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[活动] 12.9独立写作作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-9 19:42:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
12.9 Do you agree or disagree teacher who is a serious and strict person more effective than a teacher is humor and is easygoing person.

The effect and efficient of studying can be influenced by a lot of factors. The most essential one is the characteristic of teachers. It is argued that a teacher should be serious and strict or humorous and easygoing. Both types of teacher have advantages and disadvantages. We can never draw a quick conclusion.
    A strict teacher is perfect for students who can not control themselves. A serious teacher always devotes himself to monitor the whole process of students learning. If one student does not hand in assignments on time or fail an examination, he may scold or even punish that student. Through these seemingly harsh actions, the student’s behaviors could be modified toward the good way. When I was in high school, my classmate Jason often got late for school. And my math teacher William was a strict man. One day Jason got late for school for about half an hour and encountered Mr.William at the school gate. Then Mr. William punished him, ordering him to stand outside the class for the whole morning. After this incident, Jason became very punctual. He handed in paper on time, never been late for school, and he passed every exams.
    Being a easygoing teacher can let a teacher has more discussion with students. Teaching and learning will be in a more equally situation other than hierarchy, which generally lead to a friendly studying environment that related to high efficient in studying. My high school literature teacher was a perfect example. She treated us like friends other than students. In class, she told jokes occasionally; after class, we had various topics to talk about, including those do not directly related to her class, such history, art. Everyone liked to talk to her, and we are very interesting at her class. So our class’s average score went far beyond other classes’.
    Generally, a strict teacher and a kind teacher are both responsible teachers. They just take the best approaches they believe to educate student. For different student, different teacher should be assigned. If a student is lacking of self-control, so a strict teacher is needed. On the contrary, if a student posses well self-discipline, a easygoing teacher can inspire a greater efforts.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-12-10 11:11:54 |只看该作者
The effect and efficient ofstudying can be influenced by a lot of factors. The most essential one is thecharacteristic of teachers. It is argued that a teacher should be serious andstrict or humorous and easygoing. Both types of teacher have advantages anddisadvantages. We can never draw a quick conclusion.   
    A strict teacher is perfect for students whocan not control themselves
(who lack of self-discipline). A serious teacher always devotes himself to monitoring the whole process of students learning.If one student does not hand in assignments on time or fail an examination, hemay scold or even punish that student. Through these seemingly harsh actions,the student’s behaviors could be modified toward
(led to) the good way. When I was in highschool, my classmate Jason often got late for school. And my math teacherWilliam was a strict man. One day Jason got late for school for about half anhour and encountered Mr.William at the school gate. Then
(The result turned to be that) Mr. William punishedhim, ordering him to stand
(punished him by making himstanding) outside the class for the whole morning. After thisincident, Jason became very punctual. He handed in paper on time, never beenlate for school, and he passed every exams.
    Being an easygoing teacher can let ateacher has more discussion with students (An easygoingpersonality allows teacher to have more discussion with students,这句我改得不好,但是我觉得楼主的这句比较重复). Teaching and learning will be ina more equally situation other than hierarchy (这个表达怪怪的,建议整个这句话都要重新安排一下,太长的话就分两句写吧), which generally lead to
(forms) a friendly studying environment thatrelated to high efficient in studying
(这句没写对). My high school literature teacher was a perfect example. Shetreated us like friends other than students. In class, she told jokesoccasionally; after class, we had various topics to talk about, including thosedo not directly related to her class, such as history, art. Everyone liked to talk to her, and we are very interestingat
(interested in) her class. Soour class’s average score went far beyond other classes’. (老师很风趣,所以大家都喜欢她,那为什么每个人喜欢她,成绩就好?是因为大家觉得课程有趣么还是学起来更有激情呢?这个嘛我觉得要把逻辑说清楚,不能跳跃)
    Generally, a strictteacher and a kind teacher are both responsible teachers. They just take thebest approaches they believe to educate student. For different student,different teacher should be assigned. If a student is lacking of self-control,so a strict teacher is needed. On the contrary, if a student posses wellself-discipline, an easygoingteacher can inspire a greater efforts (?).


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