causes of chronic fatigue and chronic depression are complicated, and the aruguer fails to take into account that other factors may have influences on the occurrences of these illnesses. For instance, these two illnesses are also well-known as psychological conditions which can be triggered by stressful life style, lose of beloved ones, etc.. On the other hand, eating soy can prevent the occurrence of chronic fatigue and chronic depression, but is it all because of isoflavones? Can other chemicals in soy prevent chronic fatigue and chronic depression? Or it is the compromization of all chemicals in soy that prevents these illnesses? The arguer falsely generalizes that isoflavones can prevent the occurrence of chronic fatigue and chronic drepssion which shows that the arguer has no depth understandings about chronic fatigue and chronic depression.

Finally, the arguer has failed to established a causal relationship between soy and the occurrences of chronic fatigue and chronic depression. First, even if that isoflavones can prevent chronic fatigue and chornic depression, eating soy on regular basis is unnecessary because the regular intake of other kinds of food or pill that contain isoflavones can also provide the same result. However, there is no gurrantee for the occurrence of side-effects if taking isoflavones pills regularly. Moreover, though soy can prevent chronic fatigue and chronic depression, it is uncertain that soy can prevent fatigue and depression.

In sum, the conclusion reached in the argument is invalid and misleading. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer should demonstrate how the data of Asian’s soy absorption is collected. The arguer should also include other factors that have influences on the occurrence of chronic fatigue and chronic depression. Lastly, I would suspend my judgement about the credibility of this argument unless the arguer provides valid evidences about the causal relationship between soy and the occurrence of chronic fatigue and chronic dpression.

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发表于 2011-7-7 11:18:27 |只看该作者
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发表于 2011-7-7 15:01:03 |只看该作者

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