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[活动] 12.8 独立作文 violin [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-12-8 18:07:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Printed book have had greater effects on society than television has
17:13-18:01 错了n个字儿 时间还是很长 总是在权衡用哪个词。。。这次是用考gmat时候的大概模式写的 写成了四不像了。。。555大家狠拍狠拍啊
Which exerts greater effects on society, the printed book or television? This issue is so complex that it has aroused such a fierce debate in the society. While some may argue that we human beings have benefited more from the printed book, others, however, would tend to hold that television did more contribution to the society and thus bring about larger change.
At first glance, both arguments seem to be somewhat convincing; after carefully weighing in my mind, I would like to assert that it is television, rather than printed book, that has affected our society in a larger degree, or there is completely no need for the invention of television after the emergence of printed book.

To begin with, television and printed book, although both functioning to diffuse information and knowledge, are distinctive from each other in nature. While printed book, with ever-increasing varieties looming onto the society to meet readers demands, can widen one’s horizon by providing, for instance, specific essays, celebrities’ anecdotes, and even some bright ideas on different issues, its content is still limited to a narrow range of source and form. In addition, television can do its utmost to make sure that the audiences can receive the latest information in violent contrast with the ‘slower’ printed book. For example, one will never choose a book to obtain the news on the result of the latest president election; on the contrast, he/she will likely sitting in front of the TV and staring at the screen which will show up the news as the same time as the final result comes out. All in all, concerning the range of knowledge and the timing effect of the two masses media discussed above, people tend to be benefited more from television, thus got more effect from that form of media.
What’s more, no one could deny that, as the greatly developing and expanding technology of modern society, a growing number of people tend to use television. Admittedly, there are people who still keep reading printed book, the tempo of expansion of television, nevertheless, is undoubtedly further faster so that the influence exerted upon the world by the invention of television has been surpassed the one of printed book already. Especially with the advertisement, television itself exists not only as a form of media to delivery knowledge and information, but also as a propeller of the whole society. Economy, politics, sports, entertainment, nearly all aspects of the society have been covered and concentrated into small screen of that electronic box. So can any other form of media compared with its world-swept influential power to society?
Why people argue with the superiority of the effect of printed book over that of television is beyond me. I would like to agree that great advances of the society have been made with the invention of printing, however, what I put emphasis on is that television, in light of its
various form, its widely-covered sources and its overwhelming popularity have has a higher position and a greater effect on the society than printed book.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-9 20:33:13 |只看该作者
Which exerts greater effects on society, the printed book or television?
  This issue is so complex that it has aroused such a fierce debate in the society. While some may argue that we human beings have benefited more from the printed book, others, however, would tend to hold that television did more contribution to the society and thus bring broughtabout larger change.
  At first glance, both arguments seem to be somewhat convincing; after carefully weighing in my mind, I would like to assert 貌似这个词用的有点大了吧that it is the television, rather than printed book, that has affected our society in a larger degree, or there is completely no need for the invention of television after the emergence of printed book.
  To begin with, television and printed book, although both functioning to diffuse information and knowledge, are distinctive from each other in nature. While printed book, with ever-increasing varieties looming onto the society to meet readers demands, can widen one’s horizon by providing, for instance, specific essays, celebrities’ anecdotes, and even some bright ideas on different issues, its content is still limited to a narrow range of source and form. In addition, television can do its utmost to make sure that the audiences can receive the latest information in violent contrast with the ‘slower’ printed book. For example, one will never choose a book to obtain the news on the result of the latest president election; on the contrast, he/she will likely sitting sit in front of the TV , staring at the screen which will show up the news as the same time as这儿的用法比较纠结 the final result comes out. All in all, concerning the range of knowledge and the timing effect of the two masses media discussed above, people tend to be benefited benefitmore from television, thus got more effect from that form of media重复上一句的意思,可以不要..
What’s more, no one could deny that, as the greatly developing and expanding technology of modern society, a growing number of people tend to use television. Admittedly, there are people who still keep reading printed book, the tempo of expansion of television, nevertheless, is undoubtedly further faster so that the influence exerted upon the world by the invention of television has been surpassed 超过还是被超过呢the one of printed book already. Especially with the advertisement, television itself exists not only as a form of media to delivery knowledge and information, but also as a propeller of the whole society. Economy, politics, sports, entertainment, nearly all aspects of the society have been covered and concentrated into small screen of that electronic box. So can any other form of media compared with its world-swept influential power to society?
  Why people argue with the superiority of the effect of printed book over that of television is beyond me. I would like to agree that great advances of the society have been made with the invention of printing, however, what I put emphasis on is that television, in light of its various form, its widely-covered sources and its overwhelming popularity have has a higher position and a greater effect on the society than printed book.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-10 01:59:46 |只看该作者
Which exerts greater effects on society, the printed book or television? This issue is so complex that it has aroused such a fierce debate in the society. While some may argue that we human beings have benefited more from the printed book, others, however, would tend to hold that television did more contribution to the society and thus bring about larger change. 开头非常好,无论是句式还是用词,我要多向你学习,插入句和高级词汇

At first glance, both arguments seem to be somewhat convincing; after carefully weighing in my mind, I would like to assert that it is television, rather than printed book, that has affected our society in a larger degree, or there is completely no need for the invention of television after the emergence of printed book.

To begin with, television and printed book, although both functioning to diffuse information and knowledge, are distinctive from each other in nature. While printed book, with ever-increasing varieties looming onto the society to meet readers demands, can widen one’s horizon by providing, for instance, specific essays, celebrities’ anecdotes, and even some bright ideas on different issues, its content is still limited to a narrow range of source and form. (做了对比,非常好)In addition, television can do its utmost to make sure that the audiences can receive the latest information in violent contrast with the ‘slower’ printed book. For example, one will never choose a book to obtain the news on the result of the latest president election; on the contrast, he/she will likely sitting in front of the TV and staring at the screen which will show up the news as the same time as the final result comes out. All in all, concerning the range of knowledge and the timing effect of the two masses media discussed above, people tend to be benefited more from television, thus got more effect from that form of media.

What’s more, no one could deny that, as the greatly developing and expanding technology of modern society, a growing number of people tend to use television. Admittedly, there are people who still keep reading printed book, the tempo of expansion of television, nevertheless, is undoubtedly further faster so that the influence exerted upon the world by the invention of television has been surpassed the one of printed book already. Especially with the advertisement, television itself exists not only as a form of media to delivery knowledge and information, but also as a propeller of the whole society. Economy, politics, sports, entertainment, nearly all aspects of the society have been covered and concentrated into small screen of that electronic box. So can any other form of media compared with its world-swept influential power to society?" x2 U4 j) E# L;


Why people argue with the superiority of the effect of printed book over that of television is beyond me. I would like to agree that great advances of the society have been made with the invention of printing, however, what I put emphasis on is that television, in light of its various form, its widely-covered sources and its overwhelming popularity have has a higher position and a greater effect on the society than printed book.


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