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本帖最后由 hycqy 于 2011-2-19 23:40 编辑
Section2Conversation Q3
Whydoes Matthew mention Greek and Roman mythology?
B.To get the professor’s opinion about a lessonhe taught.
D.To illustrate a technique used to teach athird-grade class.
答案是D 实际上Greek and Roman是哪个老师用来解释行星命名的时候为了使教学更有兴趣而用的
因此Matthew提到这个是为了解释那个老师是如何 teach a third-grade class的。
Answered by hycqy
Section1Lecture2 Q11
Listenagain to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.
Whatdoes the professor imply when she says this:
A.Thereis disagreement about the idea she has presented.
B.Shedoes not plan to discuss all the details.
C.Hernext point may seem to contradict what she has just said.
D.Thepoint she will make next should be obvious to the students.教授说的是:So,hummingbirds have to rely on plants in natural habitat. And, it goes without saying, but, well, the opposite is true aswell.
Answered by hycqy
Section1Lecture2 Q14
Accordingto the professor, how did Painleve's films confuse the audience?
A.Theyshow animals out of their natural habitat.
B.They depect animals as having both human and animal characteristics.
C.The narration is scientific and difficult to understand.
D.Theaudiences of the 1920s and 1930s were not used to films shot underwater.这道题在某些版本的答案有误,正确答案应该是B,出处是He confused hisaudience in the way he portrayed the animals he filmed, mixing up our notionsof the categories - human and animal.
Answered by haifeng0915
Section1Conversation Q2
这个第一篇conversation 里面的第一题:
问那个女人对于 Happy Stranger 的评论
暗示了什么?答案是 A. Negative critical reaction led to its content beingrevised…听力中有提到
在新版中的答案是C. reactionto the play are more positive nowadays than they were in the past.请问这个答案是怎么来的啊?
librarian说了一句:The critiquesreally tore the play to pieces when it opened. It’s so controversial. Nobodyhad ever seen anything like it on the stage.过去对这个评价不好,所以现在相对过去就positive了。
Answered by dkflame
Section1 Lecture1 Q7
请问第三个选项怎么会是正确的呢?听力里面学生举例,是把鸟类的敌人放在食物的旁边,鸟感到conflicting,然后就睡着了,但是第三个选项是:Ananimal eats some food when confronted by its enemy.答案说要选这个…
Section1Lecture1 Q8
Whatdoes professor say about disinhibition? 答案是第四个选项(It is responsible for the appearance ofseemingly irrelevant behavior),但是怎么看好像文中没有提到啊~???(已参看了文本,还是没有找到~!!!)
文中说的是two action 导致disinhibition B选项刚好相反
所以B不对。D选项的依据是a third seemingly irrelevant behaviorsurfaces through a process that we call disinhibition.
Answered by hycqy
Section2Conversation Q3
Whatis the professor's opinion of the other students in the woman's group?
A.They try to take credit for work they did notdo.
D.They do good work they are interested in thesubject.
选项A是学生说的But honestly,they are taking credit for things they shouldn't take credit for.选项D才是教授说的 Does you grouplike your topic?之后还说Maybethat's part of the problem. Maybe Teresa and Kevin aren't that excited aboutthe topic. And since you picked it, have you talked to them at all aboutpicking a different topic? 况且这个问题是第三道,应该再稍微后面些的地方找吧。
Answered by dongle0267
Section2Lecture1 Q6主旨题
Answered by woshichensida
Section2Lecture2 Q16
what does the professor say about artists' opinions of government support for the arts?- `. B. N3 H6 j0 J* y3 a. M
C. Even artists do not agree on whether the government should support the arts
D. Even artists have a low opinion of government support for the arts
我听到Professor 不是说artists中有些人赞同,但是大多数人不赞同, 所以我选了D,但是答案是C。我觉得C太绝对了。其实我觉得C,D意向差不多( s V$ v v/ J. t/ r
注意have a low opinion of的意思不是你想象中的那个 它是指对某个事物评价低 这样D自然就不对了
Answered by hycqy
Section1 Lecture2整体分析
请参见 https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1207852-1-1.html 帖子二楼中我做的分析。
Answered by hycqy
Section1 Lecture2Q17
D:But if we know around how old the basin is, I am not sure that's reason enoughto go to moon again?. A2 o6 U1 m$ f: `
P:No...But such crude estimates...um …we can do better than that.
重听题butsuch crude estimates,...可以imply什么?
