================================================================================================================== The International Conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSAI2010) (EI Indexed) IEEE管理科学与人工智能国际会议(征文通知) http://www.msai2010.org Nov. 4-6, 2010 Henan, China ==================================================================================================================
The international conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSAI2010) will be held from Nov. 4-6, 2010 in Henan, China.
MSAI is a distinguished forum for advances in research and technologies that drive innovation in Mangement Science, Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning and its applications. At MSAI academics and practitioners gather to discuss challenges and achievements from diverse perspectives, in a comfortable and effective single track conference format.All accepted conference papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society's CPS, included in the IEEE eXplore, and then can be indexed by EI Compendex.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Management Science and Engineering(管理科学与工程)
Information Systems and Engineering Optimization(信息系统和工程优化)
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Its Application(计算机科学,人工智能及运用)
Control Theory and Its Application(控制工程及运用)
For more information about this conference, please contact 2010MSAI@gmail.com,msai2010@126.com
or visit http://www.msai2010.org
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