A.Thecurrent age estimates for the South Pole-Aitkin Basin are based on incorrectassumptions.
B.Thetechnology to analyze Moon rocks has not advanced much since the days of theMoon landings.
C.Toofew of the original Moon rock samples were dated accurately.
D.Onlyby testing samples from South Pole-Aitkin Basin can its age be preciselydetermined.
答案是D 注意这篇文章的主旨就是在讨论是不是在进行一次登月,but such crude estimates表示现在对年龄的估计太粗略了,只有通过再一次登月采集到样本才能精确估计年龄。因此D正确。
Section2 Lecture2 Q16: `: w/ ~' i* B. ?2 k
folktales 那一栏答案选了个 The plot is the only stable element.7 @( T x% G4 x2 z0 L" d& H
但是原文有一句话:Um, not the plot, the details of what happens in the story would remain constant. 该怎么理解?
the details ...是plot的同义解释
That's right. There's local difference. And that's why we say folk tales are communal. By communal, we mean they reflect the traits and the concerns of a particular community at a particular time. So essentially the same tale could be told in different communities, with certain aspects of the tale adapted to fit the specific community, Um, not the plot.The details of what happens in the story would remain constant. That was the thread that held the tale together. But all the other elements, like the location or characters, might be modified for each audience.
注意文本里的标点断句有问题...not the plot是和上一句一起的...就是说改变的不是情节的意思..
这里adapt是改写的意思 modify, change, alter, adapt, adopt/accept, adjust, appropriate, refine, perfect, revise ...
Answered by crysmile
jump out at me是什么意思?
就是 一下子就吸引住 这个意思
Answered by crysmile
Section1Lecture1 Q12
Whattopics related to the Nightcap Oak does the professor mainly discuss?"
A.Factors that relate to the size of the area in which it grows.
B.Thesize of its population over the last few centuries.
C.Whether anything can be done to ensure its survival.
D.Why it did not change much over the last one hundred million years.
Section2 Lecture2 Q16
Q16 s$ W: q6 n' E U) I# V
the proffessor metions a theory that people migrating from the Sahara were important to the development of the Egyptian cilivization. Which sentence best describes the professor's attitude toward this theory?
不知道答案he hopes to see more evidence??是从哪里推理出来的( p8 T0 }5 T; _8 N8 b7 D9 f是) W; i/ }# i$ J8 f& Q1 M4 i0 U5 S" oimpetus..+ [, \0 K+ ^& ?3 o* I. C1 ?% d还是turn on that??(下节课在说?)
注意到文章在最后说对Egypt的时候 说道的人口迁徙只是一个假说 And that's OK, that's science and they hypothesize that...development of ancient Egypt.所以说明教授的态度是需要更多证据
Answered by hycqy
Section1Conversation Q1
你听对话一开始教授说她想起似乎也有什么事情要跟那个学生谈(Ithink there was something I wanted to talk to you about too.注意听这句话迟疑的语气),说明她是没有准备的~(对于这类内容的理解ETS考察的就是考生对语气、言外之意的把握,即那些没有明说,但是被暗示了的内容)而学生跟教授谈晚会的事情则是有备而来,因为他听到别的学生讨论,所以想询问具体信息。(准备的有计划的才是第一题应该选的“目的”,这是很经常出的考法)所以,作文是教授主动找学生谈的;询问晚会信息才是学生去办公室的原因。(第一题是以学生想寻求什么帮助的角度去提问,所以不能从教授角度)
Answered by crysmile
Section1Lecture1 Q9
Accordingto the professor, what dramatic elements are typically included in a well-madeplay to move the plot forward?
A.A series of major changes in the hero's apparent chances of success.
B.The introduction of new characters midway through the play.
C.Information known to the audience but not to the main characters.
D.The movement of major characters from one setting to another.答案是双选:A,C为什么A是正确的?
文中有这样一句话“theplot of the play perceived as the series of the sorts of the up and downmoments”加上之后的例子
Answered by hycqy
Section2Lecture2 段落语言分析
Ok,um... Now, let's touch bridfly on extension and compression. Your textbookincludes this as type as a particular type of glacier movement, but you willsee that these are... cause many textbooks that omitted as type of movement asinclude. And I might not include right now, if theyweren’t in your textbook.
Answered by baotian1&hycqy
Section1 Lecture2Q17
Professor:If you wanted tobecome an artist, Paris was not a good place to go. Paris was THE place to go.
关于这道题目有不同的解释,但是较为普遍的说法是the在这里表示强调,意为巴黎是唯一一个该去的地方,所以答案应该是B.Paris was the most important place for an artist to study and work.
类似的用法在功夫熊猫中出现过,功夫熊猫里一句台词:I'm not big fatpander. I'm the big fat pander! 强调独一无二的重要性。
Answered by hycqy&亮剑
Section2 ConversationQ1主旨题
题1,what's mainlyabout?
答案是A,是preparing a test,但对话内容似乎是从test说起,学生说要考3-4章,所以问问model的问题,老师说model是在第5章,学生说那我也了解一下吧。整个过程都没在说准备考试啊?B是stradegy ofattracting customers,难道不是更准确?
我想你看的答案搞错了,这道题的答案就是B. A strategy of attracting customers
Answered by hycqy
Section2 ConversationQ5
whydoes the student say this?
答案是B,指出health clud的缺点。但我也有点疑问。对话是这样的,老师说“你是不是觉得俱乐部在吸引顾客方面有困难?”学生说:“对,我经过俱乐部看里面的人在练习,我就直接走了”。学生没有指出任何缺点啊?我觉得答案C更接近吧,即学生用例子支持老师的point。
Answered by hycqy
Section2Lecture2 Q15
文章说没有被承认的原因是,没有isolateenough Masurium to have available sample to convence...所以我觉得,直接原因就是没有分离出足够的Masurium,也就是它里面有杂质啊,B项啊。A项,是他们为什么没有提炼出足够的Masurium的原因之一。而题目问的是为什么没有承认,所以我认为是B。
注意没有isolate enoughMasurium to have available sample to convence不是因为有杂质而是因为那是放射性元素,会衰变。原文的出处是:It decays itturns into other elements. Oh, so does that explain why was missing in periodictable.所以A.element 43 has very fast rat of decay才是正确的。
Answered by hycqy
Section2Lecture2 Q15
Answered by hycqy
Section1 ConversationQ5
Listenagain to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. What does thewoman mean when she says this:
A.She has read conflicting information.
B.She has been too busy to begin her research.
C.The topic she is researching is too broad.
D.The information she needs is not available.重听的内容是thewoman说了:I'moverwhelmed.
Answered by hycqy
Section1Lecture1 Q7
Whatare two notable features of Eido phuslkon?
A.It was identical to the Drury Lane Theatre
B.It did not make use of actors.
C.Itused paintings made by Gainsborough
D.Ithad a small stage
Eidophuslko是一种舞台文中有提到Eidophuslkon stage was actually a box......This was much smaller of course than theusual stage故D对。接着教授又说The showconsisted of a series of scenes..... 这句可以看出并没有actor参与到其中Eido phuslkon实际上类似于幻灯片一类的东西(我的理解)。
Answered by hycqy
Section1Lecture1 Q8
Whatcan be inferred about theatergoers in late eighteenth-century England?
文中有这样一句话:Atthe time, people were wild for travel and for experiencing new places, but noteveryone could afford it. L outdid himself however...called "Eidophuslkon" 这里可以看出Eidophuslkon被用作旅游的替代。
Answered by hycqy
Section2Lecture2 Q16
Theprofessor uses the sentence, "Move the large coyote fast," in orderto illustrate two features of language, what are they?
这两个属性分别在这句话的一前一后 forexample表明例子是为了解释之前的内容
即discrete 关于productivity。
原文说“whatwe call displacement. that is, language is abstract enough that we can talkabout things that aren't present here and now.” displacement强调的是非现在进行中的事情,而题目中"Movethe large coyote fast“是一个对动作的描述,不属于displacement的范畴,所以不选。
Answered by renjiaamy
Section1Conversation1 段落语言分析
Well,you need to be a bit of an opportunist, you know, commonsense things like always having a sample of your work on hand to give to people.You won’t believe the kind of contacts and opportunities you can get this way.And try to get your work seen in places like restaurants, bookstores. You’d be surprised how word gets around about photography inplaces like that.
原文 common sense things like always这句在like前面有语调的变化,也有一个停顿,因此可以听出来 “手头上有一份自己的作品”是常识之一。后面一句红字:你会很吃惊的看到关于摄影作品的谈论在这类地方会传得很快。可能主要是wordget around这个短语没有理解吧,就是消息传播的意思。
Answered by jiang08
Section1Conversation1 Q1 发音问题
photographic/ˌfəʊtəˈɡræfɪk/ 形容词
Answered by hycqy
Section2Lecture1 Q9
whatcan be inferred about the professor's view on Phosphorus getting into therivers?
A.She is unconcerned because phosphorus is a beneficial nutrient.
B.She is concerned about the quantity of phosphorus.
C.Shethinks that the amount of research on the topic is excessive.
D.Sheis frustrate that most of her students are unaware of the phenomenon.
文中教授说过这样一句话: Butthe water phase is sometimes affected by excessive fertilizers. If not all ofPhosphorus get used by crops and large amount of Phosphorus get into the river.可见教授担心的是河流中过量的磷,因此选项B正确。
Answered by hycqy
Section2Lecture1 Q11
That'ssuch a difficult point, isn't it?
教授在这里说了反话。事实上那个循环跟land对应,很容易猜出来,因此是obvious 但是教授玩笑式的说了一句“真难啊不是么..”。所以重听题的答案应该是C
Answered by hycqy&jbc88&baitao8866
Section2Lecture2 Q13
2.Why does the professor ask students about their earliest memories?
A.To help students relate to the topic she is about to discuss
B.To establish that people vary in the time of their earliest memory
C.To introduce the connection between language and memory
D.To point out a common theme in the earliest memories of most people
Answered by hycqy
Section1Conversation1 Q4
Whatdoes the professor suggest that the student change the introduction of hispaper?
A.To makeit less repetitive.
B.To more clearly state the man's point of view.
C.To correct spelling and grammar mistakes.
D.To reflectchanges made elsewhere in the paper.
原文中涉及点:revisethe introduction too to accurately describe what you do in the body of thepaper.我选了B,答案是D,想不通。
答案是D,reflectchanges, 我开始选的B,为什么不对?
如果你选B tomore clear state the man's point of view 说明修改会是男生的文章Point不clear。但是实际上问题是男生修改后要使新intro能匹配新的内容,而不是修改使point不clear。所谓的introduction指的是paper的引言,老师让学生修改论文,学生问是不是把那几个没用的部分去掉就行,老师说去掉没用的之后还要再润色一下各部分连接,而且要改引言(因为引言是和内容密切相关的),所以选D。
Answered by hycqy
Section1Lecture2 Q17
注意教授说:Imean,whenDoltan’s of all the companies ,embraces something as radical as MBWA, it reallyshows you how popular the theory has become.这句话意思就是说像Doltan这样的大公司的管理层竟然都用这个方法,你就知道它有多流行了。隐含的意思就是教授觉得这样的公司可能有别的好方法,但事实上他们也用这个。所以A.Itis surprising that Doltan’s tried to use MBWA.更贴切一些。D中的导致其他公司使用没有根据。
Answered by hycqy
Section2Lecture1 段落语言分析
- Opera originated in Italy but was notconfined to Italy any more than the Italians were.
- You could do worse than take thatcreature to an opera.
理解上特别扭,希望别是光翻译。 第一个,歌剧起源于意大利,但正如意大利人一样,它并没有被局限那里。歌剧随着意大利人的迁移而被传播到欧洲的各个地方。
第二个,关于歌剧,George Chapman写道,【引言】“如果一个或两个外星人出现在我们面前,问:你们的社会是什么样的,地球到底是个什么东西。你可以做得比带它去看歌剧更差(潜台词:带外星人去看歌剧还是能帮它了解地球的,歌剧并不完全脱离现实)。”【引言结束】因为,说到底,歌剧还是以女性、男性和情绪作为开始的。
Answered by crysmile
Section2Lecture1 Q8
Whydoes the professor mention ancient Greek theater?
A.To give an example of a culture that adopted opera from the Italians.
B.To describe the type of setting in which opera was typically performed.
C.To point out a precursor of opera.
D.To explain how opera was introduced into French society. 答案是C 求解释!!
文中 itis the melodious drama of ancient Greek theater 以及之后的句子说明ancient Greek theater是歌剧的前身
Opera,as we think of it, is of course a resurrected form. It is the melodious dramaof ancient Greek theater. The term‘melodious drama’being shortened eventuallyto‘melodrama ’because operas frequently are melodramatic, not to sayunrealistic.
Andthe group that put the first operas together that we have today, were, theywere…well…it was a group of men that included Galileo’s father Vincenzo, andthey met in Florence. He and a group of friends of the Count of Bardi and theyformed what is called the Camerata de’Bardi. And they took classical theaterand reproduced it in the Renaissance time. This…uh…this produced some of theoperas that we have today.
Answered by crysmile&hycqy
Section1Lecture1 Q7
Whatit the basic reason for building pedestrian mall in the city center?
A.To increase the detail activity in the area.
B.To reduce the noise made by automobile traffic.
C.To increase shopping conveniences for city residents.
D.To encourage people to move from the suburbs into the downtown.答案是A,
我可以判断出B和D是明显的错误,但是我选的C,至少这个在原文中可以体现出来,难道错在 city residents?
Section1Conversation Q5
Whydoes the man say this?
A.To acknowledge that there is a problem with the reserve system.
B.To indicate how the library avoids the problems the student mentioned.
C.To explain why the library has ordered more copies of the book.
D.To reinforcethe reason why so many books are not on the shelves.
答案是B。为什么是B,That's why Isaid some copies. some 是重读,这是什么意思。
管理员建议女生让老师向图书馆预留一些那本书,女生觉得不公平,要是不上课的人都去找老师预留别人就没得看了,然后管理员说了“That'swhy I said some copes”意思是只让预留一部分,这样就能防止女生所说的别人借不到书的不公平情况。
Answered by hycqy
Section2Conversation 段落语言分析
男生告诉了咨询员自己当记者写文章收获很大咨询员说:Sound like you got a real neck for this.应该如何理解?
此处是文本出现了错误 应该是Sound like you got a real knack for this其中knack意思是能力,天赋,所以咨询员的意思就是 看来你还挺适合做这行的啊
Section2Conversation Q5
studentand his faculty advisor说转专业想当记者的事情,其中的重听题答案是C,很奇怪,原文意思明显是该学生的第一篇reporter需要很多修改,然后他开始觉得不能理解。于是我选了B。
Tobe honest, the articles got a lot of editing. In fact I barely recognized acouple of paragraphs.
前面教授赞扬学生article写得好,学生说这篇文章是我剪辑的,实际上我不过是只认识几个段落而已…文章不全是他自己写的~ C答案学生不想得到表扬因为他不值得。
Answered by樾悦
Section2Lecture1 整体分析
一、 背景知识:
1、 在欧洲中世纪,印刷术发明之前,书和手稿都是手工制作的;往往用羊皮纸做书写材料;
2、 羊皮纸的来源,制作方法,特点(durable; can be reused)
Answered by crysmile
Section1Conversation 段落语言分析
学生论文选题:20thcentury staging of midsummer night dream.
不太理解谈话后半部分内容:前半部分讲了半天,说Brook'sinterpretation of the play无法找到,但这并不影响进行研究该作品对后期其他作品的影响。接下来的内容,我就不太理解了,这部分对话内容如下:
Student:there is enough materials around, but it will be a challenge. (这句话好理解)
Professor:true, but think about it. You are writing about dramatics arts, the theater,and that's the nature of theater, isn't it? (老师建议学生去找戏剧作品,但这句话什么意思?这个that指什么?是dramatics arts?)
Student: You mean, because it's live, when the performance isfinished. (这句话应该是关键,但是什么意思?晕,如果这句话不理解,下面就更不懂了)
Professor:That's it. (晕,老师说,就是这意思。老师指的什么意思啊?)Unless it's filmed, it's gone. (除非作品被拍成影片记录下来,否则it's gone) But that doesn't meanwe can't study it and of course, some students in this class are writing aboutproductions in the 19th century, and there are no videos of those. (这句话好理解) You know, one of the challenges for people who study theateris to find ways of talking about something that's really so transient, aboutsomething that, in a sense, doesn't exist. (又晕了:老师说,研究戏剧的难点之一,在于探讨一些瞬间存在,但是现在并不存在的。)
总之,不太理解:原本因为学生无法找到Brook'sinterpretation,老师才建议学生去找戏剧作品,说dramaticsarts是戏剧作品的nature。可从老师对戏剧作品介绍(瞬间存在但是现在又不存在的特点),看不出,这条建议与学生论文staging ofmidsummer night dream有什么关系?能有什么帮助?学生研究的应该是,该作品对后期其他作品的影响,对否?
老师:“that's the nature of theater ”那就是戏剧的特点(“那”指的是:每次演出结束后,那个演出就不再存在了,因为没有录制,所以是独一无二的)
Answered by crysmile